View Full Version : Hello, Everyone. I am new to The Squirrel Board

Turner's Mom
04-09-2014, 10:00 AM
Hi, I am Turner's Mom. I am new here. I found the board several weeks ago and have been reading it and using it as a helpful guide while I raise my foster baby,Turner, he is an Eastern Grey. He was 3 weeks old (approx) when I got him. I know this because his eyes opened two weeks after he was "home". He is now approx 8 weeks, well he will be on Friday. He was given to me by a few kids who's older brother had brought him home from a construction site after the tree his nest was in had been cut down (Idk where this was or if there were siblings). It is well known in my circle of friends that I have rescued several litters of domestic pets (puppies, kittens, etc.) and bottle fed them, kept them healthy, safe, and found them loving homes. When the kids brought me Turner I couldn't say no. I have had many classes in animal rearing from the time I was in middle school through high school and I have taken classes and been licensed as an Animal Control officer. I am very knowledgeable (but not at all above learning, in case I sound like I am bragging, just trying to give some background) in the safety and well being of animal life. I also have a sister-in-law and brother-in-law (her husband) that are veterinarians. Ok, I hope that helps you know a little about me without me coming off as a know it all.
Now, about Turner. As I said, he is an Eastern Gray and is going to be roughly 8 weeks old this Friday. He has been feed Hartz milk replacer since I got him. I don't have a scale to tell you how old much he weighs, but I can tell you that he has almost tripled his weight since he has been here. When his eyes opened I put some rat block in his cage, and only the block, no treats. I noticed after two weeks that he hadn't even tried to play with it. I had been reading TSB and read about malocclusion. I looked at Turner's teeth and saw that they were so long that the bottom were almost piercing the roof of his, mouth (after I trimmed them I did see where they had made a deep impression in the roof, but no broken skin).The top were uneven and one was just long enough that it was rubbing his lower gum line. Idk, why I didn't think of it before, I have had to trim teeth on rats and rabbits (I felt so bad). Anyway, long story short....I trimmed his teeth and he has started teething. It has only been 5 days since I have trimmed them, but he is one busy little guy now. He loves to chew on his block, he nibbles on leaves and buds from the branches in his cage. he beats up his fuzzy like there is no tomorrow. There has been a big turn around. He has even started to wean himself from his bottle. I am almost to the point that I will be putting his milk in a dish. At this point he will eat about a third of his block in the morning and then have about half of his bottle, then he will have a block for lunch and not ask for a bottle, but I will still offer it and he will take some. The same can be said for supper. He has only been given two pecan halves since he has started teething and boy does he like those, he likes corn as well (one piece so far). He has had a small bite of carrot. I have been very very strict about giving him treats. I have made it clear that he will eat the blocks first. He goes outside and plays twice a day. Right now it is free play, no cage, but he is getting faster so that may have to stop very soon. I have to say that he is a very happy little guy.
Here are a few things that I do want to ask: When or will he start making noise? The only sound I have heard him make is a squeal and I know what that means, I miss mommy come and get me. Will he eventually be able to keep his teeth ground down on his own? (I have not noticed any misalignment) I have only trimmed them the one time and I am expecting to have to do it at least once more. Ok, so I guess that is it atm. I hope I have answered all the usual questions and have given you enough information about Turner and myself. I will post some Pics when I figure out how. (I didn't see the Go Advanced button in the introduction tread). Nice to meet you all, :)

04-09-2014, 10:07 AM
Before I read any further, and hoping that you are still on, please, DO NOT allow him to be outside without a cage. If he is out there now, please go get him and bring him in. This practice has lead to tragedy more time than I can count. Please, no more outside time.

Turner's Mom
04-09-2014, 10:14 AM
Hi, I am here.
Turner, is never alone outside. There are four of use to watch him and we sit in circle around him and his is not allowed outside the circle. Still, I have been planning to put him in a cage to be outside. now is as good a time as any. :)

04-09-2014, 10:17 AM
If you could get some pics of the teeth especially, it would be helpful. Many people put a pencil behind the teeth to take better pics.

