View Full Version : Who knows something about hatchlings...

04-16-2007, 04:47 PM
All this wind down here in NC is blowing things out of the trees...I got a calla few hours ago about a baby bird, and I mean hatchling. Maybe a day old. Ran straight to the store, bought the formula needed, and have been feeding it. I am used to raising parrots, not these little guys. All the bird rehabbers are slammed with other birds. I am reading conflicting info online, and i trust everyone here, so hopefully someone can answer...
How often does it need to be fed? I have been feeding it every 30-45 minutes, whenever the "chicklet" is full. I read it should be 10-15 minutes throughout the night.........I also am currently out of heating pads, my little sick girl has the last one. My other ones have been eaten:shakehead
I have a infrared 75 watt bulb on it, but I have a small stuffed animal leaning over it to keep from getting burned. What else????

04-16-2007, 06:00 PM
For heat, you can make a hot water bottle if you have a screw-top water or soda bottle -- fill with hot water and screw top on tightly. Wrap in a towel or something. You'll need to re-fill it pretty often, but it sounds like you are feeding often anyway.

Or if you have one of those clamp-on shop lights and can rig it overhead high enough so the air by the baby is the right temperature.

Good luck! :thumbsup

04-16-2007, 06:02 PM
Or a "rice buddy" -- sock filled with rice, heated in microwave. That would stay warm longer. Can put one on each side of him/her.

04-16-2007, 06:09 PM
One day old is bald, can hardly hold head up to beg or gape. If good control of the head, maybe 3 days old.
Feed every 20 min for 14 hours a day. No night feedings. Yay!!!
I'll pm you what to feed it and how to nest it.

04-16-2007, 08:29 PM
make sure you watch out for the crop. you gotta put their food way down their throats or you'll clog their air pipe.

that's all i really have to contribute. i volunteered at a bird center but it's mostly cleaning cages and feeding babies every thirty minutes.