View Full Version : Emergecy Duck HELP needed Anyone!
04-17-2007, 07:01 PM
Please, if anyone has experience with wounds on ducks or birds, I need help fast. My precious flower has an oren wound on her back anout 5 inched long and 3 inches wide. It seema that if I could close the skin, she'd be ok. I don't know what to do. I have no vet assistance.
04-17-2007, 07:35 PM
heidiann-how is your Flower? Where you able to close the wound?
04-17-2007, 07:44 PM
how deep is the wound?
all i can think of is binding the wound in some way until you can get to a vet or get a vet on the phone. do you have surgical tape? you could wrap it around her body and try to keep the wound shut.
oi vay, i hope she'll be alright!
04-17-2007, 07:58 PM
Hang in there!
Mrs. Jack
04-17-2007, 08:07 PM
Heidi appreciates all your comments :) She's busy taking care of Flower, she'll update as soon as she's able to. The wound isn't deep but it's wide, sounds like a swathe off her back. She's going to make it clean and sterile and keep the duck under watch. Keep sending out good thoughts!
Momma Squirrel
04-17-2007, 08:09 PM
Sorry to hear about Flower, prayers are coming your way. Keep us posted and Flower couldn't be in better hands. :grouphug
I didn't realize there were two threads...did she see my husband's advise in the other thread? He said if it's not deep just keep it clean and use antibiotic ointment. It should do just fine.
04-17-2007, 08:47 PM
Thank you everyone and thank you Mrs. J for updating everyone for me.
The wound seems too wide to close. I am going to get more opinions on that tomorrow. There is some tissue damage but the spine is intact. Minimal bleeding. Just such a wide hole that it will be diffucult to keep infection away while it's healing. I have her in a large tote with comfy bedding food and water. Amazingly, she is drinking if water is held up to her, and even eating a little. he can still move her wings.
I have irrigated the wound with betadine, sopped up with sterile gauze and then irrigated again and covered the wound with non-stick gauze (my neighbor was smart enough to grab some for me when she ran out for the betadine), then wrapped it around her body. I will keep assisting her with drinking and change her dressings in the morning.
If anyone has advice on how often I should do this and when I should apply antibiotics and what kind, please let me know.
I once made a salve of crushed ammoxocillin and bacitracin that worked well on another of my ducks more minor wounds. I still have it on hand. If anyone thinks this is a good or bad idea, let me know.
I will be doing more research tonight to make sure I'm doing all that I can. I'm praying that sh's still alive in the morning.
It seems that we lost our Simone. She's no where to be found. I'll go try to find her in the morning.
Thank you again.
Mrs. Jack
04-17-2007, 09:15 PM
been reading (about people, but still), they use saline like contact lense solution to wet the dressing when they are taking it off to moisten it and keep it from sticking to the wound when slowly being removed. says to change every twelve to twenty four hours, more if it gets wet or dirty.
04-17-2007, 10:25 PM
Thanks Mrs. J. I'll remember that tomorrow when changing it.
It's very difficult to find info on treating open wounds on waterfowl but I di get in touch with a lady in Louisiana who gave me some #'s to call in the am. They're all on the east coast so it's too late now.
I went out walking with a flashlight to look for Simone again. Whatever it was must have taken her. There's no trace. I'll try in the am before the kids go out.
Here's a picture of flower. She's a favorite of all the children who visit because sh'e so docile ans easy to catch and hold. I don' have a great photo of Simone but in the second pic, she's the little mallard looking one out of the water on the right with her angel wing sticking up. She was such a dear. I could distinguish her quack from across the pond whenever whe's be off flirting with the wilds. We will miss her.
04-17-2007, 10:36 PM
Can you take a picture of Flower's wound to post? If you are trying to close the laceration with the non-stick gauze by wrapping it around her, be careful not to wrap so she can't take full expansion deep breaths. This may result in further problems in the lungs like pneumonia.
She, Simone and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.:grouphug
04-17-2007, 10:46 PM
Thanks for that tip. I can not get you a picture tonight as I don't want to disturb her dressings (which I think are loose enough). When I change them tomorrow, I'll definitely get a photo. Tonight I was just so concerned with treating it tha I didn't have the time.
She still seems quite alert and even stands up when I enter the room I have her in. Good signs for now but infection is going to be a huge thing to defeat in the coming days/weeks on a wound this size. It's not very deep but it is large and awkward to dress.
Thanks again Lynn. I'll keep everyone posted in the morning.
04-18-2007, 12:10 AM
That little angel holding that other little angel....:grouphug
04-18-2007, 12:43 AM
Sorry to hear about your problems. I hope everything turns out as well as possible. They are extremely beautiful ducks. Take care :grouphug
prayers from all of us to you, flower and simone.
04-18-2007, 06:55 AM
Thank you again everyone. Well, flower has made it through the night but acting quite aggressive. I guess that's understandable but so unusual that it alarms me. I haven't changed the dressing yet because I now know I need KY gel to keep the area moist and have none yet. On top of everything else, Sabrina has woken up sick. No fever but bad stomach pain and almost threw up. I don't know how I'm gonna get to the pharmacy yet. I wish I would have saved my neighbors favor for today. Also I'll be calling all the local vets once they open to get Baytril. I think I'm gonna have to ask the ol MIL for help today.:shakehead and she doesn't get up til 10!
Gavin is so upset because we were supposed to have a fun outing today that apparently isn't going to happen.
GAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I need 3 of me!
I'll post a photo as soon as I can.
04-18-2007, 06:57 AM
I was just wondering if this thread should be moved to the rehabbers Bird section. I posted here to get immediate help but don't wan't to get in the way of any squirrels needing help.
04-18-2007, 07:20 AM
:grouphug (hugs) Heidi, it will all come together...Hope ducky is better soon & Sabrina.
04-18-2007, 07:29 AM
On top of everything else, now that simone is dead and flower is gonna be in the house for a while, Olive is the only female duck I have left in the pen with the drakes. As is, she hardly has any crest feathers leaft. They've been terribly aggressivly trying to mate all the females. I have to get to the farm and get a couple more girl bucks today so Olive wont be gangraped! Sorry, couldn't think of a better word. Bob says I can only get 1 but I need at least 2 so the newcomer wont get pecked to0 much. Thank god human men are slightly more kind during mating season.:hissyfit
Seriously, anyone wanna fly in and help me today?
04-18-2007, 07:33 AM
I hear CALGON will be calling you for the next comercial.....Calgon, take me away!!!:dono Good luck on getting enough ducks around there for those men!!:rotfl
Momma Squirrel
04-18-2007, 07:44 AM
OH Heidiann you got your hands full, wish I could help but got a load of lumber coming and it is going to rain so I am working on a short time frame. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope everyone gets better and the men chill :nono throw some cold water on them but I guess that doesn't work with ducks :shakehead
Hope Sabrina gets better soon so she can help mom. Tell Gavin to hang in there the fun day will come.
Mrs. Jack
04-18-2007, 08:05 AM
me me I'll fly in! well, next month. I've got a throwing up boy, a mouse thing in my car and someone else's cat in my house so it doesn't climb in the car too.
