View Full Version : My poor Winston has bronchitis-help with treatment

02-13-2014, 05:38 PM
My Richardson Ground Squirrel, Winston, had some problems wheezing back in December. The vet put him on a dose of Baytril. It seemed to clear up a little bit but not all of it Yesterday, I could hear Winston breathing across the house. vet did an X-ray and he has bronchitis on top of irritated almost bloody throat and larynx. My boy is really sick. He has been out running around aNd using his wheel though. It's when he is sleeping or laying down that you can hear the awful wheezing.
Vet gave him .15 ml oral Verafllox for 7-10 days. It says it's for cats. 25 mg/ml. He is going to try to do some research but doesn't know if he can give him any nebulizer or anything because of his size. win has lost some weight. He is .96 lbs now. Anyone have any ideas other than a steamy shower (my bathroom too big for this to really work) or a vaporizer? We are not sure on other squirrel safe meds for bronchial issues.

02-13-2014, 05:52 PM
Poor Winston! Have you tried immune boosters and maybe considered switching to SMZ?

02-13-2014, 06:04 PM
This is what I do when one of my squirrels has a breathing problem. I use plain saline in the nebulizer. You can also put a small amount of dexamethasone with the saline to help with the inflammation. I hope Winston gets to feeling better soon.

02-13-2014, 06:50 PM
I have a nebulizer bc of asthma. Is this the same nebulizer and would I hold it up to his face? It's very loud.

02-13-2014, 06:53 PM
The one I have is for children so it is a bit quieter but the one you have will work also. Just try to keep it as far away from him as possible so not to freak him out. Yes I use the mouth piece and turn it sideways and cover their nose and mouth. I hold it right up to their face. I have had them even relax so much they stick their face in the mouth piece and rest their head on it.

02-13-2014, 07:21 PM
Make sure not to exceed 7% saline in the Neb. Any more will cause irritation to the lungs and bronchial tract.

02-13-2014, 11:08 PM
Ok I got my buddy a warm mist vaporizer for tonight right by his cage and will try the nebulizer tomorrow. I probably should have gotten him a vaporizer before as I read RGS can develop respiratory issues as pets as they are use to being underground in cool moist soil.

02-13-2014, 11:10 PM
Poor Winston! Have you tried immune boosters and maybe considered switching to SMZ?

Not yet, but I'm open to suggestions.

02-14-2014, 05:43 PM
Win isnt improving. I'm going to go get him some prednisone from the vet today and he has to go back in if he's not making any improvements by tomorrow. Poor kid.

02-14-2014, 06:11 PM
A steroid may be required to help kick the virus. I wonder if Prednisone is the right one to use for this, since Prednisone is known to suppress the immune system. I would ask your vet about that.

"Prednisone is a corticosteroid. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. It also suppresses the immune system."

Loopy Squirrel
02-14-2014, 06:14 PM
I have made a nebulizing box out of a sterilite container w/ a small circular hole (dremeled) slightly bigger than the top opening of the nebulizing cup in the bottom of the box. I make it very snug so you just slide the top of the cup into the hole. The meds I have successfully use for a nebulizing solution are 1cc of injectable baytril (gentamicin works better in a nebulizing solution but not as easy to get), 5cc of sterile water, .3cc of albuterol, and 1 drop of atropine. Put him in the box and close the lid. Let the box fill and keep him in it for at least 15-20 minutes. He may not like it but if he gets really bad you may not have a choice. I use this all of the time for pneumonia babies.

02-14-2014, 06:25 PM
I have made a nebulizing box out of a sterilite container w/ a small circular hole (dremeled) slightly bigger than the top opening of the nebulizing cup in the bottom of the box. I make it very snug so you just slide the top of the cup into the hole. The meds I have successfully use for a nebulizing solution are 1cc of injectable baytril (gentamicin works better in a nebulizing solution but not as easy to get), 5cc of sterile water, .3cc of albuterol, and 1 drop of atropine. Put him in the box and close the lid. Let the box fill and keep him in it for at least 15-20 minutes. He may not like it but if he gets really bad you may not have a choice. I use this all of the time for pneumonia babies.


02-14-2014, 07:07 PM
Poor Winnie! :( Hoping he's feeling better soon. :grouphug

02-14-2014, 09:49 PM
I have made a nebulizing box out of a sterilite container w/ a small circular hole (dremeled) slightly bigger than the top opening of the nebulizing cup in the bottom of the box. I make it very snug so you just slide the top of the cup into the hole. The meds I have successfully use for a nebulizing solution are 1cc of injectable baytril (gentamicin works better in a nebulizing solution but not as easy to get), 5cc of sterile water, .3cc of albuterol, and 1 drop of atropine. Put him in the box and close the lid. Let the box fill and keep him in it for at least 15-20 minutes. He may not like it but if he gets really bad you may not have a choice. I use this all of the time for pneumonia babies.

