View Full Version : What to use for coccidia?
05-26-2014, 09:44 PM
I just took in a 2+ year old ground squirrel who has a twisted, probably broken back (old injury or disfigurement since birth) but was able to run wild for years. I have cared for her by providing water and food every day, Revolution every season, and kept watch over her this whole time. Recently though, she injured either her back or one leg and is now dragging her back end. On top of that, I think she might have coccidia because her poops are rank, light brown with a slight green tinge, and mushy (although formed like poop).
I have gotten really close to this girl over the years - I mean physically close - and I only ever noticed the bad smelling poops recently.
Does this sound like coccidia? Giardia?
I've kept her separated from my other AGSs (her two broken-backed siblings who couldn't run as babies!) but they are in the same room with a divider between each AGS 'room'. Should I keep her somewhere else?
She's eating fine, moves around like a race car with flat back wheels, and seems otherwise spunky - but I'm worried she'll go downhill fast if I don't figure this out asap.
So what do you guys think? What do I use? If I don't have what I need for this, can someone help me get it? I think I have metro - have to double check, but will that work?
05-26-2014, 09:56 PM
Aww, poor darling. Is she vomiting too? Got a weight?
Yes, Metronidazole (flagyl) 25mg/kg every 12 hours for 5 days if you believe it is Giardia,
provide supportive care and admin fluids for dehydration :Love_Icon
Nancy in New York
05-26-2014, 10:05 PM
Do you have the WMB book?
Look at page 98-99 for Coccidiosis and then 100-101 for Giardiasis.
05-26-2014, 10:26 PM
Aww....good luck Fireweed. Isn't that strange that 3 siblings all have some sort of spinal/back issue :thinking I hope all works out for this sweetie :Love_Icon
05-26-2014, 10:33 PM
Aww, poor darling. Is she vomiting too? Got a weight?
Yes, Metronidazole (flagyl) 25mg/kg every 12 hours for 5 days if you believe it is Giardia,
provide supportive care and admin fluids for dehydration :Love_Icon
Thanks so much, Saverywood! :thumbsup
No vomiting that I've noticed.
Will keep an eye on her hydration.
Will get a weight as soon as Moss gets in as I need some help... :tilt
Do you have the WMB book?
Look at page 98-99 for Coccidiosis and then 100-101 for Giardiasis
Thanks, Nancy! The page numbers are different for the book I have (is it older or newer? :dono). Anyhoo, since for coccidiosis it says "vomiting may or may not be present" and for giardia it says "vomiting" and I haven't noticed she's been vomiting, I'm leaning to coccidia... or is it something else?
No vomiting so far, quite a bit of gurgling (gas?) in her stomach, seems a little uncomfortable when pooping, lack of appetite within the last five days for sure but still eats relatively well, weight loss within the last week.
05-26-2014, 10:52 PM
Geez, it's really so hard to know for sure with stuff like that. When Lenny tested positive for coccidia, the vet put him on Albon, although I understand it is slower acting then other treatments such as Baycox - I think most people favor Baycox as a treatment over the Albon, although it has to be ordered online and the place I ordered it from took forever to get to me.:(
Also, if it is confirmed to be coccidia, everything in her cage will need to be throughly sanitized after treatment - I ordered a special cleaner online for it.
Hope the little sweetie gets better soon. :grouphug
California Squirrel Lover
05-26-2014, 11:06 PM
Hi Fireweed, sending hugs and healing prayers your way. How wonderful these sweet ones have you guys to help them, I love that. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug
05-26-2014, 11:14 PM
Aww....good luck Fireweed. Isn't that strange that 3 siblings all have some sort of spinal/back issue :thinking I hope all works out for this sweetie :Love_Icon
Thanks, Sweeper. I always thought they were either crushed as babies during/shortly after birth or a male tried to kill them (especially since two of them were missing tails). Maybe it was a birth defect? :dono When they came up from their natal burrow, they seemed totally fine in every way except two of them were dragging their back legs. They didn't seem in pain, either. This made me think it had to have happened in the womb/shortly after birth. But I'm just guessing, of course. :tilt
Thanks, Lennysmom! No idea what exactly it is. I've never seen this before. As far as meds go, I probably won't be able to order online. I've tried for years to get meds online to no avail because of where I live. I've tried Bearded Dragon, too - even calling/emailing and they don't get back to me (last time I tried was late last year).
