View Full Version : Released squirrel- broken leg

06-24-2014, 10:48 PM
Hi, I was needing some advice about a squirrel that has a broken leg. I found him when he was little, raised him and released him. He's been "wild" for a year now. He comes to visit and get blocks of food 1-2 times a day. He's still somewhat tame, will come when I call and jumps on me to play. I hadn't seen him for a couple of days which happens time to time, but yesterday he showed up with a broken back leg. It's dragging behind him, no bone is showing. He could still climb but not so well, and today I noticed a raw spot forming from it dragging. I finally caught him today and he is not happy with me.

My question is now what? I want to call a rehabber but the last time I turned a squirrel over with a broken leg, they never got back with me about what happened to it and they never returned my blankets so I'm thinking they put it to sleep. I'm pretty attached to this guy and don't want to turn him over. I might be able to get him to a vet a friend knows but surely that will be costly. I'd love to pay whatever it takes but I can't afford to keep patching him up every time he gets hurt. Would his leg heal on it's own if I keep him inside and off of it for awhile?

06-24-2014, 11:00 PM
Is it possible for you to take a picture and post it? It would be easier for us to answer your question if we had a visual of the injury. If it is possible to get him to a vet that will not just euthanize him, I would do that. Many prayers for his healing...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

06-24-2014, 11:25 PM
Is there any response with that leg if you (lightly) pinch his toes?

06-25-2014, 12:18 AM
It depends on how it's broken. If you have access to a vet, I'd definitely do that. If the break isn't fixed right, it will compromise his viability.

06-25-2014, 02:15 AM
I can try to get a picture in the morning. Yesterday he wouldn't get close to me and with him "growling" and throwing a fit about being in a cage again, I'm not brave enough to reach in there and try. A vet will look at him at 8 am if I can get him there. I got him in a big cage that I moved into the house but will have to figure out a way to get him in the small one to take him. He usually lets me touch him but some days he just wants to take food and go. He had a neck injury before, seemed like marks from fighting and until those healed, he wouldn't get on me all the way. That's how he was yesterday too. With him acting so crazy I don't even know how the vet is going to help him. I don't see me being able to change his bandages either.

06-25-2014, 09:06 AM
Well the girl that works at the clinic texted me earlier and said they couldn't see him. She did give me a number to a wildlife rehabber they use, but I am almost positive it is the same one I used last time- the one that never got back to me about the squirrels condition and did not return my blankets. I am leery of handing him over to just anyone! I'd prefer him to be released in my yard again.

This morning he is much calmer and has been sleeping in his hammock all morning. Not sure if he's just exhausted or is staying in bed because it is has been storming all morning. I have the top half of his cage covered to help keep him calm. I did open the cage to give him a block, I was chicken so I just dropped it in his bed with him and he growled at me. He did eat the block and laid back down, don't know if that is good or bad. Haven't been able to get a picture yet.

06-25-2014, 09:17 AM
Will the vet give you metacam? He needs pain relief and rest. It can most likely heal on its own, just needs to rest and not jump around too much. Even if it heals at a funky angle, he could still be ok, squirrels are pretty adaptable. As long as no bone is exposed, he should be ok. But he will def. need pain meds.

06-25-2014, 09:31 AM
The girl seemed pretty set that I should call the wildlife lady, but I can try to get meds. I do have a couple of tramadol pills I could crush in with his food if that would be okay. I also have baby tylenol, not the best but better than nothing. This would be easier if he wasn't so feisty! Then again, he wouldn't have survived so long if he wasn't.

I am hoping he did not get shot with a BB gun too. I saw a neighbor kid shooting into the trees yesterday when I was trying to catch my squirrel. I have told this kid before to no shoot my squirrels so I went and talked to his mother (assuming that's who she was). She claims he has targets and cans back there to shoot at. Haven't seen any blood on my squirrel but if I find a BB hole I am not going to be happy.

06-25-2014, 10:00 AM
Do NOT give any drugs without us telling you how much. Tell us the strength of the pill and the weight of the squirrel, or at least a pic to guess.

06-25-2014, 10:15 AM
Btw, there's a relatively recent thread on here where a squirrel that someone raised had a leg injury, possibly a break, took him back in, was super unhappy at first, then calmed down during his rehabilitation, and everything ended up quite nicely.

06-25-2014, 10:42 AM
This is the sq I mentioned:



06-25-2014, 11:02 AM
Have not given any medicine. They are 50 mg pills and I was just able to get some pictures and some video when he was up and moving around. He has calmed down so much since last night, still growled at me when I touched his fur through the cage though. Here are some pictures. Sorry they aren't that great, I had the cage put in the darker part of the room and the video is sideways for some reason.

ugh, I think that dumb neighbor kid did get a shot on him too. I got the best picture I could of it and he happened to be pooping- sorry. Now I am thinking that maybe he fell and broke the leg after being shot.

pictures for size




small leg wound from dragging


BB wound?



06-25-2014, 11:18 AM
Here are the most recent pictures from him in the yard.



06-25-2014, 11:28 AM
Hard to tell from the pics, but it does look like it could be a BB wound next to his anus?

Can you tell if the BB is still in there? If you confirm this, I would definitely have another talk with that brats mom (maybe bring over some pics). On the other hand, if you live in a non-squirrel friendly state, you dont want people knowing you have a squirrel inside.

My wilds regularly show up with injured legs, 95% of the time they can use that leg again after a week or two. As was stated, sometime that leg/foot heals at an odd angle but my squirrels still seem to do just fine.

Poor little fellow. :(

06-25-2014, 11:38 AM
Yes that is what it looks like to me. It seems very circular to be from anything else. I can't tell if it's the BB in it or if it's dark from blood. Does anyone know anything about BB wounds? Wonder if it will heal over it or go ahead and push itself out. I could probably get antibiotic ointment on it with a Qtip when he hangs on the cage.

