View Full Version : Very sick kitten!

01-04-2014, 06:37 AM
I hate to post about a kitty on a squirrel forum, but I have a friend with a VERY sick kitten - she just lost the brother a few days ago and now this kitty is showing same symptoms!! She doesn't have the money to take to the emergency vet right now.

I went to their house late last night to dose some Baytril - kitten only weighs about a pound. Has an abscess on head and side of face, a little smaller then a golf ball. She just text me about 2 hours ago to tell me it burst and white milky stuff mixed with red came out!! :eek She put gauze on it and said now it's turning red!

She lives in GA, it's about half an hour drive for me and I have to work this morning, so I can't go over there right now.

Does anyone know what I can tell her to help kitty???

01-04-2014, 06:45 AM
I told her I would pay for the vet, but she doesn't have a car and I have to go into work. I just want to keep kitty alive long enough to hopefully get to the vet later today!
I know it's a squirrel forum, but I didn't know where else to turn - please help!

01-04-2014, 06:51 AM
If this abscess burst, that is a good thing. I would suggest that instead of just covering it, she clean and clear everything out of it - I would do this initially with clear warm water so you can see what you are doing - get as much of the yuck as possible out, then irrigate it with a 50/50 mixture of Betadine (any drug store, antibacterial wash) and warm water. I would then cover it to keep it clean and monitor it every few hours. Give the ABX. Keep warm and KEEP HYDRATED. And preferably, get to vet.

01-04-2014, 07:00 AM
If this abscess burst, that is a good thing. I would suggest that instead of just covering it, she clean and clear everything out of it - I would do this initially with clear warm water so you can see what you are doing - get as much of the yuck as possible out, then irrigate it with a 50/50 mixture of Betadine (any drug store, antibacterial wash) and warm water. I would then cover it to keep it clean and monitor it every few hours. Give the ABX. Keep warm and KEEP HYDRATED. And preferably, get to vet.

Thanks CritterMom for your advice!! I'm really in the dark here and so frustrated I have to work today and can't just drive there myself and get kitty to vet right now!! I dosed enough meds last night around 11pm to last a whole day, so I'm not sure we should give anymore right now?? She is rinsing now with warm water. It makes her nervous because last time with her brother after it burst and they tried to clean it, kitty died shortly after - but there was MUCH more white puss and I think they tried to actually scrub it out of that kitty! :eek I had no idea what was going on until after that kitty was already gone. :(

01-04-2014, 07:08 AM
We are talking gently clean with something like a cotton ball. If it is a small hole, she should fill a syringe with the betadyne/water and actually stick the tip of the syringe in the hole and force the mixture in there - it will flush the inside of the abscess with antibacterial mixture. Baytril working from the inside, cleaning out the mess from the outside...without a vet there isn't much else - plus the abx of course.

Does anyone know anything about whether cats/kittens can have ibuprophen?? Pain relief would be good if it can but I am not a cat person...

01-04-2014, 07:15 AM
Ibuprofen is toxic to cats so that is not an option. The Betadine wash is best to help clean out the infection. My vet taught me to mix it to the color of weak tea and wash the abscess out twice a day. Hoping for the best for this little kitty. :grouphug

01-04-2014, 07:16 AM
We are talking gently clean with something like a cotton ball. If it is a small hole, she should fill a syringe with the betadyne/water and actually stick the tip of the syringe in the hole and force the mixture in there - it will flush the inside of the abscess with antibacterial mixture. Baytril working from the inside, cleaning out the mess from the outside...without a vet there isn't much else - plus the abx of course.

Does anyone know anything about whether cats/kittens can have ibuprophen?? Pain relief would be good if it can but I am not a cat person...

Yeah, I don't know much about cats either - wayyyy out of my element here but I want to do what I can to help. They are going through tough financial times right now and don't even have a car. Thank you again so much CritterMom for helping with what you do know. :thumbsup

01-04-2014, 07:22 AM
Ibuprofen is toxic to cats so that is not an option. The Betadine wash is best to help clean out the infection. My vet taught me to mix it to the color of weak tea and wash the abscess out twice a day. Hoping for the best for this little kitty. :grouphug

Thank you Baxied. I will pass along the info. She told me it's not swelled up anymore - I guess that's a good thing? :dono She has rinsed it and covered it with gauze.