There is a whole procedure to teeth trimming that people on here can tell you about. Some trim, some dremel, but there is a proper size alignment and a proper angle to trim them at, so they will be able to tell you all about that.

Sometimes the teeth will realign on their own and you won;t need to trim again, or at least not as often. If they don't, he will be unreleasable (NR) because he wouldn't be able to eat outside and his teeth would keep growing at an odd angle and kill him. You'll just have to observe him over time to make sure.

What kind of rodent block are you offering? Some are crap. Also, the formula he's on isn't what's recommended, but is it puppy rather than cat? That would be better. And have you seen our good nutrition thread?


As to noises, he should have been making them all along, little squeaks and such. Pretty soon, if not already, he'll start making other noises, often including purrs if he's feeling happy and content.

About not letting him outside, I can't count the sad stories of them running off or being picked off by hawks and such. If he is releasable, there is a proper release process but you won't start that for many weeks. We generally don't release anytime before 14 weeks.

04-09-2014, 10:18 AM
Hi, I am here.
Turner, is never alone outside. There are four of use to watch him and we sit in circle around him and his is not allowed outside the circle. Still, I have been planning to put him in a cage to be outside. now is as good a time as any. :)

Still a very bad idea. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but a squirrel should never be allowed outside without a quality cage. We have just seen this go south too many times. Learn from the pain of others.

island rehabber
04-09-2014, 10:34 AM
farrelli's correct: we've actually had members post that a hawk swooped down and grabbed a baby right in front of them before they even realized what was happening.....:eek

Anyway, congratulations for raising this little guy and it's extra great that you have veterinarians in the family! The malocclusion possibility is crucial for you to be vigilant about, right now -- if he is maloccluded and his teeth are not grinding each other down, he is a non-releasable for sure. Please do read up on the proper techniques for trimming, because there always is a slim but real possibility that proper trimming may re-align those teeth.

Hartz is not good formula but he got this far so don't worry about it! A bigger concern is what type of blocks you are giving him? We recommend the following:

Harlan-Teklad Rat block (must order online)
Mazuri rodent block (order online, but some pet suppliers have it)
Kay-Tee Forti Diet for Rats & Mice (BLUE bag, not green)

The best thing you can introduce into his diet are Henry's Healthy Blocks. www.henryspets.com
If he eats two per day, he gets his calcium and other vities and minerals so you don't have to worry. And babies love them!

Corn is a no-no for captive squirrels -- too much phosphorous. The same goes for sunflower seeds and peanuts. If and when he is released and is free to get all the nutrients he needs in the wild, a few of these things won't hurt him. But right now while YOU are the only provider of food for him, don't give him high-phosphorous stuff. :)

Glad you found us!

Turner's Mom
04-09-2014, 12:05 PM

The blocks that he is getting came in a squirrel blend bag from Walmart. It is what my sister-in-law recommended. She has raised a few babies of her own. The same is for the Hartz formula. I have every plan to have him be a release, I am hoping that since his teeth do not appear to be misaligned they will adjust properly. We have a rehabber here in our area. I have not spoken to her yet, not in person or verbally anyway. I have sent her an anonymous question as to how she handles squirrels with this issue. She has informed me that she will trim the teeth and then transfer to another rehhaber that will keep him as a non-release. I have plans to contact her in about two more weeks, once he has weaned himself fully from the bottle (she has about eight bottle babies now and she is a lone "mommy") I don't want her to be overwhelmed. I would very much love to keep him if there is no way he can be released do to the trimming issue, but it is illegal (as we all know :( ) to keep them even when it is best for them. The best i can do for him is take him to someone that can keep him legally and hope that she will care for him the best way she see fit. My greatest hope is that if he dose have to stay captive that she will have other captives and he will have friends. I am well aware of the wild issues of keeping any wild animal as a pet and if it were my happy luck to be intrusted with his care (if need be) I would be very willing to take it on. I would also be very willing for all the help I could glean from you very knowledgeable folks. I will goto Pet Smart and find a better block for him. Also, I can not post pics, the posting permissions says that I am not allowed. :(

