View Full Version : NEED help catching small baby squirrel

03-31-2014, 08:53 PM
A couple days ago the mother squirrel was caught and killed by my neighbor's dog. The babies emerged a day and a half later. I believe there were 5 babies. I have only seen one baby recently. It has found its way to birdfood in my yard. Should I attempt to catch it or just leave it be? The big dog is on constant patrol along the fence. I dont want to scare it into the big dog's yard. Its nest however is in the yard of the big dog.

I am in Fayetteville, AR. Is there a known squirrel rehabber/catcher in this area? i apologize but i know nothing about squirrels.

PS I have 2 small dogs as well.

PSS In the midst of writing this post i saw the squirrel left the food. i tried to see if it left my yard. it was trying to find its way back home and it decided to run to me. i didnt let it catch me. if i didnt know better im pretty sure it can survive.

i removed the food from my backyard. is that correct or should i put it back?

i appreciate any help or advice.


03-31-2014, 09:05 PM
Oh please go get it! If it is coming to you it needs help. We will help find someone to take it. For now, bring it in and put it in a safe container. Maybe a cat/dog carrier or crate? A picture would would help to determine its age and its needs. Please look for the others if you can...:Love_Icon

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-31-2014, 09:18 PM
Many times a young squirrel will seek help from us humans, Please help it, like Sammysmom said and bring it in, we will help find some in your area who can help you from there, it is NOT safe and will most likely NOT make it with out Mom.

03-31-2014, 09:19 PM
Maybe it was defending its food? :grin3
I would think if he is running around on his own and eating that is good. Now being so young and small is the issue.

island rehabber
03-31-2014, 09:33 PM
I agree with SammysMom -- please take him in! baby squirrels run to humans when they are desperately cold or hungry, or both.