View Full Version : New squirrel mommy

10-24-2013, 10:08 AM
My hubby found a baby squirrel about 5 weeks ago, he was about 3 weeks then. I have been giving him esbilac and he has done very well, he is now still on esbilac about 3 to 4 times a day and I give him henry's squirrel blocks 2 x a day as well, he is very active and happy now. I until we build a bigger cage have him in a nice iron cage with 3 levels and stands about 5 ft by 3 ft. Anyhow we love him so much as I am sure you all get attached. I live in a nice tree area however we live on a very busy main street. I just do not feel comfortable releasing him for both of the above reasons. We are renting right now and I would never want to leave him behind we are about 6 to 8 months from buying our own home, at that point I would consider releasing him. I do not want to be selfish but I do worry about him as he is my baby now... any helpful and nice comments are appreciated

10-24-2013, 10:19 AM
Hi, Lindsay - where are you located? I'm in Orlando and have a few that are ready to head out into my pre-release cage. If you're close to Central FL I'll be more than happy to take him and release him safely with my other kids.

10-24-2013, 10:35 AM
Hi, Lindsay - where are you located? I'm in Orlando and have a few that are ready to head out into my pre-release cage. If you're close to Central FL I'll be more than happy to take him and release him safely with my other kids.

I am in Jacksonville, not sure if he is ready to release. I wanted to see how many of you guys give forever homes to the squirrels as we ( me and my hubby) want to keep him as long as he wants us to before release if ever ? we are certainly willing to accommodate his needs to the best of our ability.

10-24-2013, 10:53 AM
Many people overwinter before release, so I don't think you should be in a rush.

Most people here have pet squirrels but I think that most are unreleasable (NR). the fear with keeping them is that they will become unhappy or wild up. Most do get very antsy, even mean and destructive around sexual maturity and every mating season thereafter. You should be prepared to have to release through the "soft release" process at that point if they don't calm back down or become unhappy and depressed. From everything that I have seen though, most seem to calm back down after a few days or even a couple months in some occasions. If you want to keep it as a pet though, you will have to be prepared that they can be destructive, they're mischievous, they misbehave, they poop and pee everywhere, they have a somewhat expensive diet, your life will become very limited in terms of vacations and such because they need constant care and getting a trusted squirrel sitter is very difficult, they will need plenty of out of cage time and most people seem to either give them full run of the house or their own room. Basically, they are exceptionally high maintenance and need a ton of time and energy to keep healthy and happy.

And while I'm here, here is the link to a healthy diet, which is THE most important thing.


10-24-2013, 10:55 AM
Oh, and for god's sake, do not be one of these people who intends to keep them forever and then has to dump them later on. It can ruin their lives, especially if they have become habituated to dogs and especially cats. We see a lot of this where they either want to dump them outside or on one of us because they became too much trouble, they had to move, they're poor, etc.

10-24-2013, 11:10 AM
Oh, and for god's sake, do not be one of these people who intends to keep them forever and then has to dump them later on. It can ruin their lives, especially if they have become habituated to dogs and especially cats. We see a lot of this where they either want to dump them outside or on one of us because they became too much trouble, they had to move, they're poor, etc.

I understand completely I am a vet tech and have seen stuff similar...My idea is to build him an outdoor permanent cage once we buy our house next year, that way in hopes he can still always come home if he wants. I have a friend who works for wildlife coalition but she has many permanent pets of all sorts and I can give him more attention than she can. I really want to look for a way he will be most happy, and we can still see him sometimes.. Right now no doubt he will get hit by a car do to the road we live on.

10-24-2013, 11:35 AM
I had a very similar situation with Lenny. We ended up overwintering because he was a late fall baby and by the time the spring came, it was VERY evident he really wanted to be in the trees. It's my understanding that most do, although there are exceptions. I am posting a link to Lenny's story in case it may help. By the way, glad to see someone else who spells Lindsay the "right" way! :grin3


Lennysmom aka Lindsay

10-24-2013, 11:44 AM
I had a very similar situation with Lenny. We ended up overwintering because he was a late fall baby and by the time the spring came, it was VERY evident he really wanted to be in the trees. It's my understanding that most do, although there are exceptions. I am posting a link to Lenny's story in case it may help. By the way, glad to see someone else who spells Lindsay the "right" way! :grin3


Lennysmom aka Lindsay

Oh yes I read it this morning, I am in exactly your situation. How did you do it ? It breaks my heart thinking about him "out there" but I do think he would be happier, my husband is really attached too and he makes me feel bad when I talk about releasing him when its time. He always asks me oh you don't want him and that is sooooo not the case I just want what's best for him...BTW I admire you for what you have done with lenny!!

