View Full Version : hello everyone

11-06-2013, 08:55 AM
My name is Peggy and squeaky is my squirrel. He is approx 14 weeks old now I have had him since he was a few days old. He fell out of the nest and my husband found him while mowing the lawn. He is a big part of the family now!!!

11-06-2013, 09:27 AM
:Welcome Glad to have you here. There is lots of information on the boards for squirrel nutrition and care so you and Squeaky can have a great success story.

11-06-2013, 09:37 AM
Hi, and welcome to TSB! :wave123 Tell us more about Squeaky, don't leave us hanging! :grin
We want to know all the details! Also, and importantly, tell us about his diet. It's essential you feed Squeaky the best diet possible, so if there's anything we can help you tweak, let's do it now for his best chance at health!

Oh, and please, pretty please, and because we are a little crazy about pictures:

11-06-2013, 10:06 AM
Klunkage is pics so cute we fall over and go KLUNK. lol.


11-06-2013, 10:06 AM
:Welcome So happy you found us :thumbsup:grin2. Indeed we need all the pictures you can provide :poke:crazy!

11-06-2013, 11:09 AM
Pics! :poke

Also check out diet tips on this forum. Diet is the #1 thing you can do to Squeaky happy and healthy. Many people mistakenly feed too many nuts and other things which can lead to MBD which can be fatal over time.

11-15-2013, 09:30 AM

I am so happy to get so many responses I feel so welcome. Right now I am feeding squeaky the rodent block from petco along with a combination of walnuts,pecans, and some banana chips. I mix up the nuts and buy different ones but he is picky he loves the walnuts. He doesn't care for pine nuts but when he first started to wean off the formula I bought those for his baby teeth. We also bring in acorns from outside for a treat and give him fresh fruits and veggies such as apples and cherry tomatoes. I try to give him a variety with the block as the mainstay. He is 17 weeks old now and full of personality!!!!

11-15-2013, 11:30 AM
Love all those pictures, what a great looking squirrel.
Do go to and read the healty diet. What you have listed is not a good diet and will eventually take it's toll on his health. His diet should consist of mainly vegetables with nuts and fruit very limited as treats.

11-15-2013, 11:36 AM
I think that Anne meant to say that a high quality rodent block in combination with veggies should be the basis of the diet. Here's the healthy diet chart. Please review it and follow it or tragedy will ensue:


Please note that pine nuts are one of the very worst things you can feed a squirrel.

What kind of rodent block are you feeding? Some are complete crap.

11-15-2013, 12:31 PM
Yes, :thankyou farrelli!

11-15-2013, 12:31 PM
[QUOTE=squeaky;951336]I am feeding squeaky the rodent block from petco along with a combination of walnuts,pecans, and some banana chips. We also bring in acorns from outside for a treat and give him fresh fruits and veggies such as apples and cherry tomatoes. the block as the mainstay[/QUO

Is the block like 75 to 80 percent of what he's eating?

Then like 20 % healthy veggies and one nut per day and one small piece of fruit per day.

We only tell you this because inside squirrel do not have the advantage of wild squirrels with the sunlight and variety of wild foods (you'd be surprised at what all they eat in the wild), so they get a balanced diet in the wild with plenty of sunshine for vitamin D which is important for calcium absorption.

Captive squirrels can develop a condition called metabolic bone disease when their diet is wrong, too much phosphorus (which is in extremely high quantity in nuts and acorns) can actually block the absorption of calcium in other foods (block) and cause calcium to be leeched from their bones.

This causes brittle bones, hairline fractures, seizures, and eventually death. It is a very long process to reverse.

Get him on a good diet now, they have already given you the link to the healthy diet pyramid. Follow it closely and you will have a happy healthy squirrel for a long time.

Also if you can give him 30 minutes or more of sunshine in an outdoor enclosure a day, that will help with his calcium absorption.

He's adorable, and :Welcome to TSB!!

11-15-2013, 02:59 PM
Thank you for all the great advice. I will post the type of block later I will get him some of the good veggies today from the pyramid colums 1 & 2. What does TSB mean?????:thankyou....duh I figured it out......