View Full Version : I need to know if this is life threatening help!!

06-04-2014, 02:01 AM
Tonight around 7:30PM my squirrel and I were outside, everything was fine like usual but then a dog started running up to us and my squirrel ran up a tree and now I can't find him. I finally gave up around 1AM because I have to be up at six ---MY QUESTION: will he be okay? There are no other squirrels around my area and that tree doesn't have anything but leaves growing on it. I would also like to add that he only has half of a tail because of a chainsaw accident- hence why I even have him. I've had him since around may 3rd. And I would say he was around 5 1/2 - 6 weeks old, maybe? Already had hair all over him and his tail wasn't bushy yet but it was thick. & could eat henrys growth blocks just fine, so he had teeth. Now he's on all solids of fruits, veggies, 1-2 blocks a day, and pecans and walnuts for treats or rewards. I'm so sad and scared. I hope he will be ok. But he's been with me, so I'm not sure if he will be :( I'm gonna try again tomorrow I would just feel better if I knew he was somewhat ok. Sorry this was so long, I'm just freaking out and upset

06-04-2014, 04:52 AM
First a non releasable is not to be outside just for this reason. But thanks for taking him in. If he has a cage I would put it outside with the door open and good and water inside. He is scared so it might be a few days for him to come around. Just go and call his name if you 5hink he would respond to it. I am sure a pro will be here with more info soon. Good luck.

06-04-2014, 06:43 AM
He is too young to be out on his own. I pray he will show up today, as he is definitely in danger. Why were you taking him outside in the first place? If you are lucky enough to get him back, do not take him outside anymore unless in a cage.

06-04-2014, 07:59 AM
Hi Chelsea......

I am sorry you lost your little baby and I am sure this is a frightening time fore you, the best thing you can do atm is to place the cage you had him in (what ever it was) outside with some of his favorite foods and fresh water in it --with the door left open and pray he comes back to the same area he was at when he got scared and ran away.

We here at TSB recommend that a baby squirrel never be taken at outside unless it is in a secure cage as the squirrel can easily become scared at the slightest sound, noise or moment and scurry away or run up a tree like yours did and never be seen again. If your baby does return please never take this little one back outside again, as his tail injury may have made his an NR --none releasable.

((((HUGS)))) --once again sorry for your loss, please let us know if we can help you through emotional time in any way.

06-04-2014, 08:19 AM
I am so sorry that you lost your little baby :Cry It just breaks my heart to hear this, listen to what Rhapsody has told you. And don’t give up! Call to him shake the container of his favorite snacks, walk around your neiborhood. I will be praying he comes home to his Mommy

06-04-2014, 08:43 AM
I appreciate everyone replying, I really do. But I can deal without your scrutiny or judgments, right now. I am extremely sad and already kicking myself.. we go outside all the time(only to walk to my moms next door) and when the animals run by he's usually ok. I don't know what was different this time. If he saw the tree and just went for it or what. But if I leave the little booger in a other room, sometimes he'll squeak for me to come and get him just because he knows I will. and I haven't heard him calling for me at all.. so I'm scared he just doesn't wanna come back:(
••••so squirrels really have no natural instincts at all, that will kick in ? I'll put his cage outside, but the only times he's ever in it is sometimes at night. He usually stays by me, or at least in the same room. I hate cages, so I try to avoid them. Though I can't always. It's not like he's a cuddle bug, he likes to be independent, but I think he also liked having me when he felt like it. I'm so sad

06-04-2014, 09:00 AM
don’t give up! Call to him
I meant to put this suggestion in my comment as well...... get out their and CALL OUT!! --YELL HIS NAME LOUDLY!!
See if he hears you calling his name and comes running home to mom and the safety of your arms.

