View Full Version : Sick Squirrel

04-17-2014, 06:58 PM
:(:(:( My poor baby Gus (around 3 1/2 months), has for the last 24 hours been acting a bit off. Gus is eating, pooping and peeing normally, but for the last 24 hours he has been really sleepy. I have had him in his doggy bed that he likes to sleep in by the window all day, I have to wake him up to make him eat and drink. Gus is pooping and peeing but it is not as frequent as usual. Gus's diet is good ( I believe). First thing in the morning Gus will eat two rat blocks with a bowl of water, after that he will munch on broccoli, carrots, celery, cauliflower, lettuce, apple, green grapes, and some strawberries. I have also bought him some yogurt treats and give him once a day. I also (although not as frequently lately) still feed Gus his Fox Valley formula.
Does anybody have a clue what's going on?

P.s I am somewhat concerned that maybe Gus hasn't been eating as much of his blocks as I thought, there are a lot of crumbs.

04-17-2014, 07:01 PM
Does he get any nuts at all yet? What kind of blocks are you feeding? Could he have possibly gotten into something? Is he drinking water?

04-17-2014, 07:10 PM
Gus ( strangely enough) really won't eat nuts, except maybe a few sunflower seeds. I have been feeding him LM animal farms from pet smart. Now looking back I am concerned about his water consumption, he is quite spoiled, he will only drink water when I put ice in it ( and when it's outside his cage). I will place water out at least 3 times a day and he will take a really good drink for a few minutes, leave, and come back a few times. I did pinch his back/ neck and it seem to tent a little bit bit it's so hard to tell because Gus is very fluffy.

04-17-2014, 08:40 PM
Please check the ingredients on the blocks. I wouldn't trust store brand blocks. Lots of them have tons of corn and seeds.

Can you post a pic? It can often tell us a lot.

Have you tried the pinch test for hydration? Gently pinch the skin between the shoulders and see if it tents or goes back down immediately like on the back of your hand.