View Full Version : Squirrel With Huge Lumps or Tumors?

06-14-2014, 07:53 AM
Can anyone tell me what these huge lumps are on one of my wild squirrels leg? They are only on the one leg and that leg looks swollen. I am not sure how long he has had these lumps or how fast they are growing since I just noticed him coming to my feeders two days ago. He is eating fine and his activity is normal. He is slightly favoring that leg when he runs.

Could they be abscesses, squirrel pox or tumors?

Does he need help and if so what can I do to help him while keeping him in the wild?


Do I need to capture him for help at this point?

http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii302/MyBushyTail/Backyard%20Squirrels%202012/1_zps5bfabbf8.jpg (http://s267.photobucket.com/user/MyBushyTail/media/Backyard%20Squirrels%202012/1_zps5bfabbf8.jpg.html)

http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii302/MyBushyTail/Backyard%20Squirrels%202012/2_zps4622db04.jpg (http://s267.photobucket.com/user/MyBushyTail/media/Backyard%20Squirrels%202012/2_zps4622db04.jpg.html)

http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii302/MyBushyTail/Backyard%20Squirrels%202012/3_zpsbb1cfc5a.jpg (http://s267.photobucket.com/user/MyBushyTail/media/Backyard%20Squirrels%202012/3_zpsbb1cfc5a.jpg.html)

06-14-2014, 08:04 AM
Awww.. that looks awful, poor darling.
I really can't tell what that is; could it be bot fly larvae?

Nancy in New York
06-14-2014, 08:25 AM
My opinion, definitely NOT pox.
That little spot near his ear is also a mystery.
Looks like tumors on the leg......but I would pm some
members to please take a look, so we can have more
thoughts on this.
Poor baby. :(

06-14-2014, 08:31 AM
They could be pox, but I don't think so. Looks more like abscesses, poor baby. He appears to be doing fine to this point, catching them always causes such stress. Keep an eye on him.

island rehabber
06-14-2014, 08:33 AM
I am thinking bot fly warbles :yuck
MBT, see if you can spot a small opening or dot on top of each one....that will tell us whether they are bots.
Yes that orangey thing near his ear is weird....not sure what the heck that is.
If pox he would have more on his feet -- it starts on the hands and feet, and groin area. Also, pox are not big and round in the beginning -- they are small and warty.

06-14-2014, 08:39 AM
Does not look like pox. Does not really look like bot larva either.

My guess is some type of tumor or a really bad abscess? Without being able to feel that area, it is hard to visually determine which one it is. If it is an abscess. it should pop soon, it is very swollen.

That thing on his ear could be an engorged tick? We just cant see the legs which are under the body.

06-14-2014, 08:41 AM
Looks like a tick near his ear...how long has that been there? The leg looks like tumors to me, but I am far from an expert. How does he seem to be doing? His weight looks good. Is he one you see pretty regularly? If so, did these pop up 'overnight' so to speak? If so, more likely an abcess. I don't think bot but again, never dealt with those (Thank God), so no expert. Just reminds me of how tumors appear on rats, the way they look and squirrels can certainly get them.

06-14-2014, 08:42 AM
Ear thing is probably a tick.

I have never seen a bunch of bots all lumped together like that though. I agree that they need to be watched, and in the meantime, it might be a good idea to see if you can start cutting him out of the herd for some one on one feeding, in case you need to medicate him - you can start setting him up now. Smear a little peanut butter on a pecan for him - he will love it and that is a good way to hide meds if you have to.

If these are abscesses they will show signs of weeping, if bots, the openings will become apparent.

06-14-2014, 09:00 AM
Does not look like pox. Does not really look like bot larva either.

My guess is some type of tumor or a really bad abscess? Without being able to feel that area, it is hard to visually determine which one it is. If it is an abscess. it should pop soon, it is very swollen.

That thing on his ear could be an engorged tick? We just cant see the legs which are under the body.

MBT, Seems a good guess at this point tumor or abscess. Capturing him would be very stressful. I also agree with CritterMom 'it might be a good idea to see if you can start cutting him out of the herd for some one on one feeding' in order to medicate but I know this is next to impossible with your size crew. Pray he can be healed soon.

06-14-2014, 09:04 AM
Thank you all for your replies, each one is appreciated.

I am now pretty sure I know who he is and yes he is one of my regulars. He did not have these lumps the last time I saw him, but I cannot recall how long ago that was whether it be days or weeks. He lives in the woods across the street from my house. He usually eats at one of the other many feeders spread throughout the yard but for the past two days he has been coming to my doorstep to eat (I think due to too many squirrels at the other feeders). I will try to befriend him incase we need to intervene, medicate him or whatever. He spooks very easliy. As soon as he sees me through the window near the door or even sees me close to the window he runs away and leaves. I am sure this will take some time to befriend him and really do hope whatever he has he can overcome it and that at it is not life threatening. I will start putting some immune booster in the water.

