View Full Version : Bedding?
04-20-2007, 10:56 AM
Hello, it's the newbie I was just looking for some tips and ideas as to what I should be putting in chip's cage. I think he's about 9 wks now. He's very ative and agile and makes a mess all over his cage with his food. I keep him in a parrot cage, so it has the pull out tray at the bottom to make cleaning easier, but I've been keeping towels & blankets in it for bedding, so I'm cleaning those out all the time.
Also, I noticed today that he has chewed the cord on the heating pad I had for him. I thought it was arranged so he couldn't get to it, but I guess not. So, I have removed it. I'm assuming that since he looks like a little adult that he doesn't really need it anymore anyway?
He has toys hanging from the top of his cage that he can hang & climb on and I added a long piece of wood for him to sit and run along. I covered it with a tube sock for better traction. The cage came with holders for the food dishes & after drinking, he uses the water dish as a potty(is that normal?)
I'm just wondering, do I really need to keep all that bedding in the bottom for him & just keep cleaning it or would rigging up some sort of hammoc or something for him to sleep in be enough? Sort-of like a ferret hammoc? Maybe then he'll be less likely to get food all over his bedding and I could just use the pull-out tray for cleaning.
Hehe..he's funny. I have his cage open at the moment and he is running in and and out and all
island rehabber
04-20-2007, 11:48 AM
Hi -- does he have a nest box to sleep in? At his age he should have some sort of box where he can build a nest and retreat from the light & sound of the outside world. Once he has that you don't need bedding on the floor of his cage, and he doesn't need a heating pad anymore. What are your plans for him? If he chooses to stay with you as your squirrel, he'll need a permanent large cage or enclosure so that he can run and leap and exercise his muscles. Within that large enclosure, of course, there should be a nice nest box that he can line with whatever scraps of material you provide for him. :)
04-20-2007, 12:08 PM (something like this without ladders):Welcome The baby needs to be in a cage where he can practice his climbing skills, preferably with some nice branches and sticks (no pesticides added please) for chewing. Are you going to be releasing him? He needs at minimum a 4X3X3 ferret cage or something of the sort, with a nice nest box or hanging hammock to sleep in.
04-20-2007, 04:38 PM
Pics please!
04-24-2007, 01:39 PM
Sorry, I will post pictures soon. I don't have a new ones loaded right now.
Yes, I do plan to release him when he is ready. When should I start taking him oustide? When can I let him run free outside?
My bf is building a nest box to put in his cage. I was thinking that once we release him, maybe we'll put one on a tree for him if he wants it. I'm not sure how long it will take for him to learn to make his own nest.
Will he learn what is good for him to eat without a mother to teach him?
Are squirrels territorial? Will the other squirrels give him any trouble when he is released?
Do squirrels mate for life? There is a family living in one of my trees. 2 adults, 2 babies. I can see which one is the mother, but I haven't gotten a close enough look at the other adult to tell if it's a male.
Are those corn feeders we put out for wild squirrels good for them? I put one in Chip's cage to give him something to knaw on & the package says it's a good source of protein. I also gave him and chewee that looks & tastes like a carrot, inteded for hamsters, gerbils & such. He hasn't messed with it much, although he seems to enjoy the fresh carrots I give him.
04-24-2007, 02:01 PM
My bf is building a nest box to put in his cage. I was thinking that once we release him, maybe we'll put one on a tree for him if he wants it. I'm not sure how long it will take for him to learn to make his own nest.
*He will begin trying to build a nest right after release but a nestbox is a wonderful way for him & you to know he has a nice place to sleep untill his nest making skills are perfected!:D (a few weeks)
Will he learn what is good for him to eat without a mother to teach him?
*Yes when released he will know what to eat.
Utill that time to keep him healthy it will be up to you to give him proper nutrition.
Are squirrels territorial? Will the other squirrels give him any trouble when he is released?
*There could be a bully in the area but they learn fast who to stay away from.
Do squirrels mate for life? There is a family living in one of my trees. 2 adults, 2 babies. I can see which one is the mother, but I haven't gotten a close enough look at the other adult to tell if it's a male.
*No once adults mate they do not mate with that squirrel again.
