View Full Version : Activities

10-16-2013, 08:34 PM
My little guy is really getting big now and active too! I used to be able to hold him and snuggle him but now its like he just wants to climb on me and take off! I'm afraid to get him out of his cage now since hes so active and I don't know if he will take off on me. I have a kitten and now a basset hound that will sniff him out in a second. I don't want to take the chance of him disappearing, even worse getting hurt :( I can play with him in his cage but he will try to climb up my arm and out!
I need suggestions on what I can do for him to keep him active? I have pieces of wood, boxes and the even some of the fiberfill to have him build a nest. I've given him leaves and acorns to make him feel more "at home" Maybe I worry too much. I miss the time I did have with him. Any suggestions?

10-16-2013, 08:42 PM
Is there any way to allow him out to roam in a "safe" room away from the dog and cat? Climbing ropes in the cage, branches to climb and chew are always fun. What about adding a wheel? Mine always like to play in large cardboard tubes too or even shred a toilet paper tube.

10-16-2013, 11:14 PM
How old is he? Is he going to be released? When? Does he have any stuffed animals (no hard eyes or beans to bite off and choke on).

10-17-2013, 01:40 PM
I think hes roughly 3 months old thats how long we have had him. 4 tops. I do allow him out in a cage outside but I havent yet built one for him. Im thinking that needs to happen really soon. Yes he does have toys to play with, like a stuffed fishy and even a rolled up sock to wrestle with. TP tubes and things to climb on. Hes just really restless. I will take him upstairs in my room tonight without fear of other animals. I miss the times we used to snuggle and play together. Im just so fearful he will take off and I wont find him :( I love him so much and if anything happened to him Id lose it
How old is he? Is he going to be released? When? Does he have any stuffed animals (no hard eyes or beans to bite off and choke on).

10-17-2013, 02:38 PM
They often return to cuddle form in time. :)