View Full Version : Sick Squirrel - needs help/advice

02-15-2014, 02:57 PM
Chompers is a 3.5 year old male gray squirrel. He has been in captivity since shortly after birth - when he fell from the ceiling during a rehab of a property. He was the only one found, no mother or siblings. He has lived inside our home ever since (please see bio for details, if needed). A week ago he began acting different:
Days 1-3: he stayed in a blanket at the bottom of his cage (where he normally sleeps). He came out to drink water, and go to the bathroom. I check on him, and gave him food during this time - which he would take under his blanket to eat. Bananas & Pecans mostly during this time.

Days 3-7: He changed locations - and stays up at the top of his cage. He has a little pirate ship (made for ferrets) - and this is where he stays all day. He sleeps, sometimes lays with his head poked out while he's awake. I see that he leaves the boat once a day, and goes to the "bathroom shelf" to use the bathroom - then back up to his boat. I offer him food throughout the day, and he eats little bits at a time in his boat. I do not see him go to his water - nor will he take it from me.

NORMAL DIET: Sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, broccoli, apples, squash, cucumbers, breads (He prefers to eat them when they get hard), and nuts (Mostly in shell - walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, & brazillian nuts). He recently began eating & loving Sugar Snap Peas.

Extras that he likes - but doesn't eat year round: cantaloupe, bananas, cherries, watermelon, honeydew, cauliflower, celery & very seldom gets acorns.

We aren't perfect - he gets junk food sometimes. He likes little pieces of vanilla sugar wafers. FYI - we did cut back to almost none prior to this event. He is spoiled! He also loves tearing apart roses!

I was able to take a stool sample to a vet yesterday - nothing bad there. I tries a mixture recommended by a licensed rehabber (vanilla yogurt with pinch of peanut butter & apple sauce). He wanted nothing to do with this.

What he HAS been eating the last 3 days: cucumber, cantaloupe, & squash (green). That's it. He's quit taking bananas - which he was eating the first few days. I gave him a rose bud today - he normally shreds them to pieces....he chewed on it a little.

He is weak, but not enough for me to put in a carrier. That's not happening. The last thing I want to do is distress him by trying.

I've read a bit about the MBD - but I can't imagine he can go from full spunk to nothing overnight.

His cage: His cage is 25(l)x36(w)x74 (h). His cage is in the master bedroom of our home. He gets free reign of the bedroom at least every other day. He has lots of toys (stuffed animals) he loves to play with (inside and outside his cage). The bedroom is very simply furnished for this reason - so he cannot get into anything he shouldn't.

He has a history of chewing the window frame (paint/drywall). He rarely does this since I started buying nuts in shells year round. (about a year ago). I think he needed more things to chew....so I also added a square block for his teeth.

I tried giving him mushrooms recently - because I read it was great for squirrels. He does not like them...and not sure if he even tried a bite....

If anyone can offer any insight....I would greatly appreciate it. I do have a vet to provide medicine, if needed.

Thank you

02-15-2014, 03:04 PM
Hi, sorry to hear your squirrel is sick! I don't see mention of a rodent block. That is a *must* for any pet squirrel diet. So, it's very possible your squirrel does have MBD and I would start the MBD protocol immediately:


The symptoms usually appear 'suddenly' to us because squirrels tend to keep their illnesses hidden by instinct until they can't hide them any longer. So if you are seeing symptoms it means he's really sick. Please start the MBD protocol now and see what the experts have to say... they will have more advice for you.


02-15-2014, 03:07 PM
Welcome to TSB!!! I could not believe that Sammy could go from fine to lethargic and strange acting either, but he did. The MBD treatment with Tum.s saved his life. Do you have any fruit flavored Tums? If not, go get some. You will also need a syringe without the needle to put it into his mouth. You are going to have to piss him off to help him. It has to be done. Do you have a heating pad that can be set on Low UNDER his cage. NOT in it where he has access to the wires or pad to chew. MBD makes them very sore and weak. You will want to limit the amount of space he has for jumping to NONE for at least a while. Below you will find the instructions that may help to heal your baby. It is NOT easy and it is not something he will like anynire than the vaccines we give our children are. He needs you to do this to save him. Many of us here started out looking for the very information that you are seeking. It saves many lives. NO MORE NUTS for now and I will send you the link to the healthy diet as soon as I post this information on MBD.
Emergency Treatment for MBD

Get calcium into the squirrel IMMEDIATELY, not later, not tomorrow, NOW. Delaying treatment can cause death or permanent paralysis.

You will need:

--Tums or calcium pills (any kind)
--a syringe, eyedropper, or spoon

Crush one Tums or calcium pill and add a little water or fruit juice. Use the syringe, eyedropper, or spoon to force-feed the mixture, a little at a time, until it is all gone. Feed a total of 600-800 mg of calcium, and spread it out through the day and night to keep his blood calcium levels as steady as possible.

If the squirrel is having seizures, weakness, or paralysis, the symptoms will usually improve within a few hours, but this does not mean the squirrel is cured. It will take many months to rebuild the calcium in the bones.

Long-Term Treatment for MBD

The next step to curing MBD is to fix the diet.

1. Remove ALL seeds, nuts, corn, and treats.

2. Follow the Healthy Diet For Pet Squirrels, which can be found at the top of the “Squirrel Nutrition” forum. (http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=16093) Your squirrel MUST eat rodent block or squirrel blocks every day. If your squirrel doesn't like rodent blocks, you can try crushing them up with peanut butter or avocado temporarily. You can also make a tastier version of squirrel blocks using the recipe at the top of the Squirrel Nutrition forum.