I'm so glad Flower made it through the night okay. Good luck with the new duckies. :Love_Icon
04-18-2007, 08:44 AM
Heidi, how deep is the wound? Exposed bone? Is there any way for you to get your hands on some neosporin with pain killer in it? Also, ask the vet for something oral or topical to help her pain. I'm sure that's why she's being agressive. She was probably in shock last night. Can you give her a heat source? We always give sick or injured waterfowl something warm to rest on if we can and they want to.
do you have a kiddie pool? You could set her up in a separate room with a small kiddie pool as her "nest" and rest area. I think what you did with the wound was perfect! The non-stick pads were also a great thought on the part of your neighbor... Another item you might like to acquire is sports's not really tape, it's that stuff that sticks to itself...Wrap her body (to protect the packing) in stretch gauze first, then use the sport tape to secure it all in place. We have to wrap my mom's dog's feet like this ALL THE TIME, because he's neurotic now that my dad died and he chews his feet all the time...
Another thought, most large grocery stores or small mom and pop pharmacies will deliver what you need to your home for a small fee...Just in case you can't get out...
I'm so sorry that Simone is gone. That sucks. :grouphug Hang in there lady, we're here for you and we'll help any way we can...
Mrs. Jack
04-18-2007, 08:51 AM
Heidi's out running her errands, but I can answer this one- there wasn't exposed bone. possibly there will be some muscular damage, although Flower was able to flap her wings, Heidi's main worry is infection in such a wide open area until healing can take place.
04-18-2007, 09:01 AM
Good, as long as there's no exposed bone and she can flap her wings she's in relatively good shape (considering what she's been through).
I would also recommend topical novacaine if the vet will give it to her to use...that works GREAT in rehab...but otherwise the nesporin with pain killer would help a little bit.
04-18-2007, 09:47 AM
No vets will help me in any way! Not even talk me through this. I'm so upset. They won't give me anything. I actually have a topical Novacaine gel for humans but it is old. My Primary Human Doc may be able to get me the human versions of some of this stuff. Any suggestions. I'm glad her wings work but it's making it extremely difficult to keep her dressings on. She keeps picking at it and making it fall down exposing the wound. I'm afraid to wrap her too tightly. At least now ther is a good coat of KY onder the bandage. I applied more batadine after irrigating the wound this morning. I know I should probably stop that now. I will be uploading pics momentarily.
Thank you.
04-18-2007, 10:02 AM
No vets will help me in any way! Not even talk me through this. I'm so upset. They won't give me anything. I actually have a topical Novacaine gel for humans but it is old. My Primary Human Doc may be able to get me the human versions of some of this stuff. Any suggestions. I'm glad her wings work but it's making it extremely difficult to keep her dressings on. She keeps picking at it and making it fall down exposing the wound. I'm afraid to wrap her too tightly. At least now ther is a good coat of KY onder the bandage. I applied more batadine after irrigating the wound this morning. I know I should probably stop that now. I will be uploading pics momentarily.
Thank you.
If the novacaine has been stored properly, I would try it and see what it does. Meds have a way longer shelf-life than they say they do, they just lose some of the potency after the expiration date.
You may have to wrap more of her body to keep the wings in place and keep her from getting the dressing off easily. Our rule of thumb is that we wrap it as tight as we think we could (you only need to be able to slip two fingers under the bandage) and then watch for problems. In this case, I'd just watch her for breathing and check her feet regularly for swelling, temp and color...those will let you know if the wrap is just right or too can take a few attempts to get it just right. And it will almost seem too tight as you're putting it on, but it needs to be really snug to work.
04-18-2007, 10:14 AM
I was looking for the number of a group here in my home state that has taken injured ducks from me before and cannot find it. But I did find this place in MA.
Massachusetts, Southeast region, Barnstable County (Brewster)
Karen Von den Deale, Wild Care, Inc.
Wildlife Species: song birds, sea birds, turtles, and canids; other rehabbers in the
organization specialize in small mammals
I don't know a thing about them so I cannot vouch for them. Maybe someone there has some advice for you???
Also, CQ mentioned about bandages and I was thinking that you may want to try and get some VetWrap. You can find it at horse-related stores and sometimes pet stores. It looks like an Ace bandage on a roll and comes in a lot of colors. It is rubbery and sticks to itself. It is also disposable so you'd need quite a bit on hand.
04-18-2007, 10:23 AM
CQ thats a wonderful thought about the delivering pharmacy, however Heidi..please do not call up and request a blow up pool and ky all in the same phone call...especialy if its a small town pharmacy...:blah all you need is the town gossip to get a hold of that one!
Sorry..I could't resist!!:icon_devil :rolf :rolf
04-18-2007, 10:27 AM
I was looking for the number of a group here in my home state that has taken injured ducks from me before and cannot find it. But I did find this place in MA.
Massachusetts, Southeast region, Barnstable County (Brewster)
Karen Von den Deale, Wild Care, Inc.
Wildlife Species: song birds, sea birds, turtles, and canids; other rehabbers in the
organization specialize in small mammals
I don't know a thing about them so I cannot vouch for them. Maybe someone there has some advice for you???
Also, CQ mentioned about bandages and I was thinking that you may want to try and get some VetWrap. You can find it at horse-related stores and sometimes pet stores. It looks like an Ace bandage on a roll and comes in a lot of colors. It is rubbery and sticks to itself. It is also disposable so you'd need quite a bit on hand.
Yep, vet wrap and sports tape are basically the same thing...but I think SRS has a better idea...I think vet wrap is cheaper in the long run and it comes in wider sizes, too. We can find it at farm and home type places around here.
If you can't find the vet wrap, a human Ace bandage would a couple in case you need to wash them in between uses.
04-18-2007, 10:41 AM
I am on my way to the feed store and will look for the vetwrap there. Having NO luck with what I have. Here are the pics. The wound looks so much bigger worse in person and is hidden mostly woith her wings folded. I couldn't get a picture of the whole thing because I would have had to have 2 people helping me spread her wings. Sorry they're not very clear. I'll get back to you all. Thanks.
04-18-2007, 10:44 AM
I have even been able to score generic VetWrap at my local Dollar Tree store. I buy all they have in stock every time I see it there.
04-18-2007, 10:48 AM
I tried to lighten the pics a little for a better look...let's see if it helps:
04-18-2007, 10:53 AM
I would pack that wound with a ton of neosporin w/pain killer in it. Make sure all the feathers are laying as flat as possible when you wrap her. It would be worth your while to change the bandages twice a day until you start to see healing (like scabbing, no oozing, semi-dry packing upon changing the bandages). Until then you can use warm water with baby bath in it to help keep the wound clean during dressing changes. You will probably need to aquire some antibiotics. If I can find out how much to give and if Baytril is ok, I think I have some I could overnight to you...But I need to know how much she can have...I'll try to find my pharm. index when I get home... Can you weigh her?
PS- Make sure you wrap stretch gauze around her first before applying the vet will keep her more comfortable.
04-18-2007, 01:05 PM
Ok, here's the scoop about the meds. Baytril would have to be given (at least the mix I have) at a minimum dose of 1cc per day...and I only have about 5cc I don't think that's a viable option...
