View Full Version : Rodent Blocks

11-15-2013, 01:25 PM
So I went to mix up Trooper's hhbs and veggies this morning and noticed the block was a different color. I looked a bit closer and ....mold. I checked the bag and towards the bottom....mold. Seriously a brand new bag. But I threw it away and just gave extra veggies this morning. I ordered more but in the mean time what rodent blocks do you reccomend that I could get from a pets store such as PetsMart or Jacks Aquarium and Pets ...literally that's all that is around me at the moment. Please and thank you!

11-15-2013, 01:49 PM
Look for some Mazuri Rodent Blocks....... :thumbsup

11-15-2013, 02:25 PM
Mazuri, Oxbow Regal Rat or Kaytee Forti-Diet for Rodents (blue bag). Trooper might not eat the new blocks but if you have to you could mix them with something while you wait for new HHBs.
Please tell the owner of HHBs about the mold issue.

Also, when you say "brand new bag", how old were these HHBs exactly? Two days? One week? Two weeks?
Did you store them in the fridge?

11-16-2013, 06:39 AM
Hello! I did email hhb and by new I mean I received them Monday afternoon and yes they were in the fridge. I already received the email saying my new order has shipped so I'm hoping to get them really soon. I just want the other rodent blocks here to have at least something with his veggies. I hate how limited the choices are around here! About the only thing I can find is the kaytee! Blue bag. I'm hoping no one else had that problem. With all the animal food recalls I've been seeing lately we don't need to add another to the list! But thank you again for your recommendations!

island rehabber
11-16-2013, 06:57 AM
Hello! I did email hhb and by new I mean I received them Monday afternoon and yes they were in the fridge. I already received the email saying my new order has shipped so I'm hoping to get them really soon. I just want the other rodent blocks here to have at least something with his veggies. I hate how limited the choices are around here! About the only thing I can find is the kaytee! Blue bag. I'm hoping no one else had that problem. With all the animal food recalls I've been seeing lately we don't need to add another to the list! But thank you again for your recommendations!

Believe it or not, Ellymay, I am in a borough of New York City and I have the same problem. We have NO Walmart anywhere near here. We have no Petsmart. Only Petco, and Petland discount and I'm lucky if they have one bag left of the Kay-Tee when I get there. Nobody sells Mazuri or Zupreem blocks either, although I hear in other boroughs (Queens, Brooklyn) they are in every pet store for a decent price. I feel as if I'm living on the moon sometimes.

11-16-2013, 07:17 AM
I keep my homemade HHB stored in the freezer. As small as they are, by the time I get the other foods prepped they are thawed.

11-17-2013, 04:28 PM
Not meaning to highjack, but a question. Do squirrel mom's hide a full winter's supply in the nest or does she go out and dig up food? Just wondering if mold is a real concern. I would have tossed them as well, but I've watched my dog bury meat and dig it up weeks or months later and eat it. Carnivores, omnivores, and vegetarian animals are obviously "plumbed" up differently, but is mold really a problem?

11-17-2013, 04:44 PM
My outdoor squirrels do not keep food in their nest boxes :dono My inside squirrels do :dono I think outside it would attract other squirrels that would raid their nests :thumbsup

11-17-2013, 04:53 PM
I store all HHBs including open bags in the freezer. I take two blocks out of the bag every morning and give them to Sammy either frozen or a few minutes later, just cool.

11-17-2013, 06:53 PM
Me too, but my little dude just nibbles, so he only gets small pieces. Just wondering if mold is a problem, given their normal environment.

11-17-2013, 06:55 PM
There are so many different types of mold that some are bad and others (blue cheese?) are fine. I guess it is just a situation of not taking any chances. Mold can be lethal in some cases.