View Full Version : PLEASE HELP********* PICKLES THE SQUIRREL***

01-28-2014, 11:02 AM
Pickles is 7 1/2 years old. She is an eastern grey. The past 2 weeks she has really seemed to go downhill. She started out just seeming to be weak and not very motivated, i did some research (on this website :)) and thought it could be the MBD. So i started her on the calcium (tums) and got her a UBV light because i have not used one of those on her. She seemed to get a little spunk in her step about 3 days after that and now she is even worse. She does not want to eat or drink now and is not even motivated to get up and move. She will move only a bit. She will just urinate where she is at. Her heart seems to be beating nice and strong but breathing seems to be a bit labored???? Could she have pneumonia? What can i do for her. I will be lost without her.I have been still givine her the tums, pedialyte so she does not get dehydrated. I am going to get some kitty formula to feed her so she will eat and have calories in her unless someone else has another suggestion? Antibiotics? where do i get them? I live in Garrett County MD and am "technically" not suppos to have her as a pet but i have had her for so long! Please someone give suggestions.

01-28-2014, 11:18 AM
Pickles is 7 1/2 years old. She is an eastern grey. The past 2 weeks she has really seemed to go downhill. She started out just seeming to be weak and not very motivated, i did some research (on this website :)) and thought it could be the MBD. So i started her on the calcium (tums) and got her a UBV light because i have not used one of those on her. She seemed to get a little spunk in her step about 3 days after that and now she is even worse. She does not want to eat or drink now and is not even motivated to get up and move. She will move only a bit. She will just urinate where she is at. Her heart seems to be beating nice and strong but breathing seems to be a bit labored???? Could she have pneumonia? What can i do for her. I will be lost without her.I have been still givine her the tums, pedialyte so she does not get dehydrated. I am going to get some kitty formula to feed her so she will eat and have calories in her unless someone else has another suggestion? Antibiotics? where do i get them? I live in Garrett County MD and am "technically" not suppos to have her as a pet but i have had her for so long! Please someone give suggestions.

The labored breathing and lethargy could be pneumonia. Do you have any antibiotics available?

Much better than kitty formula is Ensure or Nutrical. Keep pushing hydration.

Can you describe her diet in detail?

I would keep using the MBD protocol, keep using tums and cut out all NUts from her diet. Place a heating pad on low under half her cage where she cant chew on it.

I am going to alert a rehabber in MD who may be able to assist.

01-28-2014, 11:23 AM
Okay i will pick up Ensure. She was eating potatos, apples, nuts (but i will take those away)tomato, broccli, lettuce, and she would eat a small piece of the soft tortilla shells (she loved them) . But has not eaten that for 2 weeks i took that out of her diet. She has also lost a bunch of weight so that worried me too. She is peeing and pooping so i think that is a good sign. Please be in touch if you can contact someone in maryland, even if i could call and talk to them? I am so worried for her, just so attached, she is my little baby :) No i do not have any antibiotics, i though that i could only get them from a vet, and i do not know of any near me who will see her? How do i go about getting them? Any suggestions.

01-28-2014, 11:40 AM
7 1/2 years and no block??
That diet more then suggests mbd.
Need to follow mbd protocol to the letter,
get her on heat.
Mbd is painful, very hard on them, harder on
the older ones.

Sent you pm with my number.

01-28-2014, 11:45 AM
That is indeed a terrible diet, so hopefully we can get her back on track. Get that Ensure immediately and you also might want to pick up a tube or NutraCal at a pet store in case she doens't like the Ensure. You will also have to order some quality rodent blocks like the following:


You might try rubbing some molasses on her gums to try to get her to perk up as we have a lot of success with that. If you don;t have that, then try maple syrup, and if not that, then other syrups or even jellies.

As to antibiotics, Baytril is very common for animals and Cipro is very common for humans - both are great for squirrels and we could tell you how to dose. You'd just have to call around to try to find someone with any antibiotics. Tell us what you find. You just need one pill.

Nancy in New York
01-28-2014, 11:46 AM
Sent you pm with my number.

Yes, please call stepnstone, he will help you!

01-28-2014, 11:52 AM
Seriously doubt pneumonia in a 7 1/2 year old.
Antibiotics not needed for mbd.

