View Full Version : Potential Infection in Paw
06-05-2014, 08:33 PM
IWonka just got a 6wk old baby from SPCA.
Inadequate care - poor nutrition and the usual thing.
Also, the woman who had the baby said that there was some infection (?) in the baby's paw, but it healed.
HOWEVER, when Iwonka touched that paw - it feels swollen.
MOREOVER, the baby is not using it very well, sort of keeping her off that paw.
WHICH MEANS that there still might be infection.
Iwonka's question:
WHAT ABs should she give this baby in case there is infection?
Iwonka does not know whether the woman gave the baby ABs or not, or what kind.
MOST LIKELY that this woman didn't give any ABs (since she didn't seem to care about the baby much anyway).
So, WHICH ABs should Iwonka give this baby for the potential (or most likely actual) infection in that paw?
There are no visible wounds. They might have been there, but might have already healed.
06-05-2014, 08:43 PM
If you think it is an abscess, I believe Clavamox is best. Otherwise Baytril is a good broad spectrum AB.
06-05-2014, 09:18 PM
If you think it is an abscess, I believe Clavamox is best. Otherwise Baytril is a good broad spectrum AB.
passed this on.
Thank you!
06-05-2014, 09:34 PM
Iwonka doesn't have clavamox.
She has baytril, bactrim and amoxy.
She is concerned that baytril may not be strong enough and that in the past in some situations infection came back after a course of baytril.
Any suggestions?
Should she still try baytril?
Stack some ABs? - if so, how?
06-05-2014, 09:40 PM
I think of those Baytril is the best choice. There may be someone else who has other ideas and more experience. I myself am just suggesting that I would try the Baytril.
06-06-2014, 04:40 AM
I think of those Baytril is the best choice. There may be someone else who has other ideas and more experience. I myself am just suggesting that I would try the Baytril.
If no response from the Baytril, go to the Amox - it is 1/2 of what clavamox is and might be more effective on an abscess.
06-06-2014, 09:05 AM
If no response from the Baytril, go to the Amox - it is 1/2 of what clavamox is and might be more effective on an abscess.
Thank you, CrM, will pass this on.
06-06-2014, 09:10 AM
Iwonka is not even sure if that's an infection, because there is no opening/wound/scab. If it was there, it sure healed.
But because the woman said that there had been an infection, Iwonka thinks that this is what is causing the swelling and pain.
Iwonka also thinks of giving him metacam for pain.
So,just to double check with experts that this is ok.
Thank you!
06-11-2014, 12:51 PM
We used Baytril initially for a stubborn abscess we dealt with back in December on a fox squirrel's toe. When the Baytril did not work, we stacked it with Convenia, especially since the infection reached the bone. This was prescribed by our vet. What ended up happening though was that the abscess was so large that it cut off the blood circulation to the toe and so no antibiotic was able to reach it. In the end we had to amputate the toe.
Baytril is a more broad spectrum antibiotic and I would try that first over amoxy if you decide to give antibiotics and every single time I've had an abscess to contend with, the vets always always prescribe Baytril first. Also, abscesses don't necessarily have an apparent external wound. There may have even been one initially but the previous person let it close up and the infection is still going on internally.
06-11-2014, 06:04 PM
We used Baytril initially for a stubborn abscess we dealt with back in December on a fox squirrel's toe. When the Baytril did not work, we stacked it with Convenia, especially since the infection reached the bone. This was prescribed by our vet. What ended up happening though was that the abscess was so large that it cut off the blood circulation to the toe and so no antibiotic was able to reach it. In the end we had to amputate the toe.
Baytril is a more broad spectrum antibiotic and I would try that first over amoxy if you decide to give antibiotics and every single time I've had an abscess to contend with, the vets always always prescribe Baytril first. Also, abscesses don't necessarily have an apparent external wound. There may have even been one initially but the previous person let it close up and the infection is still going on internally.
thank you, LN.
I will pass this on.
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