View Full Version : First week milestone!

03-30-2014, 01:30 PM
Hey there!
I have in my care, 2 baby squirrels! I am a vet tech, and while I was at work last Saturday, a co-worker brought these babes in. She said her neighbor is an exterminator and was going to get "rid" of them. She couldn't bear to see them die, so she took them. Originally there were 3. She could not take care of them, so I volunteered. We have a licensed rehaber that is also a veterinarian that works at our clinic part time. I have had experience working with wildlife before. My little bunch of pinkies started out with 3. One unfortunately passed away last tuesday. He was just not thriving. It was incredibly hard on me to see him pass. Now, I have two little boys that I have been doing everything I can to help. I just have a question, as you will see in the following pictures, one of the babies has a "weird" eye. The vet said he has never seen it before, and I thought to ask on here if anyone has had experience with something like it. Thanks for reading all of this and I look forward to updating everyone on here of their growth!

Day 1, they were all this size.

Day 2

This is the bigger one. His right eye has some sort of crust.
His left eye is fine.

This is the other squirrel, he is half the size of the other. But he is slowly catching up.

03-30-2014, 01:49 PM
:Welcometo TSB!!! Very happy to have a fellow New Englander here! Not to mention a vet tech...:thumbsup
The best thing I can suggest is to give us the whole rundown.
Weights in grams
what formula are they eating?
How much and how often are they eating?
Do you have them in a plastic container filled with fleece and have that container half on a heating pad that has no auto shut-off set on low?
The eye in question...is that a scabby like material on it? Does it return if you carefully clean it off with warm water?

Okay, I will try to stop asking questions now, I am sure others will be along to ask more of them!
Where are you in Massachusetts? I am in CT and very happy to hear we have another MA member!:Love_Icon

03-30-2014, 01:59 PM
WELCOME to TSB...( coming to you from Costa Rica )
Beautiful babies...Buena Suerte !!!!

03-30-2014, 02:09 PM
I'm near Boston, around the Worcester area.
Set up is a plastic bin, 3 fleece blankets and a tee shirt. (I have a boat load of fleece as I used to work at Joann fabrics a while ago). They are half on a heating pad, the one with no auto shut off. (Took me FOREVER to find one without that silly auto off!! CVS brand all the way!)
The first day I re-hydrated with oral LRS, and gradually worked them into dilute Esbilac, which we sell at the clinic. They are now both eating full Esbilac every 2.5-3 hours at the 5% body weight calculated dosage. The little runty is as of 5 minutes ago, 19 grams and gets about 1cc per feeding.. The bigger one is 29 grams, and gets 1.5 cc's.

I have tried cleaning it off 2 days ago. It came off, but looked awful and red underneath. I'm worried. The dose of SMZ/TMP is incredibly small for him. So is baytril. I don't want to do antibiotics if this is able to heal on its own. I worry his eyes wont develop normally...

03-30-2014, 02:23 PM
Does the eye look "flatter" or is that just the camera angle? Did you put any antibiotic ointment on it?

Nancy in New York
03-30-2014, 02:35 PM
I'm near Boston, around the Worcester area.
Set up is a plastic bin, 3 fleece blankets and a tee shirt. (I have a boat load of fleece as I used to work at Joann fabrics a while ago). They are half on a heating pad, the one with no auto shut off. (Took me FOREVER to find one without that silly auto off!! CVS brand all the way!)
The first day I re-hydrated with oral LRS, and gradually worked them into dilute Esbilac, which we sell at the clinic. They are now both eating full Esbilac every 2.5-3 hours at the 5% body weight calculated dosage. The little runty is as of 5 minutes ago, 19 grams and gets about 1cc per feeding.. The bigger one is 29 grams, and gets 1.5 cc's.

I have tried cleaning it off 2 days ago. It came off, but looked awful and red underneath. I'm worried. The dose of SMZ/TMP is incredibly small for him. So is baytril. I don't want to do antibiotics if this is able to heal on its own. I worry his eyes wont develop normally...

Is the Esbilac the one with probiotics? This is puppy Esbilac, correct?
Do you want us to try to find someone to take these little ones?
I'll bet you're already in love. :):Love_Icon:Love_Icon

03-30-2014, 02:39 PM
It does sort of look "flatter". It's not getting that little tan colored hair around it like the other is. I have not put anything on it, for fear of it messing with the actual ocular part of the eye.

And yes, its puppy powdered Esbilac. The canister says it has probiotics.

03-30-2014, 02:41 PM
That eye worried me too. We might be able to find someone who has experience that could take them for you if you would like. Otherwise, I would say that using antibiotic ointment (WITHOUT Zinc oxide) on it would maybe help it if it is infected.

Nancy in New York
03-30-2014, 02:42 PM
It does sort of look "flatter". It's not getting that little tan colored hair around it like the other is. I have not put anything on it, for fear of it messing with the actual ocular part of the eye.

And yes, its puppy powdered Esbilac. The canister says it has probiotics.
:thumbsup Perfect!

03-30-2014, 02:45 PM
I am so in love with them...I am most definitely up to take care of these babes. Especially since I have direct access to a vet clinic. I have all kinds of eye ointments...Didn't know if its alright if its not really an eye, only the lid. I will put some AB ointment on....see if it clears up.

Nancy in New York
03-30-2014, 02:58 PM
I am so in love with them...I am most definitely up to take care of these babes. Especially since I have direct access to a vet clinic. I have all kinds of eye ointments...Didn't know if its alright if its not really an eye, only the lid. I will put some AB ointment on....see if it clears up.

They are so easy to fall in love with, aren't they?
Wait until their little eyes open, you're really going to be head
over heels! (like you're not already) :grin2

03-30-2014, 03:04 PM
Is the smaller of the two eating happily? I might be tempted to up the amount and push feedings closer together. He really is extremely thin. I know that you really don't want to overfeed though. What do you think Nancy?

Nancy in New York
03-30-2014, 03:09 PM
Is the smaller of the two eating happily? I might be tempted to up the amount and push feedings closer together. He really is extremely thin. I know that you really don't want to overfeed though. What do you think Nancy?

Gee Gayle, if they are eating every 2 1/2 hours, it would be difficult to feed closer time wise, but yes the amount can be pushed up a little. As long as you don't feel any hard tummies, and they are peeing and pooping, you can go a little bit over the "rule of thumb" with 5-7% of their body weight.
Sometimes with these little ones that are so skinny, Gayle is right, feed more often smaller amounts, could you try every 2 hours for a while with the skinny one? In a couple of days you will notice a big difference.
Not sure how that would work out with you working though. :dono

03-30-2014, 04:04 PM
Ah, yes that makes sense to up his feeding times. He pees and poos just like his big brother. I can do every 2 hours. I take them to work with me. I also have a wonderful fiance that helps out with feedings. I don't want to cause diarrhea by over feeding...But I will try and see how it goes! I really hope he catches up. I did just put some tri-P on the crusty eye. Hopefully he will be able to use that eye...

03-30-2014, 04:16 PM
Topical treatment as well as a good diet may help. Keep an eye on it to be sure it doesn't get pus in it. Warm compresses may be soothing for it too.