View Full Version : Advice requested - injured squirrel

Carol Lynn
06-01-2014, 05:49 PM
Hello everyone,

I am hoping someone might be able to advise me. My favorite squirrel (male, probably about 3 years old or so) had an eye injury and lost the vision in one eye over the winter. He had disappeared for a while, but recently he started coming around again. He seemed to be doing okay in spite of his eye. A few days ago, however, when he came up on my deck I noticed that he had an injury on the back of his head. It actually looked like one ear was missing, but when I looked more closely, it seemed like it was still there but matted down and stuck to his head. I put out a bowl of critter food for him and he ate. The next day, however, I noticed that he was limping. I immediately went to the store and bought a Havahart trap, although I wasn't able to trap him. The limp is worse today, and when I got out my binoculars, I see two puncture wounds on his right thigh. They look like two holes, and a little bit of fur is missing from the area immediately surrounding the punctures wounds. The last time I saw a squirrel with this kind of injury, the squirrel seemed to be getting better and then all of a sudden her back end became paralyzed. By the time I got her to the vet, they said there was nothing they could do for her. I'm very, very worried that the same thing could happen with this one. On top of everything else, the timing is terrible because I have to be out of the house all day tomorrow with no way to change the plan. Therefore, I won't be able to keep an eye out for him to try to trap him until evening at best. Any suggestions? What should I do? Should I try to trap him? And how can I trap him without trapping every other squirrel in the neighborhood? Should I give him anything tomorrow morning, or would it be best to withhold food to try to entice him into the trap? I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give me. It's breaking my heart to see him like this. Thank you very much!

06-01-2014, 06:43 PM
First thing...:thankyoufor trying to help him! Secondly though, you must have a plan for what to do with him if you do trap him. Trapping is very stressful and therefore they need to be out of that trap as quickly as is possible. Do you have a vet or a local rehabber who would see him? Are there a lot of cats in your area that could be what got him? If so, he needs antibiotic immediately. If he willingly takes food from you and you could be sure it was him who was eating a particular nut, you could doctor one with antibiotic for him. You would have to be sure that he would be there every day though or it is pointless. We could help you to dose meds if you have them. If you have Baytril for a pet or Cipro for a human we can help to dose it. If neither, let us know what you do have along the lines of an antibiotic in the house.

Carol Lynn
06-01-2014, 07:44 PM
Thank you so much for your reply! I have a vet who helped me with the last squirrel, and I feel pretty sure he will be willing to help me again. However, since today is Sunday, I was unable to get a hold of him. I plan to try to reach him first thing in the morning to see if I can get an antibiotic from him. To answer your questions, yes, I can definitely be sure that it is him; he knows me, and he used to come to me when I called him by name. He's a little more timid now that he's injured, but he still comes here, and there will be no problem identifying him. Also, since I'm a sure food source for him, I feel pretty certain that I can get it in him every day. The only problem issue would be that it might be at a different time each day - not right on schedule. If, however, I can't get the vet for any reason, the only antibiotic I have at home is sufameth/trimethorprim 800/160 Tabs. It was prescribed for a staph infection. I will check with friends to see if they have anything else. About the cats in the neighborhood, yes, it could have been a cat. It could also have been a dog or raccoon - I really don't know. Would it help to send you a picture of the wound? I took pictures with the zoom lens. Thank you again so much for your help. This little guy is like a friend, and I've been so upset about him, especially since I had no idea what to do! And BTW, I do have a pill crusher if that is any help. Thank you again!

06-01-2014, 07:48 PM
Ohhh Carol Lynn thank you so much for looking out for this guy....if you can't trap him till tomorrow evening, I believe it would be ok for him to eat in the morning...he needs his strength...plus, it's a draw to come back :thumbsup I hope you have someone who can look at him as SammysMom has suggested .....I hope you are successful ...good luck :grouphug

06-01-2014, 07:59 PM
Okay, I think that the vet sounds like one who will help. Ask him for Baytril. A tablet or two is really all that you will need.

Carol Lynn
06-01-2014, 08:11 PM

Here is a photo of his injury, just in case it helps. I just read on the medicine bottle that the antibiotic I have is the generic for Bactrim. I will try the vet first, of course, but do you think Bactrim will work for him if I can't get the vet?

Carol Lynn
06-01-2014, 08:19 PM
I'm sorry that photo came out so big. I must have done something wrong. I will try to delete it. So sorry about that!

Thank you, too, Shewhosweptforest. I will be sure to put out food tomorrow morning, just so that he keeps up his strength. He usually comes around in the morning and again later in the afternoon.

I will try to get Baytril from the vet first thing in the morning. I remember that they gave me Baytril in a liquid form for my parrot; unfortunately, I don't have any left.

Thank you both for your advice. I will let you know what happens.

06-01-2014, 08:29 PM
I fixed it. Bactrim works for squirrels, but is a bit slower than Baytril so Baytril is preferred.

Carol Lynn
06-01-2014, 08:47 PM
Okay, I will try to get the Baytril tomorrow. Thank you so much again! And thank you for fixing the picture.

06-01-2014, 08:53 PM
Happy to help! Be sure to come back.:grouphug

Carol Lynn
06-02-2014, 01:16 PM
Just wanted to give you an update. I stopped by the animal hospital first thing this morning. I told them the situation and they were very helpful. I had to leave before I could see the doctor because he was with another patient, but the tech called me right back. She said that he is going to prescribe something else, another antibiotic in liquid form. My husband is going to go and pick it up on his way home from work, and I will look for him as soon as I get home and try to get some meds in him. (My husband has to leave right away; otherwise, he would have tried.) They told me that if I can trap him and get him to them, it would be even better. I have no idea how to trap him, though. Yesterday I tried, but a couple of times the bait disappeared without tripping the trap, and another time the trap went off with nothing inside it. There are lots of other squirrels out there, too, so it might not have even been him. Anyway, just wanted to let you know what's going on. Thank you so very much again for your help. Now we just have to pray that I can get the meds in him!!

06-02-2014, 01:20 PM
You can usually mix the AB with a small amount of peanut butter. Take a single dose, mix well into the peanut butter and then smear the peanut butter onto a shelled walnut half.

Thanks for helping him.

Just wanted to give you an update. I stopped by the animal hospital first thing this morning. I told them the situation and they were very helpful. I had to leave before I could see the doctor because he was with another patient, but the tech called me right back. She said that he is going to prescribe something else, another antibiotic in liquid form. My husband is going to go and pick it up on his way home from work, and I will look for him as soon as I get home and try to get some meds in him. (My husband has to leave right away; otherwise, he would have tried.) They told me that if I can trap him and get him to them, it would be even better. I have no idea how to trap him, though. Yesterday I tried, but a couple of times the bait disappeared without tripping the trap, and another time the trap went off with nothing inside it. There are lots of other squirrels out there, too, so it might not have even been him. Anyway, just wanted to let you know what's going on. Thank you so very much again for your help. Now we just have to pray that I can get the meds in him!!

Carol Lynn
06-02-2014, 01:22 PM
Thanks so much for the tip! I will try it. I was wondering how I was going to get him to eat it. That sounds like a great idea. Thanks again, and please keep your fingers crossed!

06-02-2014, 02:44 PM
Wre you using a Have-a-Heart trap?

06-02-2014, 03:08 PM
Let us know what that med is as well as the dose and strength if you don't mind. Praying for your success in getting it into him...:thankyoufor working so hard to help him...:grouphug

Carol Lynn
06-02-2014, 03:44 PM
Wre you using a Have-a-Heart trap?

Yes, I am. It isn't the small squirrel cage, it's the larger one that says it can be used for squirrels, skunks, and I think raccoons. I don't have the box right in front of me, but it's not the smallest one. I thought that one looked too small. How do you usually go about trapping the injured ones without trapping everything else around?

06-02-2014, 03:46 PM
How close does he come to you? Can you stay near the trap and sort of divert others while encouraging him?

Carol Lynn
06-02-2014, 03:51 PM
Let us know what that med is as well as the dose and strength if you don't mind. Praying for your success in getting it into him...:thankyoufor working so hard to help him...:grouphug

I will definitely let you know. I probably won't get home until around 7:00 today, so I'm worried that I might not see him tonight. This morning he was right outside my door by around 7:00, though, so I'm hoping to at least get some in him tomorrow. I'll get home earlier tomorrow, too, so I'm hoping that if I get lucky, I might see him again in the afternoon. The doctor said that it's best to give it to him twice a day, but if I can't, once a day is better than nothing. Sure hope he cooperates!

Carol Lynn
06-02-2014, 04:03 PM
How close does he come to you? Can you stay near the trap and sort of divert others while encouraging him?

He used to come very close to me. He would come when I called him by name, and he was rather bold with me and bossy with the other squirrels. He is much more timid now that he's injured, though, and if I go near him, he goes away. I think it would be easy to divert the others, but I think he would run away as well. His limp is pretty bad, but I think he'd still muster up a lot of energy if he felt threatened.

06-02-2014, 04:10 PM
Just providing fresh water and easy food for him will aid his healing too.
Best wishes. :Love_Icon

06-02-2014, 07:51 PM
Awww good work:thumbsup Hope he takes the meds....my Sweet P ate some after I put it in some soft avocado....also I've had them eat it after I've put it in the creases of a pecan half :thumbsup Again, Good Luck! That's one lucky squirrel to have you as a friend:Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
06-02-2014, 08:05 PM
Let us know what that med is as well as the dose and strength if you don't mind. Praying for your success in getting it into him...:thankyoufor working so hard to help him...:grouphug

Just wanted to give you an update. I didn't get home until about 7:00, and no squirrels came around at all. So i will have to wait until tomorrow morning to look for him. Five bowls of food had been emptied today, so I'm sure he ate. I took all the food bowls in tonight, though, so that when he comes tomorrow I can try to just toss him the food with the medicine on it. After that I'll put the food bowls back out. I also placed water bowls here and there. He usually goes to the bird baths, but I noticed he can't jump up into them anymore, so I put them in those areas. That's where he looks for food. Anyway, the medicine they gave me is Clavamox Drops. It says to give him 1/4 ml twice a day for ten days. How does that sound to you? I still have four Bactrim tablets, too.