01-04-2014, 07:33 AM
The fact that it has burst, they are irrigating it and the little one is on AB's is a good thing. The most worrisome part is that the kitten is so very small and young to fight such an infection. Tell them to keep the kitty warm and well hydrated so that it's little immune system will not be taxed any more than necessary.

01-04-2014, 07:37 AM
The fact that it has burst, they are irrigating it and the little one is on AB's is a good thing. The most worrisome part is that the kitten is so very small and young to fight such an infection. Tell them to keep the kitty warm and well hydrated so that it's little immune system will not be taxed any more than necessary.

Ok, will do. Thanks again Baxied. :thankyou

island rehabber
01-04-2014, 07:45 AM
lennysmom you got perfect advice here from everyone but may I add one thing? LEAVE THE WOUND OPEN. No gauze, no cream, no nothing. Abcesses need to breathe and ooze or they just swell back up again worse than before.

01-04-2014, 07:51 AM
lennysmom you got perfect advice here from everyone but may I add one thing? LEAVE THE WOUND OPEN. No gauze, no cream, no nothing. Abcesses need to breathe and ooze or they just swell back up again worse than before.

Ok, I just told her to uncover it! Thanks Maura. :)

island rehabber
01-04-2014, 08:05 AM
Ok, I just told her to uncover it! Thanks Maura. :)

:thumbsup in fact she may want to try to keep it oozing and open -- don't let it scab over.

01-04-2014, 08:07 AM
:thumbsup in fact she may want to try to keep it oozing and open -- don't let it scab over.

Ok, I will tell her. I am trying to get her to send me a picture.

01-04-2014, 08:15 AM
This is the best picture she could get. :(


01-04-2014, 08:24 AM
For size reference - here is Bonnie


Charley Chuckles
01-04-2014, 08:37 AM
My neighbors cat, not a kitten, but had an abscess we thought something was in it, so she held I popped it and it was so smelly, I washed it well and I did put neosporin (SP?) on, but like IR said best to leave it so it can breath and dry to heal :thumbsup I wonder what caused this, how old is Bonnie?

01-04-2014, 08:46 AM
My neighbors cat, not a kitten, but had an abscess we thought something was in it, so she held I popped it and it was so smelly, I washed it well and I did put neosporin (SP?) on, but like IR said best to leave it so it can breath and dry to heal :thumbsup I wonder what caused this, how old is Bonnie?

I really have no idea Abby. But I just thought it was odd that her brother just died from an abscess in almost the same place!! :eek It had popped, been rinsed, and is now uncovered. Thanks for the info CC. :)

island rehabber
01-04-2014, 09:11 AM
I had an indoor/outdoor tomcat for years (I know :hidechair :shakehead :nono) and he would get abcesses all the time. Cats handle them way better than rodents do -- with our squirrels it is often life-threatening but not usually with kitties. They will usually heal by themselves but ABX help them heal way more quickly. Since the brother died, it is possible that these littles have more going on than just abcesses. They may be loaded with worms -- see if your friend can at least pick up a wormer at the pet store.

01-04-2014, 09:17 AM
Hi LennysMom,
Finally I feel confident giving advice, it's a kitten and I'm more familiar with these. Although protocol is pretty much the same in all animals with an abscess.
Everyone gave you the best advice, keep rinsing the abscess, keep it open, keep the baby warm and hydrated. Check for any other possible lumps or bumps that could be abscesses, warm compresses for those. I would start bottle feeding the kitten some kitten formula or goat milk every few hours, extra hydration and nutrition.
The kittens could have been playing with each other and created little pin pricks that led to this but it could also be something else so a vet visit is needed. They will probably look for other abscesses, lance those, give penicillin or amoxicillin and metacam for pain. Sometimes if the abscess is deep they might need to insert a drainage tube. They may also run some blood tests to rule out other possibilities.
Also no Tylenol, ibuprofen or aspirin for kittens.
Best of luck :grouphug

01-04-2014, 09:36 AM
I had an indoor/outdoor tomcat for years (I know :hidechair :shakehead :nono) and he would get abcesses all the time. Cats handle them way better than rodents do -- with our squirrels it is often life-threatening but not usually with kitties. They will usually heal by themselves but ABX help them heal way more quickly. Since the brother died, it is possible that these littles have more going on than just abcesses. They may be loaded with worms -- see if your friend can at least pick up a wormer at the pet store.