10-24-2013, 11:50 AM
They can be very happy inside, it's all just very individual. Several of us have commented on the fact that indoor squirrels are the only ones we really ever see so playful, relaxed, and genuinely happy. The ones outdoors just have such difficult and short lives. You can try to keep him and then release later on if he seems unhappy and it proves to be something that doesn't pass. He could be released for probably up to two years, as long as he's not habituated to cats and wouldn't jump on people. You just have to be sure that you know what you're getting into.

10-24-2013, 12:03 PM
I had a very similar situation with Lenny. We ended up overwintering because he was a late fall baby and by the time the spring came, it was VERY evident he really wanted to be in the trees. It's my understanding that most do, although there are exceptions. I am posting a link to Lenny's story in case it may help. By the way, glad to see someone else who spells Lindsay the "right" way! :grin3


Lennysmom aka Lindsay

I forgot to mention we live on a fairly busy road, but thankfully we have close to an acre of woods behind our house and he has never ventured out that way. But it was a tough decision. If you are moving though and you plan to release, it might be a good idea to wait and release there if possible.

10-24-2013, 12:11 PM
They can be very happy inside, it's all just very individual. Several of us have commented on the fact that indoor squirrels are the only ones we really ever see so playful, relaxed, and genuinely happy. The ones outdoors just have such difficult and short lives. You can try to keep him and then release later on if he seems unhappy and it proves to be something that doesn't pass. He could be released for probably up to two years, as long as he's not habituated to cats and wouldn't jump on people. You just have to be sure that you know what you're getting into.

thank you for the advice it is very needed, appreciated and helpful. :thumbsup I was thinking about that all along that way I know I tried to do what is best for him. I wish he could tell me what he wants , but maybe he will later on ...lol

10-24-2013, 12:14 PM
I forgot to mention we live on a fairly busy road, but thankfully we have close to an acre of woods behind our house and he has never ventured out that way. But it was a tough decision. If you are moving though and you plan to release, it might be a good idea to wait and release there if possible.

Yes if we do release it will be when we move I will be sure to buy away from the traffic...I hate all the traffic where we currently live I see squirrels that have been hit too often it is soo sad, people do not slow down for them.:Squirrel

10-24-2013, 12:18 PM
I forgot to mention we live on a fairly busy road, but thankfully we have close to an acre of woods behind our house and he has never ventured out that way. But it was a tough decision. If you are moving though and you plan to release, it might be a good idea to wait and release there if possible.

Oh I meant to ask you,, can you give me some good ideas to keep him busy when he is in his cage so fat we have limbs, a pinecone, a peek a boo hammock, chew toys (guinea pig) a tennis ball and his own baby squirrel toy and of course his food and water. was thinking about getting him a running wheel ..a solid one so he cant hurt his feet or tail.

10-24-2013, 12:48 PM
I think a lot of people use Wodent Wheels.

Ropes are great along with cuttle bones, deer antlers, black walnuts and hickory nuts (both take forever to gnaw through and I think are now on offer by some members on the board).

And here's some furnishings:


10-24-2013, 01:13 PM
I think a lot of people use Wodent Wheels.

Ropes are great along with cuttle bones, deer antlers, black walnuts and hickory nuts (both take forever to gnaw through and I think are now on offer by some members on the board).

And here's some furnishings:



10-24-2013, 01:46 PM
I also might add bird ladders and those little kabob things they make for hamsters and ferrets with different colored and shaped wooden blocks - that was Lenny's favorite - he spent hours chewing on it and figuring out how to get them off so he could hide them all around the cage! :grin2 Also, cat trees are good for them to climb on - just be creative! In the end, Lenny's very favorite activity outside the cage was climbing a tree limb and nibbling on the buds! Go figure! :rotfl
Have fun with with your little one and take lots of pics! We love squirrel pics here on TSB!

10-24-2013, 02:20 PM
Definitely overwinter him; you would have had to do that anyway :). It sounds like you have thought through really well. I like the idea of a big outdoor cage then he has the choice where he goes.

House hunting should be fun, lol you both will be thinking like squirrels and probably looking more for what is OUTSIDE the house then the house itself :grin3

10-24-2013, 03:36 PM
Definitely overwinter him; you would have had to do that anyway :). It sounds like you have thought through really well. I like the idea of a big outdoor cage then he has the choice where he goes.

House hunting should be fun, lol you both will be thinking like squirrels and probably looking more for what is OUTSIDE the house then the house itself :grin3


10-25-2013, 04:04 PM