View Full Version : Please, please, re-size your pix!

island rehabber
10-11-2013, 10:48 PM
TSB loves pix. It's what makes us unique amongst other squirrel message boards and wildlife sites. BUT....all internet connections are not created equal.

Some of you have FIOS. God Bless. You probably see the pic before the original poster even hits "send" :bowdown

Most of you probably have cable internet, and you can see even BIG pic files within seconds.

BUT....a few of us still have DSL, and some of our members (Fireweed:Love_Icon) have dial-up because of where they live. When you post a pic that is larger than, say, 640 x 450....well let's say I can make a cup of coffee before the whole thing appears on my screen and Fireweed could probably go away for the weekend..... :sanp3 If you post a whole thread of pix -- and some of our most talented photographers do this -- well, I often have to give up. It's just not gonna happen today and I need to, y'know, go food shopping & stuff.

I don't want to name names; you know who you are :grin3. It's torture knowing what gorgeous portraits of every type of squirrel and chippie are unfolding in your threads but all I've got after 20mins is about 1/4 inch of pic loaded across the top of my screen......:compownu

So PLEASE re-size. It's easy in Windows Media and it's even easier in Picasa....not sure what you're all using but it can't be too difficult to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :thankyou

10-12-2013, 12:39 AM
How do you know what size they are?

Am I one of the ones or have mine been ok?
if so - sorry

10-12-2013, 07:59 AM
How's this?


Sorry, :innocent I couldn't resist!! :poke:jump:jump:jump

Nancy in New York
10-12-2013, 08:26 AM
How's this?


Sorry, :innocent I couldn't resist!! :poke:jump:jump:jump

:rolf :highfive

Charley Chuckles
10-12-2013, 08:36 AM
I wouldn't know a pixel from a pretzel, but I hit "SMALL" on the resize thingy :thinking
Come to think of it, it is OKTOBERFEST :beerchug

island rehabber
10-12-2013, 08:39 AM
Flyer size, Patti! :thumbsup:thumbsup

Right after I read sassysquirrel's post I dsicovered my keyboard wasn't working, this morning. That was at 7:00am. Took me this long to get it working again so I can say "sassy your pix are fine, from what I've been able to look back and see!"

If you right-click on your pix and scroll down to "Properties" and click that, you'll see the size somewhere in that box. Basically, if the size is in four-figure numbers your pix are WAAAAY too large. Another way to tell is if your squirrel's ear takes up the entire screen in a 17" monitor.......:shakehead :grin3

island rehabber
10-12-2013, 08:41 AM
May I also add that keeping pix to a minimum size helps TSB to run faster and more smoothly. :grin2

Charley Chuckles
10-12-2013, 08:49 AM
Yes keep your pretzels to a tiny size :grin2

10-12-2013, 08:50 AM
Sassy's pics might be OK but I'm guessing you didn't see Skul's pic of the flag on the moon taken with his 3000 MP camera with the 4 ft bazooka lens! Right? :poke

Good grief, I just can't stop myself this morning. :rolf:shakehead:peace

10-12-2013, 08:59 AM
I wouldn't know a pixel from a pretzel, but I hit "SMALL" on the resize thingy :thinking
Come to think of it, it is OKTOBERFEST :beerchug

:rolf I have been posting mine at 600 x 800 pretzels. It seems to be a good ratio of twist to saltiness. :thumbsup

Charley Chuckles
10-12-2013, 09:04 AM
Dang for some reason I have the hankering for a pretzel :thinking

island rehabber
10-12-2013, 09:29 AM
you guys are too funny :rofl4

11-17-2013, 12:49 PM
After resizing, some can still be fairly large (file size).
Some programs allow you to control the JPG quality.
This is why I get away with larger physical sized pix, that aren't overly file size large.
70K is the goal, 100k in a pinch, and the only way I go larger , is if I think the image is just flat out pretty.
Just for HRT4SQRLS. How about the International Space Station? :rofl4
BTW, this is a 900x600 only 63k in size.

11-17-2013, 09:41 PM
In all seriousness, there are many ways to reduce your file size.
DPI (dot pitch per inch), is one of them.
If your editing program allows it, set it at 72dpi.
Set physical dimensions to something around the 800x533 range.
It does not have to be that exact.
Then, reduce the quality to suit the needs.
99% of my pix on TSB, are 72dpi.
The above image of the ISS, is not one of them.

