View Full Version : New Squirrel Mom!!
05-16-2014, 12:36 PM
Afternoon everyone. 4 weeks ago, a very tiny, very skinny, very scared, injured baby grey squirrel found me. He was on my back porch. I couldn't let this little guy starve to death in my back yard. So as my daughter warmed him up, I immediately started doing research to help him. In these past 4 weeks, he went from everything I mentioned earlier, to an active, running around, silly, goofy, happy squirrel. We have named him Chopper. His rear leg has healed completely! He must have broken it when he fell from wherever he came from. I do love him to bits, but I know he is a wild animal and he will need to be acclimated and released. I have included the collage I made of him and his progress in just 4 weeks. This is the first time I have ever raised a baby, but will not hesitate to do it again!!
05-16-2014, 12:40 PM
You have done a wonderful job and Chopper is handsome..... but please know that he is not ready to be released yet. We do not release our squirrels until they are around 4 months old. Are you able to complete his rehab process or would like for a rehabber near you to be located to take him and finish his rehabbing so he can be returned to the wild?
05-16-2014, 12:49 PM
Oh.. I know he is not ready for release until 4 months. I am very capable of seeing this through. He will be acclimated and released into my backyard. I have plenty of trees and he has a nesting box, that we made for him and he currently is using, that will go with him when he is ready for the outdoor wonders. Thank you for the offer though. :)
05-16-2014, 12:55 PM
Ok - W00T 4 YOU!! --Thanks for Loving this Little One.
I am so happy and thrilled that you are getting to exp such a wonder thing.
There is nothing like the love and cuddles of a baby squirrel. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Milo's Mom
05-16-2014, 01:36 PM
:wave123 and :Welcome to TSB!!!
Looking forward to seeing more of Chopper.
05-16-2014, 07:18 PM
Oh Jammie he looks so cute. Did any one share the healthy diet chart with you. Sometimes we look healthy but are missing some important things that will keep us healthy. You have done such a good job. maybe some one could send her a hyperlink. I am sure it here under nutrient. Let me see if zI can find it for you. Such helpful information.
05-16-2014, 07:21 PM there you go.If it doesnt work it is under Nutrients healthy squirrel diet. Hope you find it helpful. I have it taped to my refridge as a reminder. I love sweets and fruit and so do my babies but we both have to watch our intake and especially nuts. Good luck hope to see more post from you soon.
05-16-2014, 11:57 PM
Thank you for the info!!! I have been feeding the little monkey butt most of those things.. limited with the fruits and nuts. Although he does love his avacado!! He loves to climb and play!! Although those little nails are quite sharp!! He is currently housed in a five foot by five foot by five foot cage with plenty of branches, his hammock and squirrel box we made for him.He also loves to steal tissues and stash them in his box! I never ealized what a personality these little guys have!!
05-17-2014, 12:05 AM
Is he getting a quality rodent block? It's the most important thing and should be the cornerstone of the diet. What kind do you offer?
05-17-2014, 12:35 AM
Henry's squirrel blocks.. the growth formula. I order it online.
05-17-2014, 01:05 AM
Awesome! The best there is! So glad you're doing so well!
05-17-2014, 01:18 AM
I have done tons and tons of research when I found him. This forum has actually helped me before I became an actual member. I am learning everyday. I want him to be healthy..happy and safe!! One question though.. what would be some good toys for him?? I made him a felt twisting four foot long hanging rope with more twists hanging down. But I am afraid this won't be enough to keep him busy. He gets out of cage play about 4 hours a day and his cage is pretty darn big for as small as he at the moment! He also has a stuffed squirrel friend that he likes to wrestle with.
05-17-2014, 01:26 AM
Ropes, branches, tunnels, toilet paper tubes sealed shut (non-toxic glue) with a nut in them, hanging cat toys, bells to swat, everybody likes something different.
Do you have furnishings like hammocks and cubes? A member here makes such things:
Btw, sounds like you've done a wonderful job. Oh, if only everyone was like that! With so many it's like pulling teeth and they take offense to simple questions, but with you, you've beaten us to the punch. Welcome to TSB!
05-17-2014, 01:28 AM
Well my guy has a room mate and that helps a bunch. I have notice lots of people get those cat trees or cat jungle gyms. Mine love to chase each other. I have also seen a boa that some one here sales. Not sure who it is. I would love a cage that size. Working on one. Glad you got the rodent blocks. My guys love them and they are packed with protein and vitamins to promote good health. Calcium is very important.
05-17-2014, 01:39 AM
I made him a hammock and the hangy twisty rope thing. He also has a purple stuffed moose with ears as big as Chopper that he wrestles with. A stuffed iguana and his stuffed squirrel friend. Plus his box that he runs in and out of. I just don't want him to get bored because I am almost positive that can become an issue as with any animal wild or not!
05-17-2014, 01:43 AM
Oh for sure changing things up and personal interaction are key for any animal's intellectual stimulation. Tons of out of cage play time is the best thing.
05-17-2014, 01:51 AM
I ran a dog rescue and volunteered with others over the years. I know how boredom can lead to behavior issues. And I certainly don't want this little guy getting bored. He showed up two days before my grandmother passed away unexpectedly. We saved each other in a sence!
05-17-2014, 01:56 AM
Believe it or not, that's essentially a familiar story here.
05-17-2014, 02:15 AM
Thanks gor doing whatbyou did.
Can I give a bit of advice without sounding harsh. In one pic it shows yhe baby fed while being held up. That is a no no. Always feed them head down syringe up. Just for when the next one makes its way toyou.
05-17-2014, 05:21 AM
Oh, what a cutie Chopper is!
There seems to be something magical about squirrels, and how they come into our lives.
And then take them over:-)
island rehabber
05-17-2014, 06:39 AM
Ditto what everyone said, especially the part about you being a model new squirrel mom. :thumbsup It's so nice not to have to "walk on eggs" in order to explain to someone that they need to do this or that to help the baby!
To prepare for release, and since you have a nice big cage for him, make a jungle gym of sorts out of large, LONG branches. These should be 2-3 inches in diameter, and you can arrange them with zip ties. Often squirrels raised by humans get very good at climbing up a cage wall or jumping from couch to table, but can they run along a branch? Leap from one branch to another? Or if they are my Bronx squirrels, can they RUN along a cable TV cable to cross a 4-lane highway :eek :grin2 Those are the skills they need most when they are 100' up in the woods.
05-17-2014, 09:08 AM
Oh yes.. I learned that was not a proper way to feed him. That was his second feeding with me. Thankfully from all that I have read he has never aspirated or gotten any milk up his nose! He really is a character!!
05-17-2014, 09:13 AM
Once I finish all the animal duties and my errands today I will take a picture of the bad yard where he will be released when he old is enough. We have a bunch of pine trees and the neighbors have leafy trees.
05-17-2014, 10:13 AM
Oh love love love pictures lol. What they say about squirrels is true they are magical and seem to show up right on time. Less than 10 days after finding Fenwick I had to say goodbye to my companion of 14 years He was a white Kuvy Kuvasza and you just don't come across them much in the USA I was fortunate enough to rescue him then he rescued me. Same with Fenwick I thought I was saving him yet him being here has saved me in some way. Then to have a beautiful white baby placed in my hands just a month later. Yes they are magical and so are the ones who find them and those who care for them.
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