I def will be going to their house again to confirm for the mother, what I already knew he was doing. Unfortunately, I don't think Texas is very squirrel friendly. I already told her I had raised one and asked them not to shoot the squirrels, I will just tell her I caught him and he is with the wildlife vet getting fixed. I doubt she will press it legally since I know for a fact it is illegal for that child to be shooting the gun in the backyard and hunting game with a BB gun is illegal as well. Plus she runs some kind of at home daycare so she really does not want to challenge me with the legality of anything. I'm sure parents whose children stay there during the day have no clue someone is shooting guns in the backyard. :tap

06-25-2014, 12:01 PM
Yes that is what it looks like to me. It seems very circular to be from anything else. I can't tell if it's the BB in it or if it's dark from blood. Does anyone know anything about BB wounds? Wonder if it will heal over it or go ahead and push itself out. I could probably get antibiotic ointment on it with a Qtip when he hangs on the cage.

I def will be going to their house again to confirm for the mother, what I already knew he was doing. Unfortunately, I don't think Texas is very squirrel friendly. I already told her I had raised one and asked them not to shoot the squirrels, I will just tell her I caught him and he is with the wildlife vet getting fixed. I doubt she will press it legally since I know for a fact it is illegal for that child to be shooting the gun in the backyard and hunting game with a BB gun is illegal as well. Plus she runs some kind of at home daycare so she really does not want to challenge me with the legality of anything. I'm sure parents whose children stay there during the day have no clue someone is shooting guns in the backyard. :tap

Do you have access to a vet? I think i would try to remove the BB if it is in there. If not, it is possible that the BB can remain there without issues. Most BB are steel not lead. Are you sure it was a BB gun and not a pellet gun? Pellets are often lead and that is not healthy in the long term to remain in the body.

06-25-2014, 12:09 PM
I thought I had an in with a vet but they said no :( The mother said it was a BB gun. It seems circular so maybe that is the truth. I am going to keep an eye on it and see how it looks. If it gets nasty looking I will call around to other vets and pretend I haven't caught him yet. If worse comes to worse, I will call the wildlife person for my area and beg and plead that she not put him down.

If a rehabber were to get him better, would they bring him back here to be released, or send him somewhere else?

Nancy in New York
06-25-2014, 01:47 PM
Sorry, I was alerted to this thread by farrelli, but I am in a hurry.
You have Tramadol, correct 50 mg.?
Can you give me an age of this squirrel?
I see the pictures, and I will guesstimate the weight, he looks like
at least a year old, am I correct?
I will dose this through a pm.

Nancy in New York
06-25-2014, 01:56 PM
I just sent Tramadol dosing instrucitons through a pm.

06-25-2014, 02:03 PM
Wow I would be super upset if someone shot my Sandy or any wildlife around here. I am no expert but won't the pellet or BB kill the squirrel from lead poisoning if in fact it is still in his body?
I can also understand that you are probably afraid of him and he is probably very upset to be back inside after being out in the wild but you may have no choice but to grab him and look closer at that wound. I was pretty scared of Sandy at first but after a couple of days she seemed okay with me touching her again just like when she was little. If you have to put on work gloves and grab him so your thumb is under his chin and he can't get his bottom teeth on you. Just obviously be careful not to hurt him.
In the end having her back inside only strengthened our bond. She will now let me touch her and even pet her chin outside, but definitely do not go near him when food is involved. Only after he is full and there is no food around at all.

06-25-2014, 02:09 PM
I also want to say that this board is your best resource for medical treatment etc. I would NOT take him to any vet or wildlife rehab centre. Once they hear that you raised him they will almost certainly put him down. DO NOT trust anyone other than the great folks on this board.

06-25-2014, 02:12 PM
I just sent Tramadol dosing instrucitons through a pm.

Thank you! He is not very big, he hasn't been coming to eat as often so he's smaller than he used to be. I am not sure of his weight, haven't weighed him since release. I found him late March of last year and he was about 4-5 weeks old so he should be about a year and four months or so.

Is there a recommendation of the kind of food I can put that medicine in?

06-25-2014, 02:19 PM
I thought I had an in with a vet but they said no :( The mother said it was a BB gun. It seems circular so maybe that is the truth. I am going to keep an eye on it and see how it looks. If it gets nasty looking I will call around to other vets and pretend I haven't caught him yet. If worse comes to worse, I will call the wildlife person for my area and beg and plead that she not put him down.

If a rehabber were to get him better, would they bring him back here to be released, or send him somewhere else?

A "BB" gun could be a generic term used that includes pellet gun. A pellet is round too but pointed (sort of like a bullet). A pellet would have more power and probably penetrate a lot deeper. A BB would most likely not be too deep since they are usually less powerful than pellet guns. If you could poke/probe the injury hole GENTLY with something pointy (sterilize it first with rubbing alcohol) you might be able to feel if there is a BB inside. If it is a BB, they sell strong magnets on sticks at auto parts stores to grab screws and stuff in hard to reach places. That type of magnet would probably pull the BB out if you can see it. Be careful if you do this, it would probably be better if the squirrel is burritoed in a wrap before trying this.

06-25-2014, 02:20 PM
Wow I would be super upset if someone shot my Sandy or any wildlife around here. I am no expert but won't the pellet or BB kill the squirrel from lead poisoning if in fact it is still in his body?
I can also understand that you are probably afraid of him and he is probably very upset to be back inside after being out in the wild but you may have no choice but to grab him and look closer at that wound. I was pretty scared of Sandy at first but after a couple of days she seemed okay with me touching her again just like when she was little. If you have to put on work gloves and grab him so your thumb is under his chin and he can't get his bottom teeth on you. Just obviously be careful not to hurt him.
In the end having her back inside only strengthened our bond. She will now let me touch her and even pet her chin outside, but definitely do not go near him when food is involved. Only after he is full and there is no food around at all.