Are those corn feeders we put out for wild squirrels good for them? I put one in Chip's cage to give him something to knaw on & the package says it's a good source of protein. I also gave him and chewee that looks & tastes like a carrot, inteded for hamsters, gerbils & such. He hasn't messed with it much, although he seems to enjoy the fresh carrots I give him.
*The corn feeders are fine for outdoor squirrels, not for baby indoors though he needs lots of dark green veggies,mushrooms (store bought only) small amount of sweet potato, (carrots) kale brocolli, peeled grapes, sliced apples, rodent block, 1 nut a day. At Chris's squirrel store she has little knaw bones to chew on that would give extra calcium.:thumbsup Keep his diet as nutritious as possible and he will be a nice healthy squirrel to release.
Good luck you sound like a caring Mom!
04-26-2007, 08:51 AM
Thank you! I've been looking for those rodent blocks, but haven't seen them yet. I did find the monkey biscuits at my pet store though!
04-26-2007, 10:47 AM
Here is a pic of his cage with him playing on top, which is where he spends a lot of his time. I know his cage is a bit small for him, but I am planning to release him & he does spend much oh his time running around the house.
yes, that's a dog jacket hannging inside. I works very nicely as a hammock and he enjoys climbing inside it and peeking his little head out at me.
I usually have bedding inside his cage as well, but I sat his mat on top of the cage so he could sit up there and eat his treates. My bf going to build him a nest box as well.
04-26-2007, 10:54 AM
How old is he? Usually its best to wait until 16 weeks if at all possible, they are a little more wise then. He is a beautiful squirrel and a nice fluffy tail! At anytime you could start putting him out in a cage for some sun & fresh air a few hours each day. I would do that for a good couple of weeks before release.
Momma Squirrel
04-26-2007, 10:55 AM
He is a sweetheart, nice set up :thumbsup
04-26-2007, 11:12 AM
He's about 10-11 wks. old. The cage pictured is very heavy & I can't lift it. I could use mr doggy crate to let him get sime fresh air, though. It is small, so maybe just in small intervals throughout the day.
04-26-2007, 11:17 AM
Would hubby be a able to make a release cage for him?
He may want a cage to go to at night untill he has a nest built? That would really be the best solution. He will need something secure to get into. ALso he should be out in his cage atleast one week 24/7 before release, just to get used to everything including weather night & day.
04-26-2007, 11:22 AM
I will tell that to my hunny. He's pretty handy, so I'm sure he can come up with something.
Would it be best to build a frame and use a close knit fencing material for the sides? Or, maybe all wood sides with just a wire front so rain doesn't get in? Is there somewhere I can look for examples of release cages?
04-26-2007, 11:29 AM
scrool down to where you see Buddy with the nut in his mouth and you can have an idea of what it should look like the wire mesh, I forget what its called Carpenter something (can someone help me) you can get at lowes.
Thats the best for them to climb on.
And some wood to frame it out.
also scrool down there is one of a little door you would also need to build in.
04-27-2007, 04:03 PM
05-20-2007, 07:20 PM
Just a note on the cord-chewing.. my male did that as well. I kept wrapping it in duct tape but he'd chew right through it. One day while I was changing it, the stupid thing exploded on me, singed everything within about six inches. I can only be thankful that I set it off and not the babies.
05-20-2007, 07:56 PM
Just a note on the cord-chewing.. my male did that as well. I kept wrapping it in duct tape but he'd chew right through it. One day while I was changing it, the stupid thing exploded on me, singed everything within about six inches. I can only be thankful that I set it off and not the babies.
:osnap :osnap :osnap
That's terrible!
island rehabber
05-20-2007, 08:09 PM
I think "hardware cloth" is the term you're looking for -- it's a stiff wire mesh they sell at Lowe's and Home Dept by the foot....great for building cages.
05-20-2007, 10:10 PM
Once your BF gets a nest box together for him you can go to any Dollar General or Family Dollar & get a bed pillow with the poly fill. Looks like cotton & makes great nesting material. A standard size pillow will be 5 bucks & lasts awhile. You can just toss it in the trash when cleaning the cage & box, throw some more in the cage & let him do the work. BH just loves the nest-building part. She also uses it to bury nuts in. Don't put any in the box for him, let him do all the work!!
Have a Blessed Evening!
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