View Full Version : New flyer rescued from jaws of a cat!

04-27-2014, 06:45 PM
I'm a first time squamma - and need some help assessing if Meesha needs meds?

She was dropped off after being brought in by a cat through someone's doggie door. I've had her since Thursday night (this is now Sunday afternoon), and someone else was haphazardly caring for her for 7 days before I got her. So essentially she's 10 days out from being attacked by the cat. I was told when it first happened that her rear right leg was very swollen and sore. By the time I got her, only her foot was sore, but it looked really red and swollen like it had been blown up like a balloon. Today it pretty much looks back to normal. But I have been lurking and reading non-stop on TSB since she came to me, and found a couple of old threads that say cat bites are deadly for squirrels, but can take 1-2 weeks to show signs of issue?

So now I'm worried, should I be giving her something?

She's pooping regularly, peeing fine, eating a bit (hard to tell with the various healthy solids I've been offering, but again, she's pooping and peeing, so I'm guessing she's getting enough). I did go out today and get a scale - she's currently weighs 29g.

I also ordered HHBs last night and made her up some gm/cream/yogurt formula to see if that interests her because she doesn't seem terribly interested when I try to hand feed her.

Am I missing anything? Should I be trying to get my hands on ABs of some kind?

04-27-2014, 07:03 PM
Ohhh Meesha is beautiful....and very lucky :thumbsup I would definitely try and hunt down some antibiotics....amoxicillin or baytril ...baytril being the preferred...but the amoxicillin is usually easier to find..I'm not sure of the name baytril goes under for humans :thinking someone hopefully will come on and let you know...I believe it's one of the ABs given for urinary tract infections....but please wait and let someone else verify that....also if you live near an exotic pet store you may also find the baytril in a form given to fish...you will definitely need some one to help with the dosing :help

Meesha may be ok after this amount of time...but with her already having some symptoms (swelling, redness) I'd be worried that it may be lurking somewhere else:eek
Hang in there! I'm sure one of our experts will be on soon...infact I'll PM one of our resident flyer experts:thumbsup

:Welcome and :thankyou

04-27-2014, 07:16 PM
Baytril is Cipro.

04-27-2014, 08:32 PM
After this much time, I wonder if he's not OK as is. If you are to get ABs, I think Clavamox is best for this followed by Amoxicillin and doxycycline.

04-27-2014, 09:08 PM
:wave123 mrskatybug

:Welcome to TSB

Meesha is adorable! :Love_Icon Were her eyes open when she was found 10 days ago? Their eyes open at 28 days so that could give you an idea about her age. Based on her weight she is definitely young. Typically a 29g flyer would be around 31-35 days but she is probably a little older due to being cared for "haphazardly" for 7 days.

In regard to the cat bite, you're sorta 'on the fence' here. An injury from 10 days ago that is visible getting better is probably OK without antibiotics. Just to be safe, I would probably try to get one antibiotic pill to have available just in case. If you want to be extra cautious, you could give a 3-5 day course of Ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin or Clavamox. In the pic the foot looks a little red. Is that just the lighting? If it is red or different from the other foot, I probably would give a short course of antibiotics.

I see you ordered HHB's. Would it be possible to add something on to your order? I would order FoxValley 32/40 formula. This baby still needs formula. The goat milk recipe is good for a temporary formula but for longer terms the FV32/40 is better. I have a 3 1/2 year old flyer that still drinks his FoxValley. :grin2 I would also order some Sklar O ring syringes and a miracle nipple. They are wonderful.

Welcome to the world of being 'owned by a flyer'.

04-27-2014, 09:40 PM
Yes, her eyes were open when they got her.

That pic was taken on Friday - her foot is pretty much back to normal now. I'll lay my hands on some ABs just in case and hold onto them, since she's made it this far without them...