I am very upset about it. I am wanting to call the cops and at least complain about him shooting in the backyard, I can't say well I have a picture of this squirrel in my house with a BB in it like I want to, but at least if an officer goes over and scares them, maybe the boy will stop.

I am afraid of him. He's very feisty and temperamental, even at first release he would put his paws on my hand like shoving me away and go "vrrrrrttt" as a warning when he didn't want to play. I thought he was going to let me pet him earlier. I always wear a pink jacket when he plays on me outside so I put that on my arm since it's familiar, folded it over for more thickness, and reached it in the cage to see what he would do. He didn't do anything at first but then jumped at it so I took the hint. Maybe once I get some pain meds in him and give him another day to adjust, he will be more open. I'm sure he doesn't want me touching him because he's hurt.

He's very tough though. A couple of months ago he had a bad wound on the back of his neck. I almost caught him back then, tried and failed. I watched it closely and it ended up healing fine. At the time I wondered if it was from a BB gun and now I am thinking it def was. I will post a picture of that old wound too.

06-25-2014, 02:25 PM
A "BB" gun could be a generic term used that includes pellet gun. A pellet is round too but pointed (sort of like a bullet). A pellet would have more power and probably penetrate a lot deeper. A BB would most likely not be too deep since they are usually less powerful than pellet guns. If you could poke/probe the injury hole GENTLY with something pointy (sterilize it first with rubbing alcohol) you might be able to feel if there is a BB inside. If it is a BB, they sell strong magnets on sticks at auto parts stores to grab screws and stuff in hard to reach places. That type of magnet would probably pull the BB out if you can see it. Be careful if you do this, it would probably be better if the squirrel is burritoed in a wrap before trying this.

Oh goodness, I don't know if I can do that. If it is not that deep, would a magnet actually pull it out? His skin seemed raised around it and I'm not sure how long ago it happened, the skin might be healed to it pretty good already. I saw the kid shooting yesterday afternoon and caught my squirrel about an hour or so after that, but there was no blood on him. I guess he could have already cleaned it but there was not any matted hair either. This might have happened days ago when he went missing. I think it was about a good 3-4 days since I had seen him. He probably only came to me Monday out of hunger.

06-25-2014, 02:27 PM
I also want to say that this board is your best resource for medical treatment etc. I would NOT take him to any vet or wildlife rehab centre. Once they hear that you raised him they will almost certainly put him down. DO NOT trust anyone other than the great folks on this board.

That's what I would be worried about. I do love this site and all the nice people :grin2 This is where I got most of my information a year ago when I first found him and his sister.

06-25-2014, 02:36 PM
I am very upset about it. I am wanting to call the cops and at least complain about him shooting in the backyard, I can't say well I have a picture of this squirrel in my house with a BB in it like I want to, but at least if an officer goes over and scares them, maybe the boy will stop.

I am afraid of him. He's very feisty and temperamental, even at first release he would put his paws on my hand like shoving me away and go "vrrrrrttt" as a warning when he didn't want to play. I thought he was going to let me pet him earlier. I always wear a pink jacket when he plays on me outside so I put that on my arm since it's familiar, folded it over for more thickness, and reached it in the cage to see what he would do. He didn't do anything at first but then jumped at it so I took the hint. Maybe once I get some pain meds in him and give him another day to adjust, he will be more open. I'm sure he doesn't want me touching him because he's hurt.

He's very tough though. A couple of months ago he had a bad wound on the back of his neck. I almost caught him back then, tried and failed. I watched it closely and it ended up healing fine. At the time I wondered if it was from a BB gun and now I am thinking it def was. I will post a picture of that old wound too.

I posted above about a method to detect and possibly remove a BB. If it is actually a BB, it will be nickel covered steel so no lead. Pellets on the other hand are made of lead and so should be removed. Could you talk with the mom of the budding sociopath and ask to see what type of ammo was used? A BB can often be left alone and once the wound closes up it may not be a problem.

06-25-2014, 02:39 PM
Oh goodness, I don't know if I can do that. If it is not that deep, would a magnet actually pull it out? His skin seemed raised around it and I'm not sure how long ago it happened, the skin might be healed to it pretty good already. I saw the kid shooting yesterday afternoon and caught my squirrel about an hour or so after that, but there was no blood on him. I guess he could have already cleaned it but there was not any matted hair either. This might have happened days ago when he went missing. I think it was about a good 3-4 days since I had seen him. He probably only came to me Monday out of hunger.

If the BB is visible, even just a little bit of the BB, I think a magnet would pull it out. But if the wound is closing over the BB then it will not work. This is "frontier" medicine, a vet would be a much better option, an xray could identify any pellet or BB without having to mess with the wound.

06-25-2014, 02:45 PM
"budding sociopath"... I am glad I am not the only one who thought this! I am an elementary teacher so I like to believe in the good in children, but they usually start with animals! (and come from parents who didn't teach love for all creatures)

I will go down there and ask today what kind of ammo it is and if it for sure is a BB and not a pellet. She was civil last time, I'll just have to watch what I say. Also worries me for later when he is better; I don't want her kid trying to take him out again. Now that he has been wild for a year, I don't see me being able to keep him safe inside with me forever.

06-25-2014, 02:47 PM
Here are pictures from an old neck wound that could have been a BB. It healed fine on its own. I was worried at the time but couldn't catch him. Then when he came back to visit he was pretty much healed already.



