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11-16-2013, 03:33 PM
I've been aware of this site for a few years now and read many posts, but only made myself a member recently. I live in a western Pa city and rent a house and am not allowed a pet so i've adopted the local squirrels. I have 4 - 6 that are regulars and that recognize me. I also have a flock of sparrows that i feed and some of the food crosses over to the squirrels. I buy Pennington Classic bird seed, a premium fruit and nut blend bird seed, and also put out about 6 slices of a premium wheat type bread for the birds which some of the squirrels will try to drag up a tree as the crust breaks. For the squirrels i buy mostly raw unsalted peanuts but also buy shelled pecans, walnuts, and almonds which i put out in smaller amounts than the peanuts in the shell. YES i've read alot about nutrition and tried many things for these wild squirrels to eat.
Grapes.... they wouldn't touch them
Pumpkin(cooking) i sliced up some and put it out with the seeds middle stuff in another pile.... they wouldn't touch it.
Coconuts.. i saw 1 in 1/2 and screw it to the tree so they can't drag it away.... some will eat it some won't.
baby carrots raw... won't touch it.
Rodent food... bought some at a pet store chain... they wouldn't eat it plus it falls apart when rained on.
I know i may get some heat for what i feed my squirrels but they are wild in a city and are lucky to live 2-3 years with the weather, cars. kids. adults, cats. etc. At least my squirrels look healthy and i don't think a squirrel can be more happy than when they have a nut to find a place to hide. These harmless innocent creatures are born into a cruel world and only have a couple years to figure out how to survive. At least mine have someone they seem happy to see and they know me and even what car i drive and maybe they don't have the correct nutrition, but in their short lifetime they don't know hunger. The squirrel i posted pics of was a special one...she had no fear of me and would sit beside me until i gave her a nut to run off and hide. the pics were taken about 12 inches from her. The last pics i have of her show nipples and she had a distinctive chunk taken out of her right ear so i knew it was her for sure. Haven't seen her for 2 yrs now so know she's gone, but i miss that squirrel and think i know which one is her child. Funny that if you can reconnect with beings in the after life... there are few people i would care to see again and that includes family but there are some pets i would really like to see and again hopefully be able to talk to.

11-16-2013, 03:55 PM
No, they sound like lucky wild squirrels. The ones that are captive have ONLY what we give them to eat, they don't have all of outdoors to find things in addition to what we give them. Your wilds love what you provide, an exotic treat, but they eat all sorts of wild food to balance it out. My only quibble would be with the peanuts. I would feed roasted vs raw. Peanuts can have problems with aflatoxins - a mold - and while roasting will not kill it, it does dry the kernel out which tends to retard mold growth. So they aren't 100% safe but they ARE safer than raw.

11-16-2013, 04:03 PM
For about a 2 month period i was buying the roasted unsalted when Walmart was out of the raw. I don't think the squirrels minded or didn't act like there was any difference. I just thought that roasting might take away some nutrients. Thanks for your info!

11-16-2013, 04:05 PM
:Welcome to the squirrel board :Welcome

11-16-2013, 04:21 PM
For about a 2 month period i was buying the roasted unsalted when Walmart was out of the raw. I don't think the squirrels minded or didn't act like there was any difference. I just thought that roasting might take away some nutrients. Thanks for your info!

I did look into buying bulk peanuts... 25 or 50 lb and it turned out to be cheaper to buy the 1lb bags at Walmart.

11-16-2013, 04:34 PM
My wild squirrel Peanut is picky too. She gets only a few peanuts, mainly walnuts and pecans. I just ordered some Henry's Healthy Wild Bites so she can get her vitamins. Hopefully she will eat them! If not, guess I will be ordering different ones for her to try. I know what you mean about one certain squirrel being special. I feed alot of squirrels in the park where she lives, but none are as smart and trusting as Peanut seems to be:tilt I cherish every time I get to spend with her :Love_Icon Like you, I am trying to help her out in life and hopefully make her able to live longer.

Charley Chuckles
11-16-2013, 07:48 PM
:Welcome So great to see you here and pics please :grin3 Oh trust me I will be seeing my CC at the Rainbow bridge no doubt about it :thumbsup and many many more :grouphug oh maybe some people too tinfoil