I'll contact in the morning and see if they'll add to my order. She took about .25cc of the gm mix formula earlier but then dived back down in my shirt and curled up to sleep, so I left a shallow lid of it in her cage for now.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome and advice - I'm pleased with her bonding thus far, just a nervous new momma worrying about her not eating enough! Lol

04-27-2014, 11:09 PM
I would shoot for 5-7% of her body weight for the formula intake. For a 29g flyer that would be approx. 1.5-2cc per feeding. She might be dehydrated if she hasn't been taking enough fluids. That can cause a decreased appetite. If she doesn't take more on the next feeding, I would give her some hydration fluid without the salt. (3 tablespoons sugar with 1 quart of warm water) to see if you can perk up her appetite.

Oh one last thing, they like the formula very warm but NOT TOO HOT.
I hope little Miss Meesha starts eating more soon. :thumbsup

04-27-2014, 11:20 PM
Okay, I'll try that next if she doesn't perk up - thanks so much!!

Oh, and once HHB's arrive, should I remove all other foods for a week or two until she starts eating those? I realize she's been a little out of normal order for food introduction?

04-27-2014, 11:28 PM
Yes, I understand about the first week. I would focus on getting her on formula first. At 29g, she is very small so I think formula is important. I would then try to get her to eat the blocks. By other foods, what are you talking about? I hope you're not talking about nuts. :grin2 If she has eaten nuts, she will give you a fit about eating blocks. Just sayin'. :tilt

04-28-2014, 12:37 AM
I've been trying a wide variety, and honestly I can't tell that she favors any of it.

Apples, carrots, grapes, oranges, strawberries, several leafy lettuces, green pepper, cucumber, green beans, pecans, walnuts, shredded cheese, a bit of parrot mix, kaytee rodent blocks, full fat plain dannon yogurt, and mealworms rolled in phosphorus-free RepCal with D3... though honestly it's hard to tell if she's eating much of any of it. I know she hasn't touched the mealworms :(

I just tried warmer formula - she readily ate about .2cc again and then dive for my shirt and then pooped on me.

04-28-2014, 12:45 AM
Just tried the sugar water - .2cc and then back into my shirt... :shakehead

04-28-2014, 05:39 AM
Hi my flyers always eat their mushrooms, they seem to
really like zucchini, yellow squash, butternut squash,
and avocado. blue berry and black cherry yogurt is
always eaten.
This is favorites not their whole diet.

Very pretty little girl.

I agree with H4S to just have ab's at the ready now.

Bacteria in cat saliva can be deadly to squees.

Baytril or it's human form of Ciproflaxen is always
best to use if you have it.

04-28-2014, 07:40 AM
I'd be very inclined to go a head and dose with Baytril for a couple days.
Mostly as a precaution. Better safe than sorry.

I think she's in the 5-6 week range, and still needs the formula. (probably closer to 6)
She's still a bit young to be fully weaned.

04-28-2014, 05:21 PM
Just checking in ... how's Meesha today? Have you had any luck getting her to eat?

Another question ... how are you? I noticed you are in Arkansas. Were you affected by the bad weather? Just awful!! :(

I could tell that you have been doing your homework based on the foods that you offered Meesha. :thumbsup I would hold off on the nuts and fruit for now. Of course, they LOVE nuts and they have a huge 'sweet tooth' but for now she needs to be taking formula and block. If she gets hooked on N&F she will not want to eat the block and healthy veggies. It looks like you offered her the entire refrigerator. :grin2

In regard to the worms, I believe it is more of an acquired taste when they get a little older. You might need to convince her that they taste good. :yuck It's odd but neither one of my boys will eat meal worms. They LOVE WaxWorms. It's probably because they cost twice as much. :shakehead :peace

04-28-2014, 05:28 PM
Waxworms are juicier, H4S. Everybody loves juicy worms. :grin2

04-28-2014, 05:44 PM
Waxworms are juicier, H4S. Everybody loves juicy worms. :grin2
:shakehead :grin

04-28-2014, 07:08 PM
Meesha is adorable. How do you all find these little flyers. We must not have them up north.