But where did you get this special cleaner? I will order that asap just in case it really is coccidia. Is it the Professional Concentrated Disinfectant Coccicidal I see at Bearded Dragon? If so, I may be able to order that since it's not a med. :dono
Thanks, CSL! :grouphug
05-26-2014, 11:18 PM
FW, I just got metro from and I am happy to send you some if that would help you. I am also expecting a package from with Baycox. Maybe I can send a care package to you?
05-27-2014, 12:28 AM
I assume this is the squirrel you mentioned the other day that you were trying to capture? So great that you did. All your little friends in the area are just so well looked after. You're really a great person!
05-27-2014, 07:20 AM
Thanks, Lennysmom! No idea what exactly it is. I've never seen this before. As far as meds go, I probably won't be able to order online. I've tried for years to get meds online to no avail because of where I live. I've tried Bearded Dragon, too - even calling/emailing and they don't get back to me (last time I tried was late last year).
But where did you get this special cleaner? I will order that asap just in case it really is coccidia. Is it the Professional Concentrated Disinfectant Coccicidal I see at Bearded Dragon? If so, I may be able to order that since it's not a med. :dono
I also got the cleaner from that same website but a tiny bit goes a LONG way and I have a lot - if you need some, I'm more then happy to send it. :)
05-27-2014, 07:55 AM
FW, if you don't have metro, SMZ-TMP is effective against coccidia (but not for giardia if that is what it is) - I don't know what your existing supply is.
Milo's Mom
05-27-2014, 09:53 AM
Hey FW, have you actually tried ordering it online from BeardedDragon? I am 100% positive that they ship to Canada successfully. Not sure if it's just your specific location in Canada that was giving you issues....maybe?
05-27-2014, 10:20 AM
FW, I just got metro from ( and I am happy to send you some if that would help you. I am also expecting a package from with Baycox. Maybe I can send a care package to you?Thank you so much for the offer, SM! Nancy is working with me to put together a little package already. So I think I'm all set! :grouphug
I assume this is the squirrel you mentioned the other day that you were trying to capture? So great that you did. All your little friends in the area are just so well looked after. You're really a great person!
Aw, thanks, Chris! Yes, this is the squirrel. Even with two legs and a twisted back, she outwitted and outran me for four days!
I also got the cleaner from that same website but a tiny bit goes a LONG way and I have a lot - if you need some, I'm more then happy to send it. :)
Ok, I just sent you a PM - I'm able to get the cleaner. But could you detail exactly what you did to clean every day? Did you use that cleaner every day?
FW, if you don't have metro, SMZ-TMP is effective against coccidia (but not for giardia if that is what it is) - I don't know what your existing supply is.
:thumbsup Speaking of metro - are they tiny, round, white tablets with "M" on them? The only other thing they could be is tramadol - And I'm pretty sure I used all the tramadol. For some reason, these are the only thing in my med box that aren't labeled - I probably assumed it would be obvious to tell what they were :shakehead. Also, they would be from you - 2011. So, too old now, I'm assuming... :dono
Hey FW, have you actually tried ordering it online from BeardedDragon? I am 100% positive that they ship to Canada successfully. Not sure if it's just your specific location in Canada that was giving you issues....maybe?
Yes, I've actually tried. First off, no meds to Canada - from anywhere. I can order bearded dragon shampoo or supplements, for example. But no meds. Secondly, very few places will ship non-meds to me in the Yukon... Trust me, even when it says "Canada" or "Yukon", I go through the whole process of ordering and then it says "Sorry. We can not ship this product to your location" (or the many variations of this!). And, like I said, I've tried contacting Bearded Dragon many times but they don't get back to me... I just gave up finally. This isn't the only place that doesn't get back to me, either. And even online companies in CANADA won't ship anything to the Yukon because of the high price of shipping and hassle and shipping times.
