View Full Version : Hello! Looking for Squirrel Expertise

04-21-2014, 12:02 PM
Hello all! I'm a wildlife major (senior), but a longtime nature enthusiast. I generally try to be "hands off" with nature, but sometimes manipulating it a little here and there can be useful. Feeding songbirds helps offset the pressure created by feral cats for example where I live. I think live trapping and release is generally a poor solution to "nuisance" squirrels, so I came here hoping that the board members' personal experience could help me out. I want to create an ideal habitat in a far flung corner of my yard to encourage the resident squirrels to defend their turf while simultaneously leaving my (rented) house and deck area alone more often. I've managed to exclude them from the attic, but there's a lot I don't know about making somewhere else look much better to live in.

So...any ideas? The squirrel population here is 3 times what it is in natural wild areas, so there's hot competition for food and shelter. I know how to create ideal nestboxes for specific bird species as well as favorite foods, foraging styles, types of feeders...but I don't really know what squirrels enjoy best. I'm thinking if I offer the right kind of food, shelter, and water away from the house under the tree cover I can encourage them to chew less on my property. I accept that there will -always- be squirrels in my feeders and on my porch, my only goal is to lessen their immediate impact and maybe protect myself from having to do further home repair.

04-21-2014, 02:00 PM
Hello there, fellow nature-lover! :wave123 Thanks for caring and wanting to create a safe, happy area for all your friendly critters.

Here's the problem I see (and I've experienced it myself): When we feed birds the squirrels find that food and move in. Then they fight for the territory and/or put too much pressure on each other by over-populating the place (exactly what you already know :tilt). Then they try and move in to our houses/sheds/garages etc because, well, it's closer to the bird food :grin2. Further, birdseed is about the worst food squirrels can eat but it's like the best junk food to them. And I know some people suggest that squirrels can manage their diets in the wild and aren't affected by birdseed or peanuts or corn, i.e., but from my own experiences, and what I see from others' experiences, I don't think this is always true. Especially if you live in a neighbourhood where other people probably feed the same squirrels seeds, corn, and nuts. So, imo, it's worth looking for a better way to feed them if you choose to feed them.

My suggestion is that you wean your birds from bird seed (if that's what you feed) and start creating a lush natural habitat for birds in your yard full of berries and grass seeds and tree buds and nectar etc. that not only attract birds but insects the birds love to eat! If I recall correctly, Bill Thompson III has a book about creating natural bird-feeding habitats in your yard. Worth a read!

Then, if you want to feed squirrels, try to form relationships with them one on one where they live and give them healthy food at their homes. Not by putting a bunch of food out under their trees or in one area, but by giving them one or two really good rodent blocks a day, for example. Get to know them in their territories and they will wait for you to come by with a treat. :) It takes a while to establish these relationships, but it's worth it for many reasons, imho.

If you want to feed them in one area, I suggest putting out rodent blocks, healthy veggies, healthy fruits. Some will tell you that wild squirrels won't eat these foods - but they will if you don't have other junk foods for them to eat! :thumbsup And if they don't eat them, they aren't hungry for people-food! Even better! :alright.gif You can put out healthier nuts, too, but I wouldn't give too many or *only* nuts or they will become addicted to them.
If they are getting junk food in other yards, though, then there isn't much you can do except try to feed them healthy foods - there's no point in adding more unhealthy foods to their diet.

The thing I personally don't like about feeding squirrels in one area is that they congregate, they fight more, they learn that the area is where the food is and start over-populating it adding immense pressure to all of them for several reasons, and they are easier for predators to spot and catch. That's why I now try to feed the squirrels individually. Not always easy or possible, I realize this - especially if you live in a neighbourhood! But consider the option.

Here is a list of healthy foods to feed squirrels:


First consider feeding a rodent block (without corn in it and ideally without soy, as well - our favourite brand on TSB is Henry's www.henryspets.com (http://www.henryspets.com)) and make some healthy treats with them by crushing them up and adding a bit of almond butter, for example. Depending on how spoiled or not your squirrels are, they may just eat them straight up! And the Henry's blocks have nuts in them already, so some wilds love those - especially the "Wild Bites". :)

Oh, and giving them water is a great idea. If you feed them in one area, you can put out a dish of water for them. Try to place it where they will be hidden from predators while they drink. Or you could put a few dishes around the area near different squirrel paths, especially if you don't end up feeding them in only one area.

Good luck! I'm sure others will have more suggestions. :thumbsup

EDIT: Here's a thread with some suggestions about how to make healthy treats for wild squirrels. http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?26193-Wild-Squirrel-Recipe. :thumbsup

04-23-2014, 01:30 PM
Unfortunately I can't landscape where I'm living presently (renting), but when my husband finished his PhD next May we'll definitely be owning our home and can do so then. That's a whole year's worth of research time! You've given me some wonderful suggestions. At the very least perhaps I can get some sunflower seed planted/buried for the summer, there's usually a fair number of them that germinate below the deck in the yard. And interesting points on feeding wildlife. It's a pity squirrels are so attracted to "junk" food, not unlike ducks eating bread all the time. Although I guess we humans do the same. XP

California Squirrel Lover
04-23-2014, 01:47 PM
Hi Tigerpaw! :Welcome great ideas here by you and Fireweed! :thumbsup Yes, that'll be especially nice when you have your own place, to fix up just the way you want! :grin3