View Full Version : Malocclusion pics
03-11-2014, 09:15 AM
These are pictures that were taken of Little Girl she
belongs to Tara. These pics were so good I wanted to
share them and her report card.228168228167
island rehabber
03-11-2014, 10:14 AM
Yikes....are we looking at a partial grinding-down of the uppers? In the first pic there almost appears to be two sets of uppers -- which I know can happen :eek -- or maybe slivers of her uppers that remain un-ground?
03-11-2014, 10:42 AM
ir this is a partial grinding down of the top teeth.
When Tara first called me she thought this was a
second set of top teeth. Sure didn't want it to be
island rehabber
03-11-2014, 11:18 AM
ir this is a partial grinding down of the top teeth.
When Tara first called me she thought this was a
second set of top teeth. Sure didn't want it to be
For sure -- I can understand why she thought that. A malloc I raised years ago had a thick, horrible tooth right behind one of her equally awful front teeth, so she had three up there altogether. It was hell to try to clip...thank God for Dr P and his dremel talents.
03-11-2014, 11:22 AM
Is that abnormal tooth wear just caused by misalignment? Injury?
03-11-2014, 12:17 PM
Is that abnormal tooth wear just caused by misalignment? Injury?
Little Girl was released and came home prego. She
had two beautiful boys in Tara's bedroom. Starting
around her pregnancy she began suffering from
ailments that you would think was pasterella. But
after a trip to Dr Dan and tests that all came back
negative it is assumed she may have asthma. She
has suffered no injury.
LG is on the healthy diet and very pampered and
catered to. Her cage has a pass through to an
outside cage. She always has fresh branches,
antlers, rocks and other things to gnaw on. Most
of her veggies are home grown. Can we say spoiled?:grin3
03-11-2014, 12:20 PM
Little Girl was released and came home prego. She
had two beautiful boys in Tara's bedroom. Starting
around her pregnancy she began suffering from
ailments that you would think was pasterella. But
after a trip to Dr Dan and tests that all came back
negative it is assumed she may have asthma. She
has suffered no injury.
LG is on the healthy diet and very pampered and
catered to. Her cage has a pass through to an
outside cage. She always has fresh branches,
antlers, rocks and other things to gnaw on. Most
of her veggies are home grown. Can we say spoiled?:grin3
Sounds like a grand life! :)
Asthma? I did not know that was a possibility for squirrels.
So it sounds like her teeth were fine but something happened to cause the abnormal wear? Maybe a fall misaligned her teeth or jaw?
Hey everyone! Thought I would drop in and check out the thread on my :Love_IconLittle Girl:Love_Icon. Thanks Lilidukes for starting this thread! Also, special thanks to jbbartell for recommending the vet!
I just tried to attach xrays of her teeth taken at Dr. Dan's office November of 2012. Her teeth looked good in the xrays...and her new vet agreed. Hopefully it will post.
Anyway, when checking her teeth I noticed there was a definite problem. Spoke with a friend that suggested the slivers of teeth would likely break off so I waited a bit to see, but only part of one broke off on it's own. I was afraid to attempt getting any type of tool in there to help it along, so I scheduled an appointment to go to the vet. The Dr. said it would need to be dremmeled and we will have to watch and go from there. From what I can see, it looks like she did an excellent job on trimming and shaping those top teeth.
One of the Dr.s concerns was how LG's bottom teeth looked. She noticed wear from side to side and enamel coming off. She mentioned that LG may have a case of TMJ, and recommended I massage her jaws often. She decided after putting LG to sleep that there may be a slight bit of TMJ going on, but was not what she expected.
So now we wait and see how those uppers grow and how the lowers do also. In the meantime, we've ran into another problem, so I'll be visiting the non emergency section and posting for help there. :/ She now has a discharge that was almost like a milky whitish paste coming from her female area when she urinates. The color has now turned to slight pink which IMO may be blood, so I def need help figuring out what it could be. I noticed it once about a week or two ago, and again today, as she peed and a short "string?" of it dropped in with urine. PLEASE let this be something simple!
03-25-2014, 09:06 AM
HI TARA!!!!!!!!!
Is LG in heat again???
And Ms worry wart squammy Look at those beautiful
healthy bones.:thumbsup
03-26-2014, 12:34 PM
Willow is going on 4 years old, and her teeth never grew in right due to her head injury as a baby falling out of her nest. She has never learned to grind her teeth, so I try to get her to someone who can dremmel as often as I can, but since I seem to need to clip once a week, Chris Clark's squirrel clippers work very well. She has a fistula up in her palate that gets food caught in it that i need to flush as well. The other vet wants to remove her top crooked tooth and try to close the fistula, but she said there is a good chance it won't work, and the tooth might break up in her sinus.
Anyone had a luck with removing teeth? I am nervous of course....C
I hope "IN heat" is all it is. :eek I haven't noticed the discharge in the past two days. Either way, I had left a message for Dr. Laura on Friday and I received a callback today. I'm going to have a fecal and urinalysis done just to double check everything. They said I can just bring by a sample, because I hate to stress her out again so soon. Wish me luck getting a urine sample...geesh! lol! Oh, and here's the needs to be less than an hour I'm going to have to jet up there as soon as I get a sample! I'm going to try to go ahead and do that one day this week. They're very reasonable on the price and I've wanted that done for a very long time!~ Her poo has always reeked!
On another note, I've been checking her teeth (imagine THAT-lol!) and it appears that we will have to make more than one trip to try to correct her top teeth. I THINK (could be wrong-was before about xray) I see a groove starting. :( Wish there was an easy fix for this,, but seems like there isn't.
Lg's right eye has been watering a lot lately too. I have no idea why. :(
HI TARA!!!!!!!!!
Is LG in heat again???
And Ms worry wart squammy Look at those beautiful
healthy bones.:thumbsup
Oh wow! A fistula is a hole in the roof of her mouth? I think that's right. If so, jbbartell has a squirrel with the same problem. You should send her a message. She's trying to get top teeth removed and vet plans to use the extra gum/skin to cover the fistula and expects to have enough if they remove the teeth. I wasn't aware that the tooth could break up in the sinus area. That is def a concern! Best of luck to you and Willow! I hope all turns out well! :) Keep us updated.
Willow is going on 4 years old, and her teeth never grew in right due to her head injury as a baby falling out of her nest. She has never learned to grind her teeth, so I try to get her to someone who can dremmel as often as I can, but since I seem to need to clip once a week, Chris Clark's squirrel clippers work very well. She has a fistula up in her palate that gets food caught in it that i need to flush as well. The other vet wants to remove her top crooked tooth and try to close the fistula, but she said there is a good chance it won't work, and the tooth might break up in her sinus.
Anyone had a luck with removing teeth? I am nervous of course....C
Sounds like a grand life! :)
Asthma? I did not know that was a possibility for squirrels.
So it sounds like her teeth were fine but something happened to cause the abnormal wear? Maybe a fall misaligned her teeth or jaw?
Hey. Just dropping in and saw your post. LG hasn't had any injuries that I'm aware of that may have made her teeth do that. I guess it could have happened though? Vet didn't notice anything. Top teeth have since shifted and she's managed to grind front portion of her top teeth and I'm hoping they willl straighten back out. :grin2
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