View Full Version : Bump on head - abcess?

05-24-2014, 01:05 PM
Hello everyone!
I have already posted on the non-life threatening board but I feel like is situation might be more urgent than I thought.I have rescued a young grey squirrel with the help of a fellow member here (we are both in Montreal). Recently I thought he had managed to bump his head inside his cage because a small bump formed. I thought I would wait to see if it reduced on its own but the bump has grown in size and it's only been a few days. There is no hole or anything that might indicate a bot fly bump.

I managed to find what looks like a tiny scab, so my best guess is that it is an abcess, but you are all much more experienced than me so I would greatly appreciate any suggestions!

It feels like it is filled with fluid when I touch it, and also Cocoa Puff the squirrel really doesn't seem to mind it. He is still full of energy and eats with a lot of appetite (he is approximately 6 weeks old, so still on formula). I'm just worried this might be difficult to treat, I just want him to be okay.

Thanks again for your help! Let me know if you need more pictures.235217235216

Milo's Mom
05-24-2014, 01:18 PM
It sounds like it is an abscess (going from info you posted in your other thread). To best treat an abscess it must be lanced. This means you need to find sterile equipment (needle), alcohol wipes, etc. Abscesses are often treated with antibiotics also.

05-24-2014, 02:30 PM
best treat an abscess it must be lanced. This means you need to find sterile equipment (needle), alcohol wipes, etc. Abscesses are often treated with antibiotics also.I agree...... and especially if the bump is growing in size. Good Luck. (((hugs)))

05-24-2014, 02:38 PM
Could it be a sebaceous cyst? Just an oil/dirt/goo clogged pore really? My dogs used to get them.. gross, but we just squeezed them out like a zit.. not sure if squirrels get them...Sure looks like one though, to me, anyhow.

05-24-2014, 02:48 PM
Could it be a sebaceous cyst? Just an oil/dirt/goo clogged pore really? My dogs used to get them.. gross, but we just squeezed them out like a zit.. not sure if squirrels get them...Sure looks like one though, to me, anyhow.
No matter if its an abscess or a clogged pore, one should never squeeze it as the material inside could be forced deeper down and cause an infection...... always lance with a sterile needle and clean up with Betadine..... follow with antibiotics if needed.

05-24-2014, 03:18 PM
Thank you so much for all the replies!

I was very lucky to have Iwonka's help today (another member of this website). She was able to remove the scab and some white goo came out. She removed the white goo and flushed the inside of the abscess with diluted betadine. I almost fainted to be honest :/

We gave him some antibiotics and will be giving a dose every 12 hours for the next few days. Also i will flush his abscess with saline solution and apply derma gel on top to soothe him and prevent re-infection. Oh and I was given also probiotics :)

Hopefully all will be good. Oh last question: how often should I flush his abscess?

I can't believe how much I am learning about squirrels, and I can't thank Iwonka and the squirrel board enough! You guys are wonderful, dedicated people!

Let me know if I am missing something. Have a great day!

05-24-2014, 03:21 PM
My bad.. Rhapsody, you're absolutely right.. I was just meaning, it didn't look like anything horrific- but you're right..

05-24-2014, 03:23 PM
Oh last question: how often should I flush his abscess?
Flushing the abscess once a day should be fine, we do not want to aggravate the wound.
Make sure you apply the medicated gel a few times a day to keep any infection at bay.

05-24-2014, 03:46 PM
Thank you Rhapsody!

I think I'm all set, I'll write back if something comes up, and I'll update in a few days to let you know how it goes. Let's hope my little guy gets better soon! He's such a trooper :)

05-25-2014, 12:31 AM
Oh good. Let us know how it goes.

05-25-2014, 07:47 AM
What did the material that out look like?
Was it fluid and pus like, and possibly blood tinged?
That would indicate an abcess.

Or, was it thick, resembling cottage cheese, with a foul odor?
That would indicate a sebaceous cyst. They are encapsulated, and will return, until the actual shell is removed.
I have seen many patients,(human),, with this condition on their wrists.
Interestingly, in the olden days, this was treated by smacking the cyst with
A large book, like an encyclopaedia. It was not a very effective treatment, as the cyst would always return. Do not try this method with your squirrel :-)

And never squeeze.
Besides the treatment you are doing I would add warm moist soaks 3 to 4 times a day, as this will promote healing.

