View Full Version : "Digging" in her water dish?

10-15-2013, 12:22 PM
My 7 month old grey squirrel Murphy has recently started a behavior I've never seen before, although I've never kept one inside this long.. She is blind in her left eye and has trouble with a water-spout bottle so she has a little water dish set into the corner of her cage so that it is at "ground level" like a pond or puddle would be in the wild.. Normally, she drops some of her veggies in there, I fish them out, clean the dish and give her fresh water two or 3 times a day. (she has me very well trained, lol). She drinks from it very well, and has no trouble with it.. but the last few days, she's been trying like mad to "dig" in the water! She ends up soaking wet, and her little paws are just flying.. throwing water all over heck! It's funny to watch, but she seems disturbed after a dig session.. Is this "normal" squirrel behavior? At first I thought that she was trying to wash some sticky off her paws.. My husband bought her a fake "log" hollow thing from the pet store- it says on the package "100% edible- for small rodents".. He is always freaking out because she chews anything wood up to bits.. he thought if she ate this it would be better for her than eating wood..(lol).. it turns out the thing was made with ground up alfalfa and honey... Needless to say, I took it away, but she had already played with it and chewed it up pretty badly. I was thinking it may have gotten honey/sticky junk on her paws... but it's been gone or a few days now and she is still trying to dig her way to the Mississippi through her water dish.. any ideas/thoughts?