View Full Version : I think I have an injured wild, there's blood on the ground in the backyard

California Squirrel Lover
01-20-2014, 03:49 PM
My wilds have been running around mating for some weeks now, so when I saw a few in a serious game of chase way up our large tree, I assumed that's what was going on. I also continued to hear what reminded me of crying, but again, thought it was a female being chased for mating and was squealing. It seemed like the crying and chasing were going on for such a long time, I finally walked back there and happened to notice blood on the ground and on the fence. I don't even know if I need to post, I don't know what's going on yet, but I'm scared and shaking and wanted to post. This happened about a year ago with my Tiny Baby, and I finally discovered him hurt badly, found blood at that time as well and in the same place on the ground. I'm trying to stay calm and remind myself how well they recover, even from bad injuries.

Blood on the ground in these two:

224133 224134

Blood on the fence, then blood on the upside down wheelbarrow:

224135 224136

01-20-2014, 04:02 PM
Many prayers for your crew!!! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

California Squirrel Lover
01-20-2014, 04:05 PM
Many prayers for your crew!!! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

:grouphug Thank you SammysMom, it's scary to see blood like that :(

Charley Chuckles
01-20-2014, 05:31 PM
I so hope they are alright, mine get their ears ripped, don't know how much blood that would be though :grouphug

California Squirrel Lover
01-20-2014, 05:53 PM
I keep going outside to look around. No sign of an injured one. I've seen a few of my regulars, so I'm narrowing it down a little. I have three males who have had bad eye injuries which resulted in loss of vision in the injured eye, Butch, Scrawny Guy, and the New Eye Injured One. I just saw Butch, and don't see any injuries. I'm really wondering if he hurt the new eye injured guy. They've both been going at it trying to mate with different girls, and if Butch sees him, he'll pounce. Mind you, these two have ALREADY lost vision in one eye from fighting. I sure hope whoever is hurt is off resting and will be OK. I'm adding him/her to my list of squirrel prayers. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

01-20-2014, 06:25 PM
I will add them to my list as well CSL. These wilds are a real tough bunch to take care of!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

California Squirrel Lover
01-20-2014, 06:51 PM
My "new eye injured one" stopped by to see me and eat, and he had no signs of injury. I'm stumped and am really wondering about the blood and the crying I was hearing. I know someone is hurt out there, just no idea who, or where they are. I feel so helpless and sorry for them. :shakehead

01-20-2014, 08:44 PM

Remember that squirrels are incredibly tough, wounds heal quickly for them.

You could go on some slow walks in the area and look out for any injured critters? If someone got hurt in a fight, they might move aways a little to put some distance form the victor.

California Squirrel Lover
01-20-2014, 09:12 PM
Thank you for the reminder, it is true they have a remarkable ability for healing. My mind flashed right to the time I saw blood, less blood than that, and it was Tiny Baby, with head and neck injuries. I remember he disappeared for a day or two, and I thought he'd died, but must have gone off to rest and begin healing. I guess time will tell, let's see if I find an injured one in the coming days. Yes, I should take a walk around the area, too. :grouphug:grouphug

California Squirrel Lover
01-21-2014, 03:09 PM
I'm keeping a close eye out, but no sign of anyone with injuries yet, no sign of any ripped ears or anything. I'm guessing that perhaps whoever it is could be resting up. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

01-21-2014, 03:14 PM
Just looking to see if anyone showed up hurt. Happily no, thank goodness :grouphug

01-21-2014, 03:17 PM
Ohhh so sorry CSL :Love_Icon I guess it's a good sign that the injured one could still climb a fence and escape :dono Blood looks really bad..but isn't always...remember Nougie's "crime scene" :eek a tail injury causes lots of blood (and Nougie was fine) I'm hoping it's one of those "bleeding owies" that bleed like crazy but are relatively harmless :thumbsup

California Squirrel Lover
01-21-2014, 03:30 PM
Just looking to see if anyone showed up hurt. Happily no, thank goodness :grouphug

Thank you Penny! I keep wondering what the heck happened :dono:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

Ohhh so sorry CSL :Love_Icon I guess it's a good sign that the injured one could still climb a fence and escape :dono Blood looks really bad..but isn't always...remember Nougie's "crime scene" :eek a tail injury causes lots of blood (and Nougie was fine) I'm hoping it's one of those "bleeding owies" that bleed like crazy but are relatively harmless :thumbsup

Thank you Sweeper! That's right, I remember Nougie's "crime scene"! True, it can look worse than it is. That's what I'm hoping for. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

01-21-2014, 04:42 PM
Wilds are wonderful and magic but the worries are big !!!!
All the best to the little injuried one and to you :grouphug
Remember how fast they heal !!!!

California Squirrel Lover
01-21-2014, 07:15 PM
Wilds are wonderful and magic but the worries are big !!!!
All the best to the little injuried one and to you :grouphug
Remember how fast they heal !!!!