01-28-2014, 11:53 AM
Your in good hands with Step. Sending prayers for Pickles! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

01-28-2014, 12:02 PM
Have you ever known of them to get to the point where they done want to move or eat? Where can i get block at??? Reccomendations? Would something be better than the tums that i am giving her, they do not seem to disolve too well in water. Do i need to give her something with Vitamin D? Should i keep her under ubv light also? Where could i get abx to have on hand? How long do you think it will take her to get back from this since it seems to be so bad? I am so sorry for all the questions i have just been so blseed because she has been so healthy for all her life. Also, this just seemed to happen so sudden, she seemed fine one week them "bam" just so suddendly....is that normal?

01-28-2014, 12:07 PM
Have you ever known of them to get to the point where they done want to move or eat? Where can i get block at??? Reccomendations? Would something be better than the tums that i am giving her, they do not seem to disolve too well in water. Do i need to give her something with Vitamin D? Should i keep her under ubv light also? Where could i get abx to have on hand? How long do you think it will take her to get back from this since it seems to be so bad? I am so sorry for all the questions i have just been so blseed because she has been so healthy for all her life. Also, this just seemed to happen so sudden, she seemed fine one week them "bam" just so suddendly....is that normal?

Yes! ...and worse.
Most important is the treatment for mbd,
that is the first concern. Mbd takes alot of
time to turn around, a day won't get it!
Tums needs to be crushed fine then added to water and
syringe fed.
If mbd is not turned around it will kill her!

01-28-2014, 12:13 PM
Please call stepnstone. Hopefully you are near.

As I said earlier, you just have to call around to find antibiotics to have on hand. Cipro or Baytril are great to get. You just need one or two pills.

I gave you a link to the best blocks earlier, but for right now you NEED to get to a store and get some Ensure (vanilla or pecan are popular) and ideally some Nutra-Cal. Her diet has been very bad and if she's going to make it, time is critical.

As to vitamin D, her diet has been very lacking in that as well, and all the calcium in the world won't help her without it. Unfortunately, squirrels are sensitive to D and too much will kill them. This is part of why getting the Ensure is important. Personally, if I were you, I would give her a very tiny shaving from a D3 pill, or calcium/D3 pill. Any you really do have to follow the protocol given to you.

To be honest, such cases, especially in such an old squirrel don't work out well. But if there's a chance, you need to get going with all this immediately if not sooner. You really should contact stepnstone.

01-28-2014, 12:15 PM
Have you ever known of them to get to the point where they done want to move or eat? Where can i get block at??? Reccomendations? Would something be better than the tums that i am giving her, they do not seem to disolve too well in water. Do i need to give her something with Vitamin D? Should i keep her under ubv light also? Where could i get abx to have on hand? How long do you think it will take her to get back from this since it seems to be so bad? I am so sorry for all the questions i have just been so blseed because she has been so healthy for all her life. Also, this just seemed to happen so sudden, she seemed fine one week them "bam" just so suddendly....is that normal?

MBD can strike very rapidly. Squirrels appear fine and then show their sickness very suddenly. That is the way it happens.

You can get blocks as well as a MBD treatment package at:


Tums are fine. Many squirrels like the fruit flavored Tums. Be carful with vit D, in large amounts it is toxic to squirrels, so Tums are better.

You probably will not need ABs, since this is most likely MBD. If Pickels also has pneumonia, you can get ABs from friends, family (single pill is all you need). We can help with dosing direction. There are other ways to get them as well but we can cross that bridge when we have to if this is needed.

The single most important thing is to strictly follow the MBD protocol to the letter. No delays. It is the difference between death/being paralyzed and recovering.

01-28-2014, 12:20 PM
Have you ever known of them to get to the point where they done want to move or eat? Where can i get block at??? Reccomendations? Would something be better than the tums that i am giving her, they do not seem to disolve too well in water. Do i need to give her something with Vitamin D? Should i keep her under ubv light also? Where could i get abx to have on hand? How long do you think it will take her to get back from this since it seems to be so bad? I am so sorry for all the questions i have just been so blseed because she has been so healthy for all her life. Also, this just seemed to happen so sudden, she seemed fine one week them "bam" just so suddendly....is that normal?

01-28-2014, 12:39 PM
Pickles11 did call, she is at work.
She will get what she needs and be back in touch
once home. I just pray her baby is able to hold on
to get through this.
As I explained to her, this is not sudden, it is just
that her baby can no longer hide it.

Please send out the tsb prayers, this little will need
all the positive energy we can muster.

