View Full Version : Rehabber vs. Vet? Also referral for San Jose, CA?

10-17-2013, 01:57 PM
Can someone please explain the differences/pros and cons of going to a wildlife rehabber vs. a vet? I’m not too sure where I should be taking my 6 month+/- old Sid. His MBD has relapsed :-/ and it looks like his spinal alignment is off, kind of like scoliosis, so I really need to get him checked out.

I've seen posts that give me the impression many vets know very little about squirrels, but aren’t there vets out there that do have this specific knowledge? I’m scarred rehabbers will try to take him? I've seen the links to lists of rehabbers in my area which I've looked over, but thought I’d check with you guys first. Thanks for your help!!!

By the way, I’m located in the Bay Area of California (ie San Jose/Santa Cruz), so if anyone has a specific referral for this general area, please pass the info along. Thanks again.

~Nora, Mike, & Sid

The updated links for Wildlife Rehabbers listed by State (A-M & N-Z) is here http://wildliferehabinfo.org/ContactList_MnPg.htm

12-10-2013, 07:32 PM
Just noticed this post. Has anyone responded to you all this time ?

island rehabber
12-10-2013, 08:30 PM
Oh jeez -- this thread got lost in the rehabber info forum and I never caught it. Damn.

12-11-2013, 12:24 PM
This thread varies so much from state to state that it can't really be answered here. I live in Florida and having a pet squirrel here is legal, it isn't legal in many states. The best way to answer you is this:
Find out if your state is a legal state.
Find a rehabber or a vet in your state. Do not give them your name or location and ask about your concern(problem) and ask what to do about taking care of the issue. Many rehabbers will try to help you. Almost very vet will insist that you bring your squirrel into the office.
If you happen to live in a state that it is illegal to have a squirrel, most will try to take it from you. Some states see grey squirrels as illegal-I know Washington state does this, there was just recently a squirrel turned over in Washington state that was euthanized! That's why you don't want to give your name or location!

12-11-2013, 01:59 PM
Its been a while, I hope the OP responds and lets us know what has happened. It was a great question.
I could write a lot, good and bad on both sides. But have limited time right now. And there are some delicate aspects involved, that I am sure would be debated here. I would say, the old adage, measure twice and cut once, is not adequate here. Got to measure more!

California Squirrel Lover
12-11-2013, 02:31 PM
Oh no, they posted almost two months ago, I wonder what happened? I'm in the Berkeley area, east bay area, maybe 60-90 minutes away from this person. I'd like to look again into what's available in the bay area, as far as rehab facilities and possible vets who would treat a squirrel. I've been thinking about this lately and wondering how to go about finding a vet who would work with a squirrel. If I'm remembering right, I thought a small rehab place in Oakland CA, who only works with babies in need, lists a vet you can go to if you have an adult in need?? I've got to look it up. I also recently learned of another wildlife rehab facility not far from me that I'd never heard of. I'd like to help by trying to get some resources lined up and give you guys names, phone numbers, and addresses, so admin can add to a list.

I'm worried about this person who posted, Nora.Mike&Sid. If they're dealing with MBD, I 'm wondering what's happened, what's going on??

12-11-2013, 05:09 PM
CSL, have you PM'd them? Perhaps have an Admin email them?

California Squirrel Lover
12-11-2013, 06:12 PM
Good point farrelli, THANK YOU! I just sent them a PM, and asked if they would check back in on the thread they started, and I'd be looking for it, and help get it to someone's attention. I hope they check back in, and I hope Sid is ok. Thanks for mentioning this, my head's in too many directions.

12-11-2013, 06:18 PM
I emailed the person who started the thread to come on back.:thumbsup