I'm with Duckman :goodpost

Will keep Winston in my thoughts and prayers :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug Molly Bear :grouphug

02-15-2014, 03:33 PM
I have made a nebulizing box out of a sterilite container w/ a small circular hole (dremeled) slightly bigger than the top opening of the nebulizing cup in the bottom of the box. I make it very snug so you just slide the top of the cup into the hole. The meds I have successfully use for a nebulizing solution are 1cc of injectable baytril (gentamicin works better in a nebulizing solution but not as easy to get), 5cc of sterile water, .3cc of albuterol, and 1 drop of atropine. Put him in the box and close the lid. Let the box fill and keep him in it for at least 15-20 minutes. He may not like it but if he gets really bad you may not have a choice. I use this all of the time for pneumonia babies.

:thumbsup:thumbsup Any and ALL advice from Loopy is great!! She is the best! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

02-27-2014, 02:14 PM
I went to Germany for a week for work and my husband discontinued Win's meds as directed...except he missed the part where prednisone was supposed to be 2X a day to 1X a day and just stopped it completely. I have restarted Win on the pred and the antibiotics bc I could hear him wheezing across the room again. Please pray for my buddy. He can't seem to kick this stuff. He has lost a lot of weight and I am worried he isn't going to make it. :sad

02-27-2014, 02:38 PM
Sending prayers for :Love_Icon Winston:Love_Icon and you :grouphug

02-27-2014, 02:45 PM
I went to Germany for a week for work and my husband discontinued Win's meds as directed...except he missed the part where prednisone was supposed to be 2X a day to 1X a day and just stopped it completely. I have restarted Win on the pred and the antibiotics bc I could hear him wheezing across the room again. Please pray for my buddy. He can't seem to kick this stuff. He has lost a lot of weight and I am worried he isn't going to make it. :sad

Oh, this is not good. I'm sorry to hear this. I was hoping he was doing better. :(
Could you get him back to the vet for some intensive treatment? Perhaps the vet will know what to do from here...

:grouphug Winston :grouphug

Milo's Mom
02-27-2014, 03:45 PM
Praying and sending positive healing energies to you both. :Love_Icon

02-27-2014, 05:55 PM
I don't have a nebulize but I've treated squirrels with respiratory problems with warm mist vaporizers--or a steamy bathroom. Vicks in a vaporizer seemed to help with breathing. Get better sweet Winston :Love_Icon

rusty's mom
02-27-2014, 06:09 PM
A throat that bad must be very painful maybe something cool like yogart or even ice cubes will sooth it.

02-27-2014, 09:32 PM
I'm so sorry for him.

Please get better Winston! Please?

02-28-2014, 08:13 PM
How is Winston today?

03-03-2014, 10:59 AM
Winston is back on abs and prednisone and seems to be doing much better. I've loaded him up with "junk" - basically oats and muesli along with his critical care and romaine to fatten up. Seems to be gaining weight. And he loves his yogurt. Pray he continues to improve. Thanks for asking about him. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

03-03-2014, 11:06 AM
Oh, I am SO glad to hear this! I've been so worried about him. Give him some noozles from me, please!
Did Winston hibernate at all this year?


03-03-2014, 11:18 AM
Happy to read that he is doing better:grouphug:Love_Icon
Praying for :Love_IconWinston:Love_Icon to be back on his paws asap!!!!!

03-03-2014, 11:39 AM
So glad he's doing better! Got any pics by any chance?

03-03-2014, 12:18 PM
Glad to hear that Winston is getting better. :) One thing you can also do is to use a humidifier in the room Winston spends the most time (where he sleeps?). You want a house hold air humidity level of 40-45%. if the humidity level is less, then skin, and throat can dry out and get inflamed.

Try and give him some sunshine time near a window so his body can produce Vit d, it may help his immune system rally and fight off the infection.

Sending some positive vibes to you and little Winston!:thumbsup

Milo's Mom
03-03-2014, 12:29 PM
Glad to hear Winston is gaining some weight and feeling a bit better.:Love_Icon Good job Momma!! :thumbsup:grouphug

03-03-2014, 03:25 PM
I do need some new pics. You see, I felt bad my boy used to live in my office....and really only saw me during the day or not at all when I was out. So when we moved, I bought him a new feisty ferret cage and gave him a nice spot in my foyer with the general population. While he gets more attention and stimulation, it is making it difficult to keep the humidity up for him. As the vaporizer has to basically do the whole house - my new house is a very open concept - foyer, living room, kitchen, dining....I put a cover on his cage and keep the vaporizer next to it and a couple times a day I have been enclosing his cage with the vaporizer to help him out. I don't want him isolated again so I am hoping he continues to improve.

