View Full Version : Squirrel and Rats cohabiting ? Any thoughts?

10-09-2013, 06:52 PM
Hope this doesn't sound crazy...but I'm wondering if anyone has raised their squirrel with other small animals..ie: rats? I have two rats and I was thinking of letting them all live together in one cage, you know, for companionship. Carlos, my squirrel, is blind and I cant help but feel he could use a companion. Is this nuts?

10-09-2013, 07:25 PM
I think one person here has an NR foxer boy who snuggles with Rats. Not sure about same cage though. I was wondering about rats too; I have a blind foxer.... He is in the same room with an nr wild bird and a guinea pig and my mom's rabbit will soon be spending his winter days in the same room. Chipper doesn't hang out with anyone though, except me :D

10-09-2013, 07:52 PM
Here you go. :thumbsup I think Bear and Amicus have another thread somewhere but this short thread has a video. I don't know if this is 'NORMAL' behavior but these two are best friends. :tilt

10-09-2013, 08:10 PM
Just be very careful. Rats can be a problem and hurt squirrels in some cases. Bear and Amicus are certainly the exception to that rule!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

10-09-2013, 08:17 PM
the younger they - both, the sq and the rat - are when introduced, the better.

But in the wild squirrels and rats are enemies.
There are some exceptional cases, such as Amicus and Bear. But they are just that - exceptional.

Be very careful. Watch. Be prepared to break them up.

It will be best if you introduce them in a completely neutral territory first.
And even then, do not let them out together without supervision, at least for the first month or so.

10-09-2013, 08:37 PM
FYI, Amicus passed away maybe a few months ago and Bear was ailing very seriously on last update. I'm hoping for an update on his condition on his FB page. It's very sad. :(

But, these two aren't the only ones that get along, however, I think that all the rat and squirrel pairings that I've ever seen have been at 2ndHandRanch. She just has some kind of magic where her her critters just get along. There seem to be a few rat and squirrel pairings at her place. They seem to comfort each other.