04-28-2014, 08:06 PM
She's doing a bit better today - she refused the avocado but ate a few nibbles of yellow squash for me this afternoon, and I just tried to feed her more formula and she nipped me and shunned it repeatedly lol. So I tried the sugar water again and she wrapped her little paws around the syringe and held on and ate almost 2 CC's of that. Yay! I tried to shift back to the gm formula a couple different times during that and she nipped me repeatedly both times and turned her head until I gave the sugar water back lol

Not a great habit to start I know, but I was just thrilled to see her exhibiting some interest and preference finally!! I'm pretty sure I've found just about all of the fruit and veggie possibilities in Arkansas at this point! Lol but I was desperate to find something she would eat! Lol

I moved her to a closed cage instead of the bird cage they'd had her in, so she's staying warmer and is closer to the heating pad and I think that's helping. I hope so anyway! And I made her water and formula a lot warmer.

Her poop is a lot looser and golden colored, so she's finally not dehydrated - the first couple of days they were like little black hard balls. But now her underbelly is staying messy/damp - is that normal? She grooms her tail, but doesn't seem to pay attention to the rest.

Her foot looks pretty good now, and I can move it around freely and she doesn't complain, but it doesn't seem to have as much muscle tone or control. She let my daughter hold her quite nicely, but jumped back to me several times, she's definitely figured out that I belong to her! :)

I debated between wax and meal worms - go figure I got the wrong worms lol. Making her believe they are yummy? I'm afraid to ask what that entails? Lol Wonder if she'd believe that my gummie worms and her wax worms were the same thing :P

I am in NE Arkansas - we got hit hard with the storms last night, and had some tense moments when rotation went over, but thankfully all is well. Friends of friends are related to some of the casualties though :(

I got the second order for formula, syringes, and a miracle nipple made today - fingers crossed it arrived soon!!232927

04-28-2014, 08:15 PM
Super cute :Love_Icon
Good to hear that she's at least drinking something. Also, be super careful if you're going to use a towel to feed her - loops and tiny toes don't get along too often. Try to go with a shirt or fleece...unless sfs are different from other squees?

She's sooo adorable! Is she as soft as she looks?

04-28-2014, 08:21 PM
Yeah, usually I've been using fleece, but I ran out of clean square earlier lol

I'm currently cutting up about 6 yards of it for use now :)

She's even softer! I have grown up with all kinds of animals, and she's one of the softest ever!!

04-28-2014, 08:34 PM
Yeah, usually I've been using fleece, but I ran out of clean square earlier lol

I'm currently cutting up about 6 yards of it for use now :)

She's even softer! I have grown up with all kinds of animals, and she's one of the softest ever!!

Since you said you were lurking and you clearly did your homework, :thumbsup btw, just wanted to check on that
I heard on here that those fleece throws sold at walmart are even cheaper than actual fleece! One 6*8 blanket runs around $5-6 at walmart (unless you get them on clearance!)..not sure how much fleece is, but it saves a bit and my squee loves them!
Super cute! And huggable looking :Love_Icon

04-28-2014, 08:39 PM
I appreciate you double checking me! So much to keep in mind!! :)

I actually already had this from an aborted project before my daughter was born - 6 years ago! Bout time I put it to good use!! Lmao!! I will absolutely keep that in mind for when this wears out though!!

04-28-2014, 09:39 PM
I'm glad she's a little better. Oh my, she does have a sweet tooth ... she wants her sweet water. Little stinker! I guess at this point I might try reducing the sugar in the water until it's just water. We don't want her to get diarrhea. As you indicated, we want to get her off of the sugar water as soon as possible. Yesterday I was concerned about dehydration. I would keep offering the GM until the FV arrives. FV is usually accepted by most squirrels. Even many adult squirrels drink FV, so hopefully Miss Meesha will like it.