06-25-2014, 02:59 PM
Yea, that round shaped wound looks like it could be from a BB. Damn, I would be tempted to call the cops on this kid since it looks like his parents cant do their job.:pissed I wonder how many birds he has killed and what other animals are wondering around with BB injuries?

06-25-2014, 03:04 PM
I do want to call the cops! But then I def. won't find out what type of bullet it is. So its either go over and ask, or just call the cops. I could show them this old picture of the wound and just say he's wild and I took a pic of it since he was in the grass. I don't have to say anything about him being mine.

06-25-2014, 03:20 PM
I do want to call the cops! But then I def. won't find out what type of bullet it is. So its either go over and ask, or just call the cops. I could show them this old picture of the wound and just say he's wild and I took a pic of it since he was in the grass. I don't have to say anything about him being mine.

I would probably talk to the mom first, get info on the type of ammo use (BB or pellet). Then I would show mom pictures and say:

Your son has been shooting animals for a while now. Then I would say something along the lines of "You are my neighbor. If anyone else did this, I would have already called the police. Because we are neighbors, I am asking you to stop this behavior in your son, but if it happens again I will call the police and press charges. killing (or just maiming/injuring) birds and small animals is not acceptable.

That is probably what I would do. I would also be prepared to hide or release your squirrel in case some type of Natural resources/animal control people get involved.

Finally, I would get a good pair of binoculars and I would watch that kid whenever possible to keep an eye on him.

06-25-2014, 03:44 PM
I would probably talk to the mom first, get info on the type of ammo use (BB or pellet). Then I would show mom pictures and say:

Your son has been shooting animals for a while now. Then I would say something along the lines of "You are my neighbor. If anyone else did this, I would have already called the police. Because we are neighbors, I am asking you to stop this behavior in your son, but if it happens again I will call the police and press charges. killing (or just maiming/injuring) birds and small animals is not acceptable.

That is probably what I would do. I would also be prepared to hide or release your squirrel in case some type of Natural resources/animal control people get involved.

Finally, I would get a good pair of binoculars and I would watch that kid whenever possible to keep an eye on him.

Thank you for the good words! I went over and talked to her, she didn't seem to give a **** honestly. She said she knew he was doing it because the squirrels are tearing up everything in their yard, the trampoline, putting holes in their shed, etc. I told her nothing of that sort was happening in my yard so it's odd that it's happening over there. I told her I didn't want the cops involved, just didn't want him shooting them anymore- which he is 18, so not as young as I thought, and she was just like well what do you want me to do? I told her again to stop shooting them and to try to find some other way to keep them out of the yard, she says they have tried everything. She didn't really say she'd get him to stop, just kept saying what am I supposed to do, she did mention pay the bill, and I said that would be very helpful or at least half of it. But I didn't get a confirmation that she def would pay for anything, nor did I get the feeling that she would go through with it. ughh.

06-25-2014, 03:53 PM
Thank you for the good words! I went over and talked to her, she didn't seem to give a **** honestly. She said she knew he was doing it because the squirrels are tearing up everything in their yard, the trampoline, putting holes in their shed, etc. I told her nothing of that sort was happening in my yard so it's odd that it's happening over there. I told her I didn't want the cops involved, just didn't want him shooting them anymore- which he is 18, so not as young as I thought, and she was just like well what do you want me to do? I told her again to stop shooting them and to try to find some other way to keep them out of the yard, she says they have tried everything. She didn't really say she'd get him to stop, just kept saying what am I supposed to do, she did mention pay the bill, and I said that would be very helpful or at least half of it. But I didn't get a confirmation that she def would pay for anything, nor did I get the feeling that she would go through with it. ughh.

18 years old? That could be a felony animal cruelty as well as illegal discharging of firearm type offenses. It does not sound like the mom is going to do anything.

Did you confirm what type of ammo is being used?

06-25-2014, 03:57 PM
18 years old? That could be a felony animal cruelty as well as illegal discharging of firearm type offenses. It does not sound like the mom is going to do anything.

Did you confirm what type of ammo is being used?

No :( she said she didn't know and that he wasn't home. I don't know what else to do, I even offered to look up some ways to keep them out of her yard but she insisted they have tried everything. Funny how I have never ever seen a single squirrel, try to chew its way into our shed. She said they try to get the dog food and bird food, and I said maybe try keeping it in the house instead.

06-25-2014, 03:59 PM
No :( she said she didn't know and that he wasn't home. I don't know what else to do, I even offered to look up some ways to keep them out of her yard but she insisted they have tried everything. Funny how I have never ever seen a single squirrel, try to chew its way into our shed. She said they try to get the dog food and bird food, and I said maybe try keeping it in the house instead.

You might want to call the non-emergency police line (or perhaps the department of natural resources?) in your area and without giving your name ask what the response would be to an adult shooting squirrels in his own yard with a BB gun? Just so you know what if anything will happen if it was reported.

06-25-2014, 04:13 PM
I am sorry that you and your squirrel are having to deal with this. :grouphug

Some people suck. :(

Nancy in New York
06-25-2014, 04:14 PM
Thank you! He is not very big, he hasn't been coming to eat as often so he's smaller than he used to be. I am not sure of his weight, haven't weighed him since release. I found him late March of last year and he was about 4-5 weeks old so he should be about a year and four months or so.

Is there a recommendation of the kind of food I can put that medicine in?

No since I broke it down with water, you will have to burrito him, and dose the amount that way, right into his mouth.
Do you think you can do that?
I can break it down further so the amount doesn't have to be so much, but it will be the exact same strength, do you want me to do that?

06-25-2014, 04:16 PM
You might want to call the non-emergency police line (or perhaps the department of natural resources?) in your area and without giving your name ask what the response would be to an adult shooting squirrels in his own yard with a BB gun? Just so you know what if anything will happen if it was reported.

