View Full Version : Found A Baby Grey Squirrel - Need Help!
05-18-2014, 12:17 AM
I live in New England US and I have always cared for and fed the squirrels in my neighborhood/backyard over the years and today I almost ran over a baby squirrel on the sidewalk in front of my neighbors house. We waited around and looked for mom there was no barking, no squirrels to be seen anywhere! Actually all the squirrels seem to be missing from the neighborhood was completely fearless came right to us just wandering around. I was concerned it was rabid so we observed it for a while and it tried climbing a tree, by hopping up it like a rabbit it deff did not know how to climb a tree and it only made it about 10 feet at most and kept coming back down so I decided to cage it and bring it back home to make sure it was okay especially after a pack of raccoons raided a birds nest outside my window just a few days ago at 4am and the bird squawked so loud it woke my neighbors up.
I used a single door large cage trap (about 2ft high and wide by 4ft long) I really do not know how old it is I am assuming around 2-3 months? Old enough to generate its own heat and not require incubation but not old enough to eat on its own?? We first gave it a large dish of water about 2" deep but it just kept hopping through it getting wet and more cold, sniffing the water and getting water up its nose then falling over in it so we drained it down to 1/4" and I added a dish with food; bread, popcorn, and cockatiel bird small seed mix...wouldn't touch the food or water did not even smell it! Seems to have no sense of smell I even tried whole milk in an eye dropper its not interested so we even tried a tiny drop on its nose so it can smell the milk with no luck. Either it is not hungry, it can't smell, or it's stressed out so its appetite is low?
I added a hand towel and the thing fell in love with it! I tried to grab it so I could wrap him and he jumped up got pissed and pulled the blanket back like "no this is mine!" so I added a second towel over him and all he wants to do is bury his nose and sleep, sleep, sleep. The longer he has been in the cage the longer he just wants to be left alone and sleep with no appetite, once and a while he gets up and runs around for a minute then goes back to burrowing and sleeping. He loved to be held (I use a cloth) and patted on the head he falls right asleep in your hand he just wants to be cuddled!
Since he wont eat I left all the food in the cage and some shallow water win a bowl, before I gave it a blanket he stayed in the sunny side of the cage with his nose down against his chest shivering a little bit it was about 60F out. After the sun went down I put the cage on my top porch out of harms way on a towel, its going to be 40F out tonight so with the cage on a towel I wrapped the whole cage in sweat shirts to hold the heat in and hes wrapped in a hand towl and I placed another hand towel over that but he can easily push his way out I just hope he has enough oxygen for the night he should be okay I just do not want to bring it in my house because I learnt last year when a squirrels tail had a ring of missing fur at its base they all often carry fleas (the tail eventually fell off).
I will check on it in the morning, pull the sweatshirts off and put him back in the sun, try to feed him again see if he is in a better mood. Overall he looks healthy besides the fact he bites at his feet and legs and my only concern is this yellow stuff coming out of his butt its just stuck there, not sure if its his internals or sh*t or what but I read something about them needing a sponge to the butt after feeding to induce going to the bathroom.
Here is a picture and a video of his little rush of energy then going back to bed any advice will be greatly appreciated!
05-18-2014, 12:46 AM
Hopefully someone will be here to help you soon.
But no cows milk. And no bread, popcorn, and cockatiel bird small seed mix.
No towels. Fleece, flannel or cotton is best. It would be better if you could bring him inside.
Do you have a heating pad? The kind that does not shut off?
Also - I am concerned with his bottom. Can you check to see if it is poop?
or does he have a injury? You may need to take a warm wash cloth and clean
him. It looks like from his movement it is causing him trouble.
Hopefully some experts will be here soon to advise you what to do next.
05-18-2014, 01:03 AM
I will improve on all these conditions in the morning, it seems so set on sleeping I hope it is fine until morning and does not wake up and run around. In a few towels retaining its own body heat out of any breeze it can't be much worse then with its mother for tonight...will the fleas stay on its body and not want to wander off if I put the cage in my house?? I barley live with knowing dust-mites exist but I want to help the squirrel out lol.
05-18-2014, 01:13 AM
Don;t have time to read all that right now, but you should go out tomorrow and buy some Esbilac (with probiotics on the label), get some 3 CC syringes without needles from a pharmacy, and some Kaytee Forti-Diet rodent blocks for rats and mice from a pet store.