You could offer her a Cheerios or a few rolled oats (real oatmeal ... not the instant, processed kind). I definitely understand your frustration trying to find something she will eat. I have a picky eater myself and it is ridiculous trying to feed a healthy diet to a 'Mikey'. You're probably too young to understand that term. :poke :tilt

The heating pad is good. You have it on low under half the container, right? She needs to be able to get away from the heat if she gets too warm. About the wet belly ... I guess she's wetting herself. ??? I'll just throw this out there for grins. Are you sure Meesha is a girl? :dono It sure wouldn't be the first time THAT happened. :rotfl

On the worms .. no, you didn't get the wrong worms. They are supposed to like mealworms. I don't know what the deal is with my guys. I need to let Skul tell you about the worms. I might just gag telling you. :yuck Just so you know, I never did this because it is SO disgusting. It involves cutting the head of the worm off and squeezing the insides out so they get the taste. OMG ... I'm grossing myself out. No, I refuse to do that! I have to draw the line somewhere. :tilt

I know it's a little early for this information but I need to tell you about 'toilet ladders'. The #1 cause of death of flyers in the home is drowning in the toilet. People never think about it and the next thing you know they are dead in the toilet. They can't get out. I will go find the picture and post it so that you will know what it looks like. You can make it yourself out of hardware cloth. Always keep the potty lids down.

I'm glad your family was safe last night. Very tragic night across the US. Very, very sorry about the loss of lives. :sad

04-28-2014, 09:54 PM
Hmmmm now you have me wondering lol they said girl and I just went with it lol

04-28-2014, 09:55 PM
And another view lol

04-28-2014, 10:08 PM
We just tried banana and she likes it too. Little stink has a definite sweet tooth! I'll try cutting back sugar and see how that works. Will try Cheerios and oats too! Wonder if I could add a bit of sugar to the gm formula since it's plain yogurt instead of vanilla flavored?

I do remember Mikey! Lol I'm 34 :)

The heating pad is half on half off - she's pretty well staying burrowed, but I have seen her come to the top of the pile of fleece once today. I've only got the heating pad on 2, should I make it warmer?

Oh gack on the worms!!! The things we do for our fur babies!lol maybe I'll let hubs do that!!!

We are already in the habit of toilet lid down because we have a cat who falls in, but I'm gonna go ahead and plan for a ladder in both of them anyway, just in case!!

04-28-2014, 10:13 PM
And...... Now I have "what, what, squirrel butt" in my head lmao!!

04-28-2014, 10:16 PM
We are already in the habit of toilet lid down because we have a cat who falls in, but I'm gonna go ahead and plan for a ladder in both of them anyway, just in case!!

Well that's different... Does the cat think it's a dog and try to drink out of the toilet? Or does it think it's human and try to use the toilet? :rotfl

04-28-2014, 10:21 PM
He's not very smart - he'll walk out of the room he's just been in with you and then cry cuz he can't find you :rotfl

04-28-2014, 10:26 PM
He's not very smart - he'll walk out of the room he's just been in with you and then cry cuz he can't find you :rotfl

Okay now THAT is adorable! :Love_Icon

04-28-2014, 10:28 PM
Yep, that's a girl.:jump

Here's the toilet ladder. It saves flyers lives and it's a great conversation piece when guests visit your john. :grin3

No I wouldn't put the temp higher on the heating pad. I actually might lower it to 1 depending on how it feels. :thumbsup

04-28-2014, 10:38 PM
Okay, so just barely warm to help her regulate? Will do!

Glad I've not been calling her by the wrong name all this time! Lol

Toilet ladder - that cracks me up!! I can definitely see that being a topic of convo around our house!! Lol

Thank you so much everyone for your input!! She seems to be perking up and just climbed over my shoulder and mad a beeline for her food bowl, after pooping on me. Lol

04-28-2014, 10:57 PM
She seems to be perking up and just climbed over my shoulder and mad a beeline for her food bowl, after pooping on me. Lol

:wave:wave :woot

If you feel like Meesha is stable, the administrators can probably move this thread out of the Emergency forum and put it in the Flyer forum. It's where the flyer peeps hang out. :tilt You can come up with a new title and the admins can change it for you.
(In the emergency forum, every post sends out email notifications to rehabbers) I think 'you got this'. :thumbsup Everyone will still see the posts and respond, nothing changes except the notifications won't continue to be prompted.