Thank you again for all of the help and for sending positive thoughts his way.

Carol Lynn
06-02-2014, 08:14 PM
Awww good work:thumbsup Hope he takes the meds....my Sweet P ate some after I put it in some soft avocado....also I've had them eat it after I've put it in the creases of a pecan half :thumbsup Again, Good Luck! That's one lucky squirrel to have you as a friend:Love_Icon

Thanks for the tip - that's so good to know. I was wondering how I was going to get it in him. With my parrot, I always used to put the meds on a piece of pound cake, so I was planning to try that. I think the nuts will work better, though, because I know he likes those. His favorite food of all is sunflower seeds, so I have to make sure there are none of those around or he'll snub anything else I offer him! I just so hope he will pull through this. He's such a sweetie. Please send good thoughts his way!!

Carol Lynn
06-02-2014, 08:17 PM
Just providing fresh water and easy food for him will aid his healing too.
Best wishes. :Love_Icon

Yes, that I've been doing, but with the last squirrel problem I had it wasn't enough. She just got worse and worse and then her hind end became paralyzed. It was horrible. I went around to every vet in the area with pictures of her injuries begging them to give me some medicine for her, but no one would. I wish I had known about this site at that time. I found it a couple days after she died. Anyway, hopefully it won't be too late for this one. Please keep your fingers crossed.

06-02-2014, 08:43 PM
Special prayers for your little friend :Love_Icon When you see him try to send him mental images of the special food with medicine fixing his injury :grouphug

Carol Lynn
06-02-2014, 09:16 PM
Special prayers for your little friend :Love_Icon When you see him try to send him mental images of the special food with medicine fixing his injury :grouphug

Thank you so much. I will!

BTW, I love your video. What an adorable little guy!! I especially love that picture at the end where he's on the little wooden table, smiling directly into the camera! Precious!

06-02-2014, 09:23 PM
Thanks for the tip - that's so good to know. I was wondering how I was going to get it in him. With my parrot, I always used to put the meds on a piece of pound cake, so I was planning to try that. I think the nuts will work better, though, because I know he likes those. His favorite food of all is sunflower seeds, so I have to make sure there are none of those around or he'll snub anything else I offer him! I just so hope he will pull through this. He's such a sweetie. Please send good thoughts his way!!

Sending tons of positive thoughts and love :thumbsup :grouphug :Love_Icon

06-03-2014, 06:22 AM
Anyway, the medicine they gave me is Clavamox Drops. It says to give him 1/4 ml twice a day for ten days. How does that sound to you? I still have four Bactrim tablets, too.

Thank you again for all of the help and for sending positive thoughts his way.
The Clavamox really is a good choice for the wounds :thumbsup good vet! 10 days is just a long time, yes? :tilt

When possible look for your hurt one on the off times (noon, 2:30pm, or 5:30-6:30 pm) when other squirrels are not feeding.
Sometimes the hurt ones will come eat at times when it isn't so busy with other squirrels, so he doesn't have to fight over the food.
If that's not possible, then try to distract the other healthy squirrels during the feeding frenzy, so that your little hurt one can eat too.
Water is really important too; try to space a few bowls of water all around (if possible).

:grouphugSending prayers for you & your little one.:grouphug

Carol Lynn
06-03-2014, 09:12 AM
Last night I went out and got some pound cake and peanut butter. I was ready and waiting at the door at 6:00 am, hoping to find him. At about 7:00, I saw him by the fence. I called him and he came over. When we first saw him from across the yard, my husband said, "No, I don't think that's him because I see two ears." It was him, though - his other ear is standing up again, which I guess is a good sign. He was walking a bit better than he had been, which also seemed good. The wound looked bigger but cleaner - does that make sense? More of the fur was missing from around the wound, but it looked pinker. In the last picture I posted there seemed to be black areas around the puncture wounds, but this time it seemed pinker. I took pictures and will try to get my husband to help me upload one of them later. Normally I would have felt that his condition seemed promising, except that with my first squirrel, who had basically the same problem, she seemed to heal up nicely and then slowly began limping after the visible wound had healed. Eventually her hind end became paralyzed, and that was the end of her. So I don't think he's out of the woods, although I hope it is a good sign.

I need help, though, so I would appreciate more advice. I first put the Clavamox on a tiny square of pound cake and threw it to him. He came over eagerly, sniffed it, and snubbed it. I picked it back up and covered it over with peanut butter because I didn't want to waste the meds. I tossed it back to him, he went over to it right away, touched it, and got annoyed by the peanut butter. He wouldn't eat it. Before I could pick it up, another squirrel grabbed it and ate it. I hope that won't hurt him.

I then cut a small piece of apple and dug out a little hole in the middle. I put the medicine (liquid) in there, and tossed it out to him. He was happy to take the apple, and ran right up to a tree branch to eat it. Unfortunately, he ate all around the edges and left the middle on the branch. I can only hope that the apple had absorbed some of the meds before he put it down. I then tried covering an animal cracker with it, but he wouldn't eat that, either. His favorite food is sunflower seeds, so I put out a small bowl of a few seeds with a few drops of the AB on it. I was hoping that just by shelling them he'd get some of the meds in him. I've already wasted a lot of the medicine, so I'll have to ask the vet for another bottle at some point I guess. I'm going to try again this afternoon - does anyone have any idea of how I might get it in him? He is very fussy - normally he won't even eat animal crackers or apples, but I was hoping that without anything else out there, he might take it. He won't eat peanut butter, so I don't know how I could get the meds on a nut. Is there any fail-proof foods that all squirrels seem to like that I could try? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

06-03-2014, 09:17 AM
You can try a pecan or a walnut if he likes them and sort of put the med into the grooves of the nut. I am walking out the door to work, but I am sure others will be along and I will check back later today. Good luck!:grouphug

Carol Lynn
06-03-2014, 09:18 AM
The Clavamox really is a good choice for the wounds :thumbsup good vet! 10 days is just a long time, yes? :tilt

When possible look for your hurt one on the off times (noon, 2:30pm, or 5:30-6:30 pm) when other squirrels are not feeding.
Sometimes the hurt ones will come eat at times when it isn't so busy with other squirrels, so he doesn't have to fight over the food.
If that's not possible, then try to distract the other healthy squirrels during the feeding frenzy, so that your little hurt one can eat too.
Water is really important too; try to space a few bowls of water all around (if possible).

:grouphugSending prayers for you & your little one.:grouphug

I'm so glad to hear that Clavamox is good. Wonderful! Thanks for letting me know. Now if I can just find a way to get it in him!

Thanks for all of the advice. I will try feeding him at off times like you said. The big problem is that I have to be out of the house for long stretches of time this week, unfortunately. I'll get home early today, though, so I'm going to try again this afternoon. The vet told me to try to be sure to get it in him at least once a day, although two times a day is much better. I have placed water bowls in all of the places he usually goes to look for food or water. I saw him taking a long drink from the bowl this morning, so I know he had a good drink today.

06-03-2014, 10:48 AM
Maybe the vet can put it in a good tasting suspension? I don;t know how it tastes. You might end up having to trap him.

06-03-2014, 10:59 AM
Most ABs are very bitter so they should be mixed well into something tasty.

Does he like avocado? You could mash up some avocado and mix the med in it. Remember, avocado skin and pits are deadly to squirrels but many squirrels love avacado meat.

Did you try peanut butter?

06-03-2014, 11:05 AM
I would not try putting it on foods he is unfamiliar with, as he is obviously snubbing them.
There is one food that is irresistible to most squirrels, avocado.

No skin or pit, that part is toxic.

Thank you so much for caring for this little guy:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
06-03-2014, 11:14 AM
It probably doesn't taste good, but the other squirrels happily ate the pound cake, animal cracker, and peanut butter with the AB mixed in. Only this one won't! He's always been a very, very fussy eater. I don't know if he likes avocados or not; I've never given him any. I have some at home, though, so I'll throw out a tiny piece to see if he'll eat it or not before adding the meds to it. I know he likes nuts, and I'll try that, too - I'll spread the 1/4 ML out over several nuts and hope he takes them. Please keep your fingers crossed!

Carol Lynn
06-03-2014, 11:16 AM
Most ABs are very bitter so they should be mixed well into something tasty.

Does he like avocado? You could mash up some avocado and mix the med in it. Remember, avocado skin and pits are deadly to squirrels but many squirrels love avacado meat.

Did you try peanut butter?

It almost seemed as though he was annoyed by the stickiness of the peanut butter. He picked up the peanut-butter covered pound cake piece but then quickly threw it down.

Carol Lynn
06-03-2014, 11:18 AM
I would not try putting it on foods he is unfamiliar with, as he is obviously snubbing them.
There is one food that is irresistible to most squirrels, avocado.

No skin or pit, that part is toxic.

Thank you so much for caring for this little guy:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Yes, I will have to try the avocado as soon as I get home. I've never tried giving it to any squirrels. I remember the vet always saying that it was toxic to birds and not to give it to my parrot, so I always kind of worried about giving it to any animal. Now that I know it's okay for them, though, I'll give it a try. Hope it works! Maybe I can kind of mash the medicine in it a bit.

06-03-2014, 11:19 AM
It almost seemed as though he was annoyed by the stickiness of the peanut butter. He picked up the peanut-butter covered pound cake piece but then quickly threw it down.

I have also drilled a little hole in an almond with the tip of a knife, then filled the hole with AB laced peanut butter. Sometimes they would flick away the peanut butter but they usually ate it.

