View Full Version : hello all squirrel lovers.
10-03-2013, 01:42 PM
i am new to squirrels i have had a litter of 3 since they just started getting fur but last night one of my babies passed away :( i am so in love with my babies they are such neat little creatures and have become part of the family the 2 that i have left are a male and a female named ratchet and nuts they are the most Beautiful Fox Squirrels..i am so glad i found this site i have already gathered so much information on keeping may babies healthy 215946215947215948215949215950215951
10-03-2013, 01:59 PM
Welcome to TSB. Can you tell us what you're feeding, how much, and how often? Also, do you know why the one died?
10-03-2013, 02:07 PM
Welcome to TSB. Can you tell us what you're feeding, how much, and how often? Also, do you know why the one died?
we went through this already farrelli i am pretty sure it was pneumonia
10-03-2013, 02:09 PM
Welcome to TSB. Can you tell us what you're feeding, how much, and how often? Also, do you know why the one died?
Farelli, you are officially now helping enough to have had it suck your brains out (been there, done that). You helped these folks last night - their little girl squirrel passed from likely aspiration pneumonia.
Those are some REALLY fuzzy babies! I am so sorry about your little girl. Stick with us and keep us updated - we will help you with whatevery you need help with.:thumbsup
10-03-2013, 02:09 PM
Oh sorry, you're the emergency thread from last night. So many threads, so many people/squirrels to keep track of.
10-03-2013, 02:10 PM
Farelli, you are officially now helping enough to have had it suck your brains out (been there, done that). You helped these folks last night - their little girl squirrel passed from likely aspiration pneumonia.
Those are some REALLY fuzzy babies! I am so sorry about your little girl. Stick with us and keep us updated - we will help you with whatevery you need help with.:thumbsup
thank you for the kind words and the help offer i will def be on this site for all my squirrel needs :) :thankyou
10-03-2013, 02:48 PM
Oh sorry, you're the emergency thread from last night. So many threads, so many people/squirrels to keep track of.
that is ok farrelli that just means you are helping a lot on the site ;) you and anyone else can friend me if you want
10-03-2013, 03:20 PM
Is it just me or do these beauties look like a species other then fox squirrels? They look like they are redder, smaller, and have more tufted ears? Or is there a subspecies there like in the east?
10-03-2013, 03:29 PM
Squeeeeeeeeeeee! I think these are little Douglas Squirrels!
10-03-2013, 03:35 PM
i am not sure what kind they are but i live in northern California i looked up pics of fox squirrels and they look just like my babies but if anyone can conform the type of squirrel they are i would be very interested to know...they were found in a juniper tree that my uncle was cutting down he did not know what to do so he brought them to me because i rehabilitated a barn owl a few years ago so glad he brought them to me i love them so much :)
10-03-2013, 03:39 PM
Oh my goodness what cuties they are. I love the earsies:Love_Icon I too think they look more like Douglas than Foxer.
10-03-2013, 04:23 PM
Oh goodness those earsies are too cute!!! They definitely look more like Douglas to me. How old are they and do you know how much they weight? They are adorable!:Love_Icon
10-03-2013, 04:48 PM
Oh goodness those earsies are too cute!!! They definitely look more like Douglas to me. How old are they and do you know how much they weight? They are adorable!:Love_Icon
i have had them for about a little over 2 months or so idk i am horrible at keeping track of time i have no idea how much they weigh but thay are old enough to make noises and eat solid foods and there tails curl already and are super bushy the pick i put up are from last month i think i can take some recent pics and post them if yall want?
10-03-2013, 04:50 PM
and yea i looked up images of Douglas squirrels and they are for sure 100% Douglas :thumbsup
island rehabber
10-03-2013, 04:54 PM
They are Dougies alright -- we rarely, if ever, see them here on TSB and it's SUCH a treat! They have the most vivid coloring....
10-03-2013, 04:58 PM
They are Dougies alright -- we rarely, if ever, see them here on TSB and it's SUCH a treat! They have the most vivid coloring....
are they a rare breed? i can take some pics in a little while after there nap and post the on this thread if they will sit still long enough lol
10-03-2013, 05:03 PM
OH MY GOSH, SQUEEEEEEEAAAAL they are so dang cute. So sorry about the little girl :( Hope you have more success with the two boys and experts abound here to help you.
I'm curious what is up with the missing fur on the toes, is that normal? Those ears I want to squeeze them.
10-03-2013, 05:06 PM
OH MY GOSH, SQUEEEEEEEAAAAL they are so dang cute. So sorry about the little girl :( Hope you have more success with the two boys and experts abound here to help you.
I'm curious what is up with the missing fur on the toes, is that normal? Those ears I want to squeeze them.
i have a male and a female left but the female i lost was my baby girl only because she bonded with me kind of like a dog would :( i miss her like crazy...they have never had hair on there toes for some reason kinda weird.
