View Full Version : gasping for air
04-12-2007, 09:13 AM
my little guy has inhaled a bit of fluid while feeding i've been keeping an eye on him but this morning he seems to be gasping for air, doesn't want to eat. i live out of town and only get rides in 1nce or 2wice a month, i'm pretty sure he needs antibiotics is there anything else i can do untill i can get into town and are there any rehabers in ottawa.
Cynthia, this is a true emergency. He has gotten some of the formula in his lungs and is actually drowning in it. He cannot wait until tomorrow,. Do you have a vet nearby?
Secret Squirrel
04-12-2007, 09:18 AM
Get him to a vet in today. Very urgent medical attention required.
I don't have info on rehabers...I'll check it out...I hope someome else comes back with a number for you while I check too!!!
Thank you for helping this little fellow:grouphug
Secret Squirrel
04-12-2007, 09:23 AM ( Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre Supporting Wildlife Through Public Awareness and Education
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As human populations continue to rise and we continue to encroach on wild spaces, wildlife are having to adapt quickly to our presence in order to survive. This often means utilizing resources that bring them in close proximity with people. Many times this also means human/wildlife conflicts arise. The Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre wants to help people better understand and appreciate wildlife and give them the tools to live in harmony with nature. Each of us has the chance to help conserve nature, starting in our own backyard. Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre
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Secret Squirrel
04-12-2007, 09:25 AM
Sorry for the hugh link...I am not that talanted with the PC!!!! I sure hope you can use that information to make a few phone calls.
Can anyone else help locate a rehaber in her area...Thanks!!
04-12-2007, 09:29 AM
Canada, Ontario..... 613-354-0264
Sue Meech, Napanee Humane Society
Specialty: raccoons and skunks, Registered Nurse
Canada, Ontario (Kingston)..... 613-547-2197
Sharon David, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: songbirds, waterfowl
Canada, Ontario, (Nanticoke)..... 905-776-5510
Debbie Dumelie Beacon (director), Beacon of Light Animal Rescue
Wildlife Species: Small mammals, raccoons, birds
Canada, Ontario (Napanee)..... 613-354-0264
Sue Meech, Napanee Humane Society
Wildlife Species: raccoons
Canada, Ontario (Ottawa)..... 613-828-2849
Kathy Nihei, Wild Bird Care Centre
Specialty: database of admission statistics
Canada, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Heather Morlan
Canada, Ontario (Rockwood).... 519-856-4510
Judi Drake (President), S.O.A.R. (Songbirds Only Avian Rehabilitation)
Wildlife Species: songbirds
Canada, Ontario (Sarnia)..... 519-344-3229
Joan Biggs, For the Birds Rehabilitation Services
Wildlife Species: songbirds
Canada, Ontario, Southern region, Durham Region (Claremont)..... 905-649-2899 Ext. 1
Carolynn Parke (director/rehabilitator), Wingspread, Songbird Recovery Centre for FLAP
Wildlife Species: all birds
Specialties/Knowledge: trauma care
Canada, Ontario, Southern region, Haldimand County (Nanticoke)..... 905-776-5510
Debbie Dumelie-Beacon (founder), Beacon of Light Wildlife Rescue
Wildlife Species: small mammals, birds, ungulates
Canada, Ontario, Southern region, Oxford County (Woodstock)..... 519-539-5968
Michelle Ramier (rehabber), Fur and Feathers Wildlife Rescue Center
Wildlife Species: small mammals
Canada, Ontario, Southeast region, Ottawa County (North Gower)..... 613-258-9480
Linda Laurus (permittee), Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary
Wildlife Species: small mammals
Canada, Ontario, Southeast region, Waterloo Region (Kitchener-Waterloo)..... 519-745-4334
Angie Schoen (owner), TurtleHaven
Wildlife Species: Native turtles
Specialties/Knowledge: Working with injured turtles, offering medical treatment
island rehabber
04-12-2007, 09:30 AM
Here's another huge link but I don't know what county Ottowa is in -- here are ALL the Canadian rehabbers listed:
Canada, Alberta, Calgary..... 403-239-2488
Nicola Murphy (site manager), Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (CWRS) Canada, Alberta, Cochrane..... 403-932-5632
Cochrane Ecological Institute- Cochrane Wildlife Reserve Wildlife Species: swift fox, all canids, mustelids (badger, otter, etc.), waterfowl, ungulates (moose, elk, deer) Canada, Alberta, Edmonton..... 780-914-4118
Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Edmonton Canada, Alberta, Madden..... 403-946-2361
Dianne Rowell, Rockyview Wildlife Recovery Canada, Alberta, Sherwood Park..... 780-922-3024
Karl Grantmyre, Strathcona Raptor Shelter Canada, Alberta, Southern region, Rockyview municipal district (Madden/Calgary).....