OR, you can start Meesha a new thread in the Flyer section.

04-28-2014, 11:04 PM
Oh my! Yes please move it! I didn't realize that!!

So sorry!!

04-28-2014, 11:16 PM
Oh no, it's NOT a problem at all. It's wonderful when things improve in an Emergency thread. That's always the goal. :thumbsup

04-29-2014, 02:42 PM
We are going down hill :( she was at 28g yesterday and is at 27g now, and I can't get her to eat more than .1-2cc at a time of even the sugar water. When I try the gm formula, she bits the fleece so I can't get the syringe in her mouth. I'm worried :(

I did come home from work and see where she had taken a tiny minuscule nibble off a piece of pecan, but it was literally just a tasting nibble. She wouldn't touch yogurt either - I even tried my kids strawberry flavored yoplait this morning.

What should I try next? I'm keeping her in a pouch under my shirt at work this afternoon in case it's cuz she's not liking being alone while I'm at work. Ive found cefdenir at home, going to look for baytril for birds or fish now - I tried yesterday but the pet store was without power from the storms. Should I try and see if she likes the puppy formula better til the FV arrives in a couple days?

04-29-2014, 02:55 PM
Yes, try the puppy formula - make it quite warm - try adding a drop or two of something like maple syrup to it to gussie it up a little. Can you list the antibiotics you can get your hands on? Ideal would be "Fish Flox" which is basically the human drug Cipro, but ask friends and family members what they have.

04-29-2014, 03:39 PM
Dang Petco has no powdered esbilac with probiotics - they have mini cans of the prepped liquid, but doesn't look like it has probiotics - is it safe?

No luck so far on abx - petco doesn't have any for birds or fish, and no family members with them - this area is pushing no unnecessary abx, so there are never a ton of extras around. I'm trying to see what I can do about local vets. Mine for my cats and dog doesn't see exotics, but referred me to a possibility.

04-29-2014, 04:13 PM
If you will send me a Private Message with your address I will overnight a Ciprofloxacin pill. STAT !!! MY PO closes in 20 minutes.

04-29-2014, 05:40 PM
I tried to give her the puppy formula and she refused it too and acts weaker. I went ahead and left work to being her to the vet - I just didn't feel good about waiting any longer.

He says she's bloated and prob has an intestinal infection, and wasn't happy about her having been on the gm formula mix at all and said it was prob because she'd been on an inappropriate diet :( They are gonna keep her tonight and start her on abx and small frequent feeds and see if they can pull her through. He was kind of an ass to me and kept pushing to release her if she pulls through. So I'm torn cuz I've been told he's the best around here but he wants to take her away from me and acted like I was an idiot pet owner :(

04-29-2014, 06:26 PM
mrskatybug ... I'm glad you didn't wait until the morning. They can subQ her to get her fluids up. If she is dehydrated, she won't eat.

The goat milk recipe is a temporary formula that is given until the proper formula can be obtained. Up until recently there was NO formula that could be obtained locally that was good for baby squirrels. The Esbilac products (available locally) had been reformulated and were killing baby squirrels. This is the reason that FoxValley became to 'go to' formula for babies. The problem was that FV can only be obtained by ordering online. When a person, like yourself finds a baby squirrel, there was a great need for a temporary formula. That is why the GM recipe was developed. It was never intended to be a permanent formula. You did the right thing ... you ordered the FV and you were trying to give her the GM. Just so you know, before the development of all the commercial formulas, goats milk was all that was available for wildlife rehab.
It is only within the last year, that Esbilac was reformulated AGAIN. The new puppy Esbilac with probiotics and prebiotics has now been shown to be safe and effective for raising baby squirrels. Formula is a very complicated subject. Different rehabbers use different things. I would be curious to know what he uses. Just so you know, the GM temporary formula has been used here for a long time and it is NOT harmful to babies.

