View Full Version : Stroke?
11-10-2013, 04:24 PM
Can revolution be responsible for an apparent stroke in a neuro? A friend of mine has a squirrel she just brought in that had bad mange, middle grade neuro issues and a broken ankle. I went there to dose it with revolution for the mange. This morning she is paralized on one side. Even the eye on that side is effected. Was it the revolution or did it just stem from her already present neuro issues?
11-10-2013, 04:32 PM
Most info says Revolution shouldn't be used on sick, debilitated or underweight animals.
but I also found this on
Rapid Breathing/Panting- Because Revolution enters the blood stream, it can sometimes have a negative effect on your pets heart. In a small majority of pets, this can cause hypertension, which can lead to stroke or heart attach. If you notice these your pet is panting excessively or breathing very rapidly, take them into the near vet as soon as possible.
Hope that baby is going to be ok. :grouphug
11-10-2013, 04:33 PM
Can revolution be responsible for an apparent stroke in a neuro? A friend of mine has a squirrel she just brought in that had bad mange, middle grade neuro issues and a broken ankle. I went there to dose it with revolution for the mange. This morning she is paralized on one side. Even the eye on that side is effected. Was it the revolution or did it just stem from her already present neuro issues?
Maybe others with more experience can chime in, but I have never heard of this with Revolution. Normal reaction to neurotoxins of this type would be frothing and seizures (my experience is with cats and Hartz Gold Flea medicine (Grrrrr). They all started frothing at the mouth and seized up. I immediately applied milk to the affected area (the area I applied the stuff to) and within a few minutes, all but one was better. The other took about 30 minutes to stop frothing at the mouth).
Edit - Fireweed posted just before me, so disregard my post.
11-10-2013, 05:13 PM
Ok thanks. I will pass the info on to the keeper.
Jackie in Tampa
11-11-2013, 04:55 AM
If you suspect head trauma, no heat should be used other than a temporary rice buddy to get his temp level stable.
I had Willie that came in with nuero issues and had stroke after stroke after seizure after seizure...he is crook necked now and blind in one eye, otherwise he is doing great.
He came in with fly eggs, crisp ears and fleas, we used capstar for sure. He seized all night but had a gran mal for one hour and ten minutes straight, it was the longest seizure I had ever experienced, poor guy had a rough tough first night here... the vet determined he had a fractured skull & can check for pupil dilation..push nutrition to help with healing.
Hope this ends well.
If you need more info Wendy, email me please.
Jackie in Tampa
11-11-2013, 05:52 AM
one more quicky thought...
if front paws are clenched in a fist, chances are big... you are dealing with severe brain damage.
11-11-2013, 01:33 PM
As far as I know they didn't witness a seizure. They just noticed that she was no longer using that side in the morning. The night before she seemed to be having a slight bit more difficulty getting around. Thank you jackie for your reply. That poor little you had! An hour and ten minute seizure? That's a really long one! The hand clenching,is that during the seizure or the aftermath that you are referring to?
Jackie in Tampa
11-11-2013, 01:41 PM
As far as I know they didn't witness a seizure. They just noticed that she was no longer using that side in the morning. The night before she seemed to be having a slight bit more difficulty getting around. Thank you jackie for your reply. That poor little you had! An hour and ten minute seizure? That's a really long one! The hand clenching,is that during the seizure or the aftermath that you are referring to?
continuous fist...they just keep them clenched.... nothing to do with a seizure...
however seizures can do severe permanent damage to the point of brain damage...
never use heat with any suspected head trauma either...
my vet shared with me about the clenched fists and so far it has been spot on.
Hope this sq gets better, I am here if I can help.
11-17-2013, 06:33 AM
I talked to my friend that has the squirrel. She says she is improving a little and her appetite is strong. It's a good sign.
11-17-2013, 06:56 AM
Thank heavens! So glad to hear that there is at least some improvement.:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
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