Thanks for the reminder......... Joyceb. :tilt

06-04-2014, 09:43 AM
I've been out here for two hours now and finally saw him! And when he saw me he ran up the tree ever farther and now I can't see him again:( im starting to worry he doesnt wanna come back.. but he hasn't eaten since dinner yesterday so I put his cage outside by the shaded part of the tree and some food and water in there. Hopefully he'll come down... but I have to go to work :(

06-04-2014, 09:45 AM
I've been out here for two hours now and finally saw him! And when he saw me he ran up the tree ever farther and now I can't see him again:( im starting to worry he doesnt wanna come back.. but he hasn't eaten since dinner yesterday so I put his cage outside by the shaded part of the tree and some food and water in there. Hopefully he'll come down... but I have to go to work :(
Hang in there........ he is out there doing what squirrels do during the day and may come home at night time.
and --while he has not eaten any food you had for him he is out there eating all the wild food he can find.

06-04-2014, 10:03 AM
Hopefully he comes home at nighttime. Is there any way to leave the door open so he can go to sleep when he's ready? He probably does love being outside now. He knows you're going to take him back inside.

06-04-2014, 10:25 AM
Please call in sick, or leave sick. He;s in terrible danger and you've got to get him back in. Others have been in this situation and vigilance is the way this gets fixed, if it can be. He's way too young.

06-04-2014, 10:58 AM
Please call in sick, or leave sick. He;s in terrible danger and you've got to get him back in. Others have been in this situation and vigilance is the way this gets fixed, if it can be. He's way too young.

Oh please do this you need to get your little guy back. You have to be out there to find him, I know he is scared and you are his security blanket where he know it is safe.

06-04-2014, 11:46 AM
Thanks for all the advice guys. I saw him and he is busy hollowing out one of the tree branches!! put his food, water, and cage outside for him in the shade under the tree. my step dad also set up a raccoon trap (totally harmless dont worry, i wouldnt have let him put it up if it was harmful)
he really does look like hes having a BLAST. when i call his name he comes out in the open, but wont come down. i think hes trying to tell me hes ok but wants to stay up there for now.

and i would call it in but im scared. the reason i have him is because i was told since he doesnt have part of his tail(even though it doesnt affect him in ANY way) that he wouldnt be able to be released into the wild and they would end up putting him down. theres NO need for that. hes perfectly healthy. just stubborn, obviously.
i would rather take the risk of him staying up there until i get off at five(my step dad & nana are still trying to get him down), than calling it in and knowing the end result:(
i live out in the country. one tree on like 2 acres so he wont be going far. the only neighboor i have is my parents. so there arent too many threats hopefully. i just hope he comes down for some water at least. id hate for him to get dehydrated!

06-04-2014, 12:08 PM
Please keep us updated

06-04-2014, 01:07 PM
If he's only 10 weeks, he's 4 weeks shy of the minimum release age that most people go by. He may be having a blast, but so might a toddler in a gun factory.

06-04-2014, 02:27 PM
Chelsea, I think they meant call in sick to work, so you could be home to catch him, not call in and report him to the authorities.:Love_Icon

But he really is much to young to be on his own, hopefully he will come down for bedtime.

Good luck, I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

06-04-2014, 02:41 PM
Hopefully whatever he usually sleeps in is in the cage. He may just come on down and tuck himself in. You don't want the cage to be open overnight for other creatures to get into it. Praying for his safe return...:grouphug

06-04-2014, 02:54 PM
I am also concerned with your description of having only one tree. Do you have hawks or other predators around? If you don't have squirrels there, it tells you it is not a place where squirrels do well, so his being 'released' there isn't an ideal situation either. I would do all you can to get him back. And then you will have to decide if he stays or will be released where there are other squirrels.