05-27-2014, 12:57 PM
:thumbsup Speaking of metro - are they tiny, round, white tablets with "M" on them? The only other thing they could be is tramadol - And I'm pretty sure I used all the tramadol. For some reason, these are the only thing in my med box that aren't labeled - I probably assumed it would be obvious to tell what they were :shakehead. Also, they would be from you - 2011. So, too old now, I'm assuming... :dono
FW, the small white with the little "M" on them are Tramadol. If the metro us from me, they are also round, though both bigger around and thicker than the tramadol, and are marked "3969" on one side and "WPI" on the other.
If you have those, I would not hesitate to use them. Anyone who is not actively trying to sell you new meds will tell you that several years after their expiration date, they will BEGIN to lose their strength, but it is a very slow process.
05-27-2014, 01:02 PM
FW, the small white with the little "M" on them are Tramadol. If the metro us from me, they are also round, though both bigger around and thicker than the tramadol, and are marked "3969" on one side and "WPI" on the other.
If you have those, I would not hesitate to use them. Anyone who is not actively trying to sell you new meds will tell you that several years after their expiration date, they will BEGIN to lose their strength, but it is a very slow process.
Darn! I must've used all the metro - I remember those ones now and remember dosing them for something way back when but can't think of what it was.
I still have your email with descriptions of where each med was 'hidden', so I'm going to double and triple check that just to make sure I don't have any left.
Anyway, I'm thinking this is coccidia, though, so I should be ok with baycox?
Is there anything else this could be based on the symptoms?
05-27-2014, 01:21 PM
Third time's a charm - found the metro - clearly labeled. :tilt I'm so confused but got some if I need it - and tramadol. :grin2
05-28-2014, 01:39 AM
I have been reading more about giardia and coccidia. Regarding Giardia: So many sources say nothing about vomiting but mention nausea. Some say vomiting doesn't always occur. Neither does diarrhea. Some say the stool can be greasy and will float. (The first thing I thought about when I saw her poop was that it looked fatty.) Further, gas and upset stomach is mentioned a lot with Giardia.
This little girl's stomach is always making a racket.
I'm confused - I don't know enough about these to really say which one it would be. It sounds like it could be either - but this fatty poop thing has got me thinking it's giardia.
So, what if I gave her metro right now? I still have to wait for baycox anyway. If the metro doesn't help, would it be safe to move on to baycox when it arrives (probably 2 weeks at least)? Would I need to wait a long time in between meds?
Any thoughts much appreciated. Anyone ever have a squirrel with giardia? Anyone who's gone through coccidia with their squirrel think the symptoms are of coccidia?
Here are the symptoms:
Rank smelling poop, light brown, mushy but still formed, light green tinge, possibly greasy/fatty (will double check that tomorrow)
Gassy, seems a little uncomfortable when pooping
weight loss for sure over last week
lack of appetite
No vomiting
sleeping a lot
05-28-2014, 04:10 AM
I have been reading more about giardia and coccidia. Regarding Giardia: So many sources say nothing about vomiting but mention nausea. Some say vomiting doesn't always occur. Neither does diarrhea. Some say the stool can be greasy and will float. (The first thing I thought about when I saw her poop was that it looked fatty.) Further, gas and upset stomach is mentioned a lot with Giardia.
This little girl's stomach is always making a racket.
I'm confused - I don't know enough about these to really say which one it would be. It sounds like it could be either - but this fatty poop thing has got me thinking it's giardia.
So, what if I gave her metro right now? I still have to wait for baycox anyway. If the metro doesn't help, would it be safe to move on to baycox when it arrives (probably 2 weeks at least)? Would I need to wait a long time in between meds?