She does need the antibiotics and fluid ... he can provide this NOW ... She needs it now. Don't let him bully you but you do need his assistance. When she is stable, if you want to keep her, DO IT. You can do this. Raising a flyer for release is a LOT different than raising a grey squirrel for release. A flyer shouldn't be released alone. They need to be with others for any chance of survival in the wild. Can he do that?

I'm praying that little Meesha gains strength and turns around soon. :grouphug

04-29-2014, 07:44 PM
He indicated that he uses puppy formula, and seemed to be referring to Esbilac, because I questioned the liquid version with no probiotics and he said it was fine. I had taken a can in with me when I took her in, that I had opened for that last feed. He said it needed to be diluted 1 part to 2 parts pedialyte? I mentioned that I had ordered the Fox Valley and was waiting for it to come in, and he said her raised tons on the puppy stuff just fine and kinda blew me off.

I know she needs to be there tonight, or I probably would've taken her and left, quite honestly. He clearly thought I was some kind of slacker owner who feeds her animals Old Roy lol

I'm trying to think positively, and that she's going to pull through this - he can't take her away from me, can he? His attitude worries me that I'll be in for a fight to get her back :( I had done all of my research about releasing flyers - that's part of why I agreed to take her, there was no one around that they knew who had a group to release with... I don't think he does either.

04-29-2014, 07:48 PM
Oh, and will someone please move this to flyers and title it Meesha? I hate for rehabbers to keep getting notices, now that she is in vet care...

04-29-2014, 08:26 PM
I just looked up the rules regarding captive wildlife in Arkansas. Here is the link:

Read specifically the section about wildlife pets. My understanding of this is that you CAN LEGALLY own a squirrel. Heck, you can own six. You can even own a pet bobcat or coyote. :shakehead Who would want a darn pet bobcat or coyote? Please read this so that you know your rights under Arkansas state law. I don't think he can keep her even though he might pressure you into thinking he can. I think his reaction is a knee jerk reaction that is conditioned to believe that all people are fools. Unfortunately, some people are foolish when it comes to wildlife or pets in general. :(

I'm not really familiar with the canned Esbilac but I will say that from everything that I have learned, you never mix formula with Pedialyte because the animal can be overdosed with salt. Maybe he is talking short term ... hopefully. :dono

I'm praying that Meesha makes it. She can make it!!! I know she can. I know she has already captured your heart. They do that so easily. :Love_Icon :grouphug

I think Meesha needs to stay here until she is better! Yesterday, I was convinced that she was making progress. Today, she needs to stay in the Emergency forum. She can be moved later. :thumbsup

04-29-2014, 08:30 PM
He indicated that he uses puppy formula, and seemed to be referring to Esbilac, because I questioned the liquid version with no probiotics and he said it was fine. I had taken a can in with me when I took her in, that I had opened for that last feed. He said it needed to be diluted 1 part to 2 parts pedialyte? I mentioned that I had ordered the Fox Valley and was waiting for it to come in, and he said her raised tons on the puppy stuff just fine and kinda blew me off.

I know she needs to be there tonight, or I probably would've taken her and left, quite honestly. He clearly thought I was some kind of slacker owner who feeds her animals Old Roy lol

I'm trying to think positively, and that she's going to pull through this - he can't take her away from me, can he? His attitude worries me that I'll be in for a fight to get her back :( I had done all of my research about releasing flyers - that's part of why I agreed to take her, there was no one around that they knew who had a group to release with... I don't think he does either.

I would get my hands on him just as quickly as you get to the vet's office. Get squirrel in hand, THEN pay bill and go. Just be direct and definite and don't back down.