06-04-2014, 02:58 PM
Hi Chelsea, Don't know what time you get home. Hoping that your little one is watching for you. Make sure you put some of his favorite things in that trap. No judging here just praying for your little one to realizes how good they had it and comes home. We are having a storm in my part of the country maybe the thunder will scare his little butt back home.
I appreciate everyone replying, I really do. But I can deal without your scrutiny or judgments, right now. I am extremely sad and already kicking myself.. we go outside all the time(only to walk to my moms next door) and when the animals run by he's usually ok. I don't know what was different this time. If he saw the tree and just went for it or what. But if I leave the little booger in a other room, sometimes he'll squeak for me to come and get him just because he knows I will. and I haven't heard him calling for me at all.. so I'm scared he just doesn't wanna come back:(
••••so squirrels really have no natural instincts at all, that will kick in ? I'll put his cage outside, but the only times he's ever in it is sometimes at night. He usually stays by me, or at least in the same room. I hate cages, so I try to avoid them. Though I can't always. It's not like he's a cuddle bug, he likes to be independent, but I think he also liked having me when he felt like it. I'm so sad

06-04-2014, 04:43 PM
im guessing he's only around 12 weeks. im trying to figure out how to upload a picture so you guys can get a better guestimation!
I didnt plan on ever releasing him, so im terribly heartbroken. his brother came to work with me today and has barely left my side, he misses his brother too.

and thats what im afraid of too(the whole only 1 tree situation)
i always see squirrels half of a mile down from my house running across the road/powerlines.
but ive never seen a squirrel on my property. my step dad hates trees because of the birds so he cut them all down... ugh

I havent seen a hawk, but ive definitley seen turkey vultures.
but i bet there are hawks somewhere out here.

thank you all for your help.
i just want you to know that this was my first experience with squirrels, im a newbie, and this site is AMAZING for people like me.

06-04-2014, 04:47 PM
This is him guys!! now keep in mind that hes missing over half of his tail. if it would be easier for you guys, i can upload a picture of his brother, who has his whole tail, just to show how much tail is gone. just let me know and i would say hes around 10-12 weeks but im no expert!!!

also, hims was the runt of the bunch! :(
(thats why he was my favorite)

06-04-2014, 04:54 PM
Where are his siblings now?

06-04-2014, 04:58 PM
Theres only one. hes sitting on my desk with me at work, but i am about to leave. we are going home now to hopefully catch his brother!

06-04-2014, 07:32 PM
GUYS I FOUND HIM! even screamed out "f** yeah" like six times until I realized what I was saying.. oops. But I am so happy and couldn't ask for a better blog for squirrels. Thank you all for not letting me give up!!!
When his big brother, rambo, saw that Dixon was home, he ran in three circles and then tackled him!! We missed our little man. I am so happy and feel so blessed right now! Ahhhh

06-04-2014, 07:43 PM
I am crying tears of joy for all of you. PLEASE do not take either of them outdoors without a cage until it is time to release them and even then they need to be in a cage for several weeks before they are free. You got a really big gift today of him coming home...:grouphug

06-04-2014, 07:47 PM
That's awesome!!! Sometimes you just have to be persistent & not give up & don't panic.

On a side note here, what are the issues with a squirrel only having a partial tail? I can see where they would possibly have some issues with balance but does that make them a NR? Besides just being curious, we've been stopping by the local university (which has an abundance of greys) & watching a trio of grey babies playing & one of them is black & only has about 1/4 of his tail. He seems to get around ok (atleast on the ground) although he is always the last one in line when they're running around playing. Jim.

06-04-2014, 07:49 PM
I am so happy you have him! I am sorry if I came down on you. You are not the first this has happened to. I just love these babies and get frustrated at times. Please, no more outside times. And also, squirrels chew through screens. They may not do it for a long time, and you think they never will, but it happens. Just have to really be on your toes and if you have a question, please ask. Lots of collective experience here and no question is dumb! Welcome home little man, don't scare everyone like that again!!!:tilt

06-04-2014, 07:49 PM
:woot I am so happy for you! :grin3 I glad you found him. Make sure you give your baby lots of hugs and kisses


Please don't let him outside any more, I have a strong feeling you never will :grin2

06-04-2014, 07:56 PM
And also, squirrels chew through screens. They may not do it for a long time, and you think they never will, but it happens. Just have to really be on your toes and if you have a question, please ask.