Carol Lynn
06-03-2014, 11:24 AM
I have also drilled a little hole in an almond with the tip of a knife, then filled the hole with AB laced peanut butter. Sometimes they would flick away the peanut butter but they usually ate it.

That's a good idea. I have a little awl that I could use to drill out a hole in an almond. I'm going to just keep trying again and again this afternoon until I find something he'll eat. (If he cooperates and comes around this afternoon, that is!) I think I will have to get another bottle of AB, though, because I'm wasting too much on stuff he won't eat.

06-03-2014, 11:27 AM
That's a good idea. I have a little awl that I could use to drill out a hole in an almond. I'm going to just keep trying again and again this afternoon until I find something he'll eat. (If he cooperates and comes around this afternoon, that is!) I think I will have to get another bottle of AB, though, because I'm wasting too much on stuff he won't eat.

Just use the tip of a steak knife and twist it around. It makes nice, neat little holes.

06-03-2014, 11:30 AM
Just for reference, I had a squirrel that had very similar injuries. Mine was able to heal on its own and had a full recovery. But if it gets really infected then AB will help.

http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/TubeDriver/squirrels%20thigh%20injury%20Feb%201%202014/image_zpse4905dcc.jpg~original (http://s123.photobucket.com/user/TubeDriver/media/squirrels%20thigh%20injury%20Feb%201%202014/image_zpse4905dcc.jpg.html)http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/TubeDriver/squirrels%20thigh%20injury%20Feb%201%202014/image_zpsb8988c61.jpg~original (http://s123.photobucket.com/user/TubeDriver/media/squirrels%20thigh%20injury%20Feb%201%202014/image_zpsb8988c61.jpg.html)

Carol Lynn
06-03-2014, 11:30 AM
Just use the tip of a steak knife and twist it around. It makes nice, neat little holes.

I'll try it. Nuts and seeds are the only thing I know for sure that he likes.

Carol Lynn
06-03-2014, 11:33 AM
Just for reference, I had a squirrel that had very similar injuries. Mine was able to heal on its own and had a full recovery. But if it gets really infected then AB will help.

http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/TubeDriver/squirrels%20thigh%20injury%20Feb%201%202014/image_zpse4905dcc.jpg~original (http://s123.photobucket.com/user/TubeDriver/media/squirrels%20thigh%20injury%20Feb%201%202014/image_zpse4905dcc.jpg.html)http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/TubeDriver/squirrels%20thigh%20injury%20Feb%201%202014/image_zpsb8988c61.jpg~original (http://s123.photobucket.com/user/TubeDriver/media/squirrels%20thigh%20injury%20Feb%201%202014/image_zpsb8988c61.jpg.html)

Wow, yes that looks VERY similar!! I will try to upload the most recent picture later to show you. The one I had a couple of years ago had a very similar injury and she, too, healed up on her own. Just when I thought she was all better, she started a slight limp. The limp got progressively worse in a very short time, and before I knew it, her back legs became paralyzed. I'm glad to hear that some survive it. Do you have any idea what it was that attacked your squirrel? He/she sure is a cutie!

06-03-2014, 11:40 AM
Wow, yes that looks VERY similar!! I will try to upload the most recent picture later to show you. The one I had a couple of years ago had a very similar injury and she, too, healed up on her own. Just when I thought she was all better, she started a slight limp. The limp got progressively worse in a very short time, and before I knew it, her back legs became paralyzed. I'm glad to hear that some survive it. Do you have any idea what it was that attacked your squirrel? He/she sure is a cutie!

I almost think it is a very bad squirrel bite. :eek

06-03-2014, 11:42 AM
I'll try it. Nuts and seeds are the only thing I know for sure that he likes.

Also, when you drill out the hole, you will get some almond nut shavings. I mixed the almond shavings into the AB dosed peanut butter. It firms it up and also adds almond taste to the mixture.

Carol Lynn
06-03-2014, 11:51 AM
Also, when you drill out the hole, you will get some almond nut shavings. I mixed the almond shavings into the AB dosed peanut butter. It firms it up and also adds almond taste to the mixture.

Good to know. Thank you. Anything to make it more palatable for my very discerning customer! :grin3

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 09:21 AM
Also, when you drill out the hole, you will get some almond nut shavings. I mixed the almond shavings into the AB dosed peanut butter. It firms it up and also adds almond taste to the mixture.

Just wanted to give you an update. You were right - the steak knives work really well. I drilled out holes and filled them with the AB/peanut butter/almond shavings mix. Then I covered the sticky part with more almond shavings because he seemed to object to the stickiness of the peanut butter the first time I tried it. So that all went very well.

The bad news was that he did not come around for food when I got home yesterday. I went way out in the back yard and found him foraging way out back. I tossed a nut to him, and he took it up to a tree branch and ate it. Unfortunately, he tucked his head under him and went to sleep after that. In order to get a full dose of meds in him, he needed to eat six nuts. He only ate one. I sat under his tree waiting for him for a couple of hours. Then it started to rain. I put the extras in the fridge and was hoping to try again this morning. I waited at the door from 6 am until 8 am; alas - he never came. I had avocado chopped and ready, too, in case he would eat that, but it all went back in the fridge when I had to leave. Tonight I won't get back until rather late, so not much chance I'll get anything in him today. I'm starting to lose hope with this.

06-04-2014, 10:36 AM
Just wanted to give you an update. You were right - the steak knives work really well. I drilled out holes and filled them with the AB/peanut butter/almond shavings mix. Then I covered the sticky part with more almond shavings because he seemed to object to the stickiness of the peanut butter the first time I tried it. So that all went very well.

The bad news was that he did not come around for food when I got home yesterday. I went way out in the back yard and found him foraging way out back. I tossed a nut to him, and he took it up to a tree branch and ate it. Unfortunately, he tucked his head under him and went to sleep after that. In order to get a full dose of meds in him, he needed to eat six nuts. He only ate one. I sat under his tree waiting for him for a couple of hours. Then it started to rain. I put the extras in the fridge and was hoping to try again this morning. I waited at the door from 6 am until 8 am; alas - he never came. I had avocado chopped and ready, too, in case he would eat that, but it all went back in the fridge when I had to leave. Tonight I won't get back until rather late, so not much chance I'll get anything in him today. I'm starting to lose hope with this.

Can you remind me what med you are using? I was able to get a daily, full adult dose of Cipro in a single almond.

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 10:49 AM
Can you remind me what med you are using? I was able to get a daily, full adult dose of Cipro in a single almond.

I am using Clavamox, but it's a liquid form. I'm supposed to give him 1/4 ML two times a day. That's half an eye-dropper full, and it's hard to get that much in him. If he would have taken it on the pound cake it wouldn't have been a problem, but he doesn't like cake or bread. Even with only a tiny bit of peanut butter just to bind it together, it filled up about 6 nuts. I have four Bactrim pills that were prescribed to me. Do you think it would be better to try to grind that and give him some of that?

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 10:50 AM
I am using Clavamox, but it's a liquid form. I'm supposed to give him 1/4 ML two times a day. That's half an eye-dropper full, and it's hard to get that much in him. If he would have taken it on the pound cake it wouldn't have been a problem, but he doesn't like cake or bread. Even with only a tiny bit of peanut butter just to bind it together, it filled up about 6 nuts. I have four Bactrim pills that were prescribed to me. Do you think it would be better to try to grind that and give him some of that?

If it had been a single almond, I would have been all set yesterday!

06-04-2014, 10:56 AM
I am using Clavamox, but it's a liquid form. I'm supposed to give him 1/4 ML two times a day. That's half an eye-dropper full, and it's hard to get that much in him. If he would have taken it on the pound cake it wouldn't have been a problem, but he doesn't like cake or bread. Even with only a tiny bit of peanut butter just to bind it together, it filled up about 6 nuts. I have four Bactrim pills that were prescribed to me. Do you think it would be better to try to grind that and give him some of that?

How does the injury look? Any worse (redder, swelling, discharge).

I think it will be very difficult to dose a squirrel with that large amount.

If the injury looks no worse and he is acting fine, I might just hold off for now. You could try Metro or Cipro or perhaps get Clavamox in a more concentrated form?

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 11:22 AM
How does the injury look? Any worse (redder, swelling, discharge).

I think it will be very difficult to dose a squirrel with that large amount.

If the injury looks no worse and he is acting fine, I might just hold off for now. You could try Metro or Cipro or perhaps get Clavamox in a more concentrated form?

It's hard to say, but I think it looks a little worse. It looks bigger, but redder. Originally it looked more black around the puncture wounds. I don't think he is acting fine. He limps badly and just seems really tired. He tucked his head under his chest and just slept there in the tree for a few hours. He'd wake up at times, but then just hunker down and rest again. I can try to see if the vet will give me a pill form instead. I have Bactrim at home that was prescribed for me. Is that ever used for squirrels?

06-04-2014, 11:25 AM
It's hard to say, but I think it looks a little worse. It looks bigger, but redder. Originally it looked more black around the puncture wounds. I don't think he is acting fine. He limps badly and just seems really tired. He tucked his head under his chest and just slept there in the tree for a few hours. He'd wake up at times, but then just hunker down and rest again. I can try to see if the vet will give me a pill form instead. I have Bactrim at home that was prescribed for me. Is that ever used for squirrels?

It is but I am not sure it is effective for his type of wound. I'll try and find out for you.

Nancy in New York
06-04-2014, 11:56 AM
I am using Clavamox, but it's a liquid form. I'm supposed to give him 1/4 ML two times a day. That's half an eye-dropper full, and it's hard to get that much in him. If he would have taken it on the pound cake it wouldn't have been a problem, but he doesn't like cake or bread. Even with only a tiny bit of peanut butter just to bind it together, it filled up about 6 nuts. I have four Bactrim pills that were prescribed to me. Do you think it would be better to try to grind that and give him some of that?

What is the strength of the Clavamox? A 1/4 of a mil twice daily seems like an awfully high dose.
What weight are you guesstimating?