Thank you squirel! :grouphug I just wish I could see them, find out who it is, and know they are ok :grouphug

01-21-2014, 07:52 PM
I hope and wish you it will happen soon :grouphug .
knowing they are ok makes our world whole again !!!!
Thinking at you and your squirrels

01-22-2014, 12:22 AM
I hope and wish you it will happen soon :grouphug .
knowing they are ok makes our world whole again !!!!
Thinking at you and your squirrels
Wonderfully said so I will only add
and :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

01-22-2014, 07:57 AM
Wilds are wonderful and magic but the worries are big !!!!
All the best to the little injuried one and to you :grouphug
Remember how fast they heal !!!!

Very true!^^^^^^^

California Squirrel Lover
01-22-2014, 08:53 PM
Thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes, you guys are the best. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug I still haven't seen anyone who looks like they've been injured. No wounds, no split ears or anything, so I still don't know what to think. I'll keep praying whoever it is is OK and will return soon. I'd love to make sure they have some food and water :( :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Milo's Mom
01-22-2014, 09:02 PM
Not sure how long it's been, but keep an eye out. Momma J was out there hurt before I found her....and I followed the blood trails at times to keep track of her.

I've also noticed that sometimes the ones that are hurt will come out for food during the "off" times....like when the other are all napping. This way they will not have to compete. If possible put some goodies out after the "high" time.

California Squirrel Lover
01-22-2014, 09:29 PM
Not sure how long it's been, but keep an eye out. Momma J was out there hurt before I found her....and I followed the blood trails at times to keep track of her.

I've also noticed that sometimes the ones that are hurt will come out for food during the "off" times....like when the other are all napping. This way they will not have to compete. If possible put some goodies out after the "high" time.

Thanks for the tip Milo's Mom! That makes sense they might come back when no one else is around. I've been staying put, watching and waiting, but I'm also going to venture out and see if I notice anything around the neighborhood. Poor Momma J, so sorry she's hurt, but so grateful you found her. :grouphug:grouphug

01-22-2014, 10:18 PM
Thanks for the tip Milo's Mom! That makes sense they might come back when no one else is around. I've been staying put, watching and waiting, but I'm also going to venture out and see if I notice anything around the neighborhood. Poor Momma J, so sorry she's hurt, but so grateful you found her. :grouphug:grouphug

Could the blood be from a cat fight or bird or something other than a squirrel?

01-23-2014, 02:25 PM
Adding my prayers :Love_Icon:Love_Icon. Two years ago I had an orphan litter I couldn't catch. Neighbor to the neighbor who's tree they lived in said she chased crows away after they started pecking on the head of one. Blood drops everywhere, snow, bark, tree; I took pictures as well. I never did find who got hurt, but if he did have a head injury he recovered because at that time there were three babies, and I know all three made it to April (this was December or January that winter). Hoping whoever was hurt will be ok, maybe it was a tail tip injury or even a toe, those can bleed a lot.

California Squirrel Lover
01-23-2014, 02:50 PM
Could the blood be from a cat fight or bird or something other than a squirrel?

I don't know, I've wondered that as well. On that day, though, there were chases and scuffles all day, and I kept hearing a squirrel whimpering, so I'm not sure. There seemed to be both mating, and other kinds of chasing going on. I just kept feeling it was one of my squirrels, but who knows. :dono

Adding my prayers :Love_Icon:Love_Icon. Two years ago I had an orphan litter I couldn't catch. Neighbor to the neighbor who's tree they lived in said she chased crows away after they started pecking on the head of one. Blood drops everywhere, snow, bark, tree; I took pictures as well. I never did find who got hurt, but if he did have a head injury he recovered because at that time there were three babies, and I know all three made it to April (this was December or January that winter). Hoping whoever was hurt will be ok, maybe it was a tail tip injury or even a toe, those can bleed a lot.

Hi sdreamcatcher! Glad to see you stop by! :grin3 :thumbsup Aaaakk, I hate those kinds of crow stories! :shakehead Whoever was injured, whatever kind of critter, I hope it's not a bad injury, and they're on the mend. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon

01-23-2014, 03:09 PM
Hi CSL!! I know it was one of the wild babies that year; this neighbor confirmed it and even chased the crows off, and said the baby went back up the tree. The blood trail confirmed it. This was two winters ago, and a litter I was watching closely and feeding and I watched each baby as they came down for food. I saw all three later on, and all three acted and looked normal. I am wondering if the blood came from the baby's foot, given how the blood was on the bark of the tree? But the baby was fine, so good news. I am hoping whoever was hurt is fine, but I KNOW that feeling of wondering.

California Squirrel Lover
01-23-2014, 06:26 PM
Hi CSL!! I know it was one of the wild babies that year; this neighbor confirmed it and even chased the crows off, and said the baby went back up the tree. The blood trail confirmed it. This was two winters ago, and a litter I was watching closely and feeding and I watched each baby as they came down for food. I saw all three later on, and all three acted and looked normal. I am wondering if the blood came from the baby's foot, given how the blood was on the bark of the tree? But the baby was fine, so good news. I am hoping whoever was hurt is fine, but I KNOW that feeling of wondering.

Thank you sdreamcatcher! :grouphug I hope it's something like that, I just wish I knew where the blood came from. I'm still waiting...