View Full Version : Curious

04-16-2006, 09:37 PM
Me again with a question. I feed my little boy (Skippy) every four to five hours as suggested on most squirrel websites. Early in the morning I am awakened by a high pitched squeeling. I figured he is telling me to wake up as he is ready for his breakfast. I just fed him his evening meal less than an hour ago and I can hear him making little short squeaks from downstairs. I don't imagine he is hungry again but am curious about his sounds. I have never had a squirrel inside the house and am not familiar with the sounds they make. He is so cute and I am afraid I am wanting to spoil him with cuddles, but have read that that would not be fair and would mess up releasing. I am afraid he may be lonely, hense the squeaking.
Boy ... I am getting attached to this little guy! LOL
My husband would put me in the looney bin if he knew how much I worry about this little squirrel.


island rehabber
04-17-2006, 12:18 AM
Skippy might be lonely, or scared...can you put a small stuffed animal in with him so he can cuddle with something? Might help.

04-17-2006, 12:35 AM
arrrgh, that must drive you crazy, in a heart-wrenching kind of way.

i suggest a rice buddy.
get an old clean sock with no holes in it.

fill it with rice, but leave enough sock end to tie in a knot.

tie the end of the sock in a knot (hopefully it's a somewhat long sock, but it can be done with small socks.....trust me).

put the sock full of rice in the microwave and "cook" it on high for about thirty to forty-five seconds.

pull it out; it's ok if it's really hot, cause you want it to last a long time and you can just wrap it in a shirt.
just make SURE it's in the shirt, lol. you don't want to burn Skippy's fur off.

and ta-da! instant warm-body-next-to-me simulation.

and about the cuddling.....i don't think you have to worry about cuddling him too much for another week or so. just make sure you don't walk around the house with him on your shoulder, walking by dogs and cats with him, feeding him treats all the time, etc. etc..

when the local rehabber comes back, she might want to take Skippy off your hands. i just want to warn you about that, cause it's awfully easy to get attatched to these little buggers. you can talk to her about becoming a rehabber yourself, and even getting a permit. heck, maybe she'll let you raise him if you show her you're capable. but until you become a certified rehabber, i ask you to please listen to the advice of those who are certified; if she does ask you for Skippy, please strongly consider giving him to her.

but from the way it sounds....i think she'll let you raise him, cause you do sound very responsible. ;) i know i would.

04-17-2006, 08:46 AM
Me again with a question. I feed my little boy (Skippy) every four to five hours as suggested on most squirrel websites.


Gina, how old is he and how much are you feeding each time?