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 12:02 PM
What is the strength of the Clavamox? A 1/4 of a mil twice daily seems like an awfully high dose.

I am not sure about the strength, and I am not at home right now to check the bottle. I will let you know as soon as I get home this evening. I hope a smaller dose is okay for a squirrel because I'm sure I didn't get that much in him yesterday and so far I haven't gotten any in him today. My husband said that he would go home during his lunch break to see if he is there. If so, he'll give him the meds-filled nuts I have ready for him.

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 12:03 PM
What is the strength of the Clavamox? A 1/4 of a mil twice daily seems like an awfully high dose.
What weight are you guesstimating?

Oh, and about his weight, I have no idea what a squirrel weighs, but he is a rather large male squirrel, probably at least 3 years old if that is any help.

Nancy in New York
06-04-2014, 12:24 PM
Oh, and about his weight, I have no idea what a squirrel weighs, but he is a rather large male squirrel, probably at least 3 years old if that is any help.

We ususally dose by weight of a squirrel that's why I asked.
I can send you some Baytril if you pm me your address.
OR if you can find anyone that has just ONE Cipro tablet, we can
break that down for you and dose that? Cipro is usally used in humans
for UTI's, and Baytril is the animal equivalent. :thumbsup

Nancy in New York
06-04-2014, 12:26 PM
I just saw that you are in New Jersey, if I get the Baytril in the mail today, you
will have it no later than Friday I would suspect.

06-04-2014, 12:47 PM
I just saw that you are in New Jersey, if I get the Baytril in the mail today, you
will have it no later than Friday I would suspect.

Great offer.:thumbsup

Carol Lynn - Baytril is a strong AB, maybe not as good for punctures as Clavamox but you will never be able to get that volume of clavamox in a wild squirrel on a daily basis.

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 01:02 PM
Great offer.:thumbsup

Carol Lynn - Baytril is a strong AB, maybe not as good for punctures as Clavamox but you will never be able to get that volume of clavamox in a wild squirrel on a daily basis.

Yes, that was a great offer! Let's hope it works and he can hang on a bit longer. I can see that I'll never be able to get all of that AB in him for ten days.

06-04-2014, 01:21 PM
Yes, that was a great offer! Let's hope it works and he can hang on a bit longer. I can see that I'll never be able to get all of that AB in him for ten days.

Send Nancy a PM.

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 01:32 PM
Send Nancy a PM.

Yes, I already did! Lucky day!! :)

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 01:33 PM
I just saw that you are in New Jersey, if I get the Baytril in the mail today, you
will have it no later than Friday I would suspect.

:thankyou I really, really appreciate your help!!! :Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
06-04-2014, 04:39 PM
:thankyou I really, really appreciate your help!!! :Love_Icon

Never a problem. Can't wait for your little one to be on the mend.
Remember we "need" tons of pictures. :grin2

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 08:59 PM
Never a problem. Can't wait for your little one to be on the mend.
Remember we "need" tons of pictures. :grin2

I just tried to resize these pictures on my Mac. I hope they don't come out too big this time. I also hope you can see his injury. The second picture is bad, but it was the only one I could get the following day. I think you can see that it looks bigger at least.236324236325

06-04-2014, 09:25 PM
It does look larger in the second picture. He also has some swelling on his head near ear. Poor little fellow. I think AB will help him heal.:thumbsup

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 09:42 PM
It does look larger in the second picture. He also has some swelling on his head near ear. Poor little fellow. I think AB will help him heal.:thumbsup

Yes, unfortunately, the first day when he was eating at his bowl, I only noticed the head and ear injuries. Do you notice on the second picture, though, that his ear is now standing up again? I guess that is an improvement at least. When he first showed up at my door, I thought the one ear was totally gone.

More bad news, though - I didn't see him all day. I waited for him from 6 to 8 in the morning, and then looked for him again all night. He didn't come around, though. So he didn't get any AB in him at all today. I had his nuts all ready to go. :(

Nancy in New York
06-04-2014, 09:45 PM
Awe poor little peanut.
I sure hope that you see him again.
Sometimes they just disappear for a couple of
days, we think the worst, and then BAM, they are back
at our door. Fingers crossed.
Baytril is a pretty fast acting antibiotic, so hopefully he will
be well on the mend once he gets dosed. :thumbsup

Carol Lynn
06-04-2014, 09:58 PM
Awe poor little peanut.
I sure hope that you see him again.
Sometimes they just disappear for a couple of
days, we think the worst, and then BAM, they are back
at our door. Fingers crossed.
Baytril is a pretty fast acting antibiotic, so hopefully he will
be well on the mend once he gets dosed. :thumbsup

Yeah, I think he's still around, I think it was just because I had to be out of the house all day that I wasn't here when he came by. I'm really hoping to see him tomorrow. He's a wreck, though, isn't he? And originally he was the most handsome squirrel ever (IMHO).:Love_Icon

Thank you so much again, Nancy. I'm really hoping that there will be a happy ending to this story.

Carol Lynn
06-06-2014, 08:14 AM
Just wanted to give you all an update. I did not see him yesterday or the day before, and so far he hasn't come around yet this morning. :(

06-06-2014, 10:28 AM
Keeping fingers crossed. Make sure there is a bowl of fresh water out for him. Change it daily.

Carol Lynn
06-06-2014, 12:28 PM
Keeping fingers crossed. Make sure there is a bowl of fresh water out for him. Change it daily.

Thanks, TubeDriver. I will. I've been putting food out too, just in case.

Carol Lynn
06-06-2014, 02:59 PM
Update - just saw him on my deck eating from a bowl of seeds and nuts. Unfortunately, when I tossed a AB-filled nut to him, he went away, leaving the nut behind. Anyway, he is still alive. His head injury looks better - the ear is now definitely standing up again. His leg has a very angry looking red wound on it, though. He is still limping, but seems to be able to move pretty quickly when he wants to. When he ran off, he stopped for a good long drink at his water bowl. Please continue to send good thoughts his way. :Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
06-06-2014, 05:06 PM
Update - just saw him on my deck eating from a bowl of seeds and nuts. Unfortunately, when I tossed a AB-filled nut to him, he went away, leaving the nut behind. Anyway, he is still alive. His head injury looks better - the ear is now definitely standing up again. His leg has a very angry looking red wound on it, though. He is still limping, but seems to be able to move pretty quickly when he wants to. When he ran off, he stopped for a good long drink at his water bowl. Please continue to send good thoughts his way. :Love_Icon

Fantastic news. Did the Baytril come? If not hopefully tomorrow.
If you go out, pick up some Capstar at your local pet store. Get the one
with the lowest weight on it, I think that's 2 lbs.With the heat
and the open wound, I would hate to see him get maggots.

Carol Lynn
06-06-2014, 07:35 PM
Hi Everyone,

He came back again and I finally managed to get some AB in him. I tried three times and he finally took it on a piece of avocado. Hurray!! The piece broke when I tossed it to him, though, and he couldn't find the second piece, so he didn't get the full dose. He ate most of it, though. He also ate a lot of seeds and nuts. His ear is standing again, but there's a pretty big gash behind his ear. There's also very angry wound on his leg. Please see the pictures.236456236457

Carol Lynn
06-06-2014, 07:39 PM
Fantastic news. Did the Baytril come? If not hopefully tomorrow.
If you go out, pick up some Capstar at your local pet store. Get the one
with the lowest weight on it, I think that's 2 lbs.With the heat
and the open wound, I would hate to see him get maggots.

Hi Nancy,

The Baytril, unfortunately, did not come today. I gave him the Clavamox today. Hopefully the Baytril will come tomorrow. I will also pick up some Capstar. I didn't know they sold that in the pet store. Last time I got it from the vet, but it was for a feral cat I took in that wouldn't let me touch her. Should I give him the whole pill (of the lowest weight, of course)? Did you see the latest pictures? Doesn't it look awful? He actually seems a bit stronger today, though.

Carol Lynn
06-07-2014, 08:01 AM
Update - haven't seen him yet this morning but will wait until his usual feeding time is past and then will run out to get Capstar. Hopefully the AB will arrive today, too.

Has anyone seen the pictures I posted last night yet? What do you think? Does this look like a wound he can recover from? And BTW, did you all notice his handsome little face? :Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
06-07-2014, 08:27 AM
I did read last night, but was too rushed to comment. :)
The wound is LARGE but it almost looks, "ok" in that it doesn't look pussy or
weepy, it looks like there is a scab there, as long as there is no odor or maggots.
With the Capstar, you would give 1/4 of a pill any way that you can get him to take it.
Also I used a Capstar flush on a little one that I just had, but I doubt that he will allow you to do that.

I too hope the ab comes today. I thought for sure that since I am only 1 state away you would get it
super fast.....:tap

Nancy in New York
06-07-2014, 08:30 AM
Just one more thing. there is a thread here, which I am ashamed to say, I have not kept up with, but
there is a squirrel with a large open wound. It may be interesting for you to see what helped this little one
as this is also a wild squirrel.


Carol Lynn
06-07-2014, 09:04 AM
I did read last night, but was too rushed to comment. :)
The wound is LARGE but it almost looks, "ok" in that it doesn't look pussy or
weepy, it looks like there is a scab there, as long as there is no odor or maggots.
With the Capstar, you would give 1/4 of a pill any way that you can get him to take it.
Also I used a Capstar flush on a little one that I just had, but I doubt that he will allow you to do that.

I too hope the ab comes today. I thought for sure that since I am only 1 state away you would get it
super fast.....:tap

Thanks so much, Nancy. Yes, the wound is very large, and that's what has me so scared. I think there is a small patch of dirty hair in the middle. Originally it was two fang punctures on top and two fang punctures on the bottom, and there was more hair surrounding it all. Then the hair started disappearing little by little (I don't know if he pulled it out or what), and the red area kept getting bigger and bigger. It sure does look nasty. As I said, though, he seemed a bit stronger somehow, and his ear is now standing up again. Originally we thought the whole ear was gone.