Then I remembered the OTC meds I bought for my cockatiel when I couldn't find a vet that knew what was wrong with her so I was going to try to treat her myself...(bad idea, I know, but I didn't have to...we found a knowledgeable vet before I tried it) Anyway, I have some of those left over from that time. They are expired, but you ought to be able to aquire your own very easily!! Petco or Petsmart or the like should have them. I cross-referenced them in my wildlife pharm. index and one doesn't say anything about oral dosing (just topical and says not to use that for birds)...but the other says it's for treating bacterial infections...even cat bites! I would go with this option if you can. It's in the bird section of the pet store and it's in a white package with blue and white on it. It's called Ornacycline. It's tetracycline for birds. My drug book says you can give a bird 200-250 mg/kg, orally, twice a day. So you'd have to convert her weight, but we could help you with that. (emphasis for newbies in a hurry for information in an emergency...please note you MUST CONVERT the weight to kilograms before figuring how much you can give!!!) The tablets are 250 mgs each and they come in a pack of eight. I don't recall what I paid for them, but they must've been cheap because I bought a ton.
I hope this helps...please update when you can...:grouphug
04-18-2007, 01:21 PM
Ok, I seriously have to get some work done after this post. :D
I just realized that I never asked you how you were wrapping her? Are you wrapping her wings to her body? If having her wings free is causing problems, I would suggest dressing the wound and wrapping the stretch gauze around the body but under the wings and over the dressing a few times. The again with the stretch gauze, secure her wings to her sides in a natural position, then wrap wings and all with the vet wrap. Also, try to keep her in as confined a space as possible if she absolutely refuses to leave the bandages alone. Allow her only space to stand up, check her frequently, and let her out to walk about a little too.
Oh, and you may have to cut some of the feathers in the way of the wound. Try not to cut any blood feathers if you can, but you want the wound kinda "open" if you're not going to be able to suture it shut.
04-18-2007, 02:41 PM
OUCH! that looks so painful! poor baby.
if you're really desperate, i could give you the number of the woman who runs the bird rescue center here. she's very experienced and i'm sure she could help you with dosing and stuff.
tell flower we're all rooting for her. :Love_Icon
04-18-2007, 03:20 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions CQ. Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you all but I had to take my kids out and get supplies and go looking for new ducks. (No Luck).
OK Here's what I've done to her, Since I have no antibiotic yet, I mixed a bit of betadine with the KY and covered the entire wound. On top of that thick layer is non stick gauze followed by regular gauze. I soaked the whole dressing from the outside then used the vetwrap to cover the whole wound but left one wing out. She is not fussing with it at all now and it seems secure. Tight enough, but not dangerously so.
I now know I need to get some more supplies and painreliever ointment. I am a bit confused. Some have said, no petroleum based . How thick do I put it?
I didn't even realize about trimming feathers. After I get back from petco, I will attempt that and put the proper dressing back on.
Thank you so much for your time. If there is anything else I'm missing, please let me know. Thank you for all your time.
BTW, I haven't weighed her exact yer but I'd say she's about 3 lbs.
04-18-2007, 03:28 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions CQ. Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you all but I had to take my kids out and get supplies and go looking for new ducks. (No Luck).
OK Here's what I've done to her, Since I have no antibiotic yet, I mixed a bit of betadine with the KY and covered the entire wound. On top of that thick layer is non stick gauze followed by regular gauze. I soaked the whole dressing from the outside then used the vetwrap to cover the whole wound but left one wing out. She is not fussing with it at all now and it seems secure. Tight enough, but not dangerously so.
I now know I need to get some more supplies and painreliever ointment. I am a bit confused. Some have said, no petroleum based . How thick do I put it?
I didn't even realize about trimming feathers. After I get back from petco, I will attempt that and put the proper dressing back on.
Thank you so much for your time. If there is anything else I'm missing, please let me know. Thank you for all your time.
BTW, I haven't weighed her exact yer but I'd say she's about 3 lbs.
I've not had any trouble with the neosporin, though you will likely have to give her a good Dawn bath once she's healed. If you'd rather get the cream version of the neosporin with pain relief, that will work's a little more water soluable (sp?)
I don't know if I would soak the wrap once you use the neosporin stuff...between that and the non-stick pads you should be want to try to balance the moisture to the wound...too much moisture can be bad and prevent the skin from healing (can actually make it rot!). If you need to soak it to get it to let go when changing the dressing, you can use saline solution, or make your's basically boiled salt water...let me know if you'd like a recipe...
There are 0.45 kilograms in one pound, so if she does end up weighing 3 pounds, that would convert to 1.35 kilograms.
Keep us posted. You're doing great! Hang in there....:grouphug
Critter Queen and Heidiann~ I showed my DH,DVM the pictures of the wound...He :thumbsup CQ's recommendations!
04-18-2007, 03:37 PM
Thanks Pam, that's great to hear.
04-18-2007, 03:37 PM
Critter Queen and Heidiann~ I showed my DH,DVM the pictures of the wound...He :thumbsup CQ's recommendations!
Ok, dang it, now you've made me feel REALLY special. :o :D LMFrickinButtO:rotfl (but I'm serious!)
CQ~ He's always looking for a good assistant!:bowdown
04-18-2007, 03:45 PM
I would LOVE to be a vet's assistant...but I'm stuck where I am right now. :( And Hubby needs his snow...can't move south. :)
Some day though, it would be nice to do that for a living...especially if I could bring pinkies in to work with me without having to smuggle 'em! LOL!
You could bring your pinkies and your blankies. He'd probably set you up a nursery. He loves baby squirrels! There is always someone at the clinic taking care of a baby of some kind. They bring them to work and take them home at night. The book keeper even brings her 2 year old boy (her dad is DH's partner)
04-18-2007, 03:59 PM
You could bring your pinkies and your blankies. He'd probably set you up a nursery. He loves baby squirrels! There is always someone at the clinic taking care of a baby of some kind. They bring them to work and take them home at night. The book keeper even brings her 2 year old boy (her dad is DH's partner)
DANG! I'm living in the WRONG STATE! What I wouldn't give to be in a pet/animal-friendly work environment. Here, I don't even want to THINK about what's happening to the research animals in the science building...the only info on that I've ever heard was "witholding food from [read: starving] pigeons to see if it would improve their cognitive and decision-making skills as well as their memory, in order to obtain the food they were trying for". :sad I can't imagine doing that to ANY animal...
I hate this place...if my stepsons decide they don't want our offer of tuition-free college (worth $128,000 to each kid at today's cost, and they are four and six years away from STARTING college) here or at one of the other associated private colleges I can use that benefit with, I'm OUTTA HERE, BABY! That's really the only reason I'm still here...trying to get them through college for free...
CQ~ Hang in there! That's a great offer for your kids...they would be crazy not to take you up on it....College is expensive!!! I've got two going to a state university. I would love for them to be at a private college.
04-18-2007, 08:52 PM
I hope everything's going well!
04-18-2007, 09:04 PM
Thank you TS.
I am becoming quite discouraged. I thought the new dressing would stay on better but she's still managing to uncover her wound.