Well I did tell her I didn't want to get the cops involved, but I said the wildlife people were going to come get him and treat his wounds and that they might have to report it. I said that just to scare her that it still might happen, and kind of put it on the "wildlife people" so they won't vandalize my house or something. She apparently doesn't know much about how it all works, I even said that I had raised and released him through the wildlife program :grin2 she doesn't have to know that never happened.

I wonder if I could tell them the "wildlife people" are going to charge him with animal cruelty unless they cover the costs, then find a vet that will treat him.

06-25-2014, 04:20 PM
No since I broke it down with water, you will have to burrito him, and dose the amount that way, right into his mouth.
Do you think you can do that?
I can break it down further so the amount doesn't have to be so much, but it will be the exact same strength, do you want me to do that?

No it's okay. I will just have to work up the nerve to touch him. Is there a technique that works best, like getting him into burrito and not getting my face clawed off? How do yall do it with the real wild ones that have never been touched?? I am scared of my own little baby, I would be terrified to attempt anything with a "regular" squirrel.

Nancy in New York
06-25-2014, 04:23 PM
I can break this down more, if you think that he would take a little bit of apple juice from a syringe?
IF he does, than that would be an easy way to hide the medicine in.
Let me know if he will take a syringe without you burritoing him.

Nancy in New York
06-25-2014, 04:24 PM
I can do a video now with one of my squirrels.
My husband isn't home to film, so I hope it comes out
alright. :grin2
Give me at least 15 minutes. :thumbsup

06-25-2014, 04:25 PM
I can break this down more, if you think that he would take a little bit of apple juice from a syringe?
IF he does, than that would be an easy way to hide the medicine in.
Let me know if he will take a syringe without you burritoing him.

I don't think he will take the syringe. So far if I open the door he seems like he will jump out and when I put my hand in this morning he jumped at it to attack.

06-25-2014, 04:27 PM
I can do a video now with one of my squirrels.
My husband isn't home to film, so I hope it comes out
alright. :grin2
Give me at least 15 minutes. :thumbsup

That would be very helpful! I'm not sure about getting it in his mouth without him biting me.

06-25-2014, 05:25 PM
Well I called the police station to get the actual laws cleared up and unfortunately, it is legal for him to shoot "rodents and nuisance animals" is his own backyard with a BB or pellet gun. Grrrr, good ole Texas and their guns. I even told him the squirrels were coming into my yard bleeding and dying- may have exaggerated a little- and he said although it's inhumane, it is legal as long as he isn't shooting them in my yard.

Nancy in New York
06-25-2014, 06:03 PM
That would be very helpful! I'm not sure about getting it in his mouth without him biting me.

OK I am putting it on photobucket now, so this will take a while.
It didn't come out well at all, as I set the camera and started recording so
that I could have two hands while burritoing, but I think you will get the idea.
OR I can redo when hubby gets home. :grin2

06-25-2014, 06:12 PM
OK I am putting it on photobucket now, so this will take a while.
It didn't come out well at all, as I set the camera and started recording so
that I could have two hands while burritoing, but I think you will get the idea.
OR I can redo when hubby gets home. :grin2

I'm sure it will be sufficient. I get the idea of it, just now quite sure how to grab him before he bites me. Getting him out of his hammock could be a problem too, I'd have to reach up under the cage ledge then back down in the hammock. Probably need to lure him to the bottom of the cage so I can be above him. I know as soon as I open the cage door he will jump towards it, I don't want him jumping out and me having to chase him through the house!

I did put a small hole in a Henry's block while it was still cold and soft, and managed to get some medicine soaked in it. I fed that to him earlier and he ate it without noticing.

Nancy in New York
06-25-2014, 06:16 PM
We don't want you upsetting him and getting him more hurt by him jumping out.
I'm not sure how to tell you to dose this, but I do know the smaller the amount the
better, of course it may taste worse then. :dono

This is a pain reliever. Ordinarily I wouldn't suggest dosing a squirrel this way as
we never are sure how much they actually are getting.....but if you pull up the correct dose, and
give it to him anyway you think he will take it, you are fine. The only problem is that
he may NOT get as much relief if he doesn't get it all in.

06-25-2014, 06:37 PM
We don't want you upsetting him and getting him more hurt by him jumping out.
I'm not sure how to tell you to dose this, but I do know the smaller the amount the
better, of course it may taste worse then. :dono

This is a pain reliever. Ordinarily I wouldn't suggest dosing a squirrel this way as
we never are sure how much they actually are getting.....but if you pull up the correct dose, and
give it to him anyway you think he will take it, you are fine. The only problem is that
he may NOT get as much relief if he doesn't get it all in.

True, I just wanted to try to get a little in him first. I did less in the block than the amount you told me, I didn't think he would even eat it. For now some relief is better than none. After I watch the burrito video and talk myself up, I will start doing it the other way. Is it hard to get them to open their mouths?
I tried petting him with my jacket sleeve earlier before feeding him and he gave me the warning "vvrrrrrttt" twice. I did start rubbing the underside of his hammock and talking to him while he was sleeping to kind of warm him up to movement/touch. He didn't seem to mind that. I even lifted pushed up a little to make sure he was feeling it. His foot looks swollen but he has been off of it almost the entire day. I have stayed on the other side of the house quiet to get him to stay sleeping and it worked so far. I can hear him when he climbs down the hammock and it's only been about 3 times so far today.