Is it okay to give the Capstar at the same time as the AB, or should they be in different bits of food?

Carol Lynn
06-07-2014, 09:05 AM
Just one more thing. there is a thread here, which I am ashamed to say, I have not kept up with, but
there is a squirrel with a large open wound. It may be interesting for you to see what helped this little one
as this is also a wild squirrel.


Thank you - I will read it. I will also let you know if the AB comes today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks so much again for all of your help!! :thankyou

Carol Lynn
06-07-2014, 09:07 AM
I did read last night, but was too rushed to comment. :)
The wound is LARGE but it almost looks, "ok" in that it doesn't look pussy or
weepy, it looks like there is a scab there, as long as there is no odor or maggots.
With the Capstar, you would give 1/4 of a pill any way that you can get him to take it.
Also I used a Capstar flush on a little one that I just had, but I doubt that he will allow you to do that.

I too hope the ab comes today. I thought for sure that since I am only 1 state away you would get it
super fast.....:tap

PS I'm so glad to hear that you think it looks okay as far as bad wounds go. No, I didn't notice any bad smell, and there didn't seem to be any pus. It actually looked kinda dry from what I could see.

Nancy in New York
06-07-2014, 10:38 AM
Thanks so much, Nancy. Yes, the wound is very large, and that's what has me so scared. I think there is a small patch of dirty hair in the middle. Originally it was two fang punctures on top and two fang punctures on the bottom, and there was more hair surrounding it all. Then the hair started disappearing little by little (I don't know if he pulled it out or what), and the red area kept getting bigger and bigger. It sure does look nasty. As I said, though, he seemed a bit stronger somehow, and his ear is now standing up again. Originally we thought the whole ear was gone.

Is it okay to give the Capstar at the same time as the AB, or should they be in different bits of food?

You can give it at the same time. Hopefully he will take it.
Perhaps if you crush it up in a tiny bit of peanut butter, he would like that. :dono
Yes, I saw the ear standing up. :thumbsup:):Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
06-07-2014, 12:44 PM
You can give it at the same time. Hopefully he will take it.
Perhaps if you crush it up in a tiny bit of peanut butter, he would like that. :dono
Yes, I saw the ear standing up. :thumbsup:):Love_Icon

Great! Thank you! I haven't seen him yet today, but we're keeping an eye out for him! :thankyou

Carol Lynn
06-08-2014, 08:46 PM

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give you an update. I didn't see him for the past two days, but he came around today and ate greedily at the seed bowl. I threw out some avocado with AB on it for him, but he only ate half of it. He seemed to be walking pretty well, but the wound still looks bad. I'm hoping he comes again tomorrow. Please send good thoughts his way. :thankyou

Nancy in New York
06-08-2014, 09:03 PM
OUCH that is a huge wound. It does look bad, but they have exceptional healing powers.
Did he get the wounds on his head at the same time?
I wonder if it was mating time, and he got into a ruckus with another squirrel.
Poor baby, it's tough out there.

Carol Lynn
06-09-2014, 12:54 PM
OUCH that is a huge wound. It does look bad, but they have exceptional healing powers.
Did he get the wounds on his head at the same time?
I wonder if it was mating time, and he got into a ruckus with another squirrel.
Poor baby, it's tough out there.

I have my mother here right now, so I will give a more detailed update later. Just wanted to let you know that he was in my tree this morning, although he hasn't come around for food yet. I managed to get a really good look at his injury through the binoculars, though. It's still just as large, but it looks very clean. It actually looks like a pink piece of steak like you would see in the supermarket. I'm hoping that that's a good thing - I definitely don't see any pus or oozing. He was also using the leg to scratch his neck, and he seems to be getting around quite well, although he does favor that leg a bit. The mailman hasn't been around yet, but I will keep you posted. Thank you again!! :thankyou

Carol Lynn
06-09-2014, 12:59 PM
OUCH that is a huge wound. It does look bad, but they have exceptional healing powers.
Did he get the wounds on his head at the same time?
I wonder if it was mating time, and he got into a ruckus with another squirrel.
Poor baby, it's tough out there.

Oops!! I'm sorry! I forgot to answer your question. Yes, he got the head injury at the same time. Originally I only noticed the head injury - I didn't notice until later that he was limping. It was harder to see the leg injury at first. It was two puncture holes on top and two on the bottom, all surrounded by hair. The hair didn't disappear until a couple of days later. Would a squirrel bite make two puncture holes?? I worried at first that it might be a cat because of the placement of the holes. We also have raccoons around here.

06-09-2014, 01:08 PM
Squirrel bites usually look like 2 bite holes not 4 holes.What you are describing could be two separate squirrel bites but could also be a raccoon or cat bite.

That wound is pretty bad but as you noted, it looks clean, not a lot of swelling or discharge. He can absolutely heal from that wound, the worry is infection. As long as he does not get some type of bad infection, I would predict that he will have a complete recovery.

He does look a little thin, I would continue to give him plenty of treats and fresh water along with any med treatment you can get into him.

He is a cute squirrel with a smart looking face! :thumbsup

Carol Lynn
06-09-2014, 01:30 PM
Squirrel bites usually look like 2 bite holes not 4 holes.What you are describing could be two separate squirrel bites but could also be a raccoon or cat bite.

That wound is pretty bad but as you noted, it looks clean, not a lot of swelling or discharge. He can absolutely heal from that wound, the worry is infection. As long as he does not get some type of bad infection, I would predict that he will have a complete recovery.

He does look a little thin, I would continue to give him plenty of treats and fresh water along with any med treatment you can get into him.

He is a cute squirrel with a smart looking face! :thumbsup

I'm so glad to hear that you think it looks hopeful!! I'm worried, though, that it may have been a cat bite. I've heard that cat bites are always deadly unless they're treated with AB right away. Is that true? And if so, would he still even be hanging in there a couple weeks after being bitten? I sure hope it wasn't a cat, but we have quite a few strays around here and he has one bad eye.

I am trying to get more and more avocado in him since it's high in calories. Other than seeds and nuts, is there anything I should be giving him? Where do you all get those squirrel treats that I see people mentioning in other threads? I checked the pet stores around here, but they have nothing for squirrels.

Thank you for the compliment! :thank you I love his little face! I even have a 5 x 7 picture of him on my desk at work!! :):Love_Icon

06-09-2014, 01:46 PM
I'm so glad to hear that you think it looks hopeful!! I'm worried, though, that it may have been a cat bite. I've heard that cat bites are always deadly unless they're treated with AB right away. Is that true? And if so, would he still even be hanging in there a couple weeks after being bitten? I sure hope it wasn't a cat, but we have quite a few strays around here and he has one bad eye.

I am trying to get more and more avocado in him since it's high in calories. Other than seeds and nuts, is there anything I should be giving him? Where do you all get those squirrel treats that I see people mentioning in other threads? I checked the pet stores around here, but they have nothing for squirrels.

Thank you for the compliment! :thank you I love his little face! I even have a 5 x 7 picture of him on my desk at work!! :):Love_Icon

I would continue to give him avocado. Almonds are among the best nuts for a squirrel to eat. Almonds are not exactly healthy but they will give him protein and fat.

I also usually have a bag of Henries Wild bites around. I give these selectively to my younger or injured wilds along with almonds. I will usually give them the 1-2 HHB first and then some almonds. Not all squirrel like HHBs but a hungry squirrel will eat them. You can find them here:


If he eats the HHBs but starts to pick out the nuts and not eat the rest, I will take a handful of HHB, grind them up and mix with ground up almonds (50/50% mix). I then use apple sauce as a binder.

Carol Lynn
06-09-2014, 01:52 PM
I would continue to give him avocado. Almonds are among the best nuts for a squirrel to eat. Almonds are not exactly healthy but they will give him protein and fat.

I also usually have a bag of Henries Wild bites around. I give these selectively to my younger or injured wilds along with almonds. I will usually give them the 1-2 HHB first and then some almonds. Not all squirrel like HHBs but a hungry squirrel will eat them. You can find them here:


If he eats the HHBs but starts to pick out the nuts and not eat the rest, I will take a handful of HHB, grind them up and mix with ground up almonds (50/50% mix). I then use apple sauce as a binder.

Thanks, Tube Driver. I am going to order some right now, and later on when I go to the store I'll pick up more almonds. He's a fussy eater, but I'll keep trying to diversify his diet a bit and get some more weight on him.

BTW, I just saw him run across my backyard, up the fence, and then across the top of the fence all the way down the length of the backyard. He can't be in too, too much pain judging by the way he's getting around. Thank you again! :thankyou

06-09-2014, 02:12 PM
Thanks, Tube Driver. I am going to order some right now, and later on when I go to the store I'll pick up more almonds. He's a fussy eater, but I'll keep trying to diversify his diet a bit and get some more weight on him.

BTW, I just saw him run across my backyard, up the fence, and then across the top of the fence all the way down the length of the backyard. He can't be in too, too much pain judging by the way he's getting around. Thank you again! :thankyou

I think that any weight you can get on him is good. Even junk calories will help him to have to forage less so he can save up his strength and heal. Try the boo balls if he reject the HHBs and give them to him before any other treats are offered.

He looks like a sweet little fellow, I hope he gets better.

06-09-2014, 02:15 PM
I should have mentioned earlier that cat bites are considered deadly to squirrels. Cats have a very nasty combination of bacteria in their mouths so that their bites should almost be considered venomous. I dont think all cats bites are 100% fatal but certainly younger squirrels often will die from a seemingly mild cat bite because of infection. If we suspect a cat bite, we start to treat with ABs.