Nancy in New York
01-28-2014, 12:43 PM
Pickles11 did call, she is at work.
She will get what she needs and be back in touch
once home. I just pray her baby is able to hold on
to get through this.
As I explained to her, this is not sudden, it is just
that her baby can no longer hide it.

Please send out the tsb prayers, this little will need
all the positive energy we can muster.

As always, thank you for reaching out and helping.
Many prayers being sent for a full recovery.
Did you tell her to get infant ibuprophen?
I'm sure you did. :grouphug

01-28-2014, 12:46 PM

01-28-2014, 12:55 PM
If she could leave early, it would be advisable.

01-28-2014, 12:56 PM
Feel better sweet Pickles :Love_Icon Check the nutrition section for when she feels more like eating.

01-28-2014, 12:56 PM
Thank you to everyone who has helped me and who is praying for her!!!!!!!!! I am going to do everything that i can. I hope that we can pull through this!! I will certainly keep everyone posted!!! Keep praying, i am!!

01-28-2014, 01:00 PM
As always, thank you for reaching out and helping.
Many prayers being sent for a full recovery.
Did you tell her to get infant ibuprophen?
I'm sure you did. :grouphug

Yes I did, along with limiting her area to avoid falls.
She is using a heating pad.
The problem with why there was improvment and
then got bad again was the protocol was not followed
through long enough and nuts were still being fed which
just makes any treatment counter productive.
We know understanding is hard when one has had
a squirrel this long and assume they are healthy
when in actuality they are not.

Nancy in New York
01-28-2014, 01:21 PM
Yes I did, along with limiting her area to avoid falls.
She is using a heating pad.
The problem with why there was improvment and
then got bad again was the protocol was not followed
through long enough and nuts were still being fed which
just makes any treatment counter productive.
We know understanding is hard when one has had
a squirrel this long and assume they are healthy
when in actuality they are not.

Yes, and being prey animals they hide their symptoms so well.
That's why most come on thinking that it just occurred when in
actuality it's been festering for a LONG time.
This can take months and months to recuperate from but you have to
stay vigilant and not cave into the squirrels "wants".
We all know how tempting that can be, but we have to remember this
is life and death.
Thank you stepnstone.

01-28-2014, 05:28 PM
:grouphug:grouphugs sending prayers.

01-28-2014, 08:27 PM
Been on and off phone and texting all through day.
Baby no worse when she got home thank goodness.
Doing the protocol for mbd and hope tomorrow brings
a more noted change.

Milo's Mom
01-28-2014, 08:29 PM
Go Steo Go!!!! Thanks for the update! :Love_Icon

01-28-2014, 08:34 PM
This young lady also has a 3 month old baby so if
anyone is wondering why she's not back checking
on the computer, there's your answer... :)

Nancy in New York
01-28-2014, 08:46 PM
Thanks for the update!
Yeah, a 3 month old baby is like having
20 pinkies.
Thanks for all of the help you're giving her, I'm sure
it means a lot to have that one on one attention.

01-28-2014, 08:46 PM
Thank heavens she (and specially Pickles) have you to help. Guess you don't do diapers huh? Hope Pickles perks up real soon. You're a great guy Step!

01-28-2014, 09:26 PM
Thank you Everyone for the support! Baby is in bed and pickles is laying in bed w mw on my chest . something we have done every night for 7.5 years. :) I will continue to keep everyone updated! (Although I deel terrible because I feel like its my fault she is so sick. :()

01-28-2014, 09:37 PM
Many of us have felt that guilt. Guilt has no positive value, as long as you learn from it you are okay...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

01-28-2014, 10:46 PM
Guess you don't do diapers huh?

Oh please... not only did I do diapers,
I was a single dad from my son's age of 5 until he moved out on his own.
I didn't even date until he was 16, I'm certinally not the stereotype.
Good thing too because now he watches over me...
even though he treats me like I got one foot on a banana peel. :rotfl

01-29-2014, 08:14 AM
Although we have a long road ahead....Pickles did get up on her own this morning and get a nice long drink from her water bottle! Which to me is some improvement already. My husband is home with her today, he is taking care of her, the baby and our German Shepard - Smokey (who is afraid of pickles :) ) I will continue to keep everyone updated.

island rehabber
01-29-2014, 08:20 AM
Consistency, and patience, and consistency....that's how MBD gets cured and you can do it, for sure. You and your hubby love Pickles and you've got a terrific coach in stepnstone. Just remember it takes a LONG TIME; there is no quick fix. But we'll be here every day, cheering you on. :thumbsup

Nancy in New York
01-29-2014, 08:22 AM
Although we have a long road ahead....Pickles did get up on her own this morning and get a nice long drink from her water bottle! Which to me is some improvement already. My husband is home with her today, he is taking care of her, the baby and our German Shepard - Smokey (who is afraid of pickles :) ) I will continue to keep everyone updated.