04-09-2014, 12:15 PM
The blocks that Henry's sells are the best, and the other ones that IR suggested are good too. Kaytee Forti-Diet (in the blue bag) seems to be the most available in pet stores. Many blocks are full of corn and seeds, which are no good. Henry's are expensive, but a bag lasts a month and you only need two a day to equal the value of several lesser quality blocks. And the sqs eat them up as opposed to leaving lots of leftovers. Many people find the cost a wash because of these factors. Some people on tight budgets will give one Henry's a day and couple it with cheaper blocks like above.

Having a squirrel is illegal in just about every state, so most of the ones that you see here are under the radar. If you can provide a very good life for a NR (good food, lots of out of cage/play time, enrichment, nice cage, nice furnishings, etc.) I would look very closely at what the rehaber might be able to offer. Some are great, some are not. So I would be cautious of him just becoming just another sq with little personal attention. Hopefully he'll be releasable, and if not, hopefully the rehabber will be great, but if not and you can provide for him, don't let the legal factor sway you too much. You'd just have to keep him a secret from neighbors and such.

Turner's Mom
04-09-2014, 02:30 PM
Hopefully I have done this right and I will have pics of Turner up. :)230967230968230969230970

04-09-2014, 03:38 PM
Super cute!

04-09-2014, 07:59 PM
If you are anywhere near Texarkana - I have access to vet. I would also be
happy to look at the little guys teeth for you.
I also have block that I can give you - and formula if needed.

Just let me know.

Milo's Mom
04-09-2014, 08:03 PM
Hi Turner's Mom!:wave123 Welcome to TSB! :Welcome
You've got a super cutie there. :Love_Icon

04-09-2014, 09:34 PM
Hello Turners Momma, Welcome to this wonderful board. I wish you the very best of luck. I am also a new mom. He is adorable. Good luck with your new venture.
I'm Fenwick's momma:Welcome:wave123

04-09-2014, 10:46 PM
Great offer from sassysquirrel. Very trustworthy member.

04-10-2014, 05:13 AM
Wondering why an eight week old would need teeth trimmed.
Seems odd for that age.
You might consider placing some oak branches and a few good good nuts (in the shell) in the cage.
They know what to do with them.
I'm also puzzled why one rehabber would give him to another as an NR.

In about six weeks or so, he should be ready for soft release.

Turner's Mom
04-10-2014, 11:25 PM
His teeth were so long they were beginning to piece the roof of his mouth. I am not sure why there is a plan to transfer from one rehabber to another, but that was what I have been told.

island rehabber
04-11-2014, 06:17 AM
It is possible that his lower teeth are not being worn down naturally by his uppers, due to malocclusion, and that's why they are so long and damaging the roof of his mouth. Good thing you caught that before infection set in!

I think when you get him on the Henry's Healthy Blocks you'll be amazed at the change in his fur and his energy level. He is a beautiful baby!!

04-11-2014, 12:21 PM
Hey from Ohio. Your Turner is a doll!

Skul had an excellent suggestion with offering wood branches for him to gnaw on. If you make your own, maybe take a look at the following gerbil site listing safe/unsafe wood if you are unsure about which trees are alright to use:


Turner's Mom
04-13-2014, 07:34 PM
Turner and I had a wonderful visit yesterday with Mr. & Mrs. Sassysquirrel. Turner had so much fun. He got to try new treats and I got to meet two very wonderful squirrel lovers who were very happy to give me some great pointers and lots of info for later. We also found out that "Squirrel Christmas" comes April 13. Squirrel Santa, aka Sassysquirrel, had Turner all thrilled with the neato toys, treats, and cool decked out cage she sent home for him to play with. He has been having a blast!! I will post some new pics to show how happy he is. Thank you so much SS we had a great time. See you soon.