Carol Lynn
06-11-2014, 10:29 AM
Hi everyone,

My injured squirrel just came around a few minutes ago, and I finally seemed to get a good dose of AB in him! He ate like a little piggy, had a few drinks of water, and then took off again. He seems to be getting around quite well, and is it my imagination, or does his wound look a little bit better today? Please let me know what you think. :thankyou236736

Nancy in New York
06-11-2014, 10:46 AM
I just wanted to put the two photos together for reference.
I definitely think he looks A LOT better today. WOW this sure is great
seeing him, and there IS noticeable improvement. It doesn't look as raw,
it's closing up, and his head is looking really great!
Keep up the good work
with your little buddy! :Love_Icon

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-jcHg2Fw/0/M/i-jcHg2Fw-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/38695429_GSBZbK#!i=3309324345&k=jcHg2Fw&lb=1&s=A)http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-WzBst6X/0/M/i-WzBst6X-M.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/Other/TSB-resizing-2/38695429_GSBZbK#!i=3309324343&k=WzBst6X&lb=1&s=A)

06-11-2014, 10:56 AM
Looks much better! :thumbsup

Carol Lynn
06-11-2014, 11:09 AM
Oh, I'm so glad to hear that you both think he looks better!! Thanks so much!! :thank you

Thank you for putting the pictures side by side, Nancy! It makes it much easier to compare the two like that. The wound doesn't look quite as angry as it did a few days ago, and it even looks a little bit smaller to me. I can tell from the way he's acting that he's feeling better, too. Let's hope he keeps making progress.

Thank you all again for all of the help and advice!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon

06-11-2014, 11:45 AM
Looking better. Thanks for helping this guy:grouphug

Carol Lynn
06-14-2014, 11:13 AM
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give you all an update. I haven't seen him yet today, but for the past couple of days I've been able to get good doses of AB in him, and I think he's looking a little better. Here's a picture from yesterday. Thanks so much again for all your help!! :thank you:Love_Icon


06-14-2014, 03:09 PM
:thumbsup That does look better. Nice job! Thanks for the update.:)

Carol Lynn
06-14-2014, 03:20 PM
Great! Thanks for letting me know. Glad to hear it isn't just wishful thinking on my part! :)

:thumbsup That does look better. Nice job! Thanks for the update.:)

Nancy in New York
06-14-2014, 03:47 PM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That is really looking fantastic. No weeping, just nice and clean and pink!
Nice job there mama!
Nose sure is one lucky little squirrel to have landed in YOUR yard. :Love_Icon

Is his fur around his ear area getting a little sparse again? It seemed like in the last picture
there was more fur.

Carol Lynn
06-14-2014, 04:28 PM
I think that maybe the fur around his ear was always a little sparser than it appeared in some of the previous pictures. Originally it was the injury to his head that I noticed - that one couldn't be missed - I didn't notice his leg wound until several days later when I noticed him limping.

I'm glad to hear that you think he's looking better! :) I hope he gets well soon so I can go off sentry duty!! :grin3

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That is really looking fantastic. No weeping, just nice and clean and pink!
Nice job there mama!
Nose sure is one lucky little squirrel to have landed in YOUR yard. :Love_Icon

Is his fur around his ear area getting a little sparse again? It seemed like in the last picture
there was more fur.

Carol Lynn
06-14-2014, 05:49 PM
You know what, Nancy? I looked again and I think you're right. I know that area was always pretty bad, but it does look sparser in the recent photos than it did before. I didn't notice it when he was right in front of me. What could that be caused by now?? He hasn't shown up for a second meal yet, but I got a good dose in him earlier today. I will look for him again in the morning.

I think that maybe the fur around his ear was always a little sparser than it appeared in some of the previous pictures. Originally it was the injury to his head that I noticed - that one couldn't be missed - I didn't notice his leg wound until several days later when I noticed him limping.

I'm glad to hear that you think he's looking better! :) I hope he gets well soon so I can go off sentry duty!! :grin3

Carol Lynn
06-16-2014, 09:36 AM
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give you all an update. I have had so much good luck getting AB in him this week. This morning I saw him out in the tree, and when I called him he came right down like a good boy and happily took a nut. He ate four large walnut halves with AB before he got stuffed and went off - about a day's dose. Hurray! He is getting much bolder, moving around much more like his old self, and the wound seems to me to be getting smaller each day. I couldn't get any great pictures because now that he's feeling better, he takes the nuts back to the tree to eat, but here are two anyway, one from yesterday and one from today. The one from yesterday shows his head injury a bit better, and the one from today shows his leg wound. Please let me know what you think if you have time. Thanks so much again!! :thank you

06-16-2014, 09:39 AM
Treats, fresh water and ABs should do the trick! Keep it up, hopefully he will be better in a week or so.

Carol Lynn
06-16-2014, 09:49 AM
Treats, fresh water and ABs should do the trick! Keep it up, hopefully he will be better in a week or so.

Thanks so much, TubeDriver! He'll certainly continue to get the royal treatment! It's so, so encouraging to see him making progress! Thank you again for all of your help and advice!! It is much appreciated!! :thankyou

06-16-2014, 11:47 AM
I see this dated as March. How is he doing now? You did a good job.

Carol Lynn
06-16-2014, 12:35 PM
Hello Annie,

No, actually, it's not March - the pictures were just taken today and yesterday. I think he's doing quite well - much better than he was a week ago, that's for sure!! Thanks for asking! :thank you
QUOTE=anniedancer;1018236]I see this dated as March. How is he doing now? You did a good job.

Nancy in New York
06-16-2014, 09:27 PM
WOW Nose is looking so much better.
That's getting smaller by the day! Great job taking
care of your little visitor. He's so lucky to have you watching out
for him.
Glad that he is feeling better and moving better. In no time
this will just be a memory, and he has you to thank for healing him. :Love_Icon

06-17-2014, 06:10 AM
Wow! He looks fantastic. That leg wound is healing beautifully. You have done an outstanding job caring for your little friend. Its amazing what the love of a squirrel can accomplish. He is such a handsome guy, and I can sure see why he stole your heart.

Put a feather in your cap! :thumbsup

Carol Lynn
06-17-2014, 12:40 PM
Thank you Nancy and Czarina!! Maybe I spoke too soon about having good luck getting AB in him; so far he hasn't been around at all today and I have to leave the house in a little while! :imp Hope he shows up soon! Will keep you posted on his progress. Thank you again!! :thankyou

Nancy in New York
06-17-2014, 04:18 PM
Thank you Nancy and Czarina!! Maybe I spoke too soon about having good luck getting AB in him; so far he hasn't been around at all today and I have to leave the house in a little while! :imp Hope he shows up soon! Will keep you posted on his progress. Thank you again!! :thankyou

See we always curse ourselves when we tell how good things are going. :tap:):tap

Carol Lynn
06-18-2014, 04:19 PM
Hi Nancy and everyone,

Well, yesterday was a bad day - I didn't see him at all. Today, however, he came back and took a good dose of his AB as usual. I hope it won't hurt that he missed one day in between. Just wanted to send you all a picture so that you could see how nicely his wound is healing up. Sure hope I'm not being a pest with all of these updates! :confused:

See we always curse ourselves when we tell how good things are going. :tap:):tap

Nancy in New York
06-18-2014, 04:26 PM
Oh goodness, you could never be a pest. It just goes to show that with good care
and antibiotics, how well a squirrel can heal. Missing one dose is fine, how much longer
is he on the abs?
He really is looking SO much better, compared to the first pictures, WOW that was one
nasty looking wound he had there.
Nice job! :bowdown :Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
06-18-2014, 05:14 PM
Thanks for reminding me, Nancy - that was something I had actually meant to ask you - the AB (1 batch) is just about gone, and I guess he's been on it for about a week. Do you think I should just stop when this runs out, or should I prepare another batch and use that or half of that? Should I finish up the Clavamox?

So glad to hear that you think he looks a lot better, too. It seems like it's closing up day by day. It makes me so happy to see him acting like his old self again. When I call him he comes running to see what I've got for him. He's grown fond of those fruit-flavored walnuts, too! :)

Oh goodness, you could never be a pest. It just goes to show that with good care
and antibiotics, how well a squirrel can heal. Missing one dose is fine, how much longer
is he on the abs?
He really is looking SO much better, compared to the first pictures, WOW that was one
nasty looking wound he had there.
Nice job! :bowdown :Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
06-18-2014, 05:37 PM
Thanks for reminding me, Nancy - that was something I had actually meant to ask you - the AB (1 batch) is just about gone, and I guess he's been on it for about a week. Do you think I should just stop when this runs out, or should I prepare another batch and use that or half of that? Should I finish up the Clavamox?

So glad to hear that you think he looks a lot better, too. It seems like it's closing up day by day. It makes me so happy to see him acting like his old self again. When I call him he comes running to see what I've got for him. He's grown fond of those fruit-flavored walnuts, too! :)

:rolf Well he can still get them without the meds of course. :grin2
Typically with a wound like this the course would be 7-10 days. He is responding
really well, so if he has gone at least 7 days, I would stop with the anitibiotics now.
They can be so harsh on their little tummies, that I personally think he is well on his way to
recovering completely. IF you should see any signs of weeping, or it looks worse, we will start him on
another course. Personally, I think he will be fine now, just keep an eye on it..........I know you will. :grin2:poke

island rehabber
06-18-2014, 06:30 PM
Great job with this guy, Carol Lynn -- and Nancy! :thumbsup He does look so much better. Isn't it a breeze when we can use Clavamox in that yummy flavor? :)

Carol Lynn
06-18-2014, 08:09 PM
Thanks, Nancy. I think I will stop him on it then. He does look like he's doing so much better day by day, doesn't he? His usual old personality is back, too, which makes me so happy!!! And none of it would have happened with out you, so thank you so much!!! You are a real life saver!! :thank you :Love_Icon:Love_Icon

:rolf Well he can still get them without the meds of course. :grin2
Typically with a wound like this the course would be 7-10 days. He is responding
really well, so if he has gone at least 7 days, I would stop with the anitibiotics now.
They can be so harsh on their little tummies, that I personally think he is well on his way to
recovering completely. IF you should see any signs of weeping, or it looks worse, we will start him on
another course. Personally, I think he will be fine now, just keep an eye on it..........I know you will. :grin2:poke

Carol Lynn
06-18-2014, 08:10 PM
Thanks so much for the kind words, Island Rehabber. He sure is making good progress, and I'm hoping he'll be back to his handsome old self soon!! :Love_Icon

Great job with this guy, Carol Lynn -- and Nancy! :thumbsup He does look so much better. Isn't it a breeze when we can use Clavamox in that yummy flavor? :)

06-18-2014, 08:24 PM
Just being cautious, but perhaps it is worth it to try and go for the full 10 days of AB treatment? He is healing really well and that wound looked pretty bad at first and is still open and fairly large (although overall it is smaller and looks like it is healing nicely), maybe just continue dosing for the next 3 days and then discontinue?