Thanks for the update.
There are many threads on TSB of older squirrels with MBD,
and the outcome can be grim. It took years for Pickles to get like
this.................:( So it will seem like it's taking forever to turn it around.

A person who has to lose 70 lbs. is what I equate the MBD protocol to.
Slow and steady is the most important key to achieve the results.

You will get frustrated, you will get down, you will get glimmers of hope,
you will beat yourself up, you will run the whole gambit of emotions.
Everyone reading this thread is here to help you through this time, and it
will take time.
You can sream, cry, laugh, and curse, we usually use these though (&^$*&^*() :grin2
We understand.

01-29-2014, 08:29 AM
Many prayers for your girl pickles...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

01-29-2014, 10:23 AM
great work!! and I feel u on having baby and sick squirrel baby..lol would love to see pics of both:poke .. :grouphugprayers to you all:grouphug

01-29-2014, 10:25 AM
Went to bed early last night (2am) and this is just what
I needed to wake up to.
Unlike a younger squirrel the signs we want to see take a
bit longer for the older ones but this is a start...
Thank you Creator!

Milo's Mom
01-29-2014, 10:29 AM
Positive thoughts and energies headed to Pickles & her Parents! :Love_Icon

01-29-2014, 01:17 PM
Praying for Pickles to get better every day.:Love_Icon

01-29-2014, 01:23 PM
What great news! You're dedicated to beating that evil ol MBD and Step is right with you for when you need advice from a pro you know (hmmmm--that rhymes!). Folks here would loooove to see pictures. LOTS an LOTS!

01-29-2014, 01:26 PM
even though he treats me like I got one foot on a banana peel. :rotfl

He wuvs you dad!

01-29-2014, 03:01 PM
Very good update. You are in the best hands, with regards to MBD and there is no better than Stepnstone. When you get down (you will have those days), please come here and allow us to help lend you strength. We are your support group through this process, and it is a long process. Welcome to the TSB family! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

01-29-2014, 03:17 PM
You are in the best hands, with regards to MBD and there is no better than Stepnstone.

Experience is a teacher but I would never say that. :nono

Dealing with mbd is treatment and a dedicated process,
...the rest is up to Creator.

01-29-2014, 04:20 PM
I just got a txt from my Husband that says that she didnt seem to be doing to well again. He said that she is spitting out her medicine and biting at the syringe that we are feeding her with.? Any suggestions.... :(

01-29-2014, 04:25 PM
I just got a txt from my Husband that says that she didnt seem to be doing to well again. He said that she is spitting out her medicine and biting at the syringe that we are feeding her with.? Any suggestions.... :(

Have you started her on infant Motrin drops (50mg/1.25ml strength)? If you can provide weight of Pickles, I or someone else here can provide the correct amount to dose her. She is probably in a lot of pain from the MBD, this will help.

Also, heat pad set on low can help to comfort her. Place the heatpad under half her cage so she can move off it if she gets too hot. Turn the heat pad setting to "low".

01-29-2014, 04:27 PM
yes we are doing the motrin...and heating pad...i just hope im not too late catching and knowing this..i just feel awful that i did this too her because of my lack of knowledge on the whole issue and her diet...

01-29-2014, 04:30 PM
yes we are doing the motrin...and heating pad...i just hope im not too late catching and knowing this..i just feel awful that i did this too her because of my lack of knowledge on the whole issue and her diet...

Lots of people have been in this situation because they did not know about proper squirrel diet. You can do your best to heal her by strictly following the MBD protocol and also by loving her and being there for her as much as possible.:grouphug

Make sure she is hydrated, she will not eat much if she is dehydrated. You can put a little sugar in her water to make it sweeter or try something like pieces of watermelon to get her hydrated.

