View Full Version : Mange ( I think )
01-16-2014, 05:08 PM
I have seen 3 squirrels this last days who seem to have mange .
The first looks very similar to a mange infected squirrel picture I saw with bald spots of skin . The skin is very light , almost white , with little spots of black fur . The skin didn't seen damaged but I was far away .
The second had a little part of his tail bald and another bald spot close to his tail . The spot is not big but the skin looks damaged .
The third one is the only I have seen before and he/she looks exactly the same in the last 3 weeks : he/she has a perfectly simmetrical bald line beginning between his/her ears and ending on his back . the line is about 3-4 cm long and 0,5-1 cm tick . The skin appears perfectly healthy and pink . This last one I would't think has mange , but I would like your opinions .
I hope to see them again and to be able to help .
It's really always so sad to see them not healthy ....
01-16-2014, 07:57 PM
Got pics? Do you already know how to treat?
01-17-2014, 07:04 AM
I'll try the pics but I don't know this squirrels and they stay very far and appear for a few seconds only .
I doubt I'll be able to make pics but I'll try my best .
I have seen about mange treatment here on the board . I'm in Canada so everything is more complicated to buy .
I'm sorry to have so small information
01-17-2014, 04:09 PM
No luck today ! I was around for a lot of time but couldn't get any pictures ...
I'll try again tomorrow . Could you tell me for what to look to understand if it is mange ?
I just hope to help them . it would be wonderful to get them back to health . I know you do it all the time but it makes me feel so good inside only to think to be able to make that difference :):):).
01-17-2014, 04:37 PM
Here is a thread on some of my squirrels that had mange --with PICS!!
01-17-2014, 09:06 PM
Please tell us what you're using to treat. If Ivermectin, you need to be VERY careful as it's a potent toxin. Tell us if you are.
01-18-2014, 07:02 AM
In this moment I'm just trying to understand if it's mange , before treating I would always ask for explications here on the forum .
These squirrels stay far far away , so I hope someone can understand if it's mange from what I wrote in post #1 .
01-18-2014, 07:57 AM
Mange tends to be more red and crusty. Yours sounds like it might be mites, but Ivermectin will do the trick. Is that what you plan to use?
Charley Chuckles
01-18-2014, 08:53 AM
I am having some similar issues with my wilds, does it look anything like this???? Hope I am not thread jacking here, and again this is my wild :thankyou
01-18-2014, 06:52 PM
Thank you all so much for the answers :thankyou .
Still trying to see them better and be sure if it's mange . Two of them didn't show up today even if i was around for a long time .
If it's mites but not mange is it still so bad ?
Is it something that puts the squirrel at risk or something that happens normally in the wild , like fleas ?
Is it possible that the third one ( a nice grey colored male ) has mange or mites given that the bald spot is so simmetrical and didn't change in three weeks and has no crusts ?
CC no thread jacking at all , the pictures are very interesting and i hope they will heal very soon .
R thanks for the link
Farelli thankyou for all your dedication and attention , I don't know how you do it but you're always here to help .
Thank you all again
01-19-2014, 01:09 AM
Mange or mites, still good to treat, especially in cold climates where a lack of fur can cause frostbite and even death. It's also contagious, especially at this time of year when they share nests to keep warm. A pic would be good to see how severe it is.
01-19-2014, 06:31 AM
I'm really trying with the pics but not sure if it will be possible . I'll try again today .
I have read a lot yesterday and have 2 questions .
If you use equine Ivermectin they say to mix it in a bowl before using : if you need to try more then one day to see the squirrel have you to open a new tube every day or can you use the mixed one for a few days ( just to know how much to order in case ) .
About the contagiousness I have read that the mites are normally on the squirrels and they get sick when their immune sistem is weak . Is it still very contagious ? How do they get it from each other ?
Sorry for the dumb questions , I'm just trying to understand .
:thankyou so much for the answers and the help .
01-19-2014, 06:53 AM
I'm really trying with the pics but not sure if it will be possible . I'll try again today .
I have read a lot yesterday and have 2 questions .
If you use equine Ivermectin they say to mix it in a bowl before using : if you need to try more then one day to see the squirrel have you to open a new tube every day or can you use the mixed one for a few days ( just to know how much to order in case ) .
About the contagiousness I have read that the mites are normally on the squirrels and they get sick when their immune sistem is weak . Is it still very contagious ? How do they get it from each other ?
Sorry for the dumb questions , I'm just trying to understand .
:thankyou so much for the answers and the help .
You should be able to get the equine ivermectin - it is COMMONLY used on horses (every few months). It is 1.87% ivermectin. You have read about the bit the size of an UNCOOKED grain of rice, given at least 7 days apart, right?
When you get the little "tube" - it is actually a giant syringe - of ivermectin, pop the top off and squirt a little out. The chances are, what you will have is a CLEAR GEL. I have a horse and use this stuff a lot and haven't seen the creamy paste stuff in several years. The CLEAR GEL does not need to be dispensed into a bowl and stirred up. The paste used to separate so if you were dosing a horse it was okay - you shoot the whole thing down their throat - but if you were just using a little you needed to stir like crazy to make sure it was evenly distributed..
The gel does not separate, so you will just need to squeeze a little bit to take your tiny, rice piece from and put the cap back on. I would put the whole thing in a zip lock plastic bag in the refrigerator with DANGER!!! POISON!!! signs all over it. It will last for a long time, so you need only buy one tube for about 100,000 squirrels...:grin2
I can order this on the internet for $1.99 - I see it for anywhere from $7 to $12 at local livestock supply places, so even with the insane retail markup, it is a pretty reasonable treatment.
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