View Full Version : charlottes eating my dresser!

04-01-2014, 02:45 PM
Hello everyone, my question is this, is there anything out there that I can spray on my furniture to prevent my little chunko from gnawing on it? Someone told me to rub vaseline on it but I want to make sure im not poisoning her.

Thanks for your help

04-01-2014, 03:20 PM
I think people use things like apple bitter and Yuck, but also make sure she get s plenty of OK things to chew on.

04-01-2014, 04:29 PM
I have 4 "chewers" in the house, and I find that they like the EDGES best. So the tops of all my wooden doors have a strip of duct tape along the edges, and so far this seems to work. No chewing lately . I imagine I'll need some alcohol or paint thinner later, when I go to remove the duct tape...Ha !

04-01-2014, 08:29 PM
I have 4 "chewers" in the house, and I find that they like the EDGES best. So the tops of all my wooden doors have a strip of duct tape along the edges, and so far this seems to work. No chewing lately . I imagine I'll need some alcohol or paint thinner later, when I go to remove the duct tape...Ha !

Ah, duct tape - perfect!:thumbsup Angel has just about destroyed every piece of furniture in my guestroom, now he is starting on the baseboards and duct tape sounds perfect.. Now that I'm getting ready to release him I discover this of course! :rolf