Nancy in New York
04-13-2014, 09:24 PM
Turner and I had a wonderful visit yesterday with Mr. & Mrs. Sassysquirrel. Turner had so much fun. He got to try new treats and I got to meet two very wonderful squirrel lovers who were very happy to give me some great pointers and lots of info for later. We also found out that "Squirrel Christmas" comes April 13. Squirrel Santa, aka Sassysquirrel, had Turner all thrilled with the neato toys, treats, and cool decked out cage she sent home for him to play with. He has been having a blast!! I will post some new pics to show how happy he is. Thank you so much SS we had a great time. See you soon.

So glad you got to meet Mr. and Mrs. Sassysquirrel.
Isn't she just the best!
We love her too! :Love_Icon
Glad that little Turner is doing well, I heard he's quite the charmer. :grin2

04-14-2014, 09:06 AM
I'm also puzzled why one rehabber would give him to another as an NR.

While looking into the licensing specifics for my state, I read that a licensed rehabber cannot keep (legally) an NR until they have had their license for at least 3 years. Perhaps it is an issue like that? Or maybe she just likes to focus on the short term releasables. :thinking

Turner's Mom
04-14-2014, 09:19 AM
I will find out tomorrow what Turner"s diagnoses is as to whether he will be a release or an NR. I have been getting some very sound help from Sassysquirrel and Turner has a vert appointment tomorrow. She will be giving him a good once over and letting us know what the plan should be. I have no worries as to how happy Turner will be since I have found TSB and a wonderful and loving helping hand in SS.

Ps, still working on the new pics. Trying to make them smaller. them may just have to be posted as is though.:baghead I am just not too savvy about these kind of things.

Turner's Mom
04-14-2014, 12:19 PM
Pics :grin3231507231506

04-14-2014, 12:25 PM
I think most people recommend against using aquariums.

04-30-2014, 07:28 AM
Mornin' from Costa Rica...Time for an UPDATE and new pics....PLEASE
TURNER -fans are Freakin'Out !!

04-30-2014, 07:46 AM
I think most people recommend against using aquariums.

Yeah I would think aquariums are good for fish and plants. Lack of air circulation is one thing. And over heating could be another.

04-30-2014, 09:52 AM
Welcome TM and Turner! Turner looks like he's come a long way, I hope the diagnosis went well.

Regarding pics, Photobucket http://photobucket.com/, and Picasa http://picasa.google.ca/ are two of the more well-known ways of reducing photo sizes... the threads with large photos (or even a lot of photos) can take a loooonnng time to open for anyone here with a less-than-great connection, or a mobile device. It's not that TSB can't handle the original size, and everyone here wants the maximum fuzz :thumbsup

04-30-2014, 11:00 AM
Turner is very cute, I hope he gets a clean bill of health.:thumbsup

It looks like you have made Turner a neat room full of interesting things to explore and climb. Just a word of caution, make sure that access to electrical wires/cords is limited or supervised.

Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about this little guy!:)

04-30-2014, 06:56 PM
If you are using Windows, go to "My Pictures" and find the photo you want to post. Put the cursor over the picture and right click. Where is says "Open With", click "Microsoft Office Picture Manager". Under "File", click "Save As" and name it whatever you want. On the top of the screen click "Edit Pictures". Under "Change Picture Size", click "Resize". Choose the category "Predefined with x height" and use the down arrow to click "Web-Large 640 x 480px". Click "OK". Click "Save". (You can also edit the picture.) This is just the way I resize photos. It is in no way the only way and is in no way the best way. Bravo already gave you some great links which you may prefer and find easier.

Hello from Ohio, by the way. Also, I am not computer savvy either. My husband had to show me how to resize because all my pictures were coming out humongous, too, in their original size.