With the new warming light above her, the wound looks deeper and worse than ever. I felt bone. I know she needs a vet. I don't even know if they would say she's saveable. I just don't know how long I should let her be in pain. I'll take more pictures tomorrow with better lighting. Maybe I'm wrong but it just looked so much more serious tonight.
Bell & Noah
04-18-2007, 09:20 PM
[QUOTE=rippie-n-lilgirlsmom]CQ thats a wonderful thought about the delivering pharmacy, however Heidi..please do not call up and request a blow up pool and ky all in the same phone call...especialy if its a small town pharmacy...:blah all you need is the town gossip to get a hold of that one!
Now Rippie, I'm surprised. what are you thinking :nono :jump
04-18-2007, 09:29 PM
That was a good one Rippie! :bowdown :rotfl Sorry I was to stressed to laugh.
04-18-2007, 09:53 PM
...I am becoming quite discouraged. ....
So sorry .... I hope it's just that things always look worse at night ... and you're very tired and stressed. I hope you both can get some rest and things look better in the morning.
Perhaps ThunderSquirrel can put you in touch with her bird rescue center so you can at least talk to someone who might have some more specific experience?
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
04-19-2007, 07:18 AM
She's still with us and my last dressing attempt made it through the night. I've been given the ok by 1 vet to give her 1cc of ammocicillin and since I actually have some left over from sabrina's surgery, and that's ALL I have, I am administering it now. Not an easy task with a dribbly beak.
A am still gravely concerned about the depth of the wound. I will keep trying but feel it will be a miricle if she makes it. Will muscle tissue grow back over bone?
Momma Squirrel
04-19-2007, 07:29 AM
Heidiann you are doing just great, hang in there I am sure that Flower is getting her strength to live from your love that she can feel. I am so happy to see she is still with us.
How is Sabrina doing today?
04-19-2007, 07:37 AM
Sabrina id soing great, thank you for asking. That whole bellysche thing was wierd. It went away within an our. I think her stomach was just sick of all the meds. The on call doc said to discontinue the ammoxocollin because a week should be fine. Her throught is no longer paining her so she's off pain meds.
It's funny. It's almost like she got that bellyache so we would have the ammox leftover for Flower. I think of things that way.Something good came out of it.
Thank you for your support.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
04-19-2007, 07:39 AM
Heidi, it's good to hear that the dressing stayed on better, sometimes it just takes a while to figure out how to put it on effectively (esp. on a duck :D ). Does the dressing help hold it closed at all or just cover it? If it can help keep it closed (like stitches or a butterfly bandage would), it should help the wound heal on the inside. It really seems as though stitches would be in order and it's very frustrating that there are no wildlife rescue places that could help. As for the muscle, I don't think muscle tissue grows back (as in regenerating), but must be stitched to repair it or put it back in place if it's torn (I'm NOT saying, of course, that it is torn or that the muscle needs to be stitched, just about what to expect from muscle tissue).
Hang in there. We are still hoping for the best outcome. :grouphug
04-19-2007, 07:48 AM
My dressing is not even close to closing the wound. There are many parts to it. I would actually attempt to close the wound myself at this point (if I could partially sedate her. (anyone with home remedies for sedating ducks. I have benadryl and klonopin:tilt :dono ) but am worried that it would be too late. I've been told that the fact that it has ben open even one night would risk abscess from the trapping of bacteria.
I am serious. If ANYONE knows how I could sedate this duck, I feel that I would be able to take the time to thourougly cleanse, clear the area of feathers, sterilize and close up what I can. I don't have a weak stomach. I just can't work on her with her conscious and in pain.
04-19-2007, 08:32 AM
Hang in there, you're doing great! I'm not sure how you would sedate her without the help of a vet...sorry... Were you able to get some antibiotic ointment/cream with the pain stuff in it? I wish I could get my hands on some topical novacaine for you...are you friendly with your dentist?!?!? :D Ask 'em if they have any expired novacaine they haven't disposed of yet...that would numb her and you could cover her head and have someone hold her while you work. (novacaine is not a "controlled substance" so the public can use it if under the supervision of someone who knows how to use it [vet, dentist, doctor])
Another suggestion about the dressing would be to use one of the kids' old t-shirts and put that over her body and the dressing (I'd put her head/neck through an arm hole) and secure it as far from her beak as you can. This will give her something to pick at besides the bandages...
You don't have to close the wound. It may well be VERY BAD, but you can let her heal from the inside out...but you have to keep the wound clean and keep the moisture balance I talked about.
Example, my dad had a state vet university do exploratory surgery on his first Rottie because he was dying and we couldn't figure out why...heart was racing like crazy, nonstop panting, vomiting, diarrhea. They cut that dog from throat nearly to his anus and opened him wide open. When the surgery was over (they found a cancerous tumor wrapped around his adrenal gland) my dad had to do what I'm telling you to do with Flower. It literally took months, but it will heal if you keep it clean and the bandages changed. :grouphug It may look worse for many reasons...wounds change as they heal, so try not to be too alarmed unless you see (not feel, see) bone or black skin. You may have to confine her to a small carrier to prevent her from moving around and making the wound worse (tearing more skin, irritating the wound with feathers, etc).
Any other questions I can answer before I get swallowed up in my workday? :) :grouphug You are doing a FINE JOB. Try to relax...I know it's hard, but she'll feed off your anxiety and stressful energy. Try to feel as calm as you can anytime you're in the room with'll help her feel more at ease.
Heidiann.....check your PMs...I just sent 2.
Critter Queen! I love the t-shirt suggestion...I'm passing that on to my DH!!
04-19-2007, 08:56 AM
:thumbsup Critter Queen, Pam .. and, of course, Heidiann! :grouphug
Mrs. Jack
04-19-2007, 08:56 AM
I am reading a lot of stuff about animal bites (it's all in humans but still) and it's the risk of infection that they talk most about, and that that rises when a wound is closed, there's a lot or rec. about not closing it so it can drain in what i am reading, as what CQ says...
04-19-2007, 09:04 AM
Thanks for the backing, guys. :D :thumbsup My mentor said she wanted to make me into the Duck Queen of rehabbing, so I guess she's doing a good job and I didn't even know she was doing it! LOL!
A lot of this comes from having SO MANY pets as a kid, and parents (well, my dad :D) that were willing to pay big bucks to save their animals when they became ill. If I hadn't seen my dad heal Theo from the inside out, I wouldn't have thought it possible. The wound was as deep as it could be all the way from head to dad changed the bandages twice a day everyday for months. I remember him irrigating the wound, making sure the scabs all came off each changing, packing it with ointment, packing it with gauze, wrapping him gently but tightly...and then giving him a "cookie." :D I sure miss my dad... I think I got my love of critters and my devotion to their care from him...:peace :bowdown
Mrs. Jack
04-19-2007, 09:08 AM
well as always, the buzz of phone lines, the people coming together to help and support an animal in need and the person taking care of said animal...
all the threads of late about what TSB isn't, well, this is what TSB IS.
and it is awesome in the truest sense of that word.
04-19-2007, 09:19 AM
I talked to Pam's Vet husband and he was a huge help. He agrees that closing the wound would probably do more harm than good and that it is possible for this to granulate and heal over (even with the exposed bone).
