View Full Version : found a baby flyer in the house... help

11-20-2013, 11:19 PM
well we found a baby flyer in the the house a couple of days ago and decided to try to keep him because its getting pretty cold in michigan right now and letting him go would probly mean he would die, but correct me if im wrong, im not sure of the age of him or her but is definatly not and adult, like i said we decided to keep him. Any tips for bonding and how to tell how old he is, i read somewhere not to keep them after there 8 weeks, but can bonding still be done after this period. any replies as soon as possible thanks

11-20-2013, 11:23 PM
Are his eyes open? Is there any way for you to weigh him? That's the only way to tell for sure their age.

If he's not being hostile towards you and your family, I'd say give it a shot..it'd be better than it being alone out in the Michigan cold. What are you feeding him?

11-20-2013, 11:38 PM
well now that i read around on here for a bit seems like im feeding him or her more treats than actual good food, but right now we are feeding him rabbit mix but you have to understand we've only had him for 3 days now so we needed somthing for him to eat right away but now after being on here ill change his diet, he's not hostile he will let us pet him, but he wont let up pick him up, and yes his eyes are open, ive been using a bonding pouch after work but i work 2nd and i heard its better to have them in there during the day when there sleepy and not so active, we have him in a small terarium right now but we have a large cage that we had our pet coon in, thats what he will be going into once he lets us handle him a little more than now, i dont have a good way to weigh him either

11-20-2013, 11:50 PM
I would not put him in a raccoon used cage. It is good protocol to not use raccoon cages for squirrels of any kind. Unless the raccoon was regularly wormed before and during the use of the cage, I would not use it for squirrels.

Raccoons carry a roundworm that isn't fatal to them in a moderate infestation, but it is not only transferable to humans, but if the parasites are ingested by squirrels, it goes into their brain and causes damage eventually killing them. It is not pretty.

And the only way I have heard to sterilize a raccoon cage for other animal is to blow torch it, yes, not bleach, not antiseptic, but fire, and that's a pain in the you know what, and how many people do you know that actually have a blow torch?
The larvae of the raccoon roundworm is supposed to be super resilient. :eek

I would definately offer this baby formula, and good rodent block, veggies, and some type of protein, mealworms, boiled egg, etc. and mushrooms... the bonding pouch is a good idea.

Does this baby have a greasy look?? Flyer babies look greasy until they learn to groom themselves well. I'm not an expert on flyers only what I've learned on here and I've had one for a period of time.

We need pictures too!!!:poke

island rehabber
11-21-2013, 06:10 AM
I would not put him in a raccoon used cage. It is good protocol to not use raccoon cages for squirrels of any kind. Unless the raccoon was regularly wormed before and during the use of the cage, I would not use it for squirrels.

Raccoons carry a roundworm that isn't fatal to them in a moderate infestation, but it is not only transferable to humans, but if the parasites are ingested by squirrels, it goes into their brain and causes damage eventually killing them. It is not pretty.

And the only way I have heard to sterilize a raccoon cage for other animal is to blow torch it, yes, not bleach, not antiseptic, but fire, and that's a pain in the you know what, and how many people do you know that actually have a blow torch?
The larvae of the raccoon roundworm is supposed to be super resilient. :eek

:goodpost Please, please, this is REHAB 101. NEVER re-use a raccoon cage for ANYTHING but another raccoon! And BLOW TORCH is the only way to sterilize a raccoon cage. Trust me, this is a question on every wildlife rehabilitation exam on the planet because it is so important.
Henry's Pets sells a cage that is perfect for flying squirrels: www.henryspets.com

11-21-2013, 07:46 AM
Here are pictures of ages, bonding info and more. Skul has an excellent post on age by weight. :Love_Icon flyers!


11-21-2013, 10:38 PM
it still isnt safe for him to use the coon cage even though its been sitting for over a year outside now, his fur isnt greasy but very shiny and very soft, i have also changed what i was feeding him right after i posted that last night i ran to meijers and got some fresh veggies that were said to be good for them, carrots, celery, brussel sprouts, mushrooms(not canned), broccoli, coliflower,and watercress. I will be getting a rodent block some time this weekend, since i work second pet stores arent open lol. thanks for all the info and i'll try to get pics so maybe someone can tell me the age of him or her

11-21-2013, 11:06 PM
sorry there pretty bad my cell sucks but i think you should be able to see him

11-22-2013, 01:04 AM
Aw, so cute!! :Love_Icon