Listen about this tip from pappy, I just did this for my screens for the windows my George sits in, it makes me feel so much better knowing that he cant chew through my screens

06-04-2014, 08:00 PM
I will NOT EVER be taking them outside unless they are in there carrier! I tried a harness once but I could tell they didn't like it because they wouldn't play with it. So NO more going outside. I know that I am so lucky today.

And really, I think the game warden around where I'm located (somewhere in OK) only care about money. And I think that's why they claim that he's NR, because they can't make me pay for a permit with a "special needs" squirrel. He jumps around just fine! His tail has never affected him but I'm going to upload a picture of it on here and on the none life threatening board because I'm not sure where it belongs.

I really appreciate all of you! None of my friends love animals and they were like "you're crying over a squirrel?"

06-04-2014, 08:04 PM
I really appreciate all of you! None of my friends love animals and they were like "you're crying over a squirrel?"

I know what your are talking about I have some friends that are like that too. Again I am so happy for you!

06-04-2014, 08:28 PM
GOOD news! I'm glad your little man knew where home is. As to the tail, I've seen outside squirrels missing most of their tail. They seem to compensate. Wouldn't want any squirrel to lose a tail but with what he has he should do fine. You have a great resource here at TSB. Glad you're part of the collective.

06-04-2014, 08:52 PM
236323There were so many typo's in my last post, but i am just too happy to worry about spelling and grammar right now. im trying to upload a picture of his tail. and then a picture of him and his brother. Rambo(the one with a full tail) is so much bigger than Dixon.

the end of his tail is a little round bump. its never hurt him. when I found him his tail was scabbed over and wasn't infected. it was healing as perfect as it could in the wild. and the scabbed started turning into what you see here...(hopefully if I get these pictures up)236320

06-04-2014, 09:03 PM
also, this isn't their cage. its their table. its easier for me to just roll the newspaper up after they make all of that mess.
people have griped about me using newspapers, even though all ink on the newspaper has to legally be non-toxic...
does anyone else have any opinions on newspaper?

06-04-2014, 11:46 PM
Glad that everything worked out OK. Has anyone talked to you about diet yet? It's usually the first thing we bring up. What is their diet like? Have you seen our proper diet guide?


06-05-2014, 11:24 AM
I've been trying to introduce new things.
Everyone is probably concerned with all the green mess shown in the picture. but keep in mind my baby was missing for 23 hours so hims was HUNGRY. and of course, i couldnt feed him without feeding his fat brother... jealousy is so funny sometimes.
but in the mornings i give them each a squirrel block. when i first got henrys healthy blocks, they LOVED them. i think they were lacking soooo much nutrients.
now its hard for me to get them to eat just one each in the morning.
and then when they finish their blocks, they get a handful of leafy greens in the morning, today i sprinkled some calcium on their food... i hope that was ok. im just scare of MBD.
this week for lunch ive introduced raspberries and blue berries. they both ate one raspberry a piece and then they hated them. they dont love the blueberries but they tolerate them.
and for dinner more leafy greens, sugar snap peas(their FAVORITE), and apples.
and then for a snack we tried avocado. man did they hate it. they cant stand to hold anything messy or wet in their hands. picky

but like i said, thats just this week, heres a list of foods ive tried!
"spring mix" salad
"hearts of romain"
"mean green" salad mix
butternut squash.-my big one loved it at first, but not a huge fan anymore. my little one has never even tasted it:(
sugar snap peas- they are seriously obsessed with sugar snaps, i have to keep a bag at all times.
cucumbers-hate it
carrots-HATE HATE HATE for some reason. they will just throw it off of their plate.
broccoli-dont care for it, but will eat it at times
cauliflower-theyll gobble it up sometimes and then other times wont touch the stuff.
pinnapple-the 1st time they had it they love it so much. wanted more and more. but now they wont eat it.
cantelope-same as pinnapple.
celery- wont touch it.
tomatoes-wont eat
green beans-wont eat
im sure theres more but i cant think of any right now.