Ok, I'll pick some up today when I get the Benibac. She is without a car, so I'm doing the running right now. Good to know cats handle abscesses well. Gives some relief. :)

01-04-2014, 09:51 AM
Hi LennysMom,
Finally I feel confident giving advice, it's a kitten and I'm more familiar with these. Although protocol is pretty much the same in all animals with an abscess.
Everyone gave you the best advice, keep rinsing the abscess, keep it open, keep the baby warm and hydrated. Check for any other possible lumps or bumps that could be abscesses, warm compresses for those. I would start bottle feeding the kitten some kitten formula or goat milk every few hours, extra hydration and nutrition.
The kittens could have been playing with each other and created little pin pricks that led to this but it could also be something else so a vet visit is needed. They will probably look for other abscesses, lance those, give penicillin or amoxicillin and metacam for pain. Sometimes if the abscess is deep they might need to insert a drainage tube. They may also run some blood tests to rule out other possibilities.
Also no Tylenol, ibuprofen or aspirin for kittens.
Best of luck :grouphug

Thanks PC, I will make sure she has some formula too. I know she is trying to keep her well hydrated. Hopefully, her vet will be open and we can get Bonnie to the vet today! The emergency vet is just not an option financially right now. Thanks for the info and will tell her to check for any other lumps.

01-04-2014, 10:24 AM
I leave the computer and think of things left and right. Personally I would not give a kitten a dewormer from a store unless the kitten is over 3 months. Up until 3 months of age kittens are not able to handle much in the way of medications, flea or tick products, etc. If the kitten is underweight (which it doesn't appear to be) or slow to mature then it could take a bit longer. If this baby is infested with worms your friend will see signs of them in the stool or around the rectum. Different worms have different appearances, long thin worms are usually round worms and little white rice like things are tape worms. Just two of the most common types and they each need a different dewormer.
Do you know how old the kitten is?
Is it an outside cat?
Were they hand raised or with a mom?
I've been tearing up the place looking for my notes on kitten care if and when I find them I will post everything I can. Sometimes Vet's are open half a day on Sat so I would start calling to see if there is a way for your friend to get there if they are opened. I understand the emergency vet being out of the question right now since I know what that can cost (I used to work for one a lifetime ago).
Following the cleaning, hydration, warm and quiet should buy some time to wait it out if necessary. Abscesses really can be managed as long as that is the only issue. Usually they are not terribly painful other than when they are being cleaned out. I'm with Maura in that the concern that there may be something else effecting their immune system since the brother died. Unfortunately my brain automatically goes to Feline Luekemia or FIV but they don't usually show up until after the 3 month mark as well.
I've got to go back into my girl but will try to check in later.

01-04-2014, 12:39 PM
I leave the computer and think of things left and right. Personally I would not give a kitten a dewormer from a store unless the kitten is over 3 months. Up until 3 months of age kittens are not able to handle much in the way of medications, flea or tick products, etc. If the kitten is underweight (which it doesn't appear to be) or slow to mature then it could take a bit longer. If this baby is infested with worms your friend will see signs of them in the stool or around the rectum. Different worms have different appearances, long thin worms are usually round worms and little white rice like things are tape worms. Just two of the most common types and they each need a different dewormer.
Do you know how old the kitten is?
Is it an outside cat?
Were they hand raised or with a mom?
I've been tearing up the place looking for my notes on kitten care if and when I find them I will post everything I can. Sometimes Vet's are open half a day on Sat so I would start calling to see if there is a way for your friend to get there if they are opened. I understand the emergency vet being out of the question right now since I know what that can cost (I used to work for one a lifetime ago).
Following the cleaning, hydration, warm and quiet should buy some time to wait it out if necessary. Abscesses really can be managed as long as that is the only issue. Usually they are not terribly painful other than when they are being cleaned out. I'm with Maura in that the concern that there may be something else effecting their immune system since the brother died. Unfortunately my brain automatically goes to Feline Luekemia or FIV but they don't usually show up until after the 3 month mark as well.
I've got to go back into my girl but will try to check in later.