Any suggestions on how to get him to drink from the water bowls since I have never seen him do so as I usually see him drinking out of the creek and pool across the street.

06-14-2014, 10:09 AM
Neighbors had a pet rabbit who had some abscesses last summer that looked identical to that poor guys leg.

I'd say that is a tick behind his ear. Most ticks I see around here are a light gray color but occasionally I see one that is brownish-orange like that one.

Hopefully you can at least get him to eat by himself like others have said. In case you need to administer meds. Good luck & many prayers. Jim.

06-14-2014, 01:57 PM
I don't think at this point it's possible to determine what this is. My first impression is bot fly warbles but it's too soon to tell. I've already seen them this year at my place. It's not uncommon to see them clustered together like that. The acute angles that this produces reminds me of bots but until you see the classic opening (pore) it's just speculation. My little release with the bot had what appeared to be a weeping wound that eventually became quite clear that it was a bot fly warble.

I suppose it could be abscesses also but the multiple lumps is rather odd. To have produced separate distinct abscesses like that would give the impression of multiple puncture wounds like maybe a bite of some kind. :dono

Like the others said, I would just monitor it for now but I would be prepared to treat with antibiotics if this is determined to be an abscess. I always believe in being prepared (like a Boy Scout :tilt ). Just my opinion but I would never capture a wild squirrel for treatment unless they were so compromised that their survival in the wild would be unlikely. Of course, if they were, I would. :thumbsup

06-14-2014, 06:37 PM
I am also thinking this is bot warbles or less likely tumors. As HRT4SQURLS has suggested, usually an abscess would likely not have multiple lumps unless from puncture wounds. I have seen this pattern of lumps only once from multiple puncture wounds. I do feel abscesses are less likely because if it were abscesses and they were that big and full of infection they would be very sore and might make this poor squirrel really sick from the infection. It might not be as mobile or in as relatively good shape as it appears if abscesses. Just my guess from looking at the pictures. Poor sweet squirrel. :Love_Icon

06-16-2014, 09:49 AM
Any updates on this squirrel?

06-16-2014, 11:38 AM
I did not see the Lumpy squirrel until today. This morning at 545AM he was all the way in the corner of my back yard eating at one of those feeders. I could not get close enough to him to get a good look but I did watch him through my binoculars from a distance. The lumpy leg looked alot more swollen than how it did in the pictures but I think I may see one of the lumps with either a big hole in it or a scab. The tick on his ear may be gone. Again I was unable to get a clear good look at his lumps and tick since he was so far away. While he was here he ate alot but did not drink any of the supplemented water. He is climbing, running and sitting up well on the leg. Other than the lumps overall he looks GREAT. So far whatever these lumps are they have not slowed him down any. I will continue to look out for him and post an update the next time I see him.

06-16-2014, 12:04 PM
I did not see the Lumpy squirrel until today. This morning at 545AM he was all the way in the corner of my back yard eating at one of those feeders. I could not get close enough to him to get a good look but I did watch him through my binoculars from a distance. The lumpy leg looked alot more swollen than how it did in the pictures but I think I may see one of the lumps with either a big hole in it or a scab. The tick on his ear may be gone. Again I was unable to get a clear good look at his lumps and tick since he was so far away. While he was here he ate alot but did not drink any of the supplemented water. He is climbing, running and sitting up well on the leg. Other than the lumps overall he looks GREAT. So far whatever these lumps are they have not slowed him down any. I will continue to look out for him and post an update the next time I see him.

If you can get a pic, that would be helpful. Since the bumps have opened up, it sounds like an abscess that drained or a bot that hatched?

06-16-2014, 02:53 PM
I will try and get a picture but when he is in the backyard I cannot, he's way too far away. I cannot even let him see me as he spooks so easily, darts off and leaves. Also I am not certain as to whether or not one of the lumps has a big hole or scab since I could not make them out clearly viewing them from my binoculars but I really thought it did. The leg definitely is more swollen, that is for certain. I need for him to be close up at my doorstep, like how he was the other day, so that I can get a very good look at his lumps to see what is what. Will update as soon as I know more.

06-16-2014, 03:23 PM
God luck getting some pics MBT, sure hope it is not too serious, good sign that he seems to be moving around fairly well.

06-16-2014, 03:39 PM
Now it does sound more like an abscess or hatched bot if the leg is more swollen and open. Time will tell.... :imp