View Full Version : DAY ONE>>>>Gio's Tough LOVE

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2014, 08:27 AM
Today starts the "Tough Love " for my little Buzzwald!

He is a VERY PICKY eater. Understand he was only given nuts for 3 to 4 months , which is why he is the way he is today.
I have allowed him to eat what ever he wants up until ....... today....

Starting today he will get NOTHING but block, I will also be putting a tums in with his block because of his condition.
As stubborn as he is I expect he will last about 5 or 6 days before he will finally eat it, of course if he starts to faulter health wise I will give him something else and try again in an other month.
Are we ready??? so it begins...wish us luck.:Love_Icon

Charley Chuckles
01-15-2014, 09:30 AM
Well your gonna be on his S#!@ list :poke actually I did try him with block...yeah right :tap But try this maybe instead of tums, use a little FV in warm water, break up the block and even add a little shredded wheat/we know he loves cheerios so maybe break them up so he has to eat some block with the O's :grin3
And GOOD LUCK MEAN MOMMY :poke:grin2

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2014, 09:32 AM
I will , after he eats a block, that will be his reward !!

Anyone who has had to do this and was successful PLEASE feel free to chime in... we all talk about it but who has done it and has a baby now eating block???

When I get babies that is all they get , other than FV, Vinny and Pearl are perfect examples, THEY LOVE THEIR HHB'S!!! They eat it first before anything else, because that is all they ever got for a month or two.

Charley Chuckles
01-15-2014, 09:58 AM
Simon didn't know what block was, but that is all that was set out and guess what he ate it, and him doesn't even have uppers, that's why I break it up :thumbsup

01-15-2014, 10:00 AM
Good luck Gio!!! Mommy is doing it for your own good! I cut each into quarters and Sammy did better with them. :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
I predict a whole lot of sulking going on...:grouphug

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2014, 06:22 PM
Day one Sucked. I had to leave the house I couldn't sit there looking at him.
He has had block straight from the freezer, block warmed up, block soaked in watermelon juice and block in FV.
Didn't touch a one............I took him out to play for a n hour, he does get tired quickly.
Tried block again, won't touch it.
Covered up his cage.
Ready for Day two.

01-15-2014, 06:42 PM
Stand strong mommy!!!:thumbsup

Charley Chuckles
01-15-2014, 06:42 PM
Well how about syringing FV with all the calcium and vitamins you got from HHpets and then just healthy foods...does it have to be block I wonder :thinking

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2014, 07:05 PM
Can't syringe him any more, not even to sneak it in the side. Fights me too hard. I could try but it would take all day . Wear us both out.

01-15-2014, 07:06 PM
What about warming the block up and then kinda crush them and roll into a ball. Might have to add a little water. and then crush some cherrios and roll them into it. Maybe that might get him going

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2014, 07:17 PM
I tried that Sassy but thank you.
I have tried it with, peanut butter, nutella, rolled in crushed almonds, pecans, hazel nuts, sweet potato, you name it I have tried it, I spent so much time , money and energy trying to get this boy to eat anything but corn and nuts. I have put the calcium and vitamins and FV on the nuts and corn but he MUST learn to eat good food, I just gave him that to get him eating ! Now it is time to eat food they way he is supposed to. If I just give him what he wants to eat he will go right back to the shriveled little thing I picked up 6 weeks ago.
He is strong now and feisty. But so am I ! And I am bigger .....

01-15-2014, 07:21 PM
Do you ever make boo balls? Block, FV, nuts and babyfood? I have the recipe if you would like it.

01-15-2014, 07:22 PM
I tried that Sassy but thank you.
I have tried it with, peanut butter, nutella, rolled in crushed almonds, pecans, hazel nuts, sweet potato, you name it I have tried it, I spent so much time , money and energy trying to get this boy to eat anything but corn and nuts. I have put the calcium and vitamins and FV on the nuts and corn but he MUST learn to eat good food, I just gave him that to get him eating ! Now it is time to eat food they way he is supposed to. If I just give him what he wants to eat he will go right back to the shriveled little thing I picked up 6 weeks ago.
He is strong now and feisty. But so am I ! And I am bigger .....

I absolutely understand. I have done the samething with some mine in the past. they are just too smart.

Charley Chuckles
01-15-2014, 07:22 PM
Maybe just sprinkling the FV/vitamins on his food will be enough?

01-15-2014, 07:23 PM
I tried that Sassy but thank you.
I have tried it with, peanut butter, nutella, rolled in crushed almonds, pecans, hazel nuts, sweet potato, you name it I have tried it, I spent so much time , money and energy trying to get this boy to eat anything but corn and nuts. I have put the calcium and vitamins and FV on the nuts and corn but he MUST learn to eat good food, I just gave him that to get him eating ! Now it is time to eat food they way he is supposed to. If I just give him what he wants to eat he will go right back to the shriveled little thing I picked up 6 weeks ago.
He is strong now and feisty. But so am I ! And I am bigger .....

Be strong! He may refuse blocks for a day or two but he will eat them. No animal will allow itself to starve if eatable food is present. He just has a bad habit that has to be reversed. You are doing the right thing!:thumbsup

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2014, 07:36 PM
Thank you TD

We have seen and heard about how to do the tough love but I have never read anyone's documentation on it.
That is what I am doing here. I am going to log what I do everyday with the block until he eats it.
Five days is usually the breaking point, I have 4 more to go.
Lets hope he doesn't go that long.

01-15-2014, 07:57 PM
Thank you TD

We have seen and heard about how to do the tough love but I have never read anyone's documentation on it.
That is what I am doing here. I am going to log what I do everyday with the block until he eats it.
Five days is usually the breaking point, I have 4 more to go.
Lets hope he doesn't go that long.