FYI - he used to have full run of my office and loved sitting in the windowsill....since we moved, he doesn't use his "litter box" anymore while having full run so my husband kind of kicked him out of the shared office we have now. I let him out to run at least once or twice a day when he wants to....he has learned to now rattle the cage lock when he wants out. Silly boy. :grin2

03-03-2014, 05:32 PM
Jill chases Winston January 25, 2014....she is not a good playmate... :grin2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfrQERi1MoY

03-03-2014, 05:44 PM
Jill chases Winston January 25, 2014....she is not a good playmate... :grin2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfrQERi1MoY


03-03-2014, 06:05 PM
This is what Winston sounded like a couple weeks ago when he was really congested. It take a bit to start the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXcSV5c_IT8

03-03-2014, 10:13 PM
This is what Winston sounded like a couple weeks ago when he was really congested. It take a bit to start the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXcSV5c_IT8

Poor baby! He sounded terrible.
Prayers continue for quick healing.

03-04-2014, 12:18 AM
I'm so glad that those two have each other! I'm sure it makes them both happy. I realy hope Winston keeps getting better. Please keep us up to date!

05-21-2014, 06:06 PM
Well, I have really bad news. After multiple rounds of antibiotics and prednisone.... I did some research on other squirrels and prairie dogs. I asked the vet to do a head x-ray to see if maybe Wins teeth were growing abscesses or tumors from the inside. Reminder, I got him a year ago. .. Two years old and he didn't have the two top incisors. They've never grown back. He did the x-ray and I was right. Since I didn't feel a cold was causing his nasal issues.... Runny nose, sneezing and difficulty breathing. Xray shows he has upper teeth!! Clear as day. But they are in his head, pressing against his sinuses which is causing all sorts of inflammation and problems breathing. Vet said it looks like maybe a birth defect and that's why they aren't erupting. I've never asked previous owner if he ever did have top teeth so I don't know . my vet is very very scared to so surgery since teeth are extremely close to sinuses and he is so tiny. Right now we are just trying to keep him comfy. Poor bub. He is already three years old..... In captivity Richardson Ground Squirrels only live about 4-6 years because they don't hibernate in captivity. So I'm also reluctant to seek further help and put him through a surgery when he may have lived mist of his good years already. My heart hurts. Out of all my squees (don't tell the others) he is my sweetest, kindest, and most special squirrel. We are keeping him on prednisone and antibiotics and added nose drops to try to ease the swelling. Vaporizer almost seems to to aggravate the condition and give him a runny nose. Heartbroken. :hurt

05-21-2014, 06:11 PM
Ohhh Mollybear I'm so sorry :( Poor Lil guy......I hope you can work out the meds so he can be comfortable without surgery :Love_Icon Give him some extra lovings from me...you're in my thoughts :grouphug

05-21-2014, 06:14 PM
Im so sorry to read this. Poor little Winston. I'm sending prayers of comfort to both of you! :grouphug

05-21-2014, 06:14 PM
Oh no. :( Poor Winston.

I dont no what to say other than I am sorry to hear about this. Winston is such a character. :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

You have plenty of time to try and work out what options will be best. In the meantime, I hope you can make him comfortable.

05-21-2014, 06:16 PM
Oh no!!! I am so sorry to her this... :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

05-22-2014, 10:26 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug MANY GET WELL PRAYERS FOR WINSTON :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

09-30-2014, 02:20 PM
Winston is getting worse. Has anyone had experience removing odontoma from squirrels? His upper incisors are not exposed at all. All you see is gums. Xrays show teeth/roots are growing up into his nasal passages. My current vet scared to do surgery.
Anyone done surgery to fix this? Is there anything else I can do? He is miserable trying to breathe but otherwise his loving self. I don't know how long to have him suffer. He eats. But now hardly runs on his wheel when he used to be on it all day bc he cant breathe. He sleeps a lot. One eye is watering a lot. But he doesn't scream when you touch him or his head....I know it has to hurt.

09-30-2014, 02:27 PM
Winston is getting worse. Has anyone had experience removing odontoma from squirrels? His upper incisors are not exposed at all. All you see is gums. Xrays show teeth/roots are growing up into his nasal passages. My current vet scared to do surgery.
Anyone done surgery to fix this? Is there anything else I can do? He is miserable trying to breathe but otherwise his loving self. I don't know how long to have him suffer. He eats. But now hardly runs on his wheel when he used to be on it all day bc he cant breathe. He sleeps a lot. One eye is watering a lot. But he doesn't scream when you touch him or his head....I know it has to hurt.


Perhaps if you post where you live, someone nearby can recommend a vet who can remove his teeth?

Nancy in New York
09-30-2014, 02:37 PM
Please send a pm to rygel1hardt.
I believe she can assist you with this.