Thank you CQ. She is not pecking at the wound, only the bandage whick I will be removing at this point. Pams DH suggested that the best chance is to leave it uncovered with a good coat of antibiotic ointment. I don't have the one with the painkiller in it yet but will be getting some today. I've been using the regular. He said to flush it out with a water betadine soloution twice a day. I can do this. I know it will take some time but I will keep trying. She will probably be happy to have the bandages removed. Her tote is not super large and she's not attempting much movement. I will do the Tshirt thing if I need to, even Pam's DH agreed.
I feel some hope today and am kinda relieved that I don't have to turn into a rogue surgeon. Thank you all for youe support. Here are the latest pics.Note the exposed bone in the 3rd anf 4th pics
You are doing great Heidiann!! :grouphug This thread has me in tears! TSB is the greatest!! Thank you Squerly and Momma!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
04-19-2007, 09:23 AM
Oh those pics just break my heart!! Poor girl!! That's a NASTY wound! Do you think it was a coon??
I'm SO GLAD you got to speak with Pam's hubby! I'm sure that put you so much more at ease! I know it would me...
I'm also glad you've come to a decision on how to proceed with her treatment. I'd say she's got a good chance of pulling through since she made it through the first two days...keep up the great work and she'll get better in no time. :) :grouphug
04-19-2007, 09:26 AM
Me too. I am deeply touched by all the love and support from all of you trying to help me and one of Gods creatures that others would be quick to euthanize. I know that she may not make it, but I will me comforted by all the efforts that youa all an I are making.
This Board helps more than just squirrels. Yes, Thank You Momma and Squerly. I would be lost without all the wonderful people here.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
04-19-2007, 09:31 AM
Oh those pics just break my heart!! Poor girl!! That's a NASTY wound! Do you think it was a coon??
I'm SO GLAD you got to speak with Pam's hubby! I'm sure that put you so much more at ease! I know it would me...
I'm also glad you've come to a decision on how to proceed with her treatment. I'd say she's got a good chance of pulling through since she made it through the first two days...keep up the great work and she'll get better in no time. :) :grouphug
I think it was either a coon or a coyote. We see them sometimes even in the road. The fact that there is no trace of Simone leads me to believe it was a larger animal but I am so surprized that a predator of sorts would be out before dark. We're keeping the other ducks in the yard for the next week. They're shaken up anyway. I hope they start coming home earlier when we do let them back out.
04-19-2007, 09:32 AM
all the threads of late about what TSB isn't, well, this is what TSB IS.
and it is awesome in the truest sense of that word.
:goodpost :thumbsup
More well wishes & prayers for Ducky!!
Mrs. Jack
04-19-2007, 09:35 AM
Well. The dh says next time I say "look at the duck" he's going to ignore me. :dono Nonetheless, he too is very concerned about Flower and thinks you're doing an amazing job.
04-19-2007, 09:38 AM
Thank you Dave.:grouphug
Mrs. J, when you come to see me next month I hope Flower is still with us and she can give you a ducky hug.
Mrs. Jack
04-19-2007, 09:40 AM
My experience with the coyotes here is that they seem to run on the same schedule regardless of season.. as it starts staying light later, they still come out, I assume they don't want to lose the time for hunting that staying under cover of dark means with the longer days.
Mrs. Jack
04-19-2007, 09:40 AM
Thank you Dave.:grouphug
Mrs. J, when you come to see me next month I hope Flower is still with us and she can give you a ducky hug.
so do I I keep thinking how great it'd be to see her all feeling better and doing ducky things.
CQ - Kudos to you. No more "apprentice" questions from you! You sound like a pro. :thumbsup
Heidiann, to keep Flower quiet when cleaning her wound, cover her head. Just sllip a kids sock right over her head. Cut out the toe so she will not feel like she is suffocating. Also might work trying to get the meds in her. It is easier to work on them that way. Good luck. It sounds like you are in wonderful hands.
Do you really think you are seeing bone? It could be tendon and ligaments, sometimes it is hard to tell the difference.
Heidiann~ Is Ducky eating and drinking on her own, or do you have to force feed?
04-19-2007, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the yip Gabe. I will try that. Yes it is most definitely bone. I felt is and it was extremely hard althou Pam's Dh said there's still a chance.
Pam she is eating ad dringins on her own but er keep going to her as often as possiblt to raise the dish to her and get her to take more. I think she's behaving miraculously considering but I am prepared for a turn of events should we be unable to stave off infection.
I agree. CQ is wonderful.
04-19-2007, 03:47 PM
I don't have any advice to give you other than what you have been told, but just wanted to let you know I am praying for flower!
Howdy Heidi, just checking in. Glad she's drinking for you.:thumbsup
Twirly Squirly Squirrel
04-19-2007, 05:36 PM
Just praying for that poor ducky...gosh,Heidiann, that sure looks painful to the poor thing! Bless your dear heart for caring for them all! Now that I'm aware of what's going on here, I'll keep you and the ducky in my prayers:grouphug
Momma Squirrel
04-19-2007, 05:44 PM
Heidiann, just got off the mountain and had to check in to see how you and Flower were holding up. So glad things are getting better or at least no worse. So glad Pam's dh could help you.
Mrs. J, Squerly is the sameway, how is the duck but don't show me the pictures. What happen to men being the stronger sex :dono yeah right :shakehead
island rehabber
04-19-2007, 05:49 PM
What happen to men being the stronger sex :dono yeah right :shakehead
A friend of mine used to say "If men were the ones that had to deal with childbirth, they would have found a way to phone it in by now." :D
04-19-2007, 07:52 PM
Your overwhelming suport touches my heart. You all are the best. Experts or not. She's still the same. Gonna go ittidate and finally put the pain relieving neosporin on her. Also give her the ammox. I hope I get more down her hatch that dribbling out the beak like last night. I'm so tired. Brought the kids on a hike and to feed the swans to break up the day. Then Dr. appt, then wallmart for more supplies and stuff for the humans. Fridge was bare.
Love you all. I'll update any changes.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon Heidi
04-19-2007, 07:57 PM
Ugh That wound is terrible! Hope she gets better soon!
Hope Ducky has a good night ...and you, too! :grouphug
04-19-2007, 08:33 PM
Our thoughts are with you ..... :Love_Icon :grouphug
Wish we could do more .... but VERY glad Critter Queen, Pam and Pam's DH are there for you with advice and guidance. :thumbsup :grouphug
Momma Squirrel
04-20-2007, 07:53 AM
How is Flower this morning? Hope you got some rest too. Headed back up to the mountain so I will check in when we get back. Keeping the thoughts and prayers coming your way. It is that big heart and determination you have to help little creatures that will get you through this.
IR in Squerly's case he would ask me to phone it in :shakehead He doesn't even order pizza :shakehead
04-20-2007, 08:35 AM
Thank you for asking. She's doing the same. I know it will take a while but the wound still looks awful. She's Pooping, eating and drinking well. Still aggressive. So far, I think she's doing amazing. I hope I can do eveythig right to keep it that way but I know this is gonna be a tough battle. The kids have been a huge help, visiting her and urging her to drink. We had to put her tote in the basement. I felt bad but the smell (one duck poop is all it takes)was unbearable in my small house and honestly I think she has more peace there. We go down very often to check on her.