He wont!:thumbsup

01-15-2014, 08:38 PM
So sorry you have to do this. I can't even imagine how hard it is on you.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2014, 08:47 PM
Thank you for your concern Farrelli, he will suffer more than me, I can get into the frig anytime.

01-15-2014, 10:20 PM
How about FV in a bowl? My 11 month old will still take it.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2014, 10:39 PM
Nope wont touch it.

01-15-2014, 11:57 PM
Maybe he will now!

01-16-2014, 01:25 AM
Have you tried smashing up the HHB and adding avacodo then roll into a ball? Just my two cents worth. Good luck

Charley Chuckles
01-16-2014, 07:20 AM
Maybe just sprinkling the FV/vitamins on his food will be enough?


Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-16-2014, 01:01 PM
Day TWO!!

He has not touched it.
I let him play inthe gurst room , which has been cleaned and there is nothing inthere but a bed, dresser and chair.
Little Dickens found an almond !!!!!!:eek Must have been buried some where by Peaches, no one else has been in that room.
So back to day one :pissed
I think I may just get the metal syringe and force feed him the rest of his life, it might just be easier.................:Love_Icon

He won't eat avocado

01-16-2014, 01:19 PM
He might have some hidden stashes too. Squirrels can be very good about hiding stuff.

Little Gio is stubborn! :grin2

Day TWO!!

He has not touched it.
I let him play inthe gurst room , which has been cleaned and there is nothing inthere but a bed, dresser and chair.
Little Dickens found an almond !!!!!!:eek Must have been buried some where by Peaches, no one else has been in that room.
So back to day one :pissed
I think I may just get the metal syringe and force feed him the rest of his life, it might just be easier.................:Love_Icon

He won't eat avocado

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-16-2014, 09:19 PM
no hidden stash, I empty his cage and change all fleece everyday, he pees anywhere and everywhere, dribbles too . I am not sure he always has a the pee sensation.
He doesnt raise his tail at all, but can fluff half of it.
No food today except the nut he found thanks to Peaches...
Tomorrow is another day............
I am going to make almond block!!

01-16-2014, 10:07 PM
I love finding stashes. I had an acorn in my pillow n slept with it every night until she took it back:(

01-16-2014, 10:29 PM
Rex started his first year on Nuts and Veggies (with a lot of Dandilions). When I did the tough love on him, he got nothing but Rodent Block (soaked in warm Coconut Oil). 3 days the little turd held out, but finally he ate his first, and hasn't looked back. Now he is on homemade HHB's and gets a nut each night, after he has eaten his HHB's. He always has Rodent Block in his cage and still loves it even though I don't soak it in coconut oil any longer! Remember that you are adding YEARS to his life, so keep it up because you love him! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-17-2014, 10:05 AM
I hear you DM!!!
This isnt the first time I have had to do this, he is just my hardest case.


still won't touch the block, going to make Almond block today, I like the coconut oil idea.

I did cheat today, I gave him 2 table spoons of FV in one dish and 2 table spoons Esbilac/pro in another ( which he was raised on....)
He drank 1/2 of the Esbilac and when I went back , he had finished it. Didnt touch the FV. It is just a matter of taste.
I couldn't be happier with this, not my first choice , but he is compromised and needs nourishment.
Now to make that block....

Charley Chuckles
01-17-2014, 10:28 AM
I started Simon on Ensure/or maybe it was boost, in a pecan flavor soaked his HHB, but I think I did try that on GIO come to think of it :tilt
GOOD LUCK and he will eat just not gonna make it EZ for you :poke

01-17-2014, 11:19 AM
Since he likes it, perhaps try soaking the block in Esbilac/pro?

I hear you DM!!!
This isnt the first time I have had to do this, he is just my hardest case.


still won't touch the block, going to make Almond block today, I like the coconut oil idea.

I did cheat today, I gave him 2 table spoons of FV in one dish and 2 table spoons Esbilac/pro in another ( which he was raised on....)
He drank 1/2 of the Esbilac and when I went back , he had finished it. Didnt touch the FV. It is just a matter of taste.
I couldn't be happier with this, not my first choice , but he is compromised and needs nourishment.
Now to make that block....

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-17-2014, 11:31 AM
I have a new issue, I thought he might be getting a UTI and got SMZ yesterday ( Thank you DJ I love you!!)
He definitely has one so I am stopping the tough love for now until this clears up.
I believe I was giving him MORE calcium and vitamins than he needed.
I really hope this almond recipe works, plus if he WILL drink Esbilac everyday , I wont have to start tough love again.

01-17-2014, 12:17 PM
I have a new issue, I thought he might be getting a UTI and got SMZ yesterday ( Thank you DJ I love you!!)
He definitely has one so I am stopping the tough love for now until this clears up.
I believe I was giving him MORE calcium and vitamins than he needed.
I really hope this almond recipe works, plus if he WILL drink Esbilac everyday , I wont have to start tough love again.

You definitely want a full stomach for ABs. Add some yogurt/probiotics too to help with his stomach.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-17-2014, 01:13 PM
Yes we are back to the banana shake but with esbilac instead of FV
This is for MBD babies , you can scale back on the calcium and give to skinny sick babies also.

1 inch slice of banana
3 TBL sp Formula ( made liquid not powder)
3 TBS yogurt (Full fat)
4 drops vit E
^ drops cod liver oil ( not from pill)
400 mg calcium
100 mg Vit C
Mush together offer in dish or syringe