Any thoughts much appreciated. Anyone ever have a squirrel with giardia? Anyone who's gone through coccidia with their squirrel think the symptoms are of coccidia?
Here are the symptoms:
Rank smelling poop, light brown, mushy but still formed, light green tinge, possibly greasy/fatty (will double check that tomorrow)
Gassy, seems a little uncomfortable when pooping
weight loss for sure over last week
lack of appetite
No vomiting
sleeping a lot
I would absolutely start the metro - it is effective against BOTH, so an absolute diagnosis (which you need a fecal to do) is not necessary. They are hard to test for, too - animal might not be shedding the bugs during any specific poop so a positive animal can have a negative test. My experience with Giardia is with birds, and the diagnosis is so, um, squirrely that they usually treat according to symptoms rather than go by any fecal test. Stosh and Rosie just went through this with the CR crew and the metro cleared it up. If you had the baycox on hand right now I would suggest using it due to the short treatment time, but you don't. I would go with the metro, absolutely.
island rehabber
05-28-2014, 06:44 AM
I agree with metro right away! As for the vomiting, I know WMB and other sources list it as a symptom of giardia in mammals, but I have never seen it in any squirrel I treated for giardia. So we should never rule out giardia simply because the squirrel isn't vomiting.
05-28-2014, 10:36 AM
THANK YOU! I will start metro right away!
05-28-2014, 11:44 AM
She weighs 314 - I dilute a 250mg tablet with 5ml water to get 50mg/ml strength. But how much for a 314g squirrel? .31?
And I do this for 7 days? Once a day? How long do I have to wait to give ibuprofen or can they be given at the same time?
05-29-2014, 11:12 AM
So she's only had 3 doses of metro and this morning I found sections of what looked like tapeworm with diarrhea (1 - 1.5", wide-flat, beige-colored). Other poops are now more firm, yet darker, and still green-tinged, still stinky. Her tummy is still gassy and bloated.
Could metro be killing tapeworm? I didn't think it did that... Also, how fast does metro start working? I was under the impression it took a couple days at least. Do these big sections of worm mean the tapeworm is dying/dead? I've only ever seen the tiny rice-looking tapeworm sections...
I gave her a very light bath with dawn because she has fleas, but really not many that I could find (I gave her Revolution not too long ago when she was outside). I didn't want to get her too wet/cold or give her any more meds at the moment because she really isn't doing well. When she's doing a bit better, I'll be more aggressive with that.
She did take some diluted critical care via syringe today so I'm thinking all the hydration and maybe the meds, too, are helping. But she is pretty much emaciated. She actually came out this morning and nibbled a couple bites of HHB and then took it back to her bed, so I was able to see how she's moving - her leg is looking better.
Poor thing. I'm still so worried about her. Do you think this course of action is the right one? Is there anything else I could be doing?
Oh, she's also taking ibuprofen and probiotics.
05-30-2014, 10:28 AM
Yesterday she ate about 10 ccs of esbilac over the course of the day - I did add a tiny bit of yogurt eventually. She obviously loved that because she slurped it down right away and it wasn't such a struggle to get her to eat. She got hydration in between. I couldn't get her to eat anything else.
This morning the poops in her bed were firm, not too dark, not too light. But the poop she had when I picked her up was very mushy, light brown. Then immediately after that, two nearly normal looking poops. So, the poops are all over the place, it seems.
I decided to give her some more hydration before feeding again - she had 4cc of that.
Her tummy is big, full, but not hard - but it has been bordering on hard ever since I got her. I am confused if this is because of worms, coccidia/giardia, and/or from the feedings. I want to feed her right now because she desperately needs nutrition but I'm worried about overfeeding since she is so emaciated.
Supposedly bloating is part of both giardia and coccidia - so what does this mean when it comes to feeding?
I need some guidance if anyone can help! Thanks!
