View Full Version : Bene-Bac Question

04-13-2007, 02:28 PM

Everyone is so helpful on this board! I have yet another question. Does anyone know if 'Fast Balance-G.I.' is the same thing as 'Bene-Bac'? I have a baby with a bad GI and when I went to give this to him I saw it says 'Dogs & Horses' and I know that teh other says all mammals. I do not have either a dog or a horse so when I purchased it I intended it for my cat. Anyone know about this product?

Many thanks!!!!:bowdown

Secret Squirrel
04-13-2007, 02:37 PM
I only use bene bac powder. It's the lactobacillus which is importaint to get the gut flora back to a normal range.

You can compair the two with the links below. I don't endorse either link...just for comparison only!! Hope this helps.

This is for Bene-bac

This is for fast balance

04-13-2007, 02:48 PM
Thank you! I am a moron but I cannot figure out wether this will hurt my baby? I only have the Fast Balance at the moment and I can't get the bene-bac for several days if I order it. But he needs it now. He was on antibiotics when I took him from another rehabber and shortly after took him off it cause I think he was just stressed out and not actually sick. He has been going through bouts of soft stool and for a couple of days now he has diarrhea. I have been giving him LRS subQ. He has only recently started to eat a good amount of food so I am sure that is also causing it and he has just started to nibble on nuts and vegs. Also how much should I give him? He is about 5 1/2 wks old and slightly smaller than his siblings who are average weight. I don't have a scale, i just ordered one last week but it has not come yet so I have to guess the weight.

Wow, this is long! Thanks so much for your help!

Secret Squirrel
04-13-2007, 03:05 PM
Give you squirrel some yougurt it contains lactobicillus, full fat and full sugar (NO aspartaime) vanilla, french vanilla, banana what ever you think he will like. 1 teaspoon of yougurt is good once a day, he will be messy so be prepared. :D
When you get the bene-bac mix it with the yougurt. I use 1/4 tsp of benebac with 1 tsp of yougurt.
Good luck!
Maybe another member will know about the fast balance....I just don't!!!!
PS..your not a moron!!!!!!

04-13-2007, 03:12 PM
You can get the benebac paste at most pet stores. It is in the puppy care section. I got mine at PetSmart.

04-13-2007, 03:38 PM
How about soy yogurt? Or acidopholus for people?

04-13-2007, 04:42 PM
Yes, a people product from a heath food store is good. I use Natren's non dairy Megadophilus. Soy yogurt should be fine as long as it contains live cultures. Either product can be mixed into your formula. :)

04-13-2007, 05:26 PM
Thank you. I have 'Primadophilus' in capsules.