i also was giving them pecans and walnuts, as many as they wanted as a snack. I found that thats a HUGE no-no. they didnt eat for THREE days because they were holding out for nuts. finally on the fourth day they ate the food that i gave them.
i couldnt believe they would starve themselves like that.
so now, its only 3-4 pecan or walnut HALVES a piece after dinner or before bedtime.
i really hopes thats ok. im new to all of this, until i found this board ive only learned things by trial and error. PLEASE feel free to use constructive criticism, but dont be rude. im trying my best.

also, ive tried water bottles,syringes i used with their formula, bowls, lids, a small upside down water container(like a dog or cat would use) but way smaller. its actually for bird seeds, but hey whatever works, right? the bigger squirrel will drink out of all the above. whatevers available. BUT my smaller squirrel used to drink out of the water bottle you'd put on the cage but now the only way i can get him to drink water is out of my hand. he wont drink it if its a little puddle, my hand just has to be wet and then he likes licking it off. i get my hand wet again and he licks it off.
even if theirs a tiny puddle in my hand, he somehow always gets water up his nose, and then he starts freaking out and he'll, not necessarily sneaze, more like hes blowing that water out, so then i have to hold him upside down.

has anyone else had this problem? its so bad that he cant even drink out of a pop bottle or water bottle lid. without it going up his nose. i feel so bad....

sorry for the long post

06-05-2014, 11:40 AM
Welcome to the world of the picky eaters! I can’t believe they don’t like avocado :eek my George just loves it. I think we all go through the picky eaters now and then, but sounds pretty good what you have been doing so far, but I would cut back on the nuts and fruits.

06-05-2014, 11:45 AM
also, ive tried water bottles,syringes i used with their formula, bowls, lids, a small upside down water container(like a dog or cat would use) but way smaller. its actually for bird seeds, but hey whatever works, right? the bigger squirrel will drink out of all the above. whatevers available. BUT my smaller squirrel used to drink out of the water bottle you'd put on the cage but now the only way i can get him to drink water is out of my hand. he wont drink it if its a little puddle, my hand just has to be wet and then he likes licking it off. i get my hand wet again and he licks it off.
even if theirs a tiny puddle in my hand, he somehow always gets water up his nose, and then he starts freaking out and he'll, not necessarily sneaze, more like hes blowing that water out, so then i have to hold him upside down.

has anyone else had this problem? its so bad that he cant even drink out of a pop bottle or water bottle lid. without it going up his nose. i feel so bad....

sorry for the long post

Try using a shallow dish and put some CLEAN rocks in the bottom, this might work not sure, lets see what others will have to say about it

06-05-2014, 12:16 PM
Try using a shallow dish and put some CLEAN rocks in the bottom, this might work not sure, lets see what others will have to say about it

so would any rocks from from outside work as long as i wash them?
thank you for everything!

i didnt even notice i spelled sneeze wrong until now.. oh lord. i get too ahead of myself when im typing

06-05-2014, 12:19 PM
Welcome to the world of the picky eaters! I can’t believe they don’t like avocado :eek my George just loves it. I think we all go through the picky eaters now and then, but sounds pretty good what you have been doing so far, but I would cut back on the nuts and fruits.

also, how many nuts should they get?
whats an appropriate amount for a treat?

06-05-2014, 12:38 PM
I just put a ceramic bowl of water out that is too heavy for Sandy to knock over. She will just put her arms on the side and put her head in and drink. No problems so far. As far as nuts go only 2 per day maximum. make sure they eat their 2 henry's blocks per day then healthy veggies and fruit. Then nuts only as a treat after they have eaten their healthy stuff. Make sure they do not fill up on nuts and not eat the healthy stuff.
As far as people asking about the NR status of these squirrels. Chelsea mentioned in her other thread that these squirrels are allowed to be around her cats and now have no fear of cats at all. Even if the tail was fine they are now NR for sure.
I just hope you understand the commitment you have made to these little ones. You now have 2 NR squirrels that will live for 10-15 years. They will chew everything in your house, at least Sandy sure did when I had her in recovering from her injured arm recently. I also hope your job doesn't mind you coming in with scratches all over your hands and arms. I was worried about mine but now Sandy is outside again and is not climbing on me nearly as much which has given me a chance to heal fully.