Just a thought, I would certainly defer to folks with more experience (like Nancy) if they think the GI risk at this point outweighs the risk of infection?

Carol Lynn
06-18-2014, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the input, Tube Driver. :thank you I do still have a little bit left of this batch (plus two walnut halves in the fridge all prepared already). Do you think I should try to finish it out? I'll certainly do what you all think is best.

Just being cautious, but perhaps it is worth it to try and go for the full 10 days of AB treatment? He is healing really well and that wound looked pretty bad at first and is still open and fairly large (although overall it is smaller and looks like it is healing nicely), maybe just continue dosing for the next 3 days and then discontinue?

Just a thought, I would certainly defer to folks with more experience (like Nancy) if they think the GI risk at this point outweighs the risk of infection?

06-19-2014, 07:35 AM
Thanks for the input, Tube Driver. :thank you I do still have a little bit left of this batch (plus two walnut halves in the fridge all prepared already). Do you think I should try to finish it out? I'll certainly do what you all think is best.

Nancy has far more experience with squirrels so I would defer to her expertise. My thoughts were that the injury was pretty large, he is responding well and that going a full 10 days just to be safe would probably not cause any more GI issues than are already there from the first 7 days of treatment?

I have a squirrel with almost exactly the same wound. it is slightly more forward on the leg and the poor squirrel is not using his leg at all. What worries me is that this guy is acting very scared, reclusive and quiet. I saw a black cat nearby when I first saw this squirrel a week or so ago. The would looks to be healing but he has not regained any use of the leg and I worry about internal/structural issues.

Carol Lynn
06-19-2014, 07:55 AM
That doesn't sound good at all. I know when my squirrel was in a bad way, he also acted very weird - exactly like you said: scared, reclusive, and quiet. That's why I was so happy to see him acting like his old self again. I knew he was feeling better. It sounds like your poor little one could have something torn or broken inside if the wound is healing and he still isn't getting back to normal. What do people usually recommend in that case? Is it possible to trap him and have him seen by a doctor, or would that be too stressful? Was he on AB, too, just in case the wound came from that cat?

I will send lots of good thoughts his way, TubeDriver. I know how it is to be worried about one of these little guys. They certainly are easy to fall in love with. Please keep me posted on his progress. :grouphug

Nancy has far more experience with squirrels so I would defer to her expertise. My thoughts were that the injury was pretty large, he is responding well and that going a full 10 days just to be safe would probably not cause any more GI issues than are already there from the first 7 days of treatment?

I have a squirrel with almost exactly the same wound. it is slightly more forward on the leg and the poor squirrel is not using his leg at all. What worries me is that this guy is acting very scared, reclusive and quiet. I saw a black cat nearby when I first saw this squirrel a week or so ago. The would looks to be healing but he has not regained any use of the leg and I worry about internal/structural issues.

06-19-2014, 08:00 AM
That doesn't sound good at all. I know when my squirrel was in a bad way, he also acted very weird - exactly like you said: scared, reclusive, and quiet. That's why I was so happy to see him acting like his old self again. I knew he was feeling better. It sounds like your poor little one could have something torn or broken inside if the wound is healing and he still isn't getting back to normal. What do people usually recommend in that case? Is it possible to trap him and have him seen by a doctor, or would that be too stressful? Was he on AB, too, just in case the wound came from that cat?

I will send lots of good thoughts his way, TubeDriver. I know how it is to be worried about one of these little guys. They certainly are easy to fall in love with. Please keep me posted on his progress. :grouphug

I only see this little fellow once or twice a week so treating him with ABs would be difficult. If I see him lose weight or get sick, I will consider trapping him and trying to treat him inside with a rehabbers help.

He did get a bunch of almond treats today so he has a full belly right now.

Nancy in New York
06-19-2014, 08:36 AM
Nancy has far more experience with squirrels so I would defer to her expertise. My thoughts were that the injury was pretty large, he is responding well and that going a full 10 days just to be safe would probably not cause any more GI issues than are already there from the first 7 days of treatment?

I have a squirrel with almost exactly the same wound. it is slightly more forward on the leg and the poor squirrel is not using his leg at all. What worries me is that this guy is acting very scared, reclusive and quiet. I saw a black cat nearby when I first saw this squirrel a week or so ago. The would looks to be healing but he has not regained any use of the leg and I worry about internal/structural issues.

I agree that you can continue with the Clavamox for the additional three days.
However my only concern was, how long was he on the Baytril and the initial Clavamox.
In other words, how many days total has he been on meds., regardless of what they were. :):Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
06-19-2014, 09:52 AM
Well, I learned something here. I really should have been keeping better records, and if this happens again, I certainly will. I really don't know why I didn't do so from the beginning. I should have been writing it all down. I know I lost at least half of the bottle of Clavamox testing it out on things he wouldn't eat. And then there were a couple of days when he got an extremely small (if any) amount in him (the avocado days) because he would eat the edges and then throw away the part with the Clavamox in it. The walnut days were the really effective ones, and I believe it has been a week, although there was the one day when he didn't have any. I would say he has been taking meds in earnest for a week. He has four nuts left, which is about a day's dose. Maybe I should give him those, and then wait and see how he's doing? He certainly is eating like a little piggy, and he's looking so good!!

P.S. If you think I should continue with the Clavamox I have left, I'm guessing it's enough for another day and half.

I agree that you can continue with the Clavamox for the additional three days.
However my only concern was, how long was he on the Baytril and the initial Clavamox.
In other words, how many days total has he been on meds., regardless of what they were. :):Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
06-19-2014, 09:56 AM
I hate when that happens! It's such a worry! My little guy was one of those who came around regularly, although not every day. He didn't start coming around every day until he was injured, and I guess he knew this was a reliable food source. The other problem, of course, is that they don't come around on a regular schedule, so you have to be glued to the door looking for them! I feel like I lost the past few months just looking out the back door trying to find him!! :) Well, good luck with him, and please keep us posted. They certainly don't have an easy life out there, do they?

I only see this little fellow once or twice a week so treating him with ABs would be difficult. If I see him lose weight or get sick, I will consider trapping him and trying to treat him inside with a rehabbers help.

He did get a bunch of almond treats today so he has a full belly right now.

06-19-2014, 10:18 AM
Well, I learned something here. I really should have been keeping better records, and if this happens again, I certainly will. I really don't know why I didn't do so from the beginning. I should have been writing it all down. I know I lost at least half of the bottle of Clavamox testing it out on things he wouldn't eat. And then there were a couple of days when he got an extremely small (if any) amount in him (the avocado days) because he would eat the edges and then throw away the part with the Clavamox in it. The walnut days were the really effective ones, and I believe it has been a week, although there was the one day when he didn't have any. I would say he has been taking meds in earnest for a week. He has four nuts left, which is about a day's dose. Maybe I should give him those, and then wait and see how he's doing? He certainly is eating like a little piggy, and he's looking so good!!

P.S. If you think I should continue with the Clavamox I have left, I'm guessing it's enough for another day and half.

Based on that, I would continue and finish up whatever you have left (day or so) of the ABs.

Nancy in New York
06-19-2014, 02:48 PM
Based on that, I would continue and finish up whatever you have left (day or so) of the ABs.

I agree.
I know it's difficult dosing a wild squirrel, with the missed doses and the change in drugs etc.
He is looking fantastic, so we KNOW you are definitely doing something right! :thumbsup:Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
06-19-2014, 07:30 PM
Hi Nancy, Tubedriver, and everyone,

Just got to thinking before - how could I have said that I haven't been writing things down when I've been posting his progress reports to this site almost every day?!? What a dummy I am!! I went back and re-read my posts, and it seems that it wasn't until the 11th that I started getting the ABs into him quite regularly, although he did miss a dose or two here or there. So I will finish up the Clavamox. He came around like a good boy before I had to leave the house this morning and had his four walnut halves. He seems to be doing well. Below is a picture from today. He's such a sweetheart!! I just love this little guy!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon237252

Thank you all again!! :thankyou

Carol Lynn
06-19-2014, 07:31 PM
BTW, any news on your little guy?? Did he come around today?? Sure hope he's okay. Sending good thoughts his way!! :Love_Icon

Based on that, I would continue and finish up whatever you have left (day or so) of the ABs.

06-19-2014, 07:56 PM
That injury looks MUCH better!:thumbsup. He is a "dirty faced" squirrel meaning that he has the darker colored facial coloring, very cool!

My injured guy came around this morning. He ate some treats and I think he had some fresh water but I did not get a picture. He was hiding under my grill, the other squirrels sort of ignored the poor little guy.

This was the only picture I could get. You can see how he is laying and letting his leg dangle down. If you look close, you can see the injury as a darker looking patch on his leg.

http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/TubeDriver/squirrels%20Pretty%20Girl%20June%2019%202014/imagejpg2_zpsa90a3b81.jpg~original (http://s123.photobucket.com/user/TubeDriver/media/squirrels%20Pretty%20Girl%20June%2019%202014/imagejpg2_zpsa90a3b81.jpg.html)

Nancy in New York
06-19-2014, 08:00 PM
Forgive the threadjack but TD does your little one also have an injury on his front right toe, third from the end?