Nancy in New York
06-25-2014, 06:40 PM
True, I just wanted to try to get a little in him first. I did less in the block than the amount you told me, I didn't think he would even eat it. For now some relief is better than none. After I watch the burrito video and talk myself up, I will start doing it the other way. Is it hard to get them to open their mouths?
I tried petting him with my jacket sleeve earlier before feeding him and he gave me the warning "vvrrrrrttt" twice. I did start rubbing the underside of his hammock and talking to him while he was sleeping to kind of warm him up to movement/touch. He didn't seem to mind that. I even lifted pushed up a little to make sure he was feeling it. His foot looks swollen but he has been off of it almost the entire day. I have stayed on the other side of the house quiet to get him to stay sleeping and it worked so far. I can hear him when he climbs down the hammock and it's only been about 3 times so far today.

Could you possibly dose while he is in the hammock?
I think the video is almost loaded, but honestly not sure it will be of much help.

06-25-2014, 06:54 PM
Well I did tell her I didn't want to get the cops involved, but I said the wildlife people were going to come get him and treat his wounds and that they might have to report it. I said that just to scare her that it still might happen, and kind of put it on the "wildlife people" so they won't vandalize my house or something. She apparently doesn't know much about how it all works, I even said that I had raised and released him through the wildlife program :grin2 she doesn't have to know that never happened.

I wonder if I could tell them the "wildlife people" are going to charge him with animal cruelty unless they cover the costs, then find a vet that will treat him.

I think that trying to get money from these people will be about as effective as milking a stone. I would be happy if they would just stop shooting animals. Check with local state wildlife centers and or local police. Maybe that something can be done. Good luck with all this.

06-25-2014, 06:56 PM
Could you possibly dose while he is in the hammock?
I think the video is almost loaded, but honestly not sure it will be of much help.

Not if he won't take the syringe on his own. I put my jacket sleeve in his hammock and he didn't like me reaching towards him. Of course he has to be difficult. It was much easier when he was this young and innocent :grin2


06-25-2014, 09:58 PM
I think that trying to get money from these people will be about as effective as milking a stone. I would be happy if they would just stop shooting animals. Check with local state wildlife centers and or local police. Maybe that something can be done. Good luck with all this.

I called and it's actually legal here :( Texas loves guns and hunting. I wonder if there's any way he'd get used to living inside again and I won't have to worry about him getting shot again.

06-26-2014, 03:26 AM
I called and it's actually legal here :( Texas loves guns and hunting. I wonder if there's any way he'd get used to living inside again and I won't have to worry about him getting shot again.

I think you have two choices. One is to try and keep him inside as you suggested. The other is to release him again but in a different location. We can probably find a rehabber located not too far from you who could help. I think to release him where you are would be a death sentence (since the poor guy has already been shot twice). :(

I cant think of any other options. Both of those squirrels are super cute in that picture. Some squirrels can adapt and enjoy inside life, some do not like it and need to be released.

06-26-2014, 10:14 AM
Getting him happy inside, if you want to go that route, can be difficult and the success is based on hard work and the squirrel. He'd need a lot of enrichment, and especially seeing that he's been free, probably a lot of out of cage time, his own room if possible. But on the positive side, he was raised by you so this would be a lot easier and have a lot more chance of success than many of the wild ones brought inside on here due to injury.

06-26-2014, 10:27 AM
I think you have two choices. One is to try and keep him inside as you suggested. The other is to release him again but in a different location. We can probably find a rehabber located not too far from you who could help. I think to release him where you are would be a death sentence (since the poor guy has already been shot twice). :(

I cant think of any other options. Both of those squirrels are super cute in that picture. Some squirrels can adapt and enjoy inside life, some do not like it and need to be released.

That was the only thing I could think of too. My concern with releasing him somewhere else would be if he could survive without my help. He was released in the backyard and still got fed blocks so I'm not sure how he'd manage completely on his own.

That picture is him and his sister. I released them together, they both came back for a couple of days then it was only him :( not sure if she just ran off and got a life or if something caught her. He was more attached to me than she was though. He would jump on me and play and she didn't care as much. Once when they were still tiny, she got lose and went up a tree some then started crying. Guess who had to climb a tree to help? And of course it started pouring rain.

06-26-2014, 10:35 AM
Getting him happy inside, if you want to go that route, can be difficult and the success is based on hard work and the squirrel. He'd need a lot of enrichment, and especially seeing that he's been free, probably a lot of out of cage time, his own room if possible. But on the positive side, he was raised by you so this would be a lot easier and have a lot more chance of success than many of the wild ones brought inside on here due to injury.

That's what I figured. I don't think I can give him a whole room though. We just recently remodeled our house, got new carpet, painted, all of that.
So that would mean ripping out the new carpet. That was why I never intended to keep them when I found them, they were intended to be released and I never named them so I wouldn't get attached. Saw how well that worked lol if he would have ran off when first released, I could have accepted that but now it's been over a year of seeing him almost everyday :( tough decision to be made

06-26-2014, 11:40 AM
People are so stupid! Giving a child a BB gun or pellet gun. What do they think the kids are going to shoot? Targets? Come on! And its certainly not just Texas. Happens everywhere in the USA. Shame on us!

06-26-2014, 06:38 PM
Well my honey's bullet wound looks a little better today I believe. Less red and more of a pink- hopefully that means it is healing. Is there any human antibiotic I can give him to help the swelling and healing?

He is still sleeping a good amount of the day like I want. I also hand fed him 3 times and held the water bowl up to his bed so he could get a drink without getting out of his hammock- not a single growl. Also when he did get down and moving around, I noticed the top of his foot was not as swollen like before. Maybe staying off of it helped with that.

I did notice he is chattering his teeth? Sort of like a grinding but it's very quiet and he does it in short spurts. Not sure how to describe it.

06-26-2014, 06:44 PM
The wound is fairly small, I think that if the BB fell out or was removed it will probably heal on its own with any ABs needed. Keep a close eye and look for any additional redness, swelling, discharge. If this occures, there are ABs that can be used. you have to get the exact dose based on the squirrel weight. Do you or any family members have any ABs laying around? All you usually need is a single pill.

