View Full Version : EGS: Sick girl

06-15-2014, 03:58 PM
My wife, Susan, has been a certified rehabber here in MN for about a year. We've successfully raised/released a pair of Southern Fliers, a pair of EGS, about to release another pair of EGS & a pair of Red Squirrels.
We have a younger squirrel (127.9g) that I don't know if we're going to be able to save. She seems to have beat a bad diarrhea/respiratory issue that forced us to euthanize her bio brother 10 days ago, and we lost her other cage-mate, that seems to have caught the crud from these two.
However, this girl still has some sneezing, and also a bad skin issue on her leg. At first we thought it was a diarrhea burn, but though she's had good stool for 5 days, it seems to be spreading. She had a shot of cephalosporin from a vet, and he also said to give her appropriate dose of tmps 2x day.
The other two went bad so quickly, we're trying to do everything to keep her alive. She's eating a good diet of Fox Valley, rodent pellet "mush," an occasional pecan, fruit, sweet potato, seeds. (She mostly shreds the later items, but getting better!)
Normally, the WRC-MN treats all patients with Revolution, though it wasn't noted on here chart, so she may not have got a dose. We've been hesitant to give it this close to when she may have got her last dose.
Hoping someone might have suggestion on the skin issue. Notice spots are appearing on her belly and near her genitals. She is wet because she was just bathed. the fur became crusty on left rear leg, and has been sloughing off when washed.
Thanks for any help you might offer!
Here are a few pics:

06-15-2014, 04:37 PM
I think there was one or two on here relatively recently with the same skin issue but it was cleared up. I have to run but keep checking in because I'm sure someone wil remember it.

06-15-2014, 05:16 PM
Ow - that poor baby. Have your wife get some silvadene cream - it is a miracle worker with stuff like this. Her vet will likely have some on hand.

SMZ-TMP is a good broad spectrum drug but it is slow acting. Baytril (vet) or Cipro (human) is a very fast acting drug that is well tolerated in these littles, and is our go to for pneumonia, cat bite, UTI, and depending on what the problem is with the respiratory problems may knock it out a lot faster.

06-15-2014, 05:38 PM
Is there a name for "this stuff?" It doesn't look like mange...

She has been applying bacitracin... will see if she can get silvadene. Her official vet is very difficult to get a hold of... The substitute vet she took the two critters to last week was bad news. Did give her drugs, but took rectal temps, took 1 girl 3 days to stop bleeding... she died a couple days later. I'm sure the temp didn't cause the death, but certainly added stress to her already taxed system... Anyway, having a name might help get it without another expensive visit!

She asked vet for baytril. Though he didn't know squirrels he had a lot of strong opinions. Baytril is no good. She may be able to get it from the regular vet.

06-15-2014, 07:25 PM
One very flawed study on great dane puppies on extremely long courses of baytril showed long bone development issues - in a breed that has that as an endemic problem...and vets deprive themselves of a very potent weapon. Cipro - Ciprofloxacin - is the human grade equivalent of Baytril and may be interchanged for animals (humans shouldn't take Baytril but animals can take Cipro). It is very commonly used for UTis and upper respiratory issues. Might you or someone you know have any leftovers in their medicine chest? If you can provide us the size of the pill in milligrams (usually either 250 or 500) and the weight of your little baby, someone here can provide dilution and dosing info for you. You will only need one pill.

Silvadene is a wonder. I have no idea what the problem is with this baby but it has anti bacterial AND anti fungal properties so it covers most bases. It is also incredibly soothing. I put some on some squirrel scratches on my hands that I was scratching raw because they itched so bad and it completely disappeared the INSTANT I applied it. I couldn't believe it. Most vets love it so maybe you will have luck getting some.

island rehabber
06-15-2014, 08:30 PM
Silvadene is a wonder. I have no idea what the problem is with this baby but it has anti bacterial AND anti fungal properties so it covers most bases. It is also incredibly soothing. I put some on some squirrel scratches on my hands that I was scratching raw because they itched so bad and it completely disappeared the INSTANT I applied it. I couldn't believe it. Most vets love it so maybe you will have luck getting some.

I can only jump in here and say Ditto and Double Ditto -- the Silvadene will cure this. It is awesome. Do whatever you have to do to get one of those vets to write you a scrip!

She is an adorable little girl...I'm hoping you can turn her around quickly!

06-18-2014, 12:47 PM
Thanks for your input! Regular vet gladly gave Baytril & Silvadene. The little girl is improving and putting on weight again!

06-18-2014, 12:48 PM
Oh, that is so good to hear!

06-18-2014, 01:46 PM
Please check back in and keep us posted on her progress. Lots of great info on this site.
Very glad she is improving.:grin3