11-17-2013, 10:30 PM
Some folks need to clean out their mail box. looking at you HRT4SQRLS

11-17-2013, 10:37 PM
Some folks need to clean out their mail box. looking at you HRT4SQRLS
Oops :sorry :tilt

12-31-2013, 09:41 AM
After resizing, some can still be fairly large (file size).
Some programs allow you to control the JPG quality.
This is why I get away with larger physical sized pix, that aren't overly file size large.
70K is the goal, 100k in a pinch, and the only way I go larger , is if I think the image is just flat out pretty.
Just for HRT4SQRLS. How about the International Space Station? :rofl4
BTW, this is a 900x600 only 63k in size.
Come On ....Skul..............
I know a LOW Flying SEAGULL--at 9 pm--and a strobe shot---
Space Station...My Foot !!!!!!

12-31-2013, 10:07 AM
65 quality is fine, where 100 is the max.
6 is fine probably on 1-10 scale.
That is the compression. You won't see much difference in on screen images.
You can also crop images, to cut out needless background.
Though solid black or white or any color, is a small size.
Detailed backgrounds of insignificance are size hogs.
Pretzel size? - thick ( and salted )

12-31-2013, 11:22 AM
I can't figure it out, you must resize before you upload?

island rehabber
12-31-2013, 11:24 AM
Yes...resize as soon as you take pix off your camera.

12-31-2013, 08:50 PM
My favoritest method: View the pictures on the 'windows picture viewer' and take a screen shot. I then paste that into Paint & crop it to show just the picture and save it over the old file :grin2

01-01-2014, 04:08 AM


By George, I think she's got it!!!!

And it uploaded much faster too!!

island rehabber
01-01-2014, 08:48 AM
:thumbsup:crazy kastillo, that was certainly worth waiting for! :thumbsup

island rehabber
02-18-2014, 12:53 PM

island rehabber
04-17-2014, 07:45 AM

PLEASE, folks -- it's baby season and there were several Emergency Help Needed threads over the past week that had HUMUNGOUS pix attached. We need to get to these threads within seconds in order to help a possibly life-threatening situation, but we can't if it takes 10 minutes to load on our computers! 640 is the best setting; 800 is ok. Nothing larger, please. :)

Unfortunately, I can't even read text while the pix are loading because the screen jumps all over the place.

If you don't know how to re-size, technically savvy members can help you. Stosh2010, for example, is VERY helpful with this stuff! :bowdown

Nancy in New York
04-17-2014, 08:53 AM

PLEASE, folks -- it's baby season and there were several Emergency Help Needed threads over the past week that had HUMUNGOUS pix attached. We need to get to these threads within seconds in order to help a possibly life-threatening situation, but we can't if it takes 10 minutes to load on our computers! 640 is the best setting; 800 is ok. Nothing larger, please. :)

Unfortunately, I can't even read text while the pix are loading because the screen jumps all over the place.

If you don't know how to re-size, technically savvy members can help you. Stosh2010, for example, is VERY helpful with this stuff! :bowdown

Excellent BUMP.
You can also load your pictures in photo sites something like smug mug, photobucket, etc. Then you post a link, and the picture comes right up on the screen, so the people reading your thread can see, no need to click on the link.
Most of these sites, start off with a free trial, unless you want to upgrade immediately, and even then the price is extremely reasonable.

02-17-2015, 10:17 AM
Skul made a good point. The problem isn't the physical size of the picture, it's the size of the file. Before I read this thread, I posted a 2.9M photograph that is probably guilty. So perhaps an official ruling is in order. What file size should we aim for?

02-17-2015, 10:32 AM
Give the wide range of technical expertise (or lack thereof ;) ) on this board, we try not to be too zealous about a specific image size. What was huge just a few years ago - in terms of dimensions and file size- is now commonplace. Posting straight from camera or phone can mean anything from 1 Mb on upwards, and that's what can impact the load time for a post/thread, especially if the photos are uploaded directly here, instead of linking from another site such as Photobucket.

I'd suggest that a maximum size of 500-800 Kbs is probably going to get the idea across, whether by reducing the dimensions or by taking down the quality of the jpg. :great