06-05-2014, 01:27 PM
yes, i totally understand the commitment.
ive read tons of horror stories and amazing stories.
before i got attached to them, i looked into things.

I wouldnt say they arent scared of the cats, because when my cats enter the room both of my babies jump on the back of the recliner, watch the cats for a minute and then continue to do their thing.
the only time they mess with the cats is when they are asleep in the floor and the naughty squirrels will seriously run by and jump on the cats face, or SLAP my cats face and run away before the cats even wake up like "wtf??"..
i havent been able to tell if theyre trying to play with the cats or if they are just being bullys.... lol
one of them likes chewing on anything and everything. especially fingernails. but the little one doesnt.... YET

06-05-2014, 01:39 PM
Yeah I got a lot of the fingernail thing too. Sandy likes to clean me and she seems to think that my fingernails are a foreign object that should be bitten off. She has hurt my a couple times like that.
As far as cats go they need to learn that a cat will kill them instantly and once outside they are the biggest threat. I see the odd cat from one of my neighbours in my yard and it definitely worries me. When Sandy was inside I would see her get up to the highest point possible in the room and make a predator warning call so I knew she was properly afraid of them before I let her back out.
Thank god she has been okay so far, I would be devastated if something happened to her. She is in my mud room right now napping in her nest box. She is one of the very few squirrels fortunate enough to have a safe indoor place to go if she wants to when it's raining or she just feels like resting somewhere out of the wind etc. She chewed a hole in my screen which I never fixed which in now her doggie door.:grin2

06-05-2014, 01:50 PM
I would REALLY like them to be afraid of the cats, but i just dont know how to teach them? is that something their momma does? I mean, my cats have never shown interest in the squirrels(besides the first day cause cats are nosey), but thats not to say they wont ever decide to mess with the squirrels...
you can just never be too careful.

That is amazing!!! I wish i could have something like that set up but just not possible..
i live out in the country, hawks can be seen every now and then. and turkey vultures, not sure if vultures eat live things though. but one of my neighboors, maybe about an acre or 2 away, have 17 cats...
when my baby was missing i didnt even think of this until i saw one of the neighbors cats last night.

i really am truly lucky that i got my baby Dixon back, alive and SAFE!

06-05-2014, 01:57 PM
I don't exactly know how to teach squirrels to be afraid of anything. Sandy just seemed to know by instinct. We brought large branches and leaves in for her to build a nest inside but other than that she just figured out everything on her own. I think she is just exceptional and lucky and tough as can be.
She was raised by herself. Which is not recommended. And she was only about 4 weeks old when we got her. Her eyes were still closed and everything. So basically we were not able to teach her much of anything. She just knew how to do almost everything and I guess she learned the rest through trial and error. The only thing she still does which isn't great is she buries food like rodent blocks and grapes even unshelled nuts. Which will not be any good if she goes to dig them back up. But she has us to feed her whatever she needs so not a huge concern. I assume her mom would have taught her not to bury those types of food.

06-05-2014, 02:07 PM
Just skiming through thes posts. Glad he is home. Sometimes it seems some are hard on the new folks. But in time you will see we are not.
Also about food have you tried mushrooms? Baby bellas is ehat kazee will eat. Also brussel sprouts. I trim the bottom pull off the smaller leafs microwave for thirty seconds cut in half and run under water to cool them a bit but still leave them warm. Kazee eats them like crazy. He gets two blocks two sprouts a mushroom and a piece of fruit for breakfast. Lunch is one block and maybe either a combination of but not all of the following carrot sprout shroom snap pea a shelled nut banana blueberry orange slice. Dinner is sprout shroom maybe another sprout snap pea carrot and piece of fruit and a different nut in the shell. Before bed and usually around 11 at night he will wake up come to the sude if his cage and waits for a much plain fat yogurt that he can eat which is usually 3 to 4.