Here is a link to proper feeding technique so as to avoid aspiration. If you ever hear clicking when breathing, we need to know about it immediately.!!
If you don;t have a scale, you should get one. They should be fed 5-7% of body weight every 4-5 hours. It will also allow you to track progress and help us dose drugs if need be.
05-18-2014, 01:27 AM
He may need to be stimulated to poop.
Please bring him inside, at least the garage.
Fleas can be done away with by giving him a wipe down with diluted Dawn dish soap (the blue kind). They will stay on and very much around him and won't infect your home. Just don;t get him near another pet where they could find another host.
Towels aren't good because they can get their tows snagged and break one. Fleece, flannel, t-shirts and the sweatshirt are better.
Do you want us to see if someone can take him to raise?
I had one this age a while ago and he wouldn't eat anything the first night but walnuts, because they're a soft nut. He would drink, but not from a dish, from a syringe.
You will have to make sure he's hydrated before giving formula tomorrow. Gently pinch the skin between the shoulders and make sure it doesn;t tent and goes right back down like on the back of your hand.
05-18-2014, 01:49 AM
:wave123 PinkFloydEffect and :Welcome You're doing a truly compassionate thing've come to the right place and you've gotten great advice :thumbsup
I'm worried about the yellow around his bottom....first because he appears to be moving as if he's been injured...whether from a fall, stepped on, animal attack...if he has an injury, that yellow stuff could be fly eggs. Which I hate to frighten you (I know you have an aversion to little creepy crawlies ie: dust mites) but basically he could be in danger of maggots. He needs to be cleaned up and looked at closely (for any sign of injury) He also needs some sort of additional heat could make him a rice buddy (rice in a sock, heated for approximately 1 min, then smushed around to check for hot spots) put that in the cage and he will definitely snuggle with it ....even a plastic bottle with very warm water in a someone else mentioned a heating pad would be the best :thumbsup you've gone through a lot of trouble to help this little guy :bowdown please take the extra steps to ensure it's a success :thumbsup And please try to give him some sweetened water (sugar, juice) he appears to be dehydrated...spiky fur. Again thank you soooo much and good would also help to know exactly where you are located (you can PM someone, rather than have it on the open board) so we can find someone to help you :Love_Icon
05-18-2014, 03:03 AM
I live 30min away from a pet store and it would be difficult to get there, is this stuff expensive?
You think this squirrel is young enough to need to be fed with a dropper? I have a dropper and bottle from an Kava Kava extract that has been washed out thourally. I do not have a scale either just a normal digital bathroom scale which might work but only down to the lb.
I am hoping if I help him out and release him someday he will come back to me and eat from my hand living in my yard because captivity would be too complicated long term to do properly.
Maybe he is not eating because he is not pooping? I don't have a garage but I'm feeling bad now 3am and 45F out so I put the cage in the basement on the floor in the open on a sweatshirt and I left 1/4 of the cage exposed for fresh air with my work sweatshirts on the least 55/60 is better then 45 for now. Whole time I was moving the cage he did not budge so I checked up and pulled the towel back he was just sleeping but he looked at me, no shivering he did not feel cold but the towels were chilly he seems perfectly fine as far as comfort and temperature goes :)
I have Dawn dish soap but its green (Ultra) and its antibacterial, will this work or no? I bet he would be content with a warm bath/washing, and I do not have any pets I do not like hair I have allergies.
I will work on other fabrics tomorrow luckily he is not very active in there but I know the caution with nails as my friends dog got his stuck in the carpet or couch and bled all over their house but again he is very sleepy.
Yeah possibly I would be willing to allow the right person to raise him if they want to pick him up, better be done correctly if they can provide us with updates and pictures.
I will check the shoulder skin for hydration and try to wet its mouth with the dropper tomorrow! I hope dehydration is not causing him to want to sleep?
- - - -
Awesome thanks! He could have very well fallen from a tree seeing how he can't get back into one, and I did not realize irregular movement but you may be right and I can get very good 1080p video tomorrow.
The yellow stuff appear to have the texture of a booger, I don't think whatever it is can hatch in the next 8 hours and make it far from the cage in my basement?