10-03-2013, 05:08 PM
too CUTE!! --I want to hug and kiss them...... then sneak them home with ME!! :grin3
10-03-2013, 05:39 PM
this is my baby boy Ratchet :Love_Icon:grin3:grin3:thumbsup
10-03-2013, 05:41 PM
OMG :)
10-03-2013, 05:55 PM
Do you let formula sit on their paws and forearms? My guy was such a mess with formula - it always got on his little hands. It will "burn" the fur off if you do.
10-03-2013, 05:58 PM
Do you let formula sit on their paws and forearms? My guy was such a mess with formula - it always got on his little hands. It will "burn" the fur off if you do.
oh wow i did not know that. i will have to make sure i clean them up better after feedings they are messy little babies :grin2 thanks for the info
10-03-2013, 08:52 PM
What a treat! I've never seen this kind before. Are they a super small species? You said you've had them 2 months, how old were they when you got them? How old are they now?
California Squirrel Lover
10-03-2013, 09:40 PM
Oh my, they are super cute!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon
10-03-2013, 11:43 PM
Most people use baby wipes as plain water won't get it all off.
10-04-2013, 12:14 AM
What a treat! I've never seen this kind before. Are they a super small species? You said you've had them 2 months, how old were they when you got them? How old are they now?
not sure of there age when i got them but there eyes were not open and they had no teeth and there was pretty much no fur to there tails at all. so probably a little over 2 months maybe 2 1/2 months they are pretty small not sure of there growth rate they mite get bigger
10-04-2013, 12:15 AM
i am going to my local feed store tomorrow to get the squirrel block feed stuff what brands should i be looking for that are good in price???
10-04-2013, 12:22 AM
You want a good quality one. Hard to find unless it's specialty stores.
You can order from mazuri online. Or you can get the henry's blocks from henry's pets.
I know wal mart sells mouse and rat block in the rodent section.
10-04-2013, 03:35 AM
Those ears! And those long whiskers! Simply adorable. :Love_Icon
10-04-2013, 05:09 AM
Cuteness overload! :Love_Icon
10-04-2013, 05:34 AM
If you have a Petsmart, get Mazuri, best you can get in the store (or you can order Harland Tekland online, as well as the henry's blocks.) You really should have been weighing them all along to know how much to feed them, as you feed 5 to 7 % of their body weight per feeding. And also, what kind of formula was used for them? Don't know anything about Douglas squirrels, but they still seem on the younger side to be weaning. You want them to take formula for as long as possible and def. need to be eating a quality block. First foods after that would be greens, cucumbers, mushrooms, snap peas, avocado (no skin or pits), squash, sweet potato (white if you can get it), a little fruit, say blueberries, pomegranites, etc. Those are just a few of the choices. You want to introduce one new food at a time, as well. They are cute!:Love_Icon
10-04-2013, 06:45 AM
Hey Pappy:
I've never offered mushrooms, but that makes sense, what types do you give and is there any I should stay away from. I've got a new baby and 6 more on the way and am off to the grocery store to stock up. Shrooms will be picked up once I get your feedback.
OP - have you been shopping at I saw a mention of you getting help on another thread, so I'm assuming you've been pointed to the right formula?
Also one of our members makes awesome cubes and hanging nests for the squirrels and they really love it. What is your release plan?
10-04-2013, 12:13 PM
i will let yall know what i find at my local feed store i am no where near a petsmart i live in a rancher/farmer town but i am sure the feed store will have the good block. i am also going to weigh them on a digital scale to make sure i feed them the right amount i will let everyone know all the details later on today. :) thanks fellow squirrel lovers you all have been a great help :thankyou
10-04-2013, 12:19 PM
oh and i am using esiblac probiotic and i am going to release the babies around the end of may beginning of june 2014 so it is nice and warm for them :) right now it is 33 degrees in the morning and even colder at night berrrrrrr :grin2
10-04-2013, 01:13 PM
so yall asked how much the babies weigh the female weighs 2.70 oz i tried to weigh the male but he freaked out and bit my finger enough to draw blood then ran up my arm to the back of my neck and bit me there a bunch of times. it hurt a little but i guess it is a good thing that they have that wild instinct it will help with there release next year... i will let him calm down and try again after a while :) have a great day yall:grin3
10-05-2013, 12:31 PM
i have a question...i am having a hard time picking up the babies to give them there milk because they are biting and i mean biting really bad the female took a chunk out of my finger last night. is there a more easy/safer way to pick them up to feed them?
10-05-2013, 01:57 PM
Wrap them in a towel, like a burrito.
10-07-2013, 12:46 PM
have not posted in a few days but i just wanted to say that my babies are doing FANTASTIC!!! super healthy and energetic and super HAPPY :grin3
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