05-30-2014, 12:29 PM
Since you have already SEEN her pass tapeworm segments, you know she has them - I don't know if the metro kills tapes; I doubt it. Parasites will bloat them up too. The questions are (1) What wormer - and it will be one of the ones you use for your dogs so you should be able to obtain, and (2) Can it be given with the metro or should the round of abx be completed, THEN the wormer given?
05-30-2014, 12:38 PM
Since you have already SEEN her pass tapeworm segments, you know she has them - I don't know if the metro kills tapes; I doubt it. Parasites will bloat them up too. The questions are (1) What wormer - and it will be one of the ones you use for your dogs so you should be able to obtain, and (2) Can it be given with the metro or should the round of abx be completed, THEN the wormer given?
Thanks for replying! Please help me figure out what wormer to get asap because Moss is in town right now and I could ask him to stop by the vet. Otherwise it will be possibly over a week before we can get back to the city.
Also, what about simethicone? I've been massaging her and stimulating her to poop and she loves both - calms right down.
Also, what about feeding? Should I give her small amounts and hydrate in between like I've been doing or change that? Should I ask Moss to pick up something like ensure?
Nancy in New York
05-30-2014, 01:22 PM
Did a quick search and found this.
PetSmart carries Tape worm tabs by TradeWinds,
white bottle, blue label.
it's Praziquantel also used with squirrels.
Walmart may also carry it.
I wouldn't want anything less then Capstar for maggots,
PetSmart carries it but you can order OL cheaper.
Nancy in New York
05-30-2014, 01:26 PM
Look up tapeworm in the WMB book and it will tell you what to use. :thumbsup
If you can't find the book, I will scan and send.
05-30-2014, 01:32 PM
I'll ask Moss to look for that at walmart, Nancy, thanks! He's going to the vet to see if he can get anything but he may not be able to request a certain dewormer or even get one (we just dewormed our dogs a month ago).
I've looked it up in WBM but not sure if I should use any of those with metro, and I'm not sure what I can get. I guess we'll just see what we can find and figure it out from there... :thumbsup
05-30-2014, 01:58 PM
Metronidazole will absolutely kill tapeworms. :thumbsup
If this is worms and coccidia, remember to quarantine this critter until it is better. Be consistent with basic universal precautions (hand washing etc). The soles of shoes are really good for transporting contagious stuff to other rooms. I know you know this but be vigilante so you don't end up with a whole bunch of sick critters.
05-30-2014, 02:20 PM
Metronidazole will absolutely kill tapeworms. :thumbsup
Really? I haven't read that anywhere though I've been searching. But let me tell you - the amount of friends coming out of her bum makes me believe you... :eek
If this is worms and coccidia, remember to quarantine this critter until it is better. Be consistent with basic universal precautions (hand washing etc). The soles of shoes are really good for transporting contagious stuff to other rooms. I know you know this but be vigilante so you don't end up with a whole bunch of sick critters.
:thumbsup We wear different shoes/clothes when going in her 'room' and put the soles of the shoes in a bleach solution afterwards. Keep cleaning her and poop. Her bedding gets changed every time I take her out. Room gets thoroughly cleaned every day.
I think I may be getting OCD about handwashing. Omg, the smell, the smellllll .... I feel like I can't get it off me no matter what I do!
I feel in over my head, guys. Just so you know... :poke:tilt
But she just slept on my chest for a while, holding my finger while I massaged her tummy. KLUNK.
05-30-2014, 02:36 PM
Oh that poor little tummy... Worms are so hard on them! They eat all of the nutrition before it can be absorbed into the "hosts" body. That bloating is VERY common with dogs and cats with tapeworms so I would say that is what is causing it with her. I will bet that the vet will give something for the worms and that will take care of the whole problem.
You are doing a great job with her. :bowdown:Love_Icon:bowdown
05-30-2014, 02:47 PM
Actually, you are right. Metronidazole is not considered a treatment for tapeworms although I believe it has some anti-helmethic properties and so might have some effect? I did find some ancedotal reports of Metro having some effect on worms but these reports were not convincing.
or perhaps it changed conditions (inflammation, altered immune response ???) so that some worms were killed?