I have those bean sacks that you put on your neck and shoulders that heat in the microwave I can use??
I had to move the cage all over the yard to keep him in the sun and away from the lawn mowers noise and he did not freak out, but all this has certainly put a dent in my day and probably the next week or two and longer.
If he can sit tight in my basement so I can get some good sleep I will hook him up tomorrow the best I can with some beanie microwave heat and sugar water (with salt?) also a sweatshirt to sleep on/in instead of the towels. I will not be able to get anything I can't from the grocery store tomorrow though :( will he be okay dehydrated sleeping for another 8 hours until morning?? He did get some of his fur wet in that bowl not sure if that is why its spikey but when I just checked he was soft...your inbox is full I can not send you a PM.
05-18-2014, 03:24 AM
He really needs formula if he can't get to someone to take him, like tomorrow. The formula is about $25 in a store, but you can get it cheaper online:Ū-Powder-Milk-Replacer-Puppies/dp/B0002ASRZ8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1400400781&sr=8-1&keywords=esbilac+puppy+milk+replacer
Unfortunately, squirrels are kind of expensive to raise. Diet is absolutely, positively critical for these guys so you really have to do it. I hope you're getting up first thing this morning to get him some food. He has to eat, but first he has to be hydrated. I hope you can get that under way ASAP.
If you can't get Esbilac for some reason (30 mins away is pretty close by my estimation) you could make the temporary goat's milk formula. GM can be bought fresh at a lot of places and sometiems canned next to the condenced milk and such. Trader Joes has it dehydrated.
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt
The green Dawn may work, but he will not like taking a bath. Wiping him down with a sponge would be easier.
From your PMs, you're open to someone taking him. I can't. Sorry. My life just can't allow for it and I don;t have a car to get to you anyway. We have a few people in the area who MIGHT be able to take him, but this is been a terrible spring and most people who can take them in are just full to the brim. I'll start a thread to get people's attention who might contact you.
05-18-2014, 03:39 AM
Also, be on the lookout for others out there.
And if he won't drink the water, try sweetening it with a touch of sugar or apple juice.
Oh, and I alerted two members in the Boston area.
05-18-2014, 05:29 AM
I am in CT, where are you in NE?
island rehabber
05-18-2014, 06:31 AM
You're getting good advice here, Pink, but let me just reiterate that you need to get this baby some help from an experienced squirrel rescuer. He may have diarrhea -- from what, we don't know. He is certainly dehydrated -- that's why his fur is spiky. He does NOT have rabies -- squirrels are NOT a rabies vector species despite what everyone always thinks, and babies of any species -- rabies vector or no -- do not typically have rabies anyway.... Please send a private message to SammysMom or me with your location (the town/city) so we can see who is available to help you with this adorable little one.
And :Welcome, and thank you for saving him!
05-18-2014, 06:51 AM
I am in MA, where are you located?
05-18-2014, 07:20 AM
Does anyone have an address? This little one needs help now.
Nancy in New York
05-18-2014, 07:48 AM
Does anyone have an address? This little one needs help now.
I will send them an email right now to come back to the board, we have help. :thumbsup:grouphug
05-18-2014, 08:31 AM
05-18-2014, 08:46 AM
Has any heard from the finder?
05-18-2014, 08:51 AM
I emailed, but likely how late they were up, they may still be sleeping. Rocky63 can get him if we hear from them to get an addy. He is the closest to them.
05-18-2014, 10:15 AM
Fingers crossed this little one survived the night :shakehead Any updates?
05-18-2014, 10:20 AM
He survived but barely HE NEEDS HELP NOW!
He was breathing but unresponsive, curled. I got him on his back on a blanket and got reaction from hands and feet. Wrapped him back up with a heated beanie and used an eye dropper to keep wetting his mouth with sugar water. He felt cool so Im trying to warm him up and I am afraid to do more then wet his mouth so he doesn't breath in the water no sounds from him when breathing but after the water at first he was either hiccuping or regurgitating but hes fine now breathing but I need help! Anyone come get him!