Well my honey's bullet wound looks a little better today I believe. Less red and more of a pink- hopefully that means it is healing. Is there any human antibiotic I can give him to help the swelling and healing?

He is still sleeping a good amount of the day like I want. I also hand fed him 3 times and held the water bowl up to his bed so he could get a drink without getting out of his hammock- not a single growl. Also when he did get down and moving around, I noticed the top of his foot was not as swollen like before. Maybe staying off of it helped with that.

I did notice he is chattering his teeth? Sort of like a grinding but it's very quiet and he does it in short spurts. Not sure how to describe it.

Nancy in New York
06-26-2014, 07:03 PM
I did notice he is chattering his teeth? Sort of like a grinding but it's very quiet and he does it in short spurts. Not sure how to describe it.

Teeth grinding/chattering is an indication of pain.
Were you able to get the Tramadol into him?

06-26-2014, 08:03 PM
As far as I know the BB is still in him. I do half one and a half pills of smz tmp ds 800 160 that was from a bladder infection. Not sure if that could be any use, but I can also ask my mom if she has anything at her house.

No I did not get to burrito him yet. I babysat today and didn't want to try it while also watching 2 small kids. The plan is to do it tonight when my husband gets home. I'm going to burrito and give medicine and he's going to check the wound. I did give him the food with the medicine in food two times today and both times after taking it, he has shredded the side pieces of the cage, like chewed the wood. Hopefully he doesn't have some weird reaction to it. It was almost like it made him anxious. When I mentioned it to my mom, whose tramadol pills they were, she said she didn't like the way it made her feel, that's why she stopped taking it. I did find two hydrocodone pills I have left over from getting my wisdom teeth out. I can switch to that if needed. Once I give it to him straight from the syringe I will watch him and see what happens.

Nancy in New York
06-26-2014, 08:12 PM
As far as I know the BB is still in him. I do half one and a half pills of smz tmp ds 800 160 that was from a bladder infection. Not sure if that could be any use, but I can also ask my mom if she has anything at her house.

No I did not get to burrito him yet. I babysat today and didn't want to try it while also watching 2 small kids. The plan is to do it tonight when my husband gets home. I'm going to burrito and give medicine and he's going to check the wound. I did give him the food with the medicine in food two times today and both times after taking it, he has shredded the side pieces of the cage, like chewed the wood. Hopefully he doesn't have some weird reaction to it. It was almost like it made him anxious. When I mentioned it to my mom, whose tramadol pills they were, she said she didn't like the way it made her feel, that's why she stopped taking it. I did find two hydrocodone pills I have left over from getting my wisdom teeth out. I can switch to that if needed. Once I give it to him straight from the syringe I will watch him and see what happens.

Can you get some infant ibuprophen? We can dose that for you and that will really take the edge off.
What you have is Tramadol, correct?........not Ultracet, right?
Personally, it seems like he is having a reaction to something, and I would stop dosing the Tramadol now.
No, you can't use hydrocodone on squirrels.

06-26-2014, 08:22 PM
Can you get some infant ibuprophen? We can dose that for you and that will really take the edge off.
What you have is Tramadol, correct?........not Ultracet, right?
Personally, it seems like he is having a reaction to something, and I would stop dosing the Tramadol now.
No, you can't use hydrocodone on squirrels.

Yes I will go to walmart and get some. My mom told me it was tramadol. I think he's having a reaction too. Both times before I gave it, he was calm and moving around slowly, then seemed to get worked up. And one time he seemed out of it like space-y.

Nancy in New York
06-26-2014, 08:28 PM
Yes I will go to walmart and get some. My mom told me it was tramadol. I think he's having a reaction too. Both times before I gave it, he was calm and moving around slowly, then seemed to get worked up. And one time he seemed out of it like space-y.

Great, make sure that it's the infant ibuprophen, and I will send you dosing instructions
in a pm. :thumbsup
He may be having a reaction to it, it almost sounds like it. :dono

06-27-2014, 10:02 AM
I did get the infants ibuprofen but failed at getting it in him. Not only was I not able to burrito him, he got out of his cage and ran around! The problem is this big cage has a big door and he was in the bottom so I thought that was a good time to grab from above. Well he saw my material and jumped straight up and out. Then preceded to play chicken with me all over the dining room and kitchen. He doesn't mind jumping on me, but only to use me to jump somewhere else. I got away with no scratches or bites so that's a plus. I will try again but now that he has escaped once he will surely be trying again.

06-27-2014, 10:04 AM
I also tried offering the syringe to see if he'd take it, big negative- he attacked it. I didn't know a squirrel could mean mug someone but he is definitely giving me some dirty looks.

06-27-2014, 08:07 PM
Have you and your husband been able to check out his wound better? It sounds to me like your situation is a lot like mine. Sandy was out for months and came everyday to get fed etc. I was also afraid of Sandy. I'm not trying to get you bitten but I think maybe you should try just touching him to check him out. If you raised him and fed him and let him jump on you outside I guarantee you he thinks your his mom. I doubt he is anymore likely to scratch your face than when he was on you outside. I wore work goggles and work gloves at first when we brought Sandy back in but then I just touched her and everything was fine. She will even let me pet her and rub her chin like when she was little.
Just make sure there's no food around, I find it's best to wait until an hour or so before dark/bed and she calms right down.