06-05-2014, 02:34 PM
Thanks everyone! i appreciate all the tips.
and at times it does seem like people on here hate me because i am now a "squirrel owner" and dont know much. but in the long run i know they just want whats best for the squirrels.

but you are exactly right, before i found this board thats how i was learning things, by trial and error...
Ive had and dealt with tons of animals, just because this is my first time with squirrels, doesnt mean i will be any less of a fur mom than others!
I think people forget that at one point in time, they probably knew just as little about squirrels as i did and i still do. but i promise im trying my best and Copy & paste has became my best friend lately. lol.

I just copied Kazee's vegetables and im going to try those!
im irritated at myself because i almost bought some mushrooms this morning but decided not to because i havent heard anything about mushrooms and squirrels.

thank you so much!:)

06-05-2014, 02:47 PM
So glad your baby is back. :thumbsup Newspaper is fine. I have used it to line the bottom of my cages for years. I do, however, put a fleece blankie on top of the newspaper. They love to tear the newspaper into pieces and use it to stuff in their nest boxes. I also put paper towels in their cage for them to stuff their boxes with. I give 1-2 nuts a day but about 75-80% of their daily diet is rodent chow, and healthy vegetables. If a squirrel's diet is at least 80% rodent chow (good quality rodent chow or HHBs) you are safe with a few nuts everyday.

06-05-2014, 11:03 PM
So glad your baby is back. :thumbsup Newspaper is fine. I have used it to line the bottom of my cages for years. I do, however, put a fleece blankie on top of the newspaper. They love to tear the newspaper into pieces and use it to stuff in their nest boxes. I also put paper towels in their cage for them to stuff their boxes with. I give 1-2 nuts a day but about 75-80% of their daily diet is rodent chow, and healthy vegetables. If a squirrel's diet is at least 80% rodent chow (good quality rodent chow or HHBs) you are safe with a few nuts everyday.

I am too! and so is his brother.
I guess its time to start the "tough love"
and not give them any nuts until they eat everything else...
its gonna be hard!
harder on me than on them!

06-06-2014, 01:04 AM
GUYS I FOUND HIM! even screamed out "f** yeah" like six times until I realized what I was saying.. oops. But I am so happy and couldn't ask for a better blog for squirrels. Thank you all for not letting me give up!!!
When his big brother, rambo, saw that Dixon was home, he ran in three circles and then tackled him!! We missed our little man. I am so happy and feel so blessed right now! Ahhhh

So what's the story, how did you get him back?

As for your squirrels diet have you tried to continue to give them formula?
Many told us that on top of their blocks and veggies continuing to give them a serving of this will solidify their diet.
To make sure our squirrel is and stays healthy we give her a nightcap of hot Esbilac formula in a shallow saucer before she goes to bed.
She loves it as long as it's heated to her preferred temp. If she drinks it down we give her a berry for desert. Spoiled rotten critter.

06-06-2014, 12:21 PM
So what's the story, how did you get him back?

As for your squirrels diet have you tried to continue to give them formula?
Many told us that on top of their blocks and veggies continuing to give them a serving of this will solidify their diet.
To make sure our squirrel is and stays healthy we give her a nightcap of hot Esbilac formula in a shallow saucer before she goes to bed.
She loves it as long as it's heated to her preferred temp. If she drinks it down we give her a berry for desert. Spoiled rotten critter.

It's kind of embarrassing lol. but i was outside sitting under the tree he was in BAWLING my eyes out. and then i looked up and he was right beside me! so i just grabbed him... and the rest is as follows!
But that night i was still sad because he didnt care about me or his brother. he wanted FOOD and then slept for over 12 hours. so i know he didnt get any sleep when he was missing.

this morning the little booger didnt seem like he was doing good. he wouldnt wake up, kept pulling the cover back over him, so i brought them both to work with me... needless to say, they are both going NUTS in my office!
he was fine, i guess he just wanted to sleep in!

squirrels get spoiled too easy!

my two will sit across the room and REACH for me or for food and I have to get up and either take it to them or let them jump on me... spoiled!
they'll just keep reaching their hand out if i dont. so funny but can be irritating ! haha

I used fox valley on them, the bigger one liked it but the smaller one never cared for it. but there isnt anything wrong with trying! i still have tons left over!