05-26-2014, 09:47 AM
Everything is going well for now!

I do clean his ''scab'' a few times a day with warm saline (without flushing the inside. I only flush once a day). Today, some of the extra skin that formed the scab on top started falling off, but it is still a bit attached and I'm afraid of ripping off good skin so for now I'll leave it that way. Now the wound is very much exposed, but it's all clean and pink. It looks good to me but maybe I could post a picture later to show you (I don't have my camera with me right now). It might be graphic though, so let me know if it's better that I don't include a picture.

When Iwonka initially emptied the bump, the stuff that came out was thick and white but not with a ''cottage-y'' texture if I may say so. It had a bit of blood in it, but it didn't make the pus pink colored. It was only a bit of blood that came out after the white goo.

I didn't smell anything when the fluid was taken out but I will ask Iwonka if she smelled something since she was the one emptying it. His wound doesn't smell anything at the moment.

If it is a cyst, how would I find the shell and remove it (if it is at all possible)? Do cysts form after a wound? I would have thought that since there was a scab, it meant he had been wounded and an abscess formed as a consequence of that.

loll I like the fun fact about the encyclopedia! Good thing modern medicine came in at some point!

Let me know if you need more info! He seems great for now, he eats with a lot of appetite, is as active as usual. He's surprisingly patient when I treat his wound, he just closes his eyes and waits, he doesn't even grunt or whine. Hopefully that's a good thing. He's such a sweatheart :Love_Icon

Thanks again for all the help!

05-26-2014, 12:48 PM
From what you describe it sounds like an abscess. So I would continue what you are doing.
If it were a cyst, the vet would have to remove the shell. It would be very rare, I would think for a cyst to form on one so young, so I think you're in the clear.:thumbsup

05-26-2014, 03:40 PM
Oh great! Thanks for the comment, it's reassuring!

Iwonka also told me that she didn't smell anything when she emptied it, so that's good.

The scab/ dried up skin has officially fallen off, so now it's a really big gaping wound... I'm not even going to include a picture, it's not pretty! But, the important thing is that it's healing :grin2

06-04-2014, 07:33 PM
I thought I might give a final update on Cocoa Puff. He's doing great! The wound is almost completely healed, and the skin is looking more and more skin colored rather than pink.

Just in case this might be useful, Cocoa Puff was given amoxycillin twice a day for 10 days. He also had benebac and a bit of plain yogourt with probiotics. His poop did become very soft in the last few treatment days (but definitely not like diarrhea). Now his poops are back to normal :)

His wound was flushed once a day for the first two days, and cleaned with saline several times a day (around 4 times + 1 flush). I also applied the derma gel after every cleaning and a few times in between. After the first two days, a big portion of skin came off, so the opening was large enough to simply rince with saline. Oh the saline was always warmed up.

Here's a few pictures of the wound healing process (don't scroll down if you have a sensible tummy :grin2 )

At day 2 with extra skin forming a scab

At day 3 when the scab fell off and there was just a large opening. I was just cleaning it and preparing for the flush but the whole thing came off.

At day 6

And finally today (11 days later)! It looks lovely to me :) sorry if it's upside down

Let me know what you think :) i'm still applying derma gel just in case!

06-04-2014, 11:47 PM
Good job Stephanie! :thumbsup

06-05-2014, 12:11 AM
Looks like you did a super job!
I'm glad it healed up so nicely.

Keep up the good work!

06-05-2014, 06:11 AM
:thankyou everyone! :Love_Icon

06-05-2014, 06:21 AM
Looks much better!:thumbsup. You did a great job with rigorously sticking to treatment. Also, thanks for posting the time lapse pics, it adds to the collective knowledge here on the TSB.:)

island rehabber
06-05-2014, 07:10 AM
Fantastic job, Stephanie and iwonka! :bowdown :bowdown

Any abcess on a squirrel that is on the face or head must be treated with special seriousness, as you've done. Facial abcesses in particular are VERY hard to treat on a squirrel and can sometimes be fatal. I am so glad this has a happy outcome! The lancing and amoxycillin was exactly the right thing to do. A year or so ago I had a 6-wk old with multiple abcesses on her 'elbow'....one vet punctured and drained, then put her on Baytril. All three abcesses returned within a week. :shakehead The second vet lanced and then we put her on amoxycillin -- they dried up and stayed GONE. :thumbsup