Dianne Wittner (Director/Wildlife Biologist), Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation ( Wildlife Species: all species native to Alberta/NWT (birds, mammals, reptiles) Canada, Alberta, Spruce View..... 403-728-3467 (or 346-WILD)
Carol Kelly, Medicine River Wildlife Centre ( Wildlife Species: all species Specialty: Education, fundraising Canada, British Columbia..... 250-337-2021
Mary Jane Birch (director), Wildlife Rehabilitators' Network of British Columbia ( Wildlife Species: birds, raptors, mammals Comments: education, library, bursary, directory, networking, resources for BC wildlife professionals, workshops Canada, British Columbia..... 604-794-7383
Pam Briar, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator Wildlife Species: opossums, raccoons, squirrels Canada, British Columbia (Burnaby)..... 604-526-7275
The Wildlife Rescue Association of British Columbia Wildlife Species: native and migratory birds, but treat all smaller urban wildlife, both birds and mammals Canada, British Columbia (Courtenay)..... 250-337-2021
Mary Jane (maj) Birch (Rehabilitator), Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society ( Wildlife Species: rescue of all wild birds, some mammals and marine mammals Comments: also do transport and networking Canada, British Columbia (Delta)..... 604-946-3171
Bev Dav, (director) OWL (Orphaned Wildlife) Rehabilitation Society Wildlife Species: Only, but ALL birds of prey. Eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls Specialties: 27 years Raptor experience Comments: We will accept referrals particularly for pre-release flight training for large birds Canada, British Columbia (Fort Nelson)..... 250-774-7669
Kelly McMillan, Northern C.A.R.E.S. Wildlife Rehabilitation Society Wildlife Species: raptors Canada, British Columbia (Gibsons)..... 604-886-4989
Clint and Irene Davy (operators), Gibsons Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Wildlife Species: small mammals only, all kinds of birds Comments: experience in cleaning and rehabbing oilspill birds Canada, British Columbia (Halfmoon Bay)..... 604-885-5997
Joanne Dickeson, Sunshine Coast Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Canada, British Columbia (Langley)..... 604-530-2064
Gail Martin (Founder/Executive Director), Critter Care Wildlife Society Wildlife Species: specialize in raccoons, but take all of urban native mammal (only) species SPECIALTIES and KNOWLEDGE: Raccoons, squirrels etc. Canada, British Columbia (New Westminster)..... 604-540-2272
Roberta Sushnyk, management, HomeFinders Turtle Rescue Canada ( Wildlife Species: turtles and small mammals Canada, British Columbia, North Central region (Prince George)..... 250-962-0015
Rachel Morey (director), Northern Wildlife Rescue ( Wildlife Species: we take all native wildlife under 80lbs (temporary cage limits) Canada, British Columbia, Northwest region (Prince Rupert)..... 250-624-4143
Gunther and Nancy Golinia (owner/manager), Prince Rupert Wildlife Rehab Shelter ( Wildlife Species: all Specialties/Knowledge: deer, eagles, songbirds, wildlife rescue Canada, British Columbia (Prince George)..... 250-962-0015
Rachel Morey (treasurer, public relations, volunteer), Northern Raptor Preservation Society Wildlife Species: small mammals and raptors Canada, British Columbia (Prince Rupert)..... 250-624-4143
Nancy and Gunther Golinia Prince Rupert Wildlife Rehab Shelter ( Wildlife Species: all species (Eagles, owls, deer, heron, ducks, songbirds, etc.) Specialty: raising deer fawns Canada, British ,
04-12-2007, 09:31 AM
Canada, Ontario (Sprucedale)..... 705-685-7830
Mike McIntosh, Bear With Us Rehabilitation Center and Sanctuary for Bears
Wildlife Species:: Bears (rehabilitation of 77 cubs, translocation of 103 bears),
lectures and video-slide presentations on bear behavior; specializing in
behavioral needs of short and long term captive bears; bear conflict specialist;
translocation of nuisance bears
Canada, Ontario, Stittsville (near Ottawa)..... 613-831-7868 (home) or 613-722-6521 x6657 (work)
Selena Walker, Volunteer Wildlife Network (home-based rehab)
Wildlife Species: specializing in bats and other small mammals
Canada, Ontario, Southern region, Essex County (Amherstburg)..... 519-736-8172
Nancy Phillips (president), Wings Avian Rehabilitation Centre
Wildlife Species: accept all wildlife
Specialties: raptors, water birds and passerines
Comments: wildlife accepted from Southwestern Ontario, Canada - Windsor and Essex County area.
