View Full Version : Symptoms and diagnosis

10-07-2013, 04:32 PM
I was presented with a young gray squirrel prob about 7-8 weeks with a beautiful bushy tail. She had been found by the side of the road wobbling from side to side, head tiled, crawling. The people had her about 12 hrs, kept her in a dog carrier with a small bottle for heat and only gave her a few drops of water.
When I took her out of the carrier I noticed a strong urine smell. I warmed her up and gave her some pedialyte, then switched to sugar solution to give her energy and hydrate her. Anyway, she seemed to do a little better, but then turned cold and died several hours after. She was very bony!!
Do you think she had head trauma, was emaciated, hit by car??? All of the above? I was wondering about the strong urine smell . When I rehydrated her she soaked herself with urine.
They say with head trauma not to add heat but if they are depleted, you should warm, correct? I feel she was too far gone when I got her, but was wondering if anyone had any insight. Thanks.

10-07-2013, 08:21 PM
Sorry, no one has replied to your thread.
IMHO the squirrel was possibly suffering from all the problems that you listed.:thankyou For trying to help her recover from her many injuries. You listed all the correct actions that you could do for her. So very often, we get these animals too late to help them. She was probably injured a long time before she was found, then kept without care until she arrived at your place. At least she was not alone, cold, and dehydrated when she passed away. You did all you could to save her. Again :thankyou from her.:grouphug:grouphug

10-07-2013, 08:40 PM
Thank you Anne. It is so hard to get one so far gone, esp. after raising healthy ones. You just keep hoping the little one will turn around. It is hard too not knowing what happened to them. I guess all we can do is the best to our knowledge. Thanks for your response.

10-07-2013, 08:49 PM

10-07-2013, 09:48 PM
Godspeed little one...:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
Sometimes comfort is the best we can do. When it is their time it is their time, as with all of us. Thank-you for helping her to be comfortable though.