Nancy in New York
06-27-2014, 10:21 PM
Sorry he wasn't in the mood to cooperate.
Does he know that you are only trying to make him
feel better? :grin2
Well he can't feel that bad if he launched out and played
hide and go seek with you. :dono

06-27-2014, 10:22 PM
Have you and your husband been able to check out his wound better? It sounds to me like your situation is a lot like mine. Sandy was out for months and came everyday to get fed etc. I was also afraid of Sandy. I'm not trying to get you bitten but I think maybe you should try just touching him to check him out. If you raised him and fed him and let him jump on you outside I guarantee you he thinks your his mom. I doubt he is anymore likely to scratch your face than when he was on you outside. I wore work goggles and work gloves at first when we brought Sandy back in but then I just touched her and everything was fine. She will even let me pet her and rub her chin like when she was little.
Just make sure there's no food around, I find it's best to wait until an hour or so before dark/bed and she calms right down.

No I haven't gotten a hold of him yet, besides grabbing at him when he was running around my house. The husband is no help, busy fixing the car I broke, oops. although I did catch sight of his wound last night, it looks a lot better. Also, he had two other spots that I am assuming are bullet wounds. They looked older and already almost healed.

After his little escape, he was crazy all day, chewing and shredding the cage again. Now he is very suspicious of material since I had tried to grab him with some fleece. They are just so dang smart. He knew when I had that material I was up to no good. He is taking food from me nicely, no growling or snatching as he sometimes does, and also lets me hold the water bowl up to his hammock while he takes a drink- he should be enjoying getting food and water delivered to his bedside. I was hoping for him to calm down more before I tried touching him. When he was outside it was in phases how he would let me touch him. Sometimes he took the food, ate, and went about his squirrel business and other times he'd jump on me to play. He has never really liked to be "pet", he mostly likes to hang off my arms and go after my hands. I wore an old tshirt for awhile today and put it in his hammock so he could get used to my smell again. I did that when he was little, maybe that will help him come around.

The shredding of the cage is what worries me. That basically tells me that it is a slim chance he can be converted back to an inside squirrel and be happy. At this point I'm not sure if he's doing it out of boredom, anxiety, or from being in pain. I kind of think he's depressed by how he will sit in his bed and just put his head down on the bottom and have his eyes open. He's not curled up sleeping, it's just like he's laying there. I want to play with him but I want his leg to heal right. I already saw how he will run around crazy, trying to jumo everywhere, just dragging it along.

06-27-2014, 10:31 PM
Give him a little time to heal and to get used to being inside before you make any judgements. it is a big change in his routine and squirrels are creatures of habit.

I know it is not funny but I got a mental picture of this squirrel just bouncing off a person and playing hard to catch and it made me laugh.:)

06-27-2014, 10:41 PM
Well he can't feel that bad if he launched out and played
hide and go seek with you. :dono

I thought the same thing!! He is still fast and pretty steady for running on 3 legs. I'm sure that is what kept him surviving before I brought him inside. The day I caught him, I watched him chase off another squirrel.

06-27-2014, 11:07 PM
Yes, WAY too early for judgements. Even the best take several days to acclimate, and others months.

06-27-2014, 11:31 PM
Give him a little time to heal and to get used to being inside before you make any judgements. it is a big change in his routine and squirrels are creatures of habit.

I know it is not funny but I got a mental picture of this squirrel just bouncing off a person and playing hard to catch and it made me laugh.:)

That is true. He was always the wilder one though so we'll see. Me and him are alike with our routines too.

Ha it was quite funny actually, I was even laughing at myself as I was in pursuit. He would psych me out, like go one way then quickly go the other just as I lunged at him. Honestly we were both scared of each other, I was scared to grab him and he was scared of the material I had in my hand trying to catch him with. He even was on top of the fridge. At one point I threw the material over him and grabbed him but I couldn't tell what end was what and he wiggled and twisted and jumped on me.

06-27-2014, 11:37 PM
Well I am glad to know that its too early to make decisions. It makes sense he would need time, I just know he's always been more wild. If I figure out how to post a video, I will show the one of how he used to play outside. For now here are some selfies or squirrelfies as I like to call them. He likes my phone so it was always easy to take pictures with him. Hopefully he will start to like me like this again, we used to be best buddies.






06-28-2014, 07:46 AM
It may be too soon but part of what I was trying to say is that in his mind you are still his mom. At first I kept picturing Sandy jumping at my face and scratching me. After a 2 or 3 days I realized that wasn't her intention at all. I wore fabric winter gloves after that for a while because she would of course scratch and bite my hands. The gloves feel more like human skin than work gloves and provided enough protection to not get too many cuts on my hands.
When he was out did you try to calmly call to him? He will only be more excited and scared if you are freaking out chasing him around. Just like all animals he will react to your behavior and emotional state. Stay calm, he can see your stress and read your body language even if you think you are hiding it.

06-28-2014, 10:23 AM
Well today was interesting. I put my pink jacket on and some winter gloves and when he was down in the bottom of the cage I tried touching him. He saw the door open so he went up the side and while he was there I pet his back...and then he escaped again. I did stay calm and just kind of stood back and let him check out the room. He was jumping everywhere and purring. He got on my arm so I took him to the bathroom to let him stay out for a little while. That was where I used to take him to play when he was little. He continued to flip out but since I was the only thing he knew in the room, he kept coming back to me.

I did get to pet on him somewhere and he did bite me a couple of times but it wasn't that bad since I had the gloves on and he didn't bite down all the way. I lightly popped him on the nose like I used to when he was little every time he bit me, and told him no really sternly. I also got some medicine in him yay! He actually took the syringe like he used to.

I wanted to move his cage to the bathroom so I could leave the door open and he could go in and out as he pleased but the cage didn't fit through the doorway. Instead I had to get him back to the cage in the kitchen, he jumped off my shoulder on the way and ran around the kitchen some more but then he put himself back in the cage. Maybe getting out was good so he won't be so anxious but I know he was hurting after all that running and jumping.