01-29-2014, 04:33 PM
We can only go forward. There is no point in beating yourself up for something that you had no way of knowing. Just do what you are doing and we will pray that it works.:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

Nancy in New York
01-29-2014, 05:00 PM
Is she biting the syringe because she just doesn't want it in her mouth?
OR do you know if she is biting it because she is in pain.
I know probably hard to tell, with you being at work. :(
One thing to watch for, is when squirrels are in severe pain, they get
what we call white tears, it a milky white that looks like tears in the corner
of their eyes. Have you seen any of those?

01-29-2014, 05:25 PM
I have seen like "sleepies"....but not an insane amount but i do see them sometimes here more recently than others...i am getting ready to get off work now and head home, i will let you know how i think she is doing compared to this morning.

01-29-2014, 05:28 PM
Stop for the INFANT ibuprofen on the way.

01-29-2014, 05:30 PM
I have seen like "sleepies"....but not an insane amount but i do see them sometimes here more recently than others...i am getting ready to get off work now and head home, i will let you know how i think she is doing compared to this morning.



01-29-2014, 05:32 PM
I think she is referring to eye goop as "sleepies". The answer was in response to Nancy's question about white tears.

Nancy in New York
01-29-2014, 05:34 PM


Not sure if she meant white tears, as I was explaining before.
It appeared that she was answering my question.
SammysMom it's stated above that she is on Motrin, do you know
if it's infant?

edit: I think SM beat me to the white tears.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-29-2014, 05:36 PM
eye junk

01-29-2014, 05:36 PM
YOu're right Nancy. I removed that post. I missed that post that said they were giving Motrin.

Nancy in New York
01-29-2014, 05:38 PM
YOu're right Nancy. I removed that post. I missed that post that said they were giving Motrin.

Sorry, I thought you meant she was just on Motrin :eek and you wanted her to stop for INFANT ibuprophen.:)

01-29-2014, 06:58 PM
Rest assured it is "infant" ib and the basics, dosage, heat pad,
limit space, hydration, have all been covered...


01-29-2014, 08:03 PM
I hope Pickles can beat this. She is a pretty old squirrel and this will be a tough battle, keep fighting Pickles! :grouphug

01-29-2014, 09:22 PM
Pickles :Love_Icon

01-29-2014, 09:24 PM
Still fighting! Still not motivated to move but I continue to give her infant ib...her"tums" mixed In little water.have been At least making her take 1-2 ml each hour or that...and I believe that she is biting syringe cuz she is mad and does not want anything cuz she did manage to chatter a biy at my husband over it. Does anyone have any idea at all with her age and condition when I will be able to see any improvement???

01-29-2014, 09:28 PM
She is lovely!!!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

01-29-2014, 09:30 PM
Has she eaten anything?

01-29-2014, 09:32 PM
No still not Eating...I am giving her ensure

01-29-2014, 09:33 PM
Still fighting! Still not motivated to move but I continue to give her infant ib...her"tums" mixed In little water.have been At least making her take 1-2 ml each hour or that...and I believe that she is biting syringe cuz she is mad and does not want anything cuz she did manage to chatter a biy at my husband over it. Does anyone have any idea at all with her age and condition when I will be able to see any improvement???

I think in general, you should see some improvement in the next week or so but it will take months and months in order for her to really recover. There are no guarantees, Pickles is old and very ill but you are doing everything that can be done at this point.

01-29-2014, 09:41 PM
I am off work the next 4 days and will be here pumping her full of what she needs. .I hope to see Some Improvement. ..

01-29-2014, 09:48 PM
That is great that you will be at home and able to spread out the calcium doses!:thumbsup She will enjoy all of that extra attention too. Enjoy her. You are giving her the best of care and should feel very pleased that you have such a sweet friend. Don't get so caught up in the nuts and bolts of treatment that you forget you want to spend time with her. 7 1/2 years old is a fairly long life for a squirrel so enjoy her as well as treating her. Never underestimate the power of LOVE!!!:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

01-29-2014, 10:07 PM
That is great that you will be at home and able to spread out the calcium doses!:thumbsup She will enjoy all of that extra attention too. Enjoy her. You are giving her the best of care and should feel very pleased that you have such a sweet friend. Don't get so caught up in the nuts and bolts of treatment that you forget you want to spend time with her. 7 1/2 years old is a fairly long life for a squirrel so enjoy her as well as treating her. Never underestimate the power of LOVE!!!:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug


Younger squirrels respond fairly quick to the calcium treatment,
older squirrels are going to take longer to process. Some simply can't.
Getting her blood calcium level stabilized is in the direction we want to be,
your being home and able to be steady with her is a real plus.
I too hope we see a difference. :grouphug

01-29-2014, 10:16 PM
Once again we r laying in bed together.she is curled up under my neck..I hope she is feeling safw and loved despite her condition. She still manages to try annd lift her neck when I rub under Her chin and wpoint her leg in the air when I rub her back leg( she loves both of those things)....good night to all of you..sweet dreams..and always say your prayers..I will update everyone in the morning.

