View Full Version : I need ideas for outsider food for squirrels

10-08-2013, 05:29 PM
We raised a little pine squirrel we found abandoned at about four weeks. Seymore's been released for over a year, but had a separate entrance back into the house an her cage, which she used for 6 months after release...sleeping inside at night. She still shows up periodically (we know it's her because there are no other red squirrels in this area), sometimes snarfing something from the garden or just showing up in the lawn while we're sitting outside. I've been leaving sunflower seeds on the porch table for her, in case she gets hungry. The brown squirrels (grey squirrels?) are now permanent residents of the porch at feeding time and have even eaten the food by the tree where we normally see her. They're like Hoover's sucking up all the food. I want to insure Seymore gets some, so I put it out at 6-7 pm, when we normally see our little girl. Question: What is inexpensive enough to feed the whole group and good for the squirrels. I put grapes, radicchio, sunflower seeds, acorns and a little bit of eggshell with hard boiled egg in it. Didn't know if the eggshell was good for them or if they'd eat it but it was a source of calcium. Anyone have a healthy recipe that I can make for the crowd that's gathering. (I'm looking for cheaper here--it got too expensive to put her favorite foods--avocado and pecans)

10-08-2013, 05:47 PM
I believe it is our member Crittermom who uses Mazuri or another inexpensive rodent block that you can buy in a large quantity at a local feed store or order online. Take a bowl of them and microwave them with a bit of vegetable oil and peanut butter and stir to coat. You then nuke them until they are sizzling hot which makes the taste penetrate them. Let them cool and serve!