Canada, Ontario, Southern region (Toronto)..... 416-631-0662
Nathalie Karvonen (Executive Director), Toronto Wildlife Centre
Wildlife Species: Over 200 species have been treated at TWC
Specialties/Knowledge: Toronto Wildlife Centre's Wildlife Hotline (416-631-0662)
handles approximately 30,000 calls per year from members of the public with various
concerns about wildlife.
Comments: Toronto Wildlife Centre is a registered charity, and is one of the
largest wildlife rehabilitation centres in Canada with veterinarians on staff.
Canada, Ontario, Southwest region, Elgin County (St. Thomas)..... 519-868-1937
Carol Clarke (Authorized Wildlife Custodian), Another Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: small animals
Specialties/Knowledge: education
Canada, Ontario (Utterson)..... 705-385-1488
Janice Enright, A Wing And A Prayer, Muskoka Centre for Wild Birds
Wildlife Species: loons and owls
Comments: active lecturer (NWRA symposiums) including
'Hand-raising and Naturalization of the Common Loon', ---Raptors---'Captive
Management', 'Restraint', 'Examination', 'Admission Procedures'; veterinary
Canada, Ontario, Welland (Niagara Peninsula)..... 905-735-9556
Mary Catharine Kuruziak, House of Wildlife Rehab Center
Comments: fax 905-735-6885
Comments: experienced in the rehabilitation of injured/orphaned
raccoons, small mammals, RVS; Accept animals from Niagara area;
IWRC Provincial rep; OMNR Authorized Wildlife Custodian
Canada, Ontario (Woodbridge)..... 905-832-6957
Wildcare Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
Wildlife Species: songbirds
Canada, Quebec (Montreal)..... 514-366-9965
André Malouf, Urban Animal Advocates, Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre
Action Pour Les Animaux Urbains, Centre de Sauvetage et de Réhabilitation de la faune
Wildlife Species: all birds, mammals (land and marine), and reptiles,
exotic placement and housing
Canada, Quebec (Montreal)..... 514-366-9965
Harriet Schleifer (Executive Director) and Andre Malouf
(Director of Research and Operations), L. McCann
Urban Animal Advocates Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre,
Action Pour Les Animaux Urbains, Centre de Sauvetage et de Réhabilitation de la faune
Wildlife Species: Rehabilitation of birds, mammals and reptiles; rescue programme for
marine mammals; wildlife education; placement of illegal exotics; wildlife conflict resolution
Canada, Quebec, Southwest region, Monteregie (Hudson)..... 450-458-2809
Judy Collinge (director), Le Nichoir Bird Rehabilitation Centre
Wildlife Species: wild birds only
Canada, Quebec, Western region (Gatineau)..... 819-663-3563 / S.P.C.A. 819-243-2004
Karen Bégin (volunteer), S.P.C.A.
Wildlife Species: squirrels, chipmunks
Canada, Saskatchewan, Moose Jaw..... 306-692-8710
Heather Felskie, Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre
Wildlife Species: Burrowing Owls
Canada, Saskatchewan, (Regina)..... 306-569-7905
Holly Faubert, (founder), North American White-Tailed Hare
Wildlife Species: White-Tailed Hare (Jack Rabbitts)
Specialty/Knowledge: Yes, please view web site
Canada, Windsor..... 519-969-3919
Erie Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
875 Chappus
Windsor, Ontario
N9C 3S7
Canada, Yukon, Haines Jct (Kluane)..... 867-634-7080
Michelle Oakley, DVM, Yukon Wildlife Health Research
Comments: knowledge of Yukon wildlife health, molecular methods (PCR, karyotyping, electrophoresis)
island rehabber
04-12-2007, 09:32 AM
Canada, Ontario (Ottawa)..... 613-828-2849
Kathy Nihei, Wild Bird Care Centre ( Specialty: database of admission statistics Canada, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Heather Morlan
Mrs. Jack
04-12-2007, 09:34 AM
Canada, Ontario, Stittsville (near Ottawa)..... 613-831-7868 (home) or 613-722-6521 x6657 (work)
Selena Walker, Volunteer Wildlife Network (home-based rehab)
Wildlife Species: specializing in bats and other small mammals
Secret Squirrel
04-12-2007, 09:40 AM
You guys are too good!!!!!!!:bowdown :goodpost
I feel so thankful.......Thank you soooo much. We do have the best group around....hands down!!!!
I hope the baby gets better soon.:grouphug Please keep us posted....we are all praying for you.
04-12-2007, 09:42 AM
Wow....I was ready to post links and..WOW!!!!
:peace :bowdown
Secret Squirrel
04-12-2007, 01:45 PM
Not trying to rush ya.......but did you find help??? Please keep us we wait :Love_Icon :Love_Icon !!!!!
04-12-2007, 02:18 PM
Hang in there little one!
04-13-2007, 01:20 AM update is needed..
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