BTW, NEVER mix pedialyte with any formula. Your vet is wrong. She should be fine tonight but don't YOU do it when you get her back. If she needs hydration, it is given separately, NOT blended with formula. Pedialyte shouldn't be given more than 24 hours anyway - the salt in it is too much long term (the salt is also the reason not to mix with formula BTW).

04-29-2014, 11:01 PM
Okay, I thought I remembered reading that you weren't supposed mix the two. He also said flyers should be about 80degrees and formula should about 100degrees?

Thank you for the link and the support - that's the way I interpret it too. I just may have to put my squamma pants on and push back! Lol I've taken in a number of rescues over the years and have several foster failures still (2 cats, 1 dog, 1 aging rat), but few have wormed their way into my heart like this little bit has... And so quickly! I am so worried about her and can't do a thing about it. It's gonna be a long night.


04-30-2014, 07:16 AM
Okay, I thought I remembered reading that you weren't supposed mix the two. He also said flyers should be about 80degrees and formula should about 100degrees?

Thank you for the link and the support - that's the way I interpret it too. I just may have to put my squamma pants on and push back! Lol I've taken in a number of rescues over the years and have several foster failures still (2 cats, 1 dog, 1 aging rat), but few have wormed their way into my heart like this little bit has... And so quickly! I am so worried about her and can't do a thing about it. It's gonna be a long night.

Sending a phone number via PM. Try to call.

04-30-2014, 12:25 PM
Just to update: I went to vets this morning. They say she didn't make it - that she died at 8 last night. I'm not sure I believe that because I asked for her body and thy said they already buried it last night. :(

But at this point, I'm kind of out of luck, unfortunately. :(

Thank you so much to everyone who tried to help - I appreciate it more than I can say. I am a bit heartbroken right now and can only hope that if she IS still alive, that he makes good with her and she gets to be released. I don't have much faith in the man and will not be using him again or recommending him to anyone.

04-30-2014, 03:29 PM
That sounds a bit shady to me as well...
I'm so sorry :grouphug

04-30-2014, 04:18 PM
:grouphug mrskatybug :Love_Icon Meesha :grouphug

I am SO sorry about this. I am sorry for your loss. Either way, it is a loss. I am just sick about this. :Cry

I have NEVER in my life heard of a vet who would dispose of a body without consulting the owner. I think we have all been in that position where we have received that dreadful call that our beloved pet has passed on. I have picked up the body and PAID the bill but is was MY decision in how I would honor my beloved friend. Who does he think he is??? Is this how he treats his clients? What rational vet would do something like this that would clearly bring his own integrity into question? I am beside myself.

mrskatybug, I am so sorry. I know your heart is broken. My heart is broken and I know for sure that yours is. I wish I could have done more to help you. :(

04-30-2014, 09:54 PM
Thank you :grouphug

I am kicking myself for taking her, but she needed things I couldnt do for her. I now know not go anywhere near him, and to lie and say they are captive-bred and bought pets. It's ridiculous to be out in that position, but I guess it is what it is.

Thank you again for all of your help - maybe one day I'll get another chance. But not right now, I'm too raw :(

Take care! :sleep

05-02-2014, 11:54 AM
Your heartache is still heavy on my mind. I thought about your supplies arriving and well ... the tears flow again.
I think the worst part is not knowing. I'm so sorry. :grouphug

:Love_Icon Meesha :Love_Icon

05-02-2014, 12:48 PM
I must say, I think this vet took her. The "we buried her" doesn't fly. Buried? The vet? I have never heard of such a thing. While this was just an awful way to go about this, I don't think that you should probably be mourning your little squirrel. I suspect the vet still has her. Hopefully he is better with animals...

05-02-2014, 10:01 PM
This has been on my mind since I read that horrifying post. I've told everyone I know...can't there be SOMETHING someone can do? As far as I'm concerned, this vet kidnapped her! There has to be something that can be done