View Full Version : Hello

02-19-2014, 08:13 PM
I have posted on a couple of other threads!!Glad I realized this is the one I was looking for!!!Guess I just wanted to thank TSB for all their help over the past seventeen months and introduce myself and my baby his name is mommas baby and have had him since he was about four weeks old and if anyone had of ever told me that I would give my heart to this little fur ball I would have told them they were crazy!!But now it is my family and friends that are calling me crazy!!LOL my baby is so smart I will tell him to give momma sugar and he will get on my shoulder and put his little mouth on mine or my cheek and make kissie noises he loves to wrestle with my hand and and he has blankets that are his fuzzies when I tell him that fuzzy is going to get his butt he will run and grab fuzzy and start wrestling with it...Well I guess I have bragged enough for one evening but I am sure you all know how mommies are about their babies and will forgive me...

02-19-2014, 08:21 PM
Well, we *might* forgive you if you show us some pictures of mommas baby! :poke :grin2
Seriously, we all love to talk about our squees - a lot - so you're in good company. :grin3

He sounds like a total sweetheart! Love that he kisses you and wrestles with fuzzy when you warn him about his blankie getting ready to strike! So cute!

Welcome to TSB! :Welcome

02-19-2014, 08:44 PM
I love reading about all the babies and as soon as I can get my grandson to help me I will get some pictures of my baby posted.

02-19-2014, 09:18 PM
I love reading about all the babies and as soon as I can get my grandson to help me I will get some pictures of my baby posted.
Great! And if he can't help you, let us know - we'll try to help. :thumbsup

While you are checking out the board, make sure to take a look at the healthy diet:


And don't hesitate to tell us more about your squirrel! :)

02-19-2014, 09:42 PM
Well, we *might* forgive you if you show us some pictures of mommas baby!

:yeahthat :Welcome to TSB :grin2

02-21-2014, 12:50 AM
They're addicting aren't they--and SMART!!!!!!!! :Welcome

02-21-2014, 08:25 PM
Yes they are to !!!Mommas baby amazes me all the time with how smart he is!!! I keep the chocolate pebbles in my kitchen cabinet and I will open the door and say come and look what mommas got and he will come running and start trying to grab the box!! Love my little stinker so much.