View Full Version : Need help with how to stop a racoon from pooping on my porch???

10-07-2013, 09:46 AM
I have been having a issue with a raccoon who has taken to pooping on my back porch. I feed my wild grey squirrels, have been for a couple years now and they are always on my back porch during the day. They come to my back door and we feed them. The squirrels like to sit and relax on our porch too and they even have nibbled our wooden railings.

Well for the last 4 months we have found that a raccoon that lives somewhere in the area is coming here( probably he smells the squirrels scents on the porch) and he is pooping on our back porch. I am worried due to the dangers in raccoon poop( roundworm) as it can be very deadly to the squirrels and humans as well. Can anyone on here give me any ideas how to stop this raccoon from pooping on my porch??? What can I do?

10-07-2013, 10:27 AM
Well, you can move. Or burn your house down. Buy a wolf or perhaps a bengal tiger and tie him out on the porch. I'm really not kidding. I have a racoon that has turned my upstairs deck into a latrine and I have tried EVERYTHING. It has been doused with bleach. Lysol. Febreez. Black pepper. Capsasin powder. I actually built a bed of nails - I laid a sheet of plywood down that I drove 3 inch sheetrock screws through at 1" centers and they actually very carefully picked their way through the maze of sharp screws so they could continue to take a dump there. I shined enough lights on the upstairs deck that you could see it from space and they happily now poop under very bright lights (gosh I hope it doesn't hurt their eyes...)

Short of trapping and relocating (and frankly mine are 30 plus pounders that scare the bejesus out of me) or perhaps MINING the deck, I have given up. My fantasy is to enclose the deck so I can use it again. Maybe in some nice stainless steel.

Honestly, if you figure this out I will bug the Nobel committee to get you recognised...

Squirrel Girls Mom
10-07-2013, 10:36 AM
Well, you can move. Or burn your house down. Buy a wolf or perhaps a bengal tiger and tie him out on the porch. I'm really not kidding. I have a racoon that has turned my upstairs deck into a latrine and I have tried EVERYTHING. It has been doused with bleach. Lysol. Febreez. Black pepper. Capsasin powder. I actually built a bed of nails - I laid a sheet of plywood down that I drove 3 inch sheetrock screws through at 1" centers and they actually very carefully picked their way through the maze of sharp screws so they could continue to take a dump there. I shined enough lights on the upstairs deck that you could see it from space and they happily now poop under very bright lights (gosh I hope it doesn't hurt their eyes...)

Short of trapping and relocating (and frankly mine are 30 plus pounders that scare the bejesus out of me) or perhaps MINING the deck, I have given up. My fantasy is to enclose the deck so I can use it again. Maybe in some nice stainless steel.

Honestly, if you figure this out I will bug the Nobel committee to get you recognised...

No need for any further help on this thread!! :rotfl :rofl4

CM, may I have permission to share your reply with my Wildlife Hotline group?! We get calls about raccoons all the time and this will just make everyone scream and laugh out loud.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-07-2013, 10:41 AM

10-07-2013, 10:48 AM

The problem with stuff like that is that it will scare your squirrels away and if I know the coonies, they will drink it over ice with a nice cocktail onion.

Yes, you can share and if anyone ever comes up with something that doesn't involve firearms, PLEASE let me know!

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-07-2013, 10:52 AM
I am always afraid the coonie poo will hurt them and make them sick, it only sends squirrels somewhere else, all squirrel food out during the day is gathered up before dark, less coonie action, at least here.
I know there is something they don't like that doesn't bother the squirrels , maybe 2NDhand ranch knows....

Squirrel Girls Mom
10-07-2013, 10:53 AM
The problem with stuff like that is that it will scare your squirrels away and if I know the coonies, they will drink it over ice with a nice cocktail onion.

Yes, you can share and if anyone every comes up with something that doesn't involve firearms, PLEASE let me know!

CM, I need some of whatever you had for breakfast!! :rotfl :highfive

10-07-2013, 10:59 AM
Oh, believe me, I know all about coonie poop and what it does. My squirrels don't use the upstairs deck because I don't put food there. Every day when I get home from work I bring everything in - any leftover food is picked up, dishes in the house, I even dump the two bird baths so there is no water available (not as harsh as that sounds - there is a stream behind the house in the woods). I use porch lights. They still show up and poop on my deck (making it the official "poopdeck"). I am so frustrated that I am tearing my hair out...

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-07-2013, 11:13 AM
Maybe you just need to go out and poop with him, that aught-ta scare him,

10-07-2013, 11:45 AM
Hey everyone,

Oh wow, looks like I have got a problem! Geez, it seems like from what you all are saying, it seems it is impossible to get rid of the raccoon. Yikes, I am just worried about the whole raccoon roundworm thing. I mean it is dangerous to people is it not? Also, my squirrels go up there as well when it rains, they will hang out up there until it stops. Today I found the poop on the outdoor rug so we just put the rug in a bag and threw the whole thing away. I think we are getting just this one raccoon that is always coming here.

I am going to empty the bird baths and all the water bowls every night as well. I mean I am not into trapping the thing either, forget that. I mean I would not want to do that, what if it had babies too?? I would not want to take that chance.

How do I keep it disinfected up there so none of the squirrels get sick?? I mean is keeping the poop picked up enough? From what I have read, nothing kills roundworm except fire and extreme heat!

Well, if anyone else has any ideas short of me buying a lion or a bobcat :), please feel free to share.....

10-07-2013, 11:49 AM
2 inch canine teeth. I think I will be staying indoors and railing impotently at them. It doesn't help but it also doesn't have 2 inch canines...

Charley Chuckles
01-13-2014, 12:25 PM
Just saw this thread...I have the same problem, but they have turned my pool into a potty AKKKKKKKK I have tried everything as well, so far white vinegar sprayed seem to be the best, but have to remember to spray every night at dusk :tilt I feed by hand only my wilds, and some of my released so didn't want to use the urine thing :thinking outside of relocating them I really have no answers :sanp3

01-13-2014, 02:30 PM
I have done some research, and unfortunately, the only way you are going to do this is to 1. Put a large dog outside at night, or 2. Trap and move. Because the Raccoon knows there is food about, he is not going to leave anytime soon. Putting out the predator urine will only scare away your squirrels and they won't come back for a LONG time.

Stars Daddy
01-14-2014, 09:37 AM
I would try a scare dog (fake). With a recorder of a barking dog. Maybe if this scares it away enough it will find a new latrine.

Charley Chuckles
01-14-2014, 01:05 PM
I would try a scare dog (fake). With a recorder of a barking dog. Maybe if this scares it away enough it will find a new latrine.

Let me know how it works :thumbsup

01-14-2014, 01:58 PM
I would try a scare dog (fake). With a recorder of a barking dog. Maybe if this scares it away enough it will find a new latrine.

:rofl4:rofl4 Yer killin' me!

Honestly, they are like trying to deal with the Terminator. The one that melts like mercury then sticks itself back together and keeps coming after you, not the naked Arnold one. I am pretty darned smart, and I am also very determined but I also have completely and totally given up this fight because it cannot be won. I know when I am toast and I am toast...