06-19-2014, 08:18 PM
Forgive the threadjack but TD does your little one also have an injury on his front right toe, third from the end?

I think it is just his fingertip but it does look enlarged in that pic? I will get some pics and post them up, he is so skittish that I have not been able to get decent pictures yet.

Carol Lynn
06-19-2014, 09:08 PM
I agree, it does look all red and swollen. Poor little thing - it must hurt him to put any weight on that right side. I'll certainly keep my fingers crossed for him.

I think it is just his fingertip but it does look enlarged in that pic? I will get some pics and post them up, he is so skittish that I have not been able to get decent pictures yet.

Carol Lynn
06-23-2014, 02:18 AM
Hi TubeDriver,

Just wondering if there has been any news on your little guy. I've been thinking about him and hoping that things are okay.

That injury looks MUCH better!:thumbsup. He is a "dirty faced" squirrel meaning that he has the darker colored facial coloring, very cool!

My injured guy came around this morning. He ate some treats and I think he had some fresh water but I did not get a picture. He was hiding under my grill, the other squirrels sort of ignored the poor little guy.

This was the only picture I could get. You can see how he is laying and letting his leg dangle down. If you look close, you can see the injury as a darker looking patch on his leg.

http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/TubeDriver/squirrels%20Pretty%20Girl%20June%2019%202014/imagejpg2_zpsa90a3b81.jpg~original (http://s123.photobucket.com/user/TubeDriver/media/squirrels%20Pretty%20Girl%20June%2019%202014/imagejpg2_zpsa90a3b81.jpg.html)

06-23-2014, 07:14 AM
I have not seen the little fellow in a week or so. :(

Carol Lynn
06-23-2014, 08:40 AM
Oh, that's too bad. :( I haven't seen mine in a couple of days, either. Let's hope they're both okay!!

I have not seen the little fellow in a week or so. :(

Carol Lynn
06-24-2014, 07:51 AM
Just wanted to give you all an update. Below is a picture taken yesterday. He is off the AB now and seems to be doing well. The wound seems to be getting smaller and smaller. He was just here a few minutes ago and had his four nut halves as usual (minus AB) and then took off. I had a small piece left, so I called him by name. He was already up on the fence, but he turned around, saw me there, and came back to take the nut. He carried it a few feet away and buried it. Guess when he came back he was just being polite!! :grin3

BTW, you can see his bad eye in this picture pretty clearly. I don't know what caused it. Last winter he showed up at my door one day and the eye was all white and horrible looking. It looks a lot better now than it did then, but I don't think he sees well out of this eye. Is this common?


06-24-2014, 07:54 AM
The wound does look much better!

Injuries to eyes are not uncommon. The eye is not completely white so he might have some limited vision from it. He could have been injured in a fight.

Carol Lynn
06-24-2014, 08:06 AM
Do you usually do anything for eye injuries, or are they basically just on their own with them? It's so horrible when a prey animal gets an eye injury! :(

Any news on your little guy?

The wound does look much better!

Injuries to eyes are not uncommon. The eye is not completely white so he might have some limited vision from it. He could have been injured in a fight.

Nancy in New York
06-24-2014, 08:10 AM
Oh my!!!!!!!!!!
That wound looks fantastic.
It's at least 1/4 of the original size!

That's funny that he came back just to bury the nut.
I do think he was being polite, you raised him well. :)

It is sad when prey animals get eye injuries, another reason
that he is so lucky to have you watching over him. :Love_Icon

06-24-2014, 08:47 AM
There are plenty of wilds on the TSB with only a single eye. It is a disadvantage but squirrels seem to be able to do just fine.

I still have not seen my guy with the injured leg, I hope he is alright.

06-24-2014, 11:17 AM
There's a female squirrel who visits me with only one eye. She does very well, considering. She is much more watchful than the others, of course. Always stays close to an escape route, like a tree or the fence.

Carol Lynn
06-25-2014, 04:31 PM
I hope your guy is okay, too. It's such a worry, isn't it? Please keep me posted. I'll send good thoughts his way.

There are plenty of wilds on the TSB with only a single eye. It is a disadvantage but squirrels seem to be able to do just fine.

I still have not seen my guy with the injured leg, I hope he is alright.

Carol Lynn
06-25-2014, 04:33 PM
Yes, I notice my guy always has his tailed fluffed up real big now - I guess he's trying to make himself look bigger. And when he comes to my door, he keeps his bad eye to the door and his good eye on the lookout in the other direction! :)

There's a female squirrel who visits me with only one eye. She does very well, considering. She is much more watchful than the others, of course. Always stays close to an escape route, like a tree or the fence.

06-25-2014, 06:41 PM
I hope your guy is okay, too. It's such a worry, isn't it? Please keep me posted. I'll send good thoughts his way.

Thank you for the kind thoughts!:)

Carol Lynn
06-26-2014, 08:01 AM
Good Morning everyone,

I just wanted to update you all with a picture I took this morning. :wahoo 237608

Nancy in New York
06-26-2014, 08:34 AM
:eek OMG this is really a miracle.......he is looking better and better daily!
See what good loving care does for our little buddies. I know I have told you
before, but he is one lucky little squirrel to have YOU watching over him. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
06-26-2014, 10:05 AM
Thank you, Nancy!! :thank you It makes me so happy to see him well on the road to recovery!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

:eek OMG this is really a miracle.......he is looking better and better daily!
See what good loving care does for our little buddies. I know I have told you
before, but he is one lucky little squirrel to have YOU watching over him. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

06-30-2014, 10:26 PM
All is looking well!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup
Keep up the great work, Mommy!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

California Squirrel Lover
06-30-2014, 11:14 PM
Hi Carol!! :wave123 I'm so happy to see your sweet one is doing better!! :grin2 :thumbsup I just wanted to mention I've had wilds with vision in just one eye, and although I've worried about them, they can adapt and do really well, all things considered.

Carol Lynn
07-01-2014, 08:04 AM
:eek OMG!!! Do you think I gave him too much AB?!?!


Nancy in New York
07-01-2014, 09:15 AM
:eek OMG!!! Do you think I gave him too much AB?!?!


Just a tad. :rolf
OMG I love HIM!~:Love_Icon:grin2

Carol Lynn
07-03-2014, 08:08 AM
Update on my little buddy. I hadn't seen him in a few days, but guess who came bounding out of my garden this morning?? :grin3 238194

When I called him, he came right over!! :Love_Icon 238195

I think his wound looks much better - thanks to all of you!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon 238196

A gentle little soul was poking around by my feet, so I gave her a nut, too. 238197

She took it up to the tree to eat and then kept turning around for more. I like this shot of her. :)


07-03-2014, 08:31 AM
Your little injured guy looks great! I declare him 99% better, he just needs some hair to grow back in and he will be as good as new!:thumbsup

It is amazing how well their healing and immune systems work. Injuries that would kill us are gone in squirrels in a couple weeks!

I love it when they come when you call them, sort of like a dog.:)

Good job helping him through this!

Nancy in New York
07-03-2014, 08:36 AM
Bounding through your garden is right, great shot!
He looks fantastic! You did such a perfect job with him! :grouphug
Awe your little girl is cute. She actually came near your feet?
She's very sweet looking, great pictures! :Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
07-03-2014, 09:19 AM
Thanks, TD. And how is Henry?? Any luck with him??

[QUOTE=TubeDriver;1022067]Your little injured guy looks great! I declare him 99% better, he just needs some hair to grow back in and he will be as good as new!:thumbsup

07-03-2014, 09:23 AM
Henry has not showed up yesterday or today. I am going to give him another hour and then I have to go to work. :(

Carol Lynn
07-03-2014, 09:24 AM
:thank you Thanks, Nancy. It was good to see him moving like that. He didn't seem like he had any pain. :thumbsup

Yes, she was poking around by my feet. I felt her little hand on my foot, and that's when I noticed her. I gave her a nut and she took it up the tree. Then she'd come down and hang from her back feet for me to give her more. She took them from my hand, and sometimes she just ate them right there from that hanging position! :crazy 238202

Bounding through your garden is right, great shot!
He looks fantastic! You did such a perfect job with him! :grouphug
Awe your little girl is cute. She actually came near your feet?
She's very sweet looking, great pictures! :Love_Icon

Carol Lynn
07-04-2014, 12:45 PM
Nose came by this morning and let me get a good shot of his wound. Isn't he healing up beautifully?? :Love_Icon:Love_Icon
He's so full of energy, too!! It makes me so happy to see him like this again!! :grin3

Nancy in New York
07-04-2014, 01:41 PM
Nose came by this morning and let me get a good shot of his wound. Isn't he healing up beautifully?? :Love_Icon:Love_Icon
He's so full of energy, too!! It makes me so happy to see him like this again!! :grin3

Oh Nose, you look fantastic!
What a great job you did for your
little yard buddy Carol Lynn! :thumbsup:Love_Icon

07-04-2014, 03:17 PM
Carol Lynn--you've earned a pair of sainthood suspenders fer sure. Nose looks GREAT!

07-04-2014, 05:33 PM
Wow! That leg looks fantastic! A squirrel's ability to heal truly amazes me. It won't be long and that boo boo will be undetectable! :thumbsup

Carol Lynn
07-07-2014, 02:02 PM
Snapped a couple of shots of Nose this morning. You can see here that his leg injury is almost completely gone! :highfive

Here's another picture of him: 238489

Sorry if I've overdone it with all the pictures - it just gladdens my heart to see this little guy well again!! :fireworks

07-07-2014, 02:09 PM
Leg injury? What leg injury? :thumbsup:grin2

He has a very funny look on his face in that first pic. Almost like he is saying "Stop taking pics of my leg, it is fine!". :)