Sounds like you got all your bases covered with your critter quarantine. :thumbsup
Really? I haven't read that anywhere though I've been searching. But let me tell you - the amount of friends coming out of her bum makes me believe you... :eek
:thumbsup We wear different shoes/clothes when going in her 'room' and put the soles of the shoes in a bleach solution afterwards. Keep cleaning her and poop. Her bedding gets changed every time I take her out. Room gets thoroughly cleaned every day.
I think I may be getting OCD about handwashing. Omg, the smell, the smellllll .... I feel like I can't get it off me no matter what I do!
I feel in over my head, guys. Just so you know... :poke:tilt
But she just slept on my chest for a while, holding my finger while I massaged her tummy. KLUNK.
05-31-2014, 12:24 AM
Moss was able to get Drontal Plus "for our dogs". Wait to give it after the metro?
She is eating! She grabbed the syringe today and pulled it to her! Oh, I'm so happy. But she has to stop every so often - she freezes - because I think she is in pain likely due to irritation/inflammation.
Still ridiculously skinny - basically skin and bones with a tummy and teeth - and not eating nearly as much as I wish she would. But she's eating... and she falls asleep right after eating, snuggles up close to my chest and we rock. :sleep
The massages and stimulating help a lot. She seems a lot more comfortable in general.
Oh, and another tiny-hopeful thing: she is keeping warmer off the heat. Not for too long but at least it's something.
Oh that poor little tummy... Worms are so hard on them! They eat all of the nutrition before it can be absorbed into the "hosts" body. That bloating is VERY common with dogs and cats with tapeworms so I would say that is what is causing it with her. I will bet that the vet will give something for the worms and that will take care of the whole problem.
You are doing a great job with her. :bowdown:Love_Icon:bowdown
Thanks, SM. :grouphug I hope we can take care of the worms so she feels better and gains some weight.
or perhaps it changed conditions (inflammation, altered immune response ???) so that some worms were killed?
Yeah, I think it did something because I wasn't seeing worms before I gave her the metro - and I always examine poop like the rest of you nuts. :grin2
05-31-2014, 12:28 AM
Glad to know she's a bit better. She's so lucky to have you. And I think you maybe her.
05-31-2014, 12:48 AM
Poor glad there's improvement and I just love how a wild baby can readily take the lovins we adminster...has to be the best medicine :Love_Icon Is she still dragging her hind legs? Was this a new occurrence or has she always moved this way? I agree with everyone else "she's so lucky to have you" and perhaps she's a good distraction for you :grouphug I would love to see a pic of the little fuzzbutt :grin3 So good of your vet to dose the dogs "again" :eek :thumbsup
05-31-2014, 01:42 AM
You can give the simethicone, it will definitely help, but the worms are what is causing the bloating. Large tapeworms like you are describing can actually cause a bowel obstruction, so it is good she is able to poop. I don't think there would be any problem giving the metro and the drontal together, but will call my vet in the am, to verify, and let you know. The sooner she is rid of them, the sooner she will be on the road to recovery.
You are doing a super job, and we can all feel your love for her.:thumbsup
05-31-2014, 02:02 AM
Just read that Drontal Plus should not be used in animals less than two pounds.
I will call my vet in am, and see what I can find out. But those large tapeworms need to go.
06-01-2014, 06:38 PM
Glad to know she's a bit better. She's so lucky to have you. And I think you maybe her.