Hope you have a wonderful time in the mountains. Say hi to Squerly for me.
04-20-2007, 08:52 AM
Heidi if shes eating and drinking thats wonderful!! :thumbsup :wott
04-20-2007, 09:10 AM
YAY!! If she's eating, drinking and pooping she's doing well! Just watch for signs of infection (red, swollen, black skin, lethargy, change in appetite...any or all of those).
You're doing GREAT, Heidi... I agree that she probably has more peace down there. If it's a little cool or damp, you could give her a heating pad under her tote like you do baby squirrels. :D
And thanks for the kudos, guys...but you're embarrassing me! LOL! Seriously, you all have seen my ugly side too, so it's not like I'm all that great... :o I just happened to know a little bit to be of help this time. Heck, I can't figure out what's up with my one squirrel's diarrhea for pete's sake! (hoping to see the vet for that in the next day or two)
I'm SO GLAD to hear that Flower isnt any worse today. Not worse is good. :)
04-21-2007, 04:17 AM
Heidiann, How is Flower ? I'm so sorry, I hope her wound heals. Glad to hear that she's holding her own.
I had a pet duck a long time ago...he was attacked by a weasel. Could that be a possiblity? Anyway sending prayers for you and your duckies...:grouphug
04-21-2007, 08:04 AM
Flower's spiritd are as fiesty as ever today. She is continuing with healthy eating pooping and drinking. It's just her wound. It is looking um...I don't know...not good. I can't tell if it's healing or becoming infected. The retracted skin around it has become very puffy and darkish at the edges. I've seen this before on duck wounds that have healed.
When I irrigate it and put on new ointment, I am so concerned at the anount of bone I feel. I'll probably post a picture of the changes tomorrow if they become more extreme.
Abacat, I think it was a large animal like a coyote or fox that attacked her because there is no trace of Simone. She was a very small duck. My guess is that the creature tried to take flower first but couldn't pick her up so easily and she escaped, then grabbed Simone and took off. My poor Simone. Smaller predators like Raccoons and fisher cats and weasles seem to leave a lot more evidence behind.
Bob and I are trying to figure out what more we can do to keep them safe. At night, they are completely secure. Most all of our tragedies have occured shortly before nightfall. I have not let them out of their holding pen since the attack. I hope that when I do, they come home at an earlier hour. They usually stay away from an attack site for weeks. I don't know what they'll do this time but I think I'll let them out today. I so wish Flower could go frolic in the pond with them.
Thanks for your prayers. Heidi
04-21-2007, 09:42 AM
It is normal for the skin surrounding a wound to be puffy and darker following a trauma like poor Flower went through. Peak swelling is at 72 hours after an injury, then it should slowly start to get better.
04-21-2007, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the update, Heidiann. We will continue to keep fingers and paws crossed. :grouphug
Momma Squirrel
04-21-2007, 05:22 PM
Glad to hear Flower is hanging in there. As long as her appetite and spirits stay good she will have a fighting chance, not to mention the love and care she is getting. Sure wish I had some answers for you on the wound but mother nature can generally take care of herself, just needs a little help every now and then and she is sure getting that :grouphug :Love_Icon
04-22-2007, 12:29 PM
How is Flower doing today?
04-22-2007, 03:39 PM
Sorry so laye with the update. Hav had a busy day,bathing my cats, cleaning the duck pen and taking care of Flower ....oh and the kids.:D
SHe escaped from her tote this morning! Good sign that she's strong enough for such a feat. Her wound still looks awful but she's behaving wonderfully.
I took her outside today in a special pen and pool. She was alone for a while in there but her BF GI Joe was lingering near so I decided to let him in. He's been quite a gentelman keeping her company. I wish I'd gotten on film, her frolicing in the pool. She was so happy. It would have warmed your heart. Brought tears to my eyes. I still worry about infection but we're ok so far. Enjoy the clip but please ecuse the DH and his leafblower noise in the background.¤t=100_2465.flv
04-22-2007, 03:47 PM
Heidiann, Flower looks so happy ! She really enjoyed her time out w/ the BF(GI Joe was it?) She looked good, loved the wing and tail wiggles :D Thanks for the update.
Momma Squirrel
04-22-2007, 04:33 PM
Heidiann, that is just great, she is looking wonderful. I know getting outside probably did her a great deal of good, not to mention to see her boyfriend :crazy Thanks so much for the update and so happy to see things are going well, crazy but that is good :rotfl
Mrs. Jack
04-22-2007, 05:31 PM
Yayyy! Boy did we enjoy seeing that :Love_Icon
04-22-2007, 06:17 PM
Happy to hear good news!
Heidiann~ How's Ducky? Doing better, I hope!:Love_Icon
04-25-2007, 07:51 AM
She's doing much better in spirit since I've been putting her outside daily. Her wound still looks nasty. A lot of blackness, but the puffyness has gone down and there's no redness in the skin or oozing in the wound. I started applying the silvadene yesterday and will continue. She's still on ammoxacillin too.
I never thought she'd be acting so well. I just wish I could see things start to close up. I'm having surgery next thursday (hysterectomy) and I'm going to be laid up for a while. I don't know who will be able to help me with flower. My husband has a weak stomach and can't even look at the wound. I'll find someone. Don't you worry. On top of that, my persian Peanut Butter is very pregnant and I have no idea when she's due. Let's just pray that Murphy's law picks on someone else in the next few weeks. My plate is full.
Momma Squirrel
04-25-2007, 07:54 AM
Glad to hear Flower is still holding her own. Sorry to hear you are having surgery, boy you will have your hands full trying to do all you do and be handicapped too :D Men the stronger sex bah hah :shakehead
Heidiann your plate is FULL! :grouphug I'll be praying for you! You just take care of the time of your surgery, Ducky will probably be healing on her own...let nature take care of her.
04-25-2007, 08:08 AM
Good Luck with the surgery next week, I'll be thinking of you. :grouphug Love the name, Peanut Butter :D Hopefully she'll wait for kitties to come when you're feeling better...and as for Flower...So glad she's doing so well :thumbsup Great job. Now time for you, try to get some R&R...
Momma~ I beg your the stronger sex? :jump I have never seen a man that can handle pain...I speak with experience...I live in a house with four men. I know now why the Lord made us women the child bearers!
05-01-2007, 07:35 AM
Finally some happy news. As most of you probably know. They don't lay when in distress. She hasn't laid since the attack. But thins morning, when I went to her to bring her outside, there it was sitting in her tote like a miricle.
This means she is doing very well. She couldn't have done that if she were not healthy.
Also, (with a little help from a naughty Boyfriend) a large portion of scab came off her back revealing wonderful healing beneath. I am continuing the silvadene 2x/day. I am wondering if I can out her out with the others now since I'll be out of comission after thursday. She's very easy to catch and I could have someone continue the silvadene at least once a day. Now that everything is scabbed up, do you think it would be safe?