3. In addition to the Healthy Diet, you will need to continue giving extra calcium every day for several weeks. Either use the syringe/eyedropper or you can try putting the calcium on a small piece of fruit.

Week 1: calcium = 500 mg per day
Week 2: calcium = 250 mg per day
Weeks 3-8: calcium = 100 mg per day

The cause of the acute symptoms—weakness, lethargy, seizures, paralysis—is a drop in blood calcium levels. If these symptoms return at any time, you will need to give another emergency dose of calcium.

More Tips
MBD causes brittle bones that break easily. Try to keep your squirrel away from high places, where he might jump and break a bone. Also, if he is in a tall cage, either place him in a smaller cage, or pad the bottom very well.

Heat is very soothing for a squirrel with MBD. A heating pad turned to low and placed so they cannot chew the pad or cord, or a rice buddy (a sock filled with dry rice/beans and microwaved for about 20 seconds) will work.

02-15-2014, 03:10 PM
Click below and print the chart and FOLLOW it. You will be shocked by how important diet is for healthy squirrels. We only see wild squirrels eating whatever they can get. We don't see them eating bark and bugs and MANY other things that make up the healthy diet of a squirrel. When we have them in the house we have a whole lot to learn to keep them healthy. I am just so glad that you are here seeking advice. We are so very happy to help!


02-15-2014, 03:18 PM
Around here most of us use HHBs as the main rodent block in our squirrels' diets. Here's the link to their online store:


These blocks were developed specifically for squirrels and you can't find better ones out there!

02-15-2014, 03:34 PM
I've read a bit about the MBD - but I can't imagine he can go from full spunk to nothing overnight.
Can, will, and obviously has!
His diet and his symptoms spell out MBD!
It can be turned around if you act on it,
it will kill him if you don't!
There is no room for denial...

02-16-2014, 10:45 PM
Thank you everyone for your assistance. I started Chompers on the Tums right away. Even though he seems a little irritated that I'm using the plastic syringe- he seems to like the fruity flavor. I have no idea how long to expect before this might help him feel better...any comments?
I ordered some of the squirrel formula "picky block" as well.
While reading other threads- I noticed recommendations for a full spectrum sun lamp. I am going on the hunt for one in the morning.
He is sleeping, and just started making some squeaky sounds. I've heard him do this before, over the years .... I always thought he was "dreaming". I reached in this time, he laid his face on my thumb...then I gave him cantaloupe. Now he's resting again....

02-16-2014, 10:49 PM
Good job following through. I just want to caution to continue even when he acts better. The Tums treatment is a long term thing, not overnight cure. Now, some see improvement in a few days while others can take a bit longer. So far so good, keep up! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
I would not get the light right now. Change his diet and work at it from the inside out. Just my opinion though on the light.

California Squirrel Lover
02-16-2014, 10:58 PM
Sending prayers for Chompers to get well :grouphug:grouphug

02-16-2014, 11:04 PM
There is another question I forgot to ask...what is the average life expectancy for a gray squirrel in captivity? This is information I cannot seem to find anywhere. I know they have records of 20+ years- but never see an average....
Since this is your specialty...,what is your best guess?
I just view him as a baby- while my husband suggest he may be "old" for all we know....
Thank you

02-16-2014, 11:06 PM
How old is he? I believe the average is 8 - 10, but I myself am praying for 30 :grin3
Forget the how old question, I see the answer. He is the very same age as my Sammy. They are not babies, but certainly not old either.

02-16-2014, 11:11 PM
Thank you! I'm sure no matter his age, he will always be my baby :)
It's been very difficult finding facts - until I was referred to this site!

02-16-2014, 11:13 PM
Finding TSB saved Sammy's butt from my ineptness for certain! I am so glad that you found us too...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

02-16-2014, 11:35 PM
If he's eating the HHBs, the sunlamp is unnecessary by most people's estimation in that they provide the appropriate amount of vitamin D. Some people sue a lamp to be sure, some provide mushrooms which also have D. You shouldn't use a D vitamin supplement though because human levels can be toxic. If you do get a lamp, you should look through the site though because some kids are apparently useless. You need one with a special full spectrum bulb.

And yes, the MBD protocol must be followed, and hten when done, because he's had a life of low calcium, many people get the calcium bag from Henry's and sprinkle a little on their food for years, if not the rest of their life.

02-21-2014, 08:50 AM

Thank you everyone! Chompers has been showing good signs of improvement in the last few days! He LOVES his "picky block" from Henry's, and has been taking his Tums mixture....he likes it when I make a little "ditch" in the top of cantaloupe pieces, and fill it with the mix. (he is not a fan of me squirting it in his mouth - lol). Every day he is moving more & more....I actually have to keep him from over-doing it, so he doesn't get hurt. I've posted for info on a Full Spectrum Lamp - and as soon as I have that - we are set. Thank you everyone! :thankyou

02-21-2014, 11:26 AM
I'm glad to see you have followed advice, started the mbd protocol and
little Choppers has shown improvement. Also very happy to see he is
eating and liking hhb's.
Just a word of caution, stick to the protocol and improved diet!
Mbd can be turned but rarely does one get a second chance at it.