05-18-2014, 10:28 AM
I pm'd SammysMom you have molasses or corn syrup, maple syrup to put on his raise his blood sugar ...and keep him would be helpful if you held him and the rice buddy, heating beanie and rubbed and stimulate him..let him know he's not alone...don't give up help is on the way :Love_Icon
05-18-2014, 10:28 AM
Brian is going to call you, he is closest. Just gave him the number you sent me. I will be out for a few hours, so hopefully you guys can work this out. Praying for this poor baby. Do you have a heating pad? Put him on in, on low. If not, pour rice into a sock, heat for a minute, move around to make sure no hot spots and put in with him.
05-18-2014, 10:47 AM
I do not have a heating pad just this beanie (I think its full of something better then rice) its warming him I can feel it and I am patting his head he likes it even though he does not move much. The water seems to be helping a little...he has tons of fleas! I can see them crawling all over him :(
Brain is on his way! He will be here within the hour to bring him back home with him for correct care! This one might make it!
PeeWee's Mom
05-18-2014, 11:03 AM
Hang in there little guy! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon
island rehabber
05-18-2014, 11:05 AM
oh I'm SO glad Brian is coming to the rescue :thumbsup:thumbsup
Fleas will sap a baby's lifeblood and cause them to get anemic and weak; then once they are debilitated all sorts of other things attack them like mange mites, coccidia, etc. A quick wipe-down with a warm damp cloth dipped in Dawn dishwashing liquid will get rid of them.
05-18-2014, 11:07 AM
When Brain arrives I will open my kitchen to him and allow him to de-flea him before he takes him if he chooses. Right now I am afraid to move him or expose him to cool air I hope Brain hurry's!
Nancy in New York
05-18-2014, 11:09 AM
When Brain arrives I will open my kitchen to him and allow him to de-flea him before he takes him if he chooses. Right now I am afraid to move him or expose him to cool air I hope Brain hurry's!
Fantastic update!
Prayers for the baby, and
a huge thank you to YOU and
Brian for helping this little one! :grouphug
05-18-2014, 11:11 AM
:Love_Icon I'm praying for you both :grouphug You're doing great:thumbsup Thanks for not giving up ...the Calvary is on it's way :Love_Icon Brian :Love_Icon
05-18-2014, 12:21 PM
Alright he picked him up! He stayed and nurtured him for a good 15min, he said he was very dehydrated and hungry. He used a syringe and fed him a formula of water sugar and salt and he took it but he said that he appears borderline with glossy eyes.
So he may or may not make it, seems extremely low on energy but still wants to fight it!
Hopefully Brian will keep us posted on this thread and share updates and photos :)
Nancy in New York
05-18-2014, 12:44 PM
Alright he picked him up! He stayed and nurtured him for a good 15min, he said he was very dehydrated and hungry. He used a syringe and fed him a formula of water sugar and salt and he took it but he said that he appears borderline with glossy eyes.
So he may or may not make it, seems extremely low on energy but still wants to fight it!
Hopefully Brian will keep us posted on this thread and share updates and photos :)
Praying hard for this little one. :Love_Icon
05-18-2014, 12:47 PM
Sending many healing thoughts and prayers...Thank-you for working to get him help!:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
05-18-2014, 12:51 PM
I just can't believe I got someone to come pick him up and this much help within 12 hours on a forum! He said it appears to have odd teeth being longer then normal and split apart at the top or something...may not be releasable if it pulled through.
05-18-2014, 12:52 PM
TSB isn't just a's a family! :Welcometo the family!
05-18-2014, 01:21 PM
Tears flowing and sitting on the edge of my chair. Does any one know anything more.I pray we are on time for this little one.
05-18-2014, 01:28 PM
So glad he got there, now praying he will pull through. He is in great hands. Thank you for helping this baby. Been out all day (had someone bring a squirrel to me to release they had raised and wintered over, so emotional day.)
05-18-2014, 01:34 PM
I'm back.
He made the trip home but is very weak and has had some seizers. Keeping warm for now and hydrating.
This one will be a slow process.
I will post more later I need to get to work setting my releases out side today.
05-18-2014, 01:36 PM
If you have molasses, or syrup if not, it will help him to put some on his gums to get his blood sugar back up. The molasses has other nutrients in it, but the syrup will work on the sugar. (Sorry if I am preaching to the choir, but in a stressful situation I forget all that I know...:shakehead)
05-18-2014, 01:40 PM
thanks Gayle, Molasses has been given. it's always good to remind.
