View Full Version : aggressive grooming

11-25-2013, 06:47 PM
Okie dokie. So as adorable and sweet as Trooper's grooming me has been he is now getting aggressive with it. Meaning he will try to do that little squirrel microdermabrasion thing on my nose and eyebrows and while yes I could probably use a nose job and my eyebrows did need grooming....I would rather not have squirrel teeth nibbling away at my face. He is also doing this with my hands. The aggressive part is if I tell him no he tries to get to my face and hands harder, bites harder, and makes his little I'm pissed noise. Before he even tries the first time I know he is going to because he gets all sweet and snuggly and plays with my hair. I understand its an affection thing. But how do I get him to not do that on my face without pissing him off further? I tried the stern no. I've tried the squeak I use when he bites too hard during play. I've simply pushed him away. Nothing works. help!:thankyou

Sweet Simon's Mommy
11-25-2013, 07:00 PM
I think he is singing to you...........

11-25-2013, 07:07 PM
Wow :dono it appears he's trying to dominate you ...I'd hold him snugly against my chest where he can't move and talk to him....silly talk....but show you are in control ...no anger....just control...then let him go and if he does it again...you do it again. It may take a few tries :tilt If that doesn't discourage him then I'd try the old bait and switch..have something he really likes or wants and when he starts with the hair entice him with the other..distraction :grin3 Good luck :dono it's hard to discourage them from what they are intent on doing:eek :Love_Icon