09-30-2014, 02:41 PM
Please send a pm to rygel1hardt.
I believe she can assist you with this.

LOL - I just PM'd her for this about 30 seconds ago!

09-30-2014, 02:50 PM
I am in South Texas. Below Houston.

09-30-2014, 03:59 PM
I know this is a little far from you but this is the vet that operated on Precious

Hillcrest Animal Hospital
2900 Kavanaugh Blvd
Little Rock, AR


Dr Razer is the one that did the surgery. They are experienced squirrel vets. They did a awesome job with Precious' leg. They knew exactly what and how to do it.

10-01-2014, 06:48 PM
I've heard that the Odontoma surgery is awful and few survive. He's just not at 100 percent...at all.

10-01-2014, 06:57 PM
I've heard that the Odontoma surgery is awful and few survive. He's just not at 100 percent...at all.

How old is Winston?

10-01-2014, 07:37 PM
He is a three to four year old Richardson Ground Squirrel. In captivity they average size years.

10-02-2014, 07:39 AM
He is a three to four year old Richardson Ground Squirrel. In captivity they average size years.

Did you mean 5 years?

10-02-2014, 07:53 AM
Sorry I read they live six years average.

10-02-2014, 11:37 AM
I suppose what I was thinking was if Winston was coming close to the end of his normal lifespan than it might not be right to put him through a dangerous procedure? But if he has several years left then it might be worth the risk. There are no easy answers here. :(

Poor Winston. :(

How much do you think he is suffering now?


10-24-2014, 04:50 PM
He is having more bad days than good now. He still eats well and runs around. But you can hear him struggling to breathe throughout the house. When he walks around now, he whistles. He is starting to open his mouth as he takes each breath. I don't think they can get much air through the mouth vs. nose.

10-24-2014, 04:56 PM
Have you considered the surgery, like Willy's Jackie just got?

10-25-2014, 07:39 AM
:grouphugWinston and Mollybear:grouphug

10-25-2014, 11:20 AM
My vet won't do the surgery. No others in the area and I'm a long way to Florida. He's getting worse and I fear if I make the trip he may be so advanced that they can't do it. Also he is much smaller than a tree squirrel. Basically you can't even fit the tip of your pinkie in his mouth. He is now starting to gasp for air with his mouth and I know they can't really breathe through mouth. His left eye is now constantly watering.
Another reason is the only PhD that specializes in Richardson Ground Squirrel lists their life in captivity to be 4-6 years. 5-7 if you're lucky. I got him a year ago and she said he was 2-3 years old. They don't live 10-15 like tree squirrels. So I wonder since he is at the end of his normal life span if it would even be worth it for him to endure the surgery when he doesn't have many more years to live. I'm renewing his clavamox/prednisone/ temaril today. I've noticed when it gets old it doesn't work as well. Hopefully it will help. If not, I'm going to have to make the decision to help him cross the bridge as I don't want him to suffer. He is choking on his nasal discharge and constantly wheezes. We haven't had a good day in quite a few days. So sad. I love all my squees and if people are wanting a squee o would recommend a RGS over all of my guys. Especially for a newbie. He is a sweet little man.

10-26-2014, 05:25 PM
You have given Winston a good life. You are placing his welfare above your own wishes. Squirrels live in the moment, if things are bad and there is no hope for improvement then at some point it is best to grant him relief. I am not telling you when that will be, only you know your little guy well enough to make the right decision. I pray that he will improve with the fresh meds and that you will have some more quality time together.:grouphug

My vet won't do the surgery. No others in the area and I'm a long way to Florida. He's getting worse and I fear if I make the trip he may be so advanced that they can't do it. Also he is much smaller than a tree squirrel. Basically you can't even fit the tip of your pinkie in his mouth. He is now starting to gasp for air with his mouth and I know they can't really breathe through mouth. His left eye is now constantly watering.
Another reason is the only PhD that specializes in Richardson Ground Squirrel lists their life in captivity to be 4-6 years. 5-7 if you're lucky. I got him a year ago and she said he was 2-3 years old. They don't live 10-15 like tree squirrels. So I wonder since he is at the end of his normal life span if it would even be worth it for him to endure the surgery when he doesn't have many more years to live. I'm renewing his clavamox/prednisone/ temaril today. I've noticed when it gets old it doesn't work as well. Hopefully it will help. If not, I'm going to have to make the decision to help him cross the bridge as I don't want him to suffer. He is choking on his nasal discharge and constantly wheezes. We haven't had a good day in quite a few days. So sad. I love all my squees and if people are wanting a squee o would recommend a RGS over all of my guys. Especially for a newbie. He is a sweet little man.

Milo's Mom
10-26-2014, 06:06 PM
:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grou phug:grouphug