05-18-2014, 01:43 PM
That damned dehydration when they are little is so tough... Many prayers being said...:grouphug
05-18-2014, 01:54 PM
I'm back.
He made the trip home but is very weak and has had some seizers. Keeping warm for now and hydrating.
This one will be a slow process.
I will post more later I need to get to work setting my releases out side today.
:bowdown :thankyou :thankyou :Love_Icon :grouphug
Thanks for getting there soo fast rocky63 :Love_Icon I'm praying to all the powers that be to help this little are the beginning of that answer:Love_Icon well, technically PinkFloydEffect started it all :thumbsup :grouphug :thankyou
05-18-2014, 01:56 PM
TSB isn't just a's a family! :Welcometo the family!
:goodpost :yeahthat :grouphug
05-18-2014, 02:14 PM
Thanks Rocky!
If his breathing is bad, perhaps he needs some ABs? Do you have any?
05-18-2014, 02:18 PM
My gratitude to all involved for seeking help and helping
this baby, may prayers and healing light surround him... :grouphug
Nancy in New York
05-18-2014, 02:24 PM
Baby grey is in my thoughts.:Love_Icon
05-18-2014, 02:30 PM
Thank you for the update please keep us posted God Speed.
05-18-2014, 02:57 PM
Thanks for the update Rocky much appreciated, I can't help but blame myself for the rough evening and night he had but I have learned a lot in the last 24hrs about squirrel care if this happens again.
If he has pulled through seizures and is still breathing and now in proper care I have high hopes but time will tell...
05-18-2014, 08:49 PM
:Love_Icon Still a hoping and a praying :Love_Icon
PinkFloydEffect this has been a learning experience for you ...and bottom line ....he'd be dead right now "for sure" if not for you :Love_Icon Don't forget, too, you never gave up on him...and hollered for help!!! :bowdown :Love_Icon
05-18-2014, 09:32 PM
I'm sorry to say the little one has passed over the bridge. I wish I could have done more.
Pinkfloydeffect you did a wonderful job taking care of him and I see a future rehabber in you. These little ones are so fragile and when they are away from there moms for an extended amount of time it can be difficult to keep them alive. Thank you for giving him a chance and at least a warm and caring place to pass.
05-18-2014, 09:37 PM
Godspeed little one...:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
:thankyouPink Floyd for giving the baby a chance and :thankyouRocky for going the distance to try and save this sweet baby... He sure did know he was loved thanks to both of you...:grouphug
05-18-2014, 09:45 PM
Thanks for trying Rocky!
Nancy in New York
05-18-2014, 09:46 PM
I'm so very sorry to read this.
Rest in Peace
Precious Baby 234927
05-18-2014, 09:52 PM
:( Gods speed little baby squirrel.
Thanks to all who tried to save this little squirrel. :grouphug
05-18-2014, 10:46 PM
Oh no! :meh
Well thanks for driving out here, your gas and free time is appreciated. I know who to call next time at least and my eye is always peeled so you WILL hear from me...I would not mind rehabbing to my ability at some point I am a bit older then I look I'm 24 you would have never guessed Rocky lol
I have some squirrel videos on my channel if anyone wants to see them and do not be offended because I feed them junk food I did not know any better but I was trying to fatten them up before winter so they were warm. Also as weird as this may sound I used to HATE squirrels 5 years ago and I have two videos of scaring the crap out of them with air horns...they are funny but old and me and the squirrels genuinely get along well now its a very classic case of if you can't beat them join them.
Over 134,000 views on this one haha don't hate me now people!
05-19-2014, 06:05 AM
Rocky63, thank you for trying. You have had a rough go with the babies this year. But you continue to open your heart and home to them, so thank you for all you do!:Love_Icon RIP little one.
05-19-2014, 08:11 AM
All any of us can do is try. I hate to see a little one leave us. I just keep thinking of all of those that we have made a difference to. Thanks again for every one rallying to help another.
05-19-2014, 04:43 PM
:Cry :Love_Icon Rocky :Love_Icon PinkFloydEffect :Love_Icon Sweet Lil Angel Baby :Love_Icon
05-20-2014, 12:21 AM
R.I.P. little one :Love_Icon:sad
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