Sorry for the delay in response - work has been CRAZY busy for the past few hours! Anyhow, I do not know how old the kitty is, all I know is she's had it for a month. It is an inside cat. She said her vet office is not open today. :( I am going to pet store to get supplies - formula, Benebac, antiseptic rinse .. anything else?

01-04-2014, 12:50 PM
Oh, and she said Bonnie was up eating and drinking, so I guess that's a good sign. :)

01-04-2014, 02:16 PM
Good sign indeed. If she has had the kitty for a month than I'll run on the assumption that it's around the 3 month mark although I still wouldn't use over the counter dewormers or flea items. on the road but want to give you as much information as possible. Kitten formula I prefer esbilac to hartz. A high quality kitten kibble meat first, cats are carnivorous, more so than dogs. This can always be softened with the formula if needed. Antiseptic wash, a syringe (helps if you need to push fluids). Personally I don't like to use cotton balls when dealing with abscesses, I find that little threads come off. I use syringes and lint free cloths or paper towels. A thermometer and some KY jelly for checking temperature. I've always used those digital ones. I put neosporin on after I clean abscesses out to help keep it open, the ointment one and without the pain stuff in it.
Triage when you get there is:
check eyes and nose. Should be clear and without any discharge.
Hydration test just like squirrel with pinch test, gums are better gauge though. Looking for pink, if you press the gum and color immediately returns not dehydrated. If gums are white, very dehydrated give formula almost constantly until hydrated.
How's BM's firm or soft.
How do the lungs sound? clear? Good, rattling then not so good.
When cleaning the sites you will get that red milky discharge at first but then slight pressure is needed to make sure that there's nothing like cottage cheese in as well. Wash it out well with Antiseptic and put neosporin on. Keep it from scabbing over. Normally vet gives pen or amox for abscess in cats. I will continued to look for dosage when I'm home. I think that should get you through for at least now. Thank you for the help you are giving :grouphug

01-05-2014, 06:31 PM
Sorry for the late update on sick kitty. I had an unexpected emergency with Angel yesterday evening. :(
Bonnie seems to be doing ok for now. She's had two days worth of antibiotics now and she is still eating and drinking. Her wound has been cleaned with antiseptic and Neosporin applied. I didn't see any white stuff in the abscess it just looks like a hole. Lungs sounded good and gums little pale but not too bad. I told her owner to keep pushing plenty of fluids. She is active and playful. :) - plans are to get her to the vet either Monday or Tuesday.
I told her owner to keep a close eye on the wound and make sure if anything white appears that she cleanses it well.

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped and giving me advice on how to help Bonnie. :thankyou you have no idea how much I appreciate it. :Love_Icon

01-05-2014, 10:58 PM
Sorry for the late update on sick kitty. I had an unexpected emergency with Angel yesterday evening. :(
Bonnie seems to be doing ok for now. She's had two days worth of antibiotics now and she is still eating and drinking. Her wound has been cleaned with antiseptic and Neosporin applied. I didn't see any white stuff in the abscess it just looks like a hole. Lungs sounded good and gums little pale but not too bad. I told her owner to keep pushing plenty of fluids. She is active and playful. :) - plans are to get her to the vet either Monday or Tuesday.
I told her owner to keep a close eye on the wound and make sure if anything white appears that she cleanses it well.

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped and giving me advice on how to help Bonnie. :thankyou you have no idea how much I appreciate it. :Love_Icon
Thank you for the update. Will continue to pray and hope for the best outcome. :grouphug