Heidiann~ John thinks it will be OK to release Flower. He said if she has a good scab, you could probably quit treating her with Silvadene when you go in the hospital Thursday. You took really good care of her!! Now...take care of yourself. Hoping and praying that all goes well for you! :grouphug
:highfive Heidiann is a good :nurse
05-01-2007, 08:29 AM
YAY!!!!!!! WAY TO GO HEIDI!!!! :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :wott :wott
I'm so VERY happy for you! :D And it couldn't have come at a better time for you, personally, huh? :) Good luck on Thursday, I'll be thinking of you, and praying for Devine guidance for the surgeons....:Love_Icon
I'm not sure about putting Flower out yet...would Pam's hubby wanna chat with you one more time? :D (we love you pam and pam's dh! LOL!)
I'm SO GLAD Flower has pulled through...with everything you did for her, you deserve to CELEBRATE!! :):jump
05-01-2007, 08:30 AM
See, that's what happens when I have to work while trying to post! LOL!
:wave123 Critter Queen. We were thinking the same thing :) I saved HA a call...John was at his other clinic today... but HA is welcome to that #, too.
05-01-2007, 09:04 AM
Thanks Pam and CQ and GB. Thank John For me. I don't think I'll need to bug him. My instincts seem to sgree with him that thursday will be ok to release her. She comes in and gets locked up every night so we'll be able to geep a good eye on things. I won't be leaving for the hosp. till 11 am thurs so I'll be able to asess her and load her up with silvadene before letting her out.
This is great news and great timing indeed. Sooooo happy. There were so many moments I was filled with doubt and thought she wouldn't make it.
I have to tell you all something else amazing about flower. This will be the second attack she'll survive. Before there was a roof on the cage, a fisher cat or fox (it was hard to tell cuz it was so dark) got in and while my DH was out having a cigarett, he heard all the commotion. He ran down and Flower was in the creatures mouth. Bob kicked it and scared it out of there. She sustained a pretty bad wound to her wing and it still droops a little bit to this day. She's one amazing invincible duck. She is the duck we've had the longest too. She's a miricle!
HA~ You could probably release her today so you would have a couple of days to watch her to see how she is doing. You might want to treat her with the Silvadene 2x a day until Thursday.
05-01-2007, 02:45 PM
:wott :wott :wott
05-01-2007, 03:38 PM
Poor Flower has had it rough, hope she has a happy life now! You have done amazing with her, I can't believe the difference! Your a great mom!:jump
Momma Squirrel
05-01-2007, 04:07 PM
:wahoo great news about Flower, two incredible women bonding and surviving together :bowdown I will say it again, you are a great mom:grouphug
05-02-2007, 07:35 AM
I released flower out with the others and she could barely make her way to the pond because the drakes were all over her. Once in the water she had 3 on her and I started freaking that they were going to drown her. I shooes them away with a long branch and she came out of the water. Her back is bleeding now because of them.:hissyfit :frustratedx
If it weren't for them, she woud be perfectly ready to release but I cant have them keep reopening her wounds with their clawed feet.
Those horny little bastards are going to ruin everything.
Any suggestions on what to do now?:dono
05-02-2007, 08:08 AM
Floatation life vest with a chastity belt? :dono
Never a dull moment around your house. Can you keep Flower in a protected area a little longer.
05-02-2007, 08:33 AM
:rotfl I wish they made such a thing Lynn.
When I went back out to check on flower I found her walking down the road. I don't blame her. I could tell she was in pain. I took her back into her clean warm bed with her eggs. (I'm letting her keep them to make her happy). Her scab was almost completely ripped off revealing fresh meat underneath. I must say, it looks like alot has been regenerating but now it needs to scab over again. Back to plan A. Bob said he will be able to handle her care while I'm recovering. I was just hoping it would be one less thing for them to deal with. My poor flower. I know she'll be ok but I'm so sad that her recovery has been set back. We'll see this through. I guess the boys really missed her. I guess she's quite the hottie. :p
Poor Flower!! :grouphug I guess those guys were "excited" to see her!
05-02-2007, 09:43 AM
Poor Flower! Just wants to be left alone right now. She needs some lessons from the squirrel-ladies on how to act all feisty and say "You!! Go Away! Grrr! I'm NOT interested right now! Grrr! (swat!)" -- in no uncertain terms. :D
Momma Squirrel
05-02-2007, 10:13 AM
Poor Flower, she is quite the ducky :D but come on guys give a lady a chance to get back on her feet, I hate it for her but you are right she is a fighter and will pull through this. Go outside and scold those boys and hose them down with cold water, well I guess that doesn't work on ducks :shakehead
I'm sure Bob will be able to deal with everything that he needs to, you take care of yourself so things will go well and we and your family human and animal can have you back as quick as possible.
05-03-2007, 12:26 AM
Heidiann, if I don't get a chance to get on Thurs. morning (and I probably won't), let me wish you good luck and quick healing. In fact, let me extend that to Flower, too! We'll all be looking forward to the time when you get back on line. Meanwhile, be sure to flirt with all the good looking interns!!
Heidiann, I will be thinking about you and praying for you. I hope you have a speedy recovery, and you get some long overdue rest. :grouphug
:Love_Icon Pam
05-03-2007, 08:23 AM
Thank you Darlings. I'll be leaving soon and am very at peace. I'm looking forward to getting home and back on TSB. Please forgive me if I have a lot of typos, sound goofy:carzy2 , or post embarassing photos. Painkillers tend to do that to me.:p I'll miss you all. Bye for now.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
PS. Flower laid her 3rd egg and her wound looks fantastic under the scab that was scratched off. We will be continuing her segregation and Sleeping indoors at night.
05-06-2007, 05:44 PM
Heidiann, Glad your back home... How are you? How's Flower ? D@^# men! Is Flower okay? So, she laid eggs...:jump I don't know anything about that, will they be viable? Probably GI Joe is the Daddy :dono. Maybe baby duckies???
05-08-2007, 01:24 PM
Hi i'm new here and just read your post i'm glad flower is healing..i rise ducks and chickens so if you have problem in the future i will be glad to help...
your friend lin
06-16-2007, 01:28 PM
Hi i'm new here and just read your post i'm glad flower is healing..i rise ducks and chickens so if you have problem in the future i will be glad to help...
your friend lin
Thanks lin, nice to meet you.
06-16-2007, 01:39 PM
Today flower had been permanently released back with the pack. The boys are still annoying her but they'll calm down. I put Gary and Rebert in Jail:injail
for a little time out for a bit this afternoon to give her a breather.
Sadly, all of flower's eggs turned out to be rotten. I thought they were fertile because I saw veining when I candled them but I think that all the onn and off the nest time didn't allow them to grow. I knew by the color of them that they were not viable and did check them out. EEEEEEEW!
Flower ran into the basement when I left the door open and stood honking in the spot where her bed and nest were. I feel so bad when I have to take a ducks eggs away. It's never easy but they will spend countess days selflessly sitting in vain if I don't.
Miraculously, there are feathers growing over the entire healed wound! I never would have thought it to be possible but it's wonderful b/c it provides extra protection from those naughty boys claws.
