View Full Version : What do you mice rehabbers feed your baby mice?
05-13-2014, 07:01 PM
I have 8 baby mice that are now all eyes open and starting to nibble on solid foods. I'm going for anything they show any interest in and currently have had some eat apples, life cereal, yogurt, and almonds. That's about it and that's hit and miss. For those that rehab mice, what do you feed? When do your guys usually wean? What formula do you use (my guys seem bloated with the esbilac and some have diarrhea too- not sure if I'm feeding too often or what0?
05-13-2014, 08:14 PM
I have actually used fv, but 3 to 1. I usually start offering old fashioned oats, small seeds (parakeet, finch, etc), blueberried chopped up, even hhb's crumbled up. I also put a tiny dallop of yogurt in a soda cap (as well as formula, as they start eating on their own pretty quickly). You can also put some of the oats into the formula as well. They pretty much wean themselves, once their eyes are open, I start offering the cap of thickened up formula (I usually add a little yogurt to the formula to thicken it.)
**I have not done any this year, but with the issues with fv, would be a bit concerned. Perhaps try using the gm recipe.
05-13-2014, 08:58 PM
Thanks, you use a lot of things I don't, I'll have to give them a try. After over a week of feeding every 2 hours, they really need to start eating on their own!
05-13-2014, 09:03 PM
I'm not a "mouse rehabber" by any stretch of the imagination but I have been feeding my little guy a mouse
and rat blend roomie picked up at PetSmart. It has a little bit of everything in it and he eats it really well.
Outside that I crumble up some of the Henry's peanut stick snack and he goes to town on it.
05-13-2014, 09:13 PM
This was Louis when he was a little tyke...234562234563234564234565234566234567
05-13-2014, 10:08 PM
My mouse Scooter was raised on FV for the first 4 weeks then went on to eat Kaytee Gourmet
Rat & Mouse Food along with slices of fresh vegetables and fresh water.... he is huge now.
05-14-2014, 08:57 AM
:thankyoufor all your suggestions guys. Sadly I lost another overnight. This one to pneumonia, though, although he was having digestive issues as well, but could have been septicemia from the pneumonia causing other issues. I'm afraid I'm gonna lose the whole group of 4. They were fed with a paintbrush and were clicky when they came in. I put them on sulfa-trim and then they had HORRIBLE diarrhea and I'm not sure if it was that or the formula or what so I switched them to Albon. I know other rehabbers use it for respiratory issues. I just use it for digestive usually, but these guys have both so I figured why not give it a shot.
Will be making a trip to the pet store to get some of the food, looks like it has everything a little mouse would like.
Pappy the oats were a hit! I usually give them to cottontails so already had some and they went to town on it.
05-14-2014, 08:58 AM
I'm not a "mouse rehabber" by any stretch of the imagination but I have been feeding my little guy a mouse
and rat blend roomie picked up at PetSmart. It has a little bit of everything in it and he eats it really well.
Outside that I crumble up some of the Henry's peanut stick snack and he goes to town on it.
How is your little tyke doing? Ralph the third is up to 13 grams now and nearly weaned :).
05-14-2014, 10:36 AM
Awww, sorry, hopefully the others will rally. Yeah, it is usually the first real food I feed them. You can also put some formula over them so they get formula while nibbling the oats, as well.
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