If only you knew how much that made me cry! I was thinking about how holding her reminded me of something - but I couldn't put my finger on it... Then you said this and it hit me: I was being reminded of Meemor when he was a baby. Then I just started bawling! I haven't cried or thought about him really since I last posted in his thread (I. just. couldn't.) Moss says, "What's wronnnng?!" I say, "SHMun-un-KEEEEE!" And then we both start crying. But it was good. We actually talked about him and shared some good memories for the first time. It's a start... So, thanks. :grouphug
Poor glad there's improvement and I just love how a wild baby can readily take the lovins we adminster...has to be the best medicine :Love_Icon Is she still dragging her hind legs? Was this a new occurrence or has she always moved this way? I agree with everyone else "she's so lucky to have you" and perhaps she's a good distraction for you :grouphug I would love to see a pic of the little fuzzbutt :grin3 So good of your vet to dose the dogs "again" :eek :thumbsup
:grin2 Thanks, Sweeps. No, she never dragged. She could always run really fast, scratch, clean herself, etc. But something happened this year when she came up from hibernation at the beginning of May (a combo of things - I'll share the whole story one day soon) and at the same time she was bit by another ground squirrel. This injury caused her to start dragging her back legs. She has had some improvement with her movement now but not much.
You are doing a super job, and we can all feel your love for her.:thumbsup
Thanks. :) I feel totally inept but we're working through this slowly. Thanks for your support/help. :grouphug
I know she looks horrible in these pics. But she *is* doing a little better now. Thanks to everyone who's helped us. :thumbsup
Keeping warm in the pretty pink fleece Moss picked out for her. :grin2 (
Because she is dragging now, she's peeing/pooping on herself.
But now that she is keeping herself a little more warm off the heat, I'm able to give her warm baths.
Oh, she loves them - especially when I "cupcake" her in a dishtowel. :Love_Icon (
We named her "Mountain" when we first discovered her
because her crooked spine makes her back look like a little peak. :tilt ( (
06-01-2014, 06:59 PM
Mountain, what a precious cupcaking little girl :Love_Icon, soooo sweet.
06-01-2014, 07:11 PM
Just now saw this thread ( I have been "busy" for the past few days)
We used Metro for 2 whole weeks with my Crew. The taste is terrible, so we had syringes of yogurt or small fruit pieces --ready to give immediately following the metro dose. Also used BeneBac to help with the upset stomach that accompanied the Metro doses.
We cleaned every branch in our tree room and their cages-DAILY-with a strong Vinegar/water solution. About 75 % Vinegar. I'm sure commercial cleansers are better.
You are soooo right---the smell is sickening.
06-01-2014, 07:42 PM
Thanks for the pics....I think she looks wonderful :thumbsup hmmm Mountain...that's a b-I-g name to live up to :grin3 I'm sure she will....hopefully it won't be a mountain of that smelly stuff :eek :yuck just alittle humor :grin3 She is so sweet ....I hope she gets better soon....before she thinks this spa life, is "life" :grouphug Glad you had some relief with your feeling for Meemor, that had to be building a full head of steam...I'm surprised you've lasted this I just fall apart, sporadically :dono appears I'm losing my mind....oh well, what's important is what gets us through the day :grouphug
06-01-2014, 09:53 PM
She is just ADORABLE! I'd be so in love. And how lucky are you that she likes baths? Does this kind of GS like water or is she unique?
06-01-2014, 10:47 PM
Oh, just getting caught up here on Mountain FW - she is just so adorable! :Love_Icon
Tape worms huh? Ugh! :yuck Hope she gets rid of all though yucky worms quickly.
You are certainly her angel of mercy. :Love_Icon Hope she begins to feel better really soon. :grouphug
07-06-2014, 02:08 PM
I wanted to honour my little friend Mountain by letting you know she died on June 13.
She and I tried our best to get on top of all that was wrong with her but we just couldn't keep up. It was one thing after the next...
It all started when she came up from hibernation in May and it snowballed from there. :(
I knew her for over 2 years and we hung out for a while twice a day when I would go find her to give her snacks.
She had so many burrows, it was sometimes a challenge to figure out where she was staying at times. But if I called her, she'd find me.
She was sweet, gentle, tough, and a fast little runner. :grin
She will be greatly missed.
Rest in peace, beautiful Mountain. :Love_Icon
At one of her favourite burrows: (
Her first and very own burrow under our wood pile: (
I also wanted to give a shout out to some special squeeps who helped Mountain -
czarina, Loopy Squirrel, HRT4SQRLS, Sammysmom, and Nancy in New York.