06-06-2014, 02:01 PM
Not having part (or most) of his tail wont affect him at this point. I have a wild squirrel who was born with a short tail (there's several in this neighborhood.) He does great! When your guy was young, it might have affected his balance and been a problem. But like all animals (and humans!) they adjust to disabilities....animals more quickly than humans.
Good for you for caring, and trying to do whats best! Personally, I understand that you couldn't just take off work for this.....its hard, I know. Im an RN, and years ago, nearly lost a good job. I had called in sick because one of my cats died. I was told, "Nurses care for people. Not cats." PUHLEEZE. Get a life!

06-06-2014, 06:33 PM
I would REALLY like them to be afraid of the cats, but i just dont know how to teach them?

People may laugh at me, but it has worked for my crew (with the exception of Winkers, the Cat Attacker!!!).
When the cats come into the room (which is only when I want them to do so), I immediately start calling out "Biddybiddybiddybiddy" in a loud, high pitched voice and waving my hand almost in the manner that the squirrels wave their tails. This is a pretty close approximation of their alert signal (vocal and visual). In a very short time, they start alerting to the cats themselves and avoid anything to do with them! I have done this with hundreds of my rescues and it works! (no, I am not joking!)

06-06-2014, 06:47 PM
People may laugh at me, but it has worked for my crew (with the exception of Winkers, the Cat Attacker!!!).
When the cats come into the room (which is only when I want them to do so), I immediately start calling out "Biddybiddybiddybiddy" in a loud, high pitched voice and waving my hand almost in the manner that the squirrels wave their tails. This is a pretty close approximation of their alert signal (vocal and visual). In a very short time, they start alerting to the cats themselves and avoid anything to do with them! I have done this with hundreds of my rescues and it works! (no, I am not joking!)

Ha Ha I would love to see that! :eek

06-07-2014, 12:08 AM
Wow Duckman. I never thought there could be a way to teach squirrels to be afraid of cats. I only have had Sandy and I was super afraid of letting Sandy around my 2 cats. I read on here that once they lose their fear of cats they are non releasable. I have seen my cats kill mice and I'm pretty sure they would hurt Sandy.
Anyway cool idea.

06-07-2014, 05:08 AM
People may laugh at me, but it has worked for my crew (with the exception of Winkers, the Cat Attacker!!!).
When the cats come into the room (which is only when I want them to do so), I immediately start calling out "Biddybiddybiddybiddy" in a loud, high pitched voice and waving my hand almost in the manner that the squirrels wave their tails. This is a pretty close approximation of their alert signal (vocal and visual). In a very short time, they start alerting to the cats themselves and avoid anything to do with them! I have done this with hundreds of my rescues and it works! (no, I am not joking!)

That sounds like a good idea. Could you post a video of you doing that so we could see how it is done?:poke

06-10-2014, 01:31 PM
Thanks for the advice!
I taught them this way..

When the cats would walk upto them(the cats love to watch them play) i'd snap or clap at the cats to get away from them, even though i know they wont do anything(not in front of me anyways), and the squirrels started going to the highest point they could when they hear me snap my fingers.

When my cats come in the room they go to the highest point they can now and lay flat on their bellies and sit VERY still. :) I looked that up and it said that they do that if a predator is in the trees!
Such smart babies
I think the guy thought that Dixon was missing more of his tail than he actually is.
The only thing that affects him from what i can see, is that he cant jump as far (length wise) as his brother. But i dont know if thats just because his brother is bigger than him or what!

I got tired of the rascals tearing my curtains down from climbing on them so i got one of my old bigger purses out and tied it to the curtain rod... they love it!!! :)