View Full Version : Hello

11-06-2013, 08:46 PM
I have been on here now for a few weeks and have really enjoyed reading and learning so much. I have a squirrel, her name is Kipper. She has been with me now for about 7 months. I have had her since she was around 3-4 weeks old. She is a huge part of our family now. She is so sweet and entertaining. I have had to do a lot of research on how to take care of her. Wish I had found this place when she was a baby. I was one that was feeding the wrong diet and she started having little seizures. I research and found out that she needed calcium and vitamin d so off to petsmart I went. I was feeding her way to many nuts. Since being on here I have learned about Henry's healthy pets and have ordered the food for picky squirrels. I did exactly what I had read about how to get her to start eating it. It has been about a week now and she is eating her healthy food so good. I only give nuts as a treat now. I also ordered the peanut treats, she's not warmed up to those yet, but in time I feel sure she will! I am so thankful to have found this place and become a member. Thanks for ALL the wonderful advice. Looking forward to learning more. I just LOVE being a squirrel mommy and I am so happy to finally know what I should be feeding her to keep her healthy!!! Thanks everyone!! :thankyou

11-06-2013, 08:52 PM

Glad you're here and that TSB has helped your baby. Tell us all about her and please post pics!

11-06-2013, 09:17 PM
Wonderful to hear that you are learing and getting helpful information here! :Welcome

11-09-2013, 03:50 PM
thank you. I have a lot to learn!

11-09-2013, 05:02 PM
:Welcome:Welcome to TSB always glad to
have more SC members.:thumbsup What part of the
state are you located in? I'm in the upstate.

Love to see pics of Kipper. I'm always willing
to help in any way I can. Again welcome to TSB!

11-09-2013, 08:35 PM
:Welcome So glad that you found us and that being here has helped Kipper on the road to being healthy and happy. We are really into a good diet for all our littles.
We also love those pictures and look forward to seeing Kipper in many, many of your pictures!:grin3
Please never hesitate to ask any and all questions.