Thanks so much, and from the bottom of my heart, for your help and your support during that difficult time. :grouphug
07-06-2014, 02:13 PM
I am sorry to hear about your little friend. You have had a tough last couple months, I know it must be hard to feel so strongly for your little friends. I am sure Mountain appreciated all the kindness you showed her over the years.
07-06-2014, 03:39 PM
I'm so sorry. You must be very sad these days. :( I wish there was something I could do.
07-06-2014, 04:17 PM
Mountain had an adorable little face, very easy to understand why you would hang out with her, no way to resist that level of cuteness.
So sorry for her passing and can only echo what TubeDriver said, she must of appreciated all your kindness and care.
07-06-2014, 09:26 PM
Awww, precious precious Mountain! :Love_Icon
I sure did get attached to you sweet girl.
Fireweed, I was touched by your efforts to help Mountain. Thanks for honoring her here. This was the first time I saw her picture. She was beautiful and she was wrapped in love when she left us. :grouphug Robyn & Moss :grouphug :Love_Icon
07-08-2014, 10:44 AM
Thank you so much, my friends. It has been a tough few months. Every single one of the wild squirrels I'm closest to have died or moved out of my yard. Some have gone so far away, I don't know where they live anymore. :( It's been a sad time in my squirrel world. Even Scorpio who lived near us for 7 years has moved far. :shakehead Too many Bratlings taking over the yard! BUT the day we buried Mountain, we found dj jiggy jamz and this little shaky neuro baby has totally brightened my mood. He's so much fun, so happy-go-lucky, so friendly. At least I have one squirrel in this house who doesn't hate me. :rotfl
Anyhoo, thanks again, Squeeps. Mountain was such a sweetie and she will be missed. :Love_Icon
Nancy in New York
07-08-2014, 06:51 PM
Thank you so much, my friends. It has been a tough few months. Every single one of the wild squirrels I'm closest to have died or moved out of my yard. Some have gone so far away, I don't know where they live anymore. :( It's been a sad time in my squirrel world. Even Scorpio who lived near us for 7 years has moved far. :shakehead Too many Bratlings taking over the yard! BUT the day we buried Mountain, we found dj jiggy jamz and this little shaky neuro baby has totally brightened my mood. He's so much fun, so happy-go-lucky, so friendly. At least I have one squirrel in this house who doesn't hate me. :rotfl
Anyhoo, thanks again, Squeeps. Mountain was such a sweetie and she will be missed. :Love_Icon
Such a beautiful bond you have with your babies.
I know they take your heart, and I know you were put
right where you are, to watch out for the ones in need.
You ease their fear and pain when it's time for them to
Though I know it takes it's toll, I'm so glad they have you and Moss,
and I know you are as well. :Love_Icon
Rest with the angels
Precious Mountain 238573
07-08-2014, 07:33 PM
I am just seeing this. I am so very sorry. Tears flowing for you tonight, my friend. I understand that pain.
07-08-2014, 07:37 PM
:Love_Icon My heart is heavy :shakehead I knew you said you had lost some :( but sweet Mountain...your friend :love your wild friend....there will be others...but we never forget those we've loved and given part of ourselves to. Sometimes, no "always" I'm amazed at the capacity we have for seems an endless well. Always feeling like we've drawn from it, too much....but yet we're tossed a stone and "splash" we're ready again :shakehead I hope your "well" never runs dry....and you and Moss find those underground currents that run deep and always replenish us :Love_Icon
island rehabber
07-08-2014, 07:47 PM
Fireweed and Moss, I am so very sorry to hear that Mountain is gone. You have always spoken of her with such deep love and respect, and I can't imagine the emptiness in your heart right now. Bless you for having such reserves of love and compassion that you opened that heart AGAIN, so that a shaky little baby can find comfort. :grouphug
07-08-2014, 10:32 PM
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