01-29-2014, 10:20 PM
I will say them and you are IN them...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

California Squirrel Lover
01-29-2014, 10:24 PM
Pickles is a beautiful girl. I'll be praying for her to be well. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon :grouphug

01-29-2014, 10:45 PM
She is definitely in my prayers! She is adorable and I know you are doing everything you can, so don't give up heart! It is going to be a long road ahead, and there are no guarantees, but just keep doing what your doing, and listen to Step, and if there is any chance at all, I am positive you will find it! Remember that there are many here who can help to be your strength. Your ol' gal there is worth every effort possible, as I am sure you know! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

01-30-2014, 01:13 AM
I hope you both are/were able to get a good nights rest. :grouphug
Please check your email and let me know if you received it.

01-31-2014, 07:59 AM
Update on pickles....as of yesterday she still was vety weak..off balance and could not seem to hold herself up for very long without falling over. She did eat watermelon..and a bunch at that...so thank you to who suggested that. I had to hold her and feed it to her (then clean her all off cuz she surley made a mess :) )we changed meds to calcium and multivit per stepnstone. And will start a dose of abx today to see if that will work. She is still in bed this am as I had to tend to the baby first :) I have though been getting up throu th the night to keep giving her meds. She seems to have lost more muscle mass..I just feel terrible for her. We wil continue to keep trying with her but we hate to see her suffer likethis. I willbtry to update everyone later today. Once again thank you for praying for my lottle sunshine!

island rehabber
01-31-2014, 08:02 AM
:grouphugPickles:grouphug Don't despair, mamma, just keep giving her the calcium and lots of loving whenever you can. They do go up and down like this, in her condition, but don't lose hope.

Charley Chuckles
01-31-2014, 08:06 AM
Sending prayers to you both ...I pray for improvement very soon :grouphug

01-31-2014, 08:41 AM
:grouphug Pickles! :grouphug

Nancy in New York
01-31-2014, 08:58 AM
Once again thank you for praying for my lottle sunshine!

Awe, your little sunshine.
You couldn't be in better hands than with stepnstone!
Sending healing prayers to your little
girl and to you. :Love_Icon

Stars Daddy
01-31-2014, 11:26 AM
:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug to you and your little Pickles. Keep faith and trust in what you are doing for her. The people here will steer you in the right direction. If she can be saved I have all confidence Stepnstone will give you all the right advice to do so. We will keep praying you see improvement soon and Pickles can start feeling better.

02-01-2014, 12:09 AM
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug To pickles and your family as well as another added to the power of TSB prayers. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

rusty's mom
02-01-2014, 04:26 AM
Thoughts and prayers for Pickles. How did she come by the name? Cute.I thought of her first thing this morning.

02-01-2014, 09:54 AM
We changed meds to calcium and multivit per stepnstone. And will start a dose of abx today to see if that will work.

I'll let you update but...... :grin2:grin2:grin2:grin2

02-01-2014, 03:58 PM
Pickles has really made a great improvement! She nearly Jumped out of my hand this am cuz she was so hungry! She is Holding herself up..eating and drinking again on her own. I hope that this is the end of her feeling so bad j know she has a looong road ahead but I am prepared to keep her goin healthy and alive. I can not thank everyone kn here enough for al the advice and support! Especially step!! I will continue to keep u updated :) so happy mu little sunshine is feeling better

02-01-2014, 04:06 PM
This brought tears to my eyes! So thankful for this miracle...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug Just remember that it takes a LONG time so you have to keep it up even when she says "NO MAMA!!!".

02-01-2014, 05:13 PM
You know I'm excited to hear this but please don't get too
comfortable with Pickles renewed rejuvenation.
You seen this before and slacked off, remember where
that got you. :nono
If Pickles is getting a second chance it's up
to you to turn it into a miracle!
Stay with the course, be timely and be persistent.
If in doubt ask, we're right here.... :grouphug