Thank you all:thankyou for your encouragement, support and advice. It feels so good to have success with one of my most precious birds.:Love_Icon
06-16-2007, 01:44 PM
Yippie for Flower! :wahoo You did good Mom... :thumbsup
06-16-2007, 02:35 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Flower is back with the pack! I hope she continues to do well.
06-16-2007, 04:44 PM
What a great job you have done with Flower! Back with the pack, what is more satisfying than that?:thumbsup
06-16-2007, 04:46 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
06-16-2007, 08:31 PM
Thank you everyone.'re not going to believe this but now GI Joe is in my infirmary. They didn't even get to reunite. He was attacked this morning and I found him sitting strangely across the pond with my binoculars. Sabrina and I canoed out there to check on him b/c it didn't seem right. Sure enough he was hurt. His woumds are above and under his left leg/thigh. It's as though his whole leg was in the predator's mouth because there were also scrapes on his leg itself. Weird. I'm thinking fisher cat. The punctures in his flesh were too deep to be a snapper. The one on the underside of him is quite large. He can't walk but I think it's just because of the pain. Everything seems intact. It's just a matter of keeping him clean and still and treating him the same way I did flower. I am so upset that I can't protect my babies well enough. Boy, when GI Joe gets better and released, he and Flower will have a lot to talk about.:shakehead
PS, I also have a young chicken in my care as of this morning. My neighbor forgot to close the door to their shed last night. 4 got eaten and the one I have had it's whole wing bitten off. The poor thing looks all lopsided. I named him Zombie chicken. I think my neighbor might let me keep her if I want. We'll see. She's soing really well. I'm just following the same procedure with the betadine, neosporin w pain reliever and silvadene. Sheeeeeesh!
I won't even get into the phone call from my mother who has 2 baby robins who fell from te nest waiting for me to possibly take home tomorrow if she can't handle it.:dono
06-16-2007, 08:55 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
06-16-2007, 09:38 PM
Geez, when it rains it pours. So sorry to hear about all of this. But these animals are lucky that you have room for them in your home and in your heart.
07-01-2007, 07:12 PM
GI Joe died this afternoon. I don't know what went wrong. On his second day of injury, I had to clean his wounds out from what I thought were maggots. After 2 days they were gone. His wounds were scabbing up and healing nicely. I thought all was going well but he seemed to be declining over the last couple days. Today when I was treating his leg, I turned him over and took a look at his belly. I spread his feathers and found that his entire underside was infested with some king of maggot or worm. Thousands of adults and tiny baby ones. I cut all his feathers off and tried desperately to remove them all, pulling them off by the bunch and tweezing them off. They were even boring holes into his skin. He remained calm. Too calm. I could tell he was dying. I thought I got most of them and kept finging more areas of his body infested and cried for my husband to come put him out of his misery. Mercifully, he dies before he had to do that. Bob didn't know if he could.
I did some reading and found that ducks can contract some form of maggot botulism that makes them sich if they eat them. Perhaps this was the case or perhaps, the animal that bit him infected him or exposed him to some sort of parasidic worm. I don't know but that was one of the worst, most horrifying things I've ever had to do or see.
07-01-2007, 07:33 PM
Well, I don't know what to say Heidiann. This is just terrible. :(
Mrs. Jack
07-01-2007, 07:48 PM
You're the strongest person I know. :Love_Icon
07-01-2007, 07:51 PM
That is horrible. Just horrible.
I know you don't want to think about this right now but listen - parasites are make out of eukaryotic cells, just like ducks and humans. Bacteria are prokaryotic cells. Therefore anything you use to try to kill the parasites that is designed for bacteria won't work. So don't use Lysol when trying to clean things, you need something stronger like bleach. But since we're made out of the same kind of cells, anything that will kill the parasites will be dangerous to you and the ducks so just be cautious. I hope you can take your bucket of bleach and kill all those aweful worms dead for good.
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
07-01-2007, 07:52 PM
I am so sorry, GI Joe.
island rehabber
07-01-2007, 07:57 PM
heidiann, my heart goes out to you.....I don't know how you had the strength to face that and try to save're in my prayers tonight, along with GI Joe who will wait for you and Flower at the Bridge......:sad
07-01-2007, 08:51 PM
Thank you for your kind words and sympathy everyone.
And yes, I bleached the Sh-t out of the area where I was performing the maggot removal.
I did some research and have concluded that Maggot Myiasis occured here. They usually only feast on dead flesh but sometimes, certain flies infest so rapidly that they attack the living areas too making them sick. I was looking in the wrong spot. I had no idea this could happen. Moisture doesn't help matters. And to think, just yesterday, I had my sister hose his belly off while I help him b/c he'd has diarreah in his tote. Then I let him spend some time in the grass. I just had know idea what was going on under those feathers. I've had ducks for 5 years now and never had anything like this happen before.
I'll certainly be inspecting all the rest of my birds thouroughly tomorrow although I'm pretty sure this only happened b/c of GI's wound first getting them.
Thanks again everyone and sorry for the awful details of my story here. OK I gotta get these awful worms out of my head before I get nightmares.
heidiann I am so sorry that I am just getting your message from 3:30. I was at the beach. I left at 5:30 to come home, but I didn't check my messages before I left. It is midnight and I'm just getting home. I am so sorry John and I let you down. I wish you would have had my cell phone #. Please forgive us!! In the situation you were in...all you can do is wash the duck down to remove the maggots.
I am so sorry!! :grouphug
07-02-2007, 12:28 AM
Pam, you did not let me down. Please don't say that! He was already too sick to save once I started washing him and removing them. He died shortly after I pmed you. It was too late. I know that you both would have helped me if you could have and I thank you for that. You are both special people.:Love_Icon :grouphug
I am so sorry!! :grouphug
07-02-2007, 12:35 AM
Thank you Pam. And thank you for getting back to me so late. It's 1:30 here and I couldn't sleep and just thought I'd check the board one more time. It was comforting to get your message.:Love_Icon
07-02-2007, 12:42 AM
I know *crying with you* Good night dear friend.:grouphug
Good night!! Love ya!! :Love_Icon
07-02-2007, 07:16 AM
Oh no, I'm just reading this about G.I. Joe! So sorry this happened, it sounds like an awful experience. :grouphug:grouphug
Momma Squirrel
07-02-2007, 08:04 AM
OH no Heidiann, I am so so very sorry. I did not check the board last night. Squerly and I were just talking about you and your ducks yesterday. He was trying to doctor some fake ceramic ducks my son had bought me for Mother's Day when he was like 10 years old. Squerly made the comment that we needed Heidiann's touch. You are such a strong and loving person. GI Joe was in the best hands possible. My heart and prayers are with you :grouphug :Love_Icon
07-02-2007, 12:01 PM
:sad Heidiann, I'm so very sorry about poor GI Joe. God Bless you for trying to help him. Sure hope whatever is attacking your ducks would just go away.
Again, I'm so sorry. :grouphug
07-02-2007, 12:16 PM
I am so sorry. He knew he was loved and you are the best.:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
07-02-2007, 12:18 PM
So very, very sorry ....... :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
07